6,021 research outputs found

    Glucosinolate hydrolysis compounds for weed control

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    Glucosinolates are allelochemicals present in all Brassica plants. Upon hydrolysis by endogenous enzymes they produce a series of biologically active compounds, such as isothiocyanates and their deriva-tives among others. These compounds have marked fungicidal, nematocidal and herbicidal effects and therefore their use as biodegradable natural products for crop protection has attracted much attention in the last years. A number of these compounds, either individually or in combination, were tested against Sinapis alba and Lollium perenne in Petri dishes bio-assays. C50 values as low as 0.7 and 0.2 mM were obtained. This may open the possibility for using glucosinolate hydrolysis products as herbicides

    Glucosinolate hydrolysis products for weed control

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    Glucosinolates are allelochemicals present in all Brassica plants. Upon hydrolysis by endogenous enzymes they produce a series of biologically active compounds, such as isothiocyanates and their deriva-tives among others. These compounds have marked fungicidal, nematocidal and herbicidal effects and therefore their use as biodegradable natural products for crop protection has attracted much attention in the last years. A number of these compounds, either individually or in combination, were tested against Sinapis alba and Lollium perenne in Petri dishes bio-assays. C50 values as low as 0.7 and 0.2 mM were obtained. This may open the possibility for using glucosinolate hydrolysis products as herbicides

    The effects of leaching from alkaline red mud on soil biota: modelling the conditions after the Hungarian red mud disaster

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    A soil column experiment was set up to investigate the effect of red mud from Ajka