123 research outputs found

    A configurable vector processor for accelerating speech coding algorithms

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    The growing demand for voice-over-packer (VoIP) services and multimedia-rich applications has made increasingly important the efficient, real-time implementation of low-bit rates speech coders on embedded VLSI platforms. Such speech coders are designed to substantially reduce the bandwidth requirements thus enabling dense multichannel gateways in small form factor. This however comes at a high computational cost which mandates the use of very high performance embedded processors. This thesis investigates the potential acceleration of two major ITU-T speech coding algorithms, namely G.729A and G.723.1, through their efficient implementation on a configurable extensible vector embedded CPU architecture. New scalar and vector ISAs were introduced which resulted in up to 80% reduction in the dynamic instruction count of both workloads. These instructions were subsequently encapsulated into a parametric, hybrid SISD (scalar processor)–SIMD (vector) processor. This work presents the research and implementation of the vector datapath of this vector coprocessor which is tightly-coupled to a Sparc-V8 compliant CPU, the optimization and simulation methodologies employed and the use of Electronic System Level (ESL) techniques to rapidly design SIMD datapaths

    Design of an asynchronous processor

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    Power Management for Deep Submicron Microprocessors

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    As VLSI technology scales, the enhanced performance of smaller transistors comes at the expense of increased power consumption. In addition to the dynamic power consumed by the circuits there is a tremendous increase in the leakage power consumption which is further exacerbated by the increasing operating temperatures. The total power consumption of modern processors is distributed between the processor core, memory and interconnects. In this research two novel power management techniques are presented targeting the functional units and the global interconnects. First, since most leakage control schemes for processor functional units are based on circuit level techniques, such schemes inherently lack information about the operational profile of higher-level components of the system. This is a barrier to the pivotal task of predicting standby time. Without this prediction, it is extremely difficult to assess the value of any leakage control scheme. Consequently, a methodology that can predict the standby time is highly beneficial in bridging the gap between the information available at the application level and the circuit implementations. In this work, a novel Dynamic Sleep Signal Generator (DSSG) is presented. It utilizes the usage traces extracted from cycle accurate simulations of benchmark programs to predict the long standby periods associated with the various functional units. The DSSG bases its decisions on the current and previous standby state of the functional units to accurately predict the length of the next standby period. The DSSG presents an alternative to Static Sleep Signal Generation (SSSG) based on static counters that trigger the generation of the sleep signal when the functional units idle for a prespecified number of cycles. The test results of the DSSG are obtained by the use of a modified RISC superscalar processor, implemented by SimpleScalar, the most widely accepted open source vehicle for architectural analysis. In addition, the results are further verified by a Simultaneous Multithreading simulator implemented by SMTSIM. Leakage saving results shows an increase of up to 146% in leakage savings using the DSSG versus the SSSG, with an accuracy of 60-80% for predicting long standby periods. Second, chip designers in their effort to achieve timing closure, have focused on achieving the lowest possible interconnect delay through buffer insertion and routing techniques. This approach, though, taxes the power budget of modern ICs, especially those intended for wireless applications. Also, in order to achieve more functionality, die sizes are constantly increasing. This trend is leading to an increase in the average global interconnect length which, in turn, requires more buffers to achieve timing closure. Unconstrained buffering is bound to adversely affect the overall chip performance, if the power consumption is added as a major performance metric. In fact, the number of global interconnect buffers is expected to reach hundreds of thousands to achieve an appropriate timing closure. To mitigate the impact of the power consumed by the interconnect buffers, a power-efficient multi-pin routing technique is proposed in this research. The problem is based on a graph representation of the routing possibilities, including buffer insertion and identifying the least power path between the interconnect source and set of sinks. The novel multi-pin routing technique is tested by applying it to the ISPD and IBM benchmarks to verify the accuracy, complexity, and solution quality. Results obtained indicate that an average power savings as high as 32% for the 130-nm technology is achieved with no impact on the maximum chip frequency

    Design and resource management of reconfigurable multiprocessors for data-parallel applications

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    FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)-based custom reconfigurable computing machines have established themselves as low-cost and low-risk alternatives to ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) implementations and general-purpose microprocessors in accelerating a wide range of computation-intensive applications. Most often they are Application Specific Programmable Circuiits (ASPCs), which are developer programmable instead of user programmable. The major disadvantages of ASPCs are minimal programmability, and significant time and energy overheads caused by required hardware reconfiguration when the problem size outnumbers the available reconfigurable resources; these problems are expected to become more serious with increases in the FPGA chip size. On the other hand, dominant high-performance computing systems, such as PC clusters and SMPs (Symmetric Multiprocessors), suffer from high communication latencies and/or scalability problems. This research introduces low-cost, user-programmable and reconfigurable MultiProcessor-on-a-Programmable-Chip (MPoPC) systems for high-performance, low-cost computing. It also proposes a relevant resource management framework that deals with performance, power consumption and energy issues. These semi-customized systems reduce significantly runtime device reconfiguration by employing userprogrammable processing elements that are reusable for different tasks in large, complex applications. For the sake of illustration, two different types of MPoPCs with hardware FPUs (floating-point units) are designed and implemented for credible performance evaluation and modeling: the coarse-grain MIMD (Multiple-Instruction, Multiple-Data) CG-MPoPC machine based on a processor IP (Intellectual Property) core and the mixed-mode (MIMD, SIMD or M-SIMD) variant-grain HERA (HEterogeneous Reconfigurable Architecture) machine. In addition to alleviating the above difficulties, MPoPCs can offer several performance and energy advantages to our data-parallel applications when compared to ASPCs; they are simpler and more scalable, and have less verification time and cost. Various common computation-intensive benchmark algorithms, such as matrix-matrix multiplication (MMM) and LU factorization, are studied and their parallel solutions are shown for the two MPoPCs. The performance is evaluated with large sparse real-world matrices primarily from power engineering. We expect even further performance gains on MPoPCs in the near future by employing ever improving FPGAs. The innovative nature of this work has the potential to guide research in this arising field of high-performance, low-cost reconfigurable computing. The largest advantage of reconfigurable logic lies in its large degree of hardware customization and reconfiguration which allows reusing the resources to match the computation and communication needs of applications. Therefore, a major effort in the presented design methodology for mixed-mode MPoPCs, like HERA, is devoted to effective resource management. A two-phase approach is applied. A mixed-mode weighted Task Flow Graph (w-TFG) is first constructed for any given application, where tasks are classified according to their most appropriate computing mode (e.g., SIMD or MIMD). At compile time, an architecture is customized and synthesized for the TFG using an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation and a parameterized hardware component library. Various run-time scheduling schemes with different performanceenergy objectives are proposed. A system-level energy model for HERA, which is based on low-level implementation data and run-time statistics, is proposed to guide performance-energy trade-off decisions. A parallel power flow analysis technique based on Newton\u27s method is proposed and employed to verify the methodology

    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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