597 research outputs found

    Large deviations of an infinite-server system with a linearly scaled background process

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    This paper studies an infinite-server queue in a Markov environment, that is, an infinite-server queue with arrival rates and service times depending on the state of a Markovian background process. We focus on the probability that the number of jobs in the system attains an unusually high value. Scaling the arrival rates ¿i¿i by a factor NN and the transition rates ¿ij¿ij of the background process as well, a large-deviations based approach is used to examine such tail probabilities (where NN tends to 88). The paper also presents qualitative properties of the system’s behavior conditional on the rare event under consideration happening. Keywords: Queues; Infinite-server systems; Markov modulation; Large deviation

    Dynamic Service Rate Control for a Single Server Queue with Markov Modulated Arrivals

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    We consider the problem of service rate control of a single server queueing system with a finite-state Markov-modulated Poisson arrival process. We show that the optimal service rate is non-decreasing in the number of customers in the system; higher congestion rates warrant higher service rates. On the contrary, however, we show that the optimal service rate is not necessarily monotone in the current arrival rate. If the modulating process satisfies a stochastic monotonicity property the monotonicity is recovered. We examine several heuristics and show where heuristics are reasonable substitutes for the optimal control. None of the heuristics perform well in all the regimes. Secondly, we discuss when the Markov-modulated Poisson process with service rate control can act as a heuristic itself to approximate the control of a system with a periodic non-homogeneous Poisson arrival process. Not only is the current model of interest in the control of Internet or mobile networks with bursty traffic, but it is also useful in providing a tractable alternative for the control of service centers with non-stationary arrival rates.Comment: 32 Pages, 7 Figure

    Stationary analysis of a single queue with remaining service time dependent arrivals

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    We study a generalization of the M/G/1M/G/1 system (denoted by rM/G/1rM/G/1) with independent and identically distributed (iid) service times and with an arrival process whose arrival rate λ0f(r)\lambda_0f(r) depends on the remaining service time rr of the current customer being served. We derive a natural stability condition and provide a stationary analysis under it both at service completion times (of the queue length process) and in continuous time (of the queue length and the residual service time). In particular, we show that the stationary measure of queue length at service completion times is equal to that of a corresponding M/G/1M/G/1 system. For f>0f > 0 we show that the continuous time stationary measure of the rM/G/1rM/G/1 system is linked to the M/G/1M/G/1 system via a time change. As opposed to the M/G/1M/G/1 queue, the stationary measure of queue length of the rM/G/1rM/G/1 system at service completions differs from its marginal distribution under the continuous time stationary measure. Thus, in general, arrivals of the rM/G/1rM/G/1 system do not see time averages. We derive formulas for the average queue length, probability of an empty system and average waiting time under the continuous time stationary measure. We provide examples showing the effect of changing the reshaping function on the average waiting time.Comment: 31 pages, 3 Figure

    Analysis of Markov-modulated infinite-server queues in the central-limit regime

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    This paper focuses on an infinite-server queue modulated by an independently evolving finite-state Markovian background process, with transition rate matrix Q≡(qij)i,j=1dQ\equiv(q_{ij})_{i,j=1}^d. Both arrival rates and service rates are depending on the state of the background process. The main contribution concerns the derivation of central limit theorems for the number of customers in the system at time t≥0t\ge 0, in the asymptotic regime in which the arrival rates λi\lambda_i are scaled by a factor NN, and the transition rates qijq_{ij} by a factor NαN^\alpha, with α∈R+\alpha \in \mathbb R^+. The specific value of α\alpha has a crucial impact on the result: (i) for α>1\alpha>1 the system essentially behaves as an M/M/∞\infty queue, and in the central limit theorem the centered process has to be normalized by N\sqrt{N}; (ii) for α<1\alpha<1, the centered process has to be normalized by N1−α/2N^{{1-}\alpha/2}, with the deviation matrix appearing in the expression for the variance

    The NxD-BMAP/G/1 queueing model : queue contents and delay analysis

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    We consider a single-server discrete-time queueing system with N sources, where each source is modelled as a correlated Markovian customer arrival process, and the customer service times are generally distributed. We focus on the analysis of the number of customers in the queue, the amount of work in the queue, and the customer delay. For each of these quantities, we will derive an expression for their steady-state probability generating function, and from these results, we derive closed-form expressions for key performance measures such as their mean value, variance, and tail distribution. A lot of emphasis is put on finding closed-form expressions for these quantities that reduce all numerical calculations to an absolute minimum

    Networks of ⋅/G/∞\cdot/G/\infty Server Queues with Shot-Noise-Driven Arrival Intensities

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    We study infinite-server queues in which the arrival process is a Cox process (or doubly stochastic Poisson process), of which the arrival rate is given by shot noise. A shot-noise rate emerges as a natural model, if the arrival rate tends to display sudden increases (or: shots) at random epochs, after which the rate is inclined to revert to lower values. Exponential decay of the shot noise is assumed, so that the queueing systems are amenable for analysis. In particular, we perform transient analysis on the number of customers in the queue jointly with the value of the driving shot-noise process. Additionally, we derive heavy-traffic asymptotics for the number of customers in the system by using a linear scaling of the shot intensity. First we focus on a one dimensional setting in which there is a single infinite-server queue, which we then extend to a network setting
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