229 research outputs found

    NILM techniques for intelligent home energy management and ambient assisted living: a review

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    The ongoing deployment of smart meters and different commercial devices has made electricity disaggregation feasible in buildings and households, based on a single measure of the current and, sometimes, of the voltage. Energy disaggregation is intended to separate the total power consumption into specific appliance loads, which can be achieved by applying Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) techniques with a minimum invasion of privacy. NILM techniques are becoming more and more widespread in recent years, as a consequence of the interest companies and consumers have in efficient energy consumption and management. This work presents a detailed review of NILM methods, focusing particularly on recent proposals and their applications, particularly in the areas of Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), where the ability to determine the on/off status of certain devices can provide key information for making further decisions. As well as complementing previous reviews on the NILM field and providing a discussion of the applications of NILM in HEMS and AAL, this paper provides guidelines for future research in these topics.Agência financiadora: Programa Operacional Portugal 2020 and Programa Operacional Regional do Algarve 01/SAICT/2018/39578 Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through IDMEC, under LAETA: SFRH/BSAB/142998/2018 SFRH/BSAB/142997/2018 UID/EMS/50022/2019 Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La-Mancha, Spain: SBPLY/17/180501/000392 Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (SOC-PLC project): TEC2015-64835-C3-2-R MINECO/FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advanced Occupancy Measurement Using Sensor Fusion

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    With roughly about half of the energy used in buildings attributed to Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems, there is clearly great potential for energy saving through improved building operations. Accurate knowledge of localised and real-time occupancy numbers can have compelling control applications for HVAC systems. However, existing technologies applied for building occupancy measurements are limited, such that a precise and reliable occupant count is difficult to obtain. For example, passive infrared (PIR) sensors commonly used for occupancy sensing in lighting control applications cannot differentiate between occupants grouped together, video sensing is often limited by privacy concerns, atmospheric gas sensors (such as CO2 sensors) may be affected by the presence of electromagnetic (EMI) interference, and may not show clear links between occupancy and sensor values. Past studies have indicated the need for a heterogeneous multi-sensory fusion approach for occupancy detection to address the short-comings of existing occupancy detection systems. The aim of this research is to develop an advanced instrumentation strategy to monitor occupancy levels in non-domestic buildings, whilst facilitating the lowering of energy use and also maintaining an acceptable indoor climate. Accordingly, a novel multi-sensor based approach for occupancy detection in open-plan office spaces is proposed. The approach combined information from various low-cost and non-intrusive indoor environmental sensors, with the aim to merge advantages of various sensors, whilst minimising their weaknesses. The proposed approach offered the potential for explicit information indicating occupancy levels to be captured. The proposed occupancy monitoring strategy has two main components; hardware system implementation and data processing. The hardware system implementation included a custom made sound sensor and refinement of CO2 sensors for EMI mitigation. Two test beds were designed and implemented for supporting the research studies, including proof-of-concept, and experimental studies. Data processing was carried out in several stages with the ultimate goal being to detect occupancy levels. Firstly, interested features were extracted from all sensory data collected, and then a symmetrical uncertainty analysis was applied to determine the predictive strength of individual sensor features. Thirdly, a candidate features subset was determined using a genetic based search. Finally, a back-propagation neural network model was adopted to fuse candidate multi-sensory features for estimation of occupancy levels. Several test cases were implemented to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed occupancy detection approach. Results have shown the potential of the proposed heterogeneous multi-sensor fusion based approach as an advanced strategy for the development of reliable occupancy detection systems in open-plan office buildings, which can be capable of facilitating improved control of building services. In summary, the proposed approach has the potential to: (1) Detect occupancy levels with an accuracy reaching 84.59% during occupied instances (2) capable of maintaining average occupancy detection accuracy of 61.01%, in the event of sensor failure or drop-off (such as CO2 sensors drop-off), (3) capable of utilising just sound and motion sensors for occupancy levels monitoring in a naturally ventilated space, (4) capable of facilitating potential daily energy savings reaching 53%, if implemented for occupancy-driven ventilation control

