11 research outputs found

    Multilevel Methods for Sparsification and Linear Arrangement Problems on Networks

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    The computation of network properties such as diameter, centrality indices, and paths on networks may become a major bottleneck in the analysis of network if the network is large. Scalable approximation algorithms, heuristics and structure preserving network sparsification methods play an important role in modern network analysis. In the first part of this thesis, we develop a robust network sparsification method that enables filtering of either, so called, long- and short-range edges or both. Edges are first ranked by their algebraic distances and then sampled. Furthermore, we also combine this method with a multilevel framework to provide a multilevel sparsification framework that can control the sparsification process at different coarse-grained resolutions. Experimental results demonstrate an effectiveness of the proposed methods without significant loss in a quality of computed network properties. In the second part of the thesis, we introduce asymmetric coarsening schemes for multilevel algorithms developed for linear arrangement problems. Effectiveness of the set of coarse variables, and the corresponding interpolation matrix is the central problem in any multigrid algorithm. We are pushing the boundaries of fast maximum weighted matching algorithms for coarsening schemes on graphs by introducing novel ideas for asymmetric coupling between coarse and fine variables of the problem

    Relaxation-Based Coarsening for Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Multilevel partitioning methods that are inspired by principles of multiscaling are the most powerful practical hypergraph partitioning solvers. Hypergraph partitioning has many applications in disciplines ranging from scientific computing to data science. In this paper we introduce the concept of algebraic distance on hypergraphs and demonstrate its use as an algorithmic component in the coarsening stage of multilevel hypergraph partitioning solvers. The algebraic distance is a vertex distance measure that extends hyperedge weights for capturing the local connectivity of vertices which is critical for hypergraph coarsening schemes. The practical effectiveness of the proposed measure and corresponding coarsening scheme is demonstrated through extensive computational experiments on a diverse set of problems. Finally, we propose a benchmark of hypergraph partitioning problems to compare the quality of other solvers

    Multilevel Combinatorial Optimization Across Quantum Architectures

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    Emerging quantum processors provide an opportunity to explore new approaches for solving traditional problems in the post Moore's law supercomputing era. However, the limited number of qubits makes it infeasible to tackle massive real-world datasets directly in the near future, leading to new challenges in utilizing these quantum processors for practical purposes. Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that leverage both quantum and classical types of devices are considered as one of the main strategies to apply quantum computing to large-scale problems. In this paper, we advocate the use of multilevel frameworks for combinatorial optimization as a promising general paradigm for designing hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. In order to demonstrate this approach, we apply this method to two well-known combinatorial optimization problems, namely, the Graph Partitioning Problem, and the Community Detection Problem. We develop hybrid multilevel solvers with quantum local search on D-Wave's quantum annealer and IBM's gate-model based quantum processor. We carry out experiments on graphs that are orders of magnitudes larger than the current quantum hardware size, and we observe results comparable to state-of-the-art solvers in terms of quality of the solution

    Fast Machine Learning Algorithms for Massive Datasets with Applications in the Biomedical Domain

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    The continuous increase in the size of datasets introduces computational challenges for machine learning algorithms. In this dissertation, we cover the machine learning algorithms and applications in large-scale data analysis in manufacturing and healthcare. We begin with introducing a multilevel framework to scale the support vector machine (SVM), a popular supervised learning algorithm with a few tunable hyperparameters and highly accurate prediction. The computational complexity of nonlinear SVM is prohibitive on large-scale datasets compared to the linear SVM, which is more scalable for massive datasets. The nonlinear SVM has shown to produce significantly higher classification quality on complex and highly imbalanced datasets. However, a higher classification quality requires a computationally expensive quadratic programming solver and extra kernel parameters for model selection. We introduce a generalized fast multilevel framework for regular, weighted, and instance weighted SVM that achieves similar or better classification quality compared to the state-of-the-art SVM libraries such as LIBSVM. Our framework improves the runtime more than two orders of magnitude for some of the well-known benchmark datasets. We cover multiple versions of our proposed framework and its implementation in detail. The framework is implemented using PETSc library which allows easy integration with scientific computing tasks. Next, we propose an adaptive multilevel learning framework for SVM to reduce the variance between prediction qualities across the levels, improve the overall prediction accuracy, and boost the runtime. We implement multi-threaded support to speed up the parameter fitting runtime that results in more than an order of magnitude speed-up. We design an early stopping criteria to reduce the extra computational cost when we achieve expected prediction quality. This approach provides significant speed-up, especially for massive datasets. Finally, we propose an efficient low dimensional feature extraction over massive knowledge networks. Knowledge networks are becoming more popular in the biomedical domain for knowledge representation. Each layer in knowledge networks can store the information from one or multiple sources of data. The relationships between concepts or between layers represent valuable information. The proposed feature engineering approach provides an efficient and highly accurate prediction of the relationship between biomedical concepts on massive datasets. Our proposed approach utilizes semantics and probabilities to reduce the potential search space for the exploration and learning of machine learning algorithms. The calculation of probabilities is highly scalable with the size of the knowledge network. The number of features is fixed and equivalent to the number of relationships or classes in the data. A comprehensive comparison of well-known classifiers such as random forest, SVM, and deep learning over various features extracted from the same dataset, provides an overview for performance and computational trade-offs. Our source code, documentation and parameters will be available at https://github.com/esadr/

    Exploiting Latent Features of Text and Graphs

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    As the size and scope of online data continues to grow, new machine learning techniques become necessary to best capitalize on the wealth of available information. However, the models that help convert data into knowledge require nontrivial processes to make sense of large collections of text and massive online graphs. In both scenarios, modern machine learning pipelines produce embeddings --- semantically rich vectors of latent features --- to convert human constructs for machine understanding. In this dissertation we focus on information available within biomedical science, including human-written abstracts of scientific papers, as well as machine-generated graphs of biomedical entity relationships. We present the Moliere system, and our method for identifying new discoveries through the use of natural language processing and graph mining algorithms. We propose heuristically-based ranking criteria to augment Moliere, and leverage this ranking to identify a new gene-treatment target for HIV-associated Neurodegenerative Disorders. We additionally focus on the latent features of graphs, and propose a new bipartite graph embedding technique. Using our graph embedding, we advance the state-of-the-art in hypergraph partitioning quality. Having newfound intuition of graph embeddings, we present Agatha, a deep-learning approach to hypothesis generation. This system learns a data-driven ranking criteria derived from the embeddings of our large proposed biomedical semantic graph. To produce human-readable results, we additionally propose CBAG, a technique for conditional biomedical abstract generation

    Algorithms and Software for the Analysis of Large Complex Networks

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    The work presented intersects three main areas, namely graph algorithmics, network science and applied software engineering. Each computational method discussed relates to one of the main tasks of data analysis: to extract structural features from network data, such as methods for community detection; or to transform network data, such as methods to sparsify a network and reduce its size while keeping essential properties; or to realistically model networks through generative models