57 research outputs found

    Improving Simulations of MPI Applications Using A Hybrid Network Model with Topology and Contention Support

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    Proper modeling of collective communications is essential for understanding the behavior of medium-to-large scale parallel applications, and even minor deviations in implementation can adversely affect the prediction of real-world performance. We propose a hybrid network model extending LogP based approaches to account for topology and contention in high-speed TCP networks. This model is validated within SMPI, an MPI implementation provided by the SimGrid simulation toolkit. With SMPI, standard MPI applications can be compiled and run in a simulated network environment, and traces can be captured without incurring errors from tracing overheads or poor clock synchronization as in physical experiments. SMPI provides features for simulating applications that require large amounts of time or resources, including selective execution, ram folding, and off-line replay of execution traces. We validate our model by comparing traces produced by SMPI with those from other simulation platforms, as well as real world environments.Une bonne modĂ©lisation des communications collective est indispensable Ă  la comprĂ©hension des performances des applications parallĂšles et des diffĂ©rences, mĂȘme minimes, dans leur implĂ©mentation peut drastiquement modifier les performances escomptĂ©es. Nous proposons un modĂšle rĂ©seau hybrid Ă©tendant les approches de type LogP mais permettant de rendre compte de la topologie et de la contention pour les rĂ©seaux hautes performances utilisant TCP. Ce modĂšle est mis en oeuvre et validĂ© au sein de SMPI, une implĂ©mentation de MPI fournie par l'environnement SimGrid. SMPI permet de compiler et d'exĂ©cuter sans modification des applications MPI dans un environnement simulĂ©. Il est alors possible de capturer des traces sans l'intrusivitĂ© ni les problĂšme de synchronisation d'horloges habituellement rencontrĂ©s dans des expĂ©riences rĂ©elles. SMPI permet Ă©galement de simuler des applications gourmandes en mĂ©moire ou en temps de calcul Ă  l'aide de techniques telles l'exĂ©cution sĂ©lective, le repliement mĂ©moire ou le rejeu hors-ligne de traces d'exĂ©cutions. Nous validons notre modĂšle en comparant les traces produites Ă  l'aide de SMPI avec celles de traces d'exĂ©cution rĂ©elle. Nous montrons le gain obtenu en les comparant Ă©galement Ă  celles obtenues avec des modĂšles plus classiques utilisĂ©s dans des outils concurrents

    Toward More Scalable Off-Line Simulations of MPI Applications

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    International audienceThe off-line (or post-mortem) analysis of execution event traces is a popular approach to understand the performance of HPC applications that use the message passing paradigm. Combining this analysis with simulation makes it possible to " replay " the application execution to explore " what if? " scenarios, e.g., assessing application performance in a range of (hypothetical) execution environments. However, such off-line analysis faces scalability issues for acquiring, storing, or replaying large event traces. We first present two previously proposed and complementary frameworks for off-line replaying of MPI application event traces, each with its own objectives and limitations. We then describe how these frameworks can be combined so as to capitalize on their respective strengths while alleviating several of their limitations. We claim that the combined framework affords levels of scalability that are beyond that achievable by either one of the two individual frameworks. We evaluate this framework to illustrate the benefits of the proposed combination for a more scalable off-line analysis of MPI applications

    Simulation of MPI applications with time-independent traces

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    International audienceAnalyzing and understanding the performance behavior of parallel applications on parallel computing platforms is a long-standing concern in the High Performance Computing community. When the targeted platforms are not available , simulation is a reasonable approach to obtain objective performance indicators and explore various hypothetical scenarios. In the context of applications implemented with the Message Passing Interface, two simulation methods have been proposed, on-line simulation and off-line simulation, both with their own drawbacks and advantages. In this work we present an off-line simulation framework, i.e., one that simulates the execution of an application based on event traces obtained from an actual execution. The main novelty of this work, when compared to previously proposed off-line simulators, is that traces that drive the simulation can be acquired on large, distributed, heterogeneous , and non-dedicated platforms. As a result the scalability of trace acquisition is increased, which is achieved by enforcing that traces contain no time-related information. Moreover, our framework is based on an state-of-the-art scalable, fast, and validated simulation kernel. We introduce the notion of performing off-line simulation from time-independent traces, propose and evaluate several trace acquisition strategies, describe our simulation framework, and assess its quality in terms of trace acquisition scalability, simulation accuracy, and simulation time