    Non-intrusive load monitoring techniques for activity of daily living recognition

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    Esta tesis nace con la motivación de afrontar dos grandes problemas de nuestra era: la falta de recursos energéticos y el envejecimiento de la población. Respecto al primer problema, nace en la primera década de este siglo el concepto de Smart Grids con el objetivo de alcanzar la eficiencia energética. Numerosos países comienzan a realizar despliegues masivos de contadores inteligentes ("Smart Meters"), lo que despierta el interés de investigadores que comienzan a desarrollar nuevas técnicas para predecir la demanda. Así, los sistemas NILM (Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring) tratan de predecir el consumo individual de los dispositivos conectados a partir de un único sensor: el contador inteligente. Por otra parte, los grandes avances en la medicina moderna han permitido que nuestra esperanza de vida aumente considerablemente. No obstante, esta longevidad, junto con la baja fertilidad en los países desarrollados, tiene un efecto secundario: el envejecimiento de la población. Unos de los grandes avances es la incorporación de la tecnología en la vida cotidiana, lo que ayuda a los más mayores a llevar una vida independiente. El despliegue de una red de sensores dentro de la vivienda permite su monitorización y asistencia en las tareas cotidianas. Sin embargo, son intrusivos, no escalables y, en algunas ocasiones, de alto coste, por lo que no están preparados para hacer frente al incremento de la demanda de esta comunidad. Esta tesis doctoral nace de la motivación de afrontar estos problemas y tiene dos objetivos principales: lograr un modelo de monitorización sostenible para personas mayores y, a su vez, dar un valor añadido a los sistemas NILM que despierte el interés del usuario final. Con este objetivo, se presentan nuevas técnicas de monitorización basadas en NILM, aunando lo mejor de ambos campos. Esto supone un ahorro considerable de recursos en la monitorización, ya que únicamente se necesita un sensor: el contador inteligente; lo cual da escalabilidad a estos sistemas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos bloques principales. En el primero se proponen nuevas técnicas NILM optimizadas para la detección de la actividad humana. Así, se desarrolla una propuesta basada en detección de eventos (conexiones de dispositivos) en tiempo real y su clasificación a un dispositivo. Con el objetivo de que pueda integrarse en contadores inteligentes. Cabe destacar que el clasificador se basa en modelos generalizados de dispositivos y no necesita conocimiento específico de la vivienda. El segundo bloque presenta tres nuevas técnicas de monitorización de personas mayores basadas en NILM. El objetivo es proporcionar una monitorización básica pero eficiente y altamente escalable, ahorrando en recursos. Los procesos Cox, log Gaussian Cox Processes (LGCP), monitorizan un único dispositivo si la rutina está estrechamente ligada a este. Así, se propone un sistema de alarmas si se detectan cambios en el comportamiento. LGCP tiene la ventaja de poder modelar periodicidades e incertidumbres propias del comportamiento humano. Cuando la rutina no depende de un único dispositivo, se proponen dos técnicas: una basada en gaussianas mixtas, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM); y la otra basada en la Teoría de la Evidencia de Dempster-Shafer (DST). Ambas monitorizan y detectan deterioros en la actividad, causados por enfermedades como la demencia y el alzhéimer. Únicamente DST usa incertidumbres que simulan mejor el comportamiento humano y, por tanto, permite alarmas en caso de un repentino desvío. Finalmente, todas las propuestas han sido validadas mediante la evaluación de métricas y la obtención de resultados experimentales. Para ello, se han usado medidas de escenarios reales que han sido recopiladas en bases de datos. Los resultados obtenidos han sido satisfactorios, demostrando que este tipo de monitorización es posible y muy beneficioso para nuestra sociedad. Además, se ha dado a lugar nuevas propuestas que serán desarrolladas en el futuro. Códigos UNESCO: 120320 - sistemas de control medico, 332201 – distribución de la energía, 120701 – análisis de actividades, 120304 – inteligencia artificial, 120807 – plausibilidad, 221402 – patrones

    Estimation of real traffic radiated emissions from electric vehicles in terms of the driving profile using neural networks

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    The increment of the use of electric vehicles leads to a worry about measuring its principal source of environmental pollution: electromagnetic emissions. Given the complexity of directly measuring vehicular radiated emissions in real traffic, the main contribution of this PhD thesis is to propose an indirect solution to estimate such type of vehicular emissions. Relating the on-road vehicular radiated emissions with the driving profile is a complicated task. This is because it is not possible to directly measure the vehicular radiated interferences in real traffic due to potential interferences from another electromagnetic wave sources. This thesis presents a microscopic artificial intelligence model based on neural networks to estimate real traffic radiated emissions of electric vehicles in terms of the driving dynamics. Instantaneous values of measured speed and calculated acceleration have been used to characterize the driving profile. Experimental electromagnetic interference tests have been carried out with a Vectrix electric motorcycle as well as Twizy electric cars in semi-anechoic chambers. Both the motorcycle and the car have been subjected to different urban and interurban driving profiles. Time Domain measurement methodology of electromagnetic radiated emissions has been adopted in this work to save the overall measurement time. The relationship between the magnetic radiated emissions of the Twizy and the corresponding speed has been very noticeable. Maximum magnetic field levels have been observed during high speed cruising in extra-urban driving and acceleration in urban environments. A comparative study of the prediction performance between various static and dynamic neural models has been introduced. The Multilayer Perceptron feedforward neural network trained with Extreme Learning Machines has achieved the best estimation results of magnetic radiated disturbances as function of instantaneous speed and acceleration. In this way, on-road magnetic radiated interferences from an electric vehicle equipped with a Global Positioning System can be estimated. This research line will allow quantify the pollutant electromagnetic emissions of electric vehicles and study new policies to preserve the environment

    Estimation of real traffic radiated emissions from electric vehicles in terms of the driving profile using neural networks

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    The increment of the use of electric vehicles leads to a worry about measuring its principal source of environmental pollution: electromagnetic emissions. Given the complexity of directly measuring vehicular radiated emissions in real traffic, the main contribution of this PhD thesis is to propose an indirect solution to estimate such type of vehicular emissions. Relating the on-road vehicular radiated emissions with the driving profile is a complicated task. This is because it is not possible to directly measure the vehicular radiated interferences in real traffic due to potential interferences from another electromagnetic wave sources. This thesis presents a microscopic artificial intelligence model based on neural networks to estimate real traffic radiated emissions of electric vehicles in terms of the driving dynamics. Instantaneous values of measured speed and calculated acceleration have been used to characterize the driving profile. Experimental electromagnetic interference tests have been carried out with a Vectrix electric motorcycle as well as Twizy electric cars in semi-anechoic chambers. Both the motorcycle and the car have been subjected to different urban and interurban driving profiles. Time Domain measurement methodology of electromagnetic radiated emissions has been adopted in this work to save the overall measurement time. The relationship between the magnetic radiated emissions of the Twizy and the corresponding speed has been very noticeable. Maximum magnetic field levels have been observed during high speed cruising in extra-urban driving and acceleration in urban environments. A comparative study of the prediction performance between various static and dynamic neural models has been introduced. The Multilayer Perceptron feedforward neural network trained with Extreme Learning Machines has achieved the best estimation results of magnetic radiated disturbances as function of instantaneous speed and acceleration. In this way, on-road magnetic radiated interferences from an electric vehicle equipped with a Global Positioning System can be estimated. This research line will allow quantify the pollutant electromagnetic emissions of electric vehicles and study new policies to preserve the environment

    Energy Data Analytics for Smart Meter Data

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    The principal advantage of smart electricity meters is their ability to transfer digitized electricity consumption data to remote processing systems. The data collected by these devices make the realization of many novel use cases possible, providing benefits to electricity providers and customers alike. This book includes 14 research articles that explore and exploit the information content of smart meter data, and provides insights into the realization of new digital solutions and services that support the transition towards a sustainable energy system. This volume has been edited by Andreas Reinhardt, head of the Energy Informatics research group at Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany, and Lucas Pereira, research fellow at Técnico Lisboa, Portugal