    A Workflow for Fast Evaluation of Mapping Heuristics Targeting Cloud Infrastructures

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    Resource allocation is today an integral part of cloud infrastructures management to efficiently exploit resources. Cloud infrastructures centers generally use custom built heuristics to define the resource allocations. It is an immediate requirement for the management tools of these centers to have a fast yet reasonably accurate simulation and evaluation platform to define the resource allocation for cloud applications. This work proposes a framework allowing users to easily specify mappings for cloud applications described in the AMALTHEA format used in the context of the DreamCloud European project and to assess the quality for these mappings. The two quality metrics provided by the framework are execution time and energy consumption.Comment: 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Resource Allocation and Management in Embedded, High Performance and Cloud Computing DREAMCloud 2016 (arXiv:cs/1601.04675

    Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Time-Independent Trace Replay

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    Simulation is a popular approach to obtain objective performance indicators on platforms that are not at one's disposal. It may help the dimensioning of compute clusters in large computing centers. In a previous work, we proposed a framework for the off-line simulation of MPI applications. Its main originality with regard to the literature is to rely on time-independent execution traces. This allows us to completely decouple the acquisition process from the actual replay of the traces in a simulation context. Then we are able to acquire traces for large application instances without being limited to an execution on a single compute cluster. Finally our framework is built on top of a scalable, fast, and validated simulation kernel. In this paper, we detail the performance issues that we encountered with the first implementation of our trace replay framework. We propose several modifications to address these issues and analyze their impact. Results shows a clear improvement on the accuracy and efficiency with regard to the initial implementation.La simulation est une approche populaire pour obtenir des indicateurs de performance objectifs sur des plates-formes qui ne sont pas nĂ©cessairement accessibles. Elle peut par exemple aider au dimensionnement d'infrastructures dans de grands centres de calcul. Dans un article prĂ©cĂ©dent, nous avons proposĂ© un environnement pour la simulation hors-ligne d'applications MPI. La principale originalitĂ© de cet environnement par rapport Ă  la littĂ©rature est de ne reposer que sur des traces indĂ©pendantes du temps. Cela nous permet de dĂ©coupler totalement l'acquisition des traces de leur rejeu simulĂ© effectif. Nous sommes ainsi capables d'obtenir des traces pour de trĂšs grandes instances d'applications sans ĂȘtre limitĂ©s Ă  une exĂ©cution au sein d'une seule grappe de machines. Enfin, cet environnement est fondĂ© sur un noyau de simulation extensible, rapide et validĂ©. Dans cet article nous dĂ©taillons les problĂšmes de performance rencontrĂ©s par la premiĂšre implantation de notre environnement de rejeu de traces. Nous proposons plusieurs modifications pour rĂ©soudre ces problĂšmes et analysons leur impact. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent une amĂ©lioration notable Ă  la fois en termes de prĂ©cision et d'efficacitĂ© par rapport Ă  l'implantation initiale

    An Approach for Realistically Simulating the Performance of Scientific Applications on High Performance Computing Systems

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    Scientific applications often contain large, computationally-intensive, and irregular parallel loops or tasks that exhibit stochastic characteristics. Applications may suffer from load imbalance during their execution on high-performance computing (HPC) systems due to such characteristics. Dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) techniques are instrumental in improving the performance of scientific applications on HPC systems via load balancing. Selecting a DLS technique that results in the best performance for different problems and system sizes requires a large number of exploratory experiments. A theoretical model that can be used to predict the scheduling technique that yields the best performance for a given problem and system has not yet been identified. Therefore, simulation is the most appropriate approach for conducting such exploratory experiments with reasonable costs. This work devises an approach to realistically simulate computationally-intensive scientific applications that employ DLS and execute on HPC systems. Several approaches to represent the application tasks (or loop iterations) are compared to establish their influence on the simulative application performance. A novel simulation strategy is introduced, which transforms a native application code into a simulative code. The native and simulative performance of two computationally-intensive scientific applications are compared to evaluate the realism of the proposed simulation approach. The comparison of the performance characteristics extracted from the native and simulative performance shows that the proposed simulation approach fully captured most of the performance characteristics of interest. This work shows and establishes the importance of simulations that realistically predict the performance of DLS techniques for different applications and system configurations

    Experimental Verification and Analysis of Dynamic Loop Scheduling in Scientific Applications

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    Scientific applications are often irregular and characterized by large computationally-intensive parallel loops. Dynamic loop scheduling (DLS) techniques improve the performance of computationally-intensive scientific applications via load balancing of their execution on high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Identifying the most suitable choices of data distribution strategies, system sizes, and DLS techniques which improve the performance of a given application, requires intensive assessment and a large number of exploratory native experiments (using real applications on real systems), which may not always be feasible or practical due to associated time and costs. In such cases, simulative experiments are more appropriate for studying the performance of applications. This motivates the question of How realistic are the simulations of executions of scientific applications using DLS on HPC platforms? In the present work, a methodology is devised to answer this question. It involves the experimental verification and analysis of the performance of DLS in scientific applications. The proposed methodology is employed for a computer vision application executing using four DLS techniques on two different HPC plat- forms, both via native and simulative experiments. The evaluation and analysis of the native and simulative results indicate that the accuracy of the simulative experiments is strongly influenced by the approach used to extract the computational effort of the application (FLOP- or time-based), the choice of application model representation into simulation (data or task parallel), and the available HPC subsystem models in the simulator (multi-core CPUs, memory hierarchy, and network topology). The minimum and the maximum percent errors achieved between the native and the simulative experiments are 0.95% and 8.03%, respectively

    Experimental Verification and Analysis of Dynamic Loop Scheduling in Scientific Applications

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    Scientific applications are often irregular and characterized by large computationally-intensive parallel loops. Dynamic loop scheduling (DLS) techniques improve the performance of computationally-intensive scientific applications via load balancing of their execution on high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Identifying the most suitable choices of data distribution strategies, system sizes, and DLS techniques which improve the performance of a given application, requires intensive assessment and a large number of exploratory native experiments (using real applications on real systems), which may not always be feasible or practical due to associated time and costs. In such cases, simulative experiments are more appropriate for studying the performance of applications. This motivates the question of ‘How realistic are the simulations of executions of scientific applications using DLS on HPC platforms?’ In the present work, a methodology is devised to answer this question. It involves the experimental verification and analysis of the performance of DLS in scientific applications. The proposed methodology is employed for a computer vision application executing using four DLS techniques on two different HPC platforms, both via native and simulative experiments. The evaluation and analysis of the native and simulative results indicate that the accuracy of the simulative experiments is strongly influenced by the approach used to extract the computational effort of the application (FLOP- or time-based), the choice of application model representation into simulation (data or task parallel), and the available HPC subsystem models in the simulator (multi-core CPUs, memory hierarchy, and network topology). The minimum and the maximum percent errors achieved between the native and the simulative experiments are 0.95% and 8.03%, respectively

    Design of robust scheduling methodologies for high performance computing

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    Scientific applications are often large, complex, computationally-intensive, and irregular. Loops are often an abundant source of parallelism in scientific applications. Due to the ever-increasing computational needs of scientific applications, high performance computing (HPC) systems have become larger and more complex, offering increased parallelism at multiple hardware levels. Load imbalance, caused by irregular computational load per task and unpredictable computing system characteristics (system variability), often degrades the performance of applications. Besides, perturbations, such as reduced computing power, network latency availability, or failures, can severely impact the performance of the applications. System variability and perturbations are only expected to increase in future extreme-scale computing systems. Extrapolating the current failure rate to Exascale would result in a failure every 20 minutes. Such failure rate and perturbations would render the computing systems unusable. This doctoral thesis improves the performance of computationally-intensive scientific applications on HPC systems via robust load balancing. Robust scheduling ensures and maintains improved load balanced execution under unpredictable application and system characteristics. A number of dynamic loop self-scheduling (DLS) techniques have been introduced and successfully used in scientific applications between the 1980s and 2000s. These DLS techniques are not fault-tolerant as they were originally introduced. In this thesis, we identify three major research questions to achieve robust scheduling (1) How to ensure that the DLS techniques employed in scientific applications today adhere to their original design goals and specifications? (2) How to select a DLS technique that will achieve improved performance under perturbations? (3) How to tolerate perturbations during execution and maintain a load balanced execution on HPC systems? To answer the first question, we reproduced the original experiments that introduced the DLS techniques to verify their present implementation. Simulation is used to reproduce experiments on systems from the past. Realistic simulation induces a similar analysis and conclusions to the analysis of the native results. To this end, we devised an approach for bridging the native and simulative executions of parallel applications on HPC systems. This simulation approach is used to reproduce scheduling experiments on past and present systems to verify the implementation of DLS techniques. Given the multiple levels of parallelism offered by the present HPC systems, we analyzed the load imbalance in scientific applications, from computer vision, astrophysics, and mathematical kernels, at both thread and process levels. This analysis revealed a significant interplay between thread level and process level load balancing. We found that dynamic load balancing at the thread level propagates to the process level and vice versa. However, the best application performance is only achieved by two-level dynamic load balancing. Next, we examined the performance of applications under perturbations. We found that the most robust DLS technique does not deliver the best performance under various perturbations. The most efficient DLS technique changes by changing the application, the system, or perturbations during execution. This signifies the algorithm selection problem in the DLS. We leveraged realistic simulations to address the algorithm selection problem of scheduling under perturbations via a simulation assisted approach (SimAS), which answers the second question. SimAS dynamically selects DLS techniques that improve the performance depending on the application, system, and perturbations during the execution. To answer the third question, we introduced a robust dynamic load balancing (rDLB) approach for the robust self-scheduling of scientific applications under failures (question 3). rDLB proactively reschedules already allocated tasks and requires no detection of perturbations. rDLB tolerates up to P −1 processor failures (P is the number of processors allocated to the application) and boosts the flexibility of applications against nonfatal perturbations, such as reduced availability of resources. This thesis is the first to provide insights into the interplay between thread and process level dynamic load balancing in scientific applications. Verified DLS techniques, SimAS, and rDLB are integrated into an MPI-based dynamic load balancing library (DLS4LB), which supports thirteen DLS techniques, for robust dynamic load balancing of scientific applications on HPC systems. Using the methods devised in this thesis, we improved the performance of scientific applications by up to 21% via two-level dynamic load balancing. Under perturbations, we enhanced their performance by a factor of 7 and their flexibility by a factor of 30. This thesis opens up the horizons into understanding the interplay of load balancing between various levels of software parallelism and lays the ground for robust multilevel scheduling for the upcoming Exascale HPC systems and beyond

    Versatile, Scalable, and Accurate Simulation of Distributed Applications and Platforms

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    International audienceThe study of parallel and distributed applications and platforms, whether in the cluster, grid, peer-to-peer, volunteer, or cloud computing domain, often mandates empirical evaluation of proposed algorithmic and system solutions via simulation. Unlike direct experimentation via an application deployment on a real-world testbed, simulation enables fully repeatable and configurable experiments for arbitrary hypothetical scenarios. Two key concerns are accuracy (so that simulation results are scientifically sound) and scalability (so that simulation experiments can be fast and memory-efficient). While the scalability of a simulator is easily measured, the accuracy of many state-of-the-art simulators is largely unknown because they have not been sufficiently validated. In this work we describe recent accuracy and scalability advances made in the context of the SimGrid simulation framework. A design goal of SimGrid is that it should be versatile, i.e., applicable across all aforementioned domains. We present quantitative results that show that SimGrid compares favorably to state-of-the-art domain-specific simulators in terms of scalability, accuracy, or the trade-off between the two. An important implication is that, contrary to popular wisdom, striving for versatility in a simulator is not an impediment but instead is conducive to improving both accuracy and scalability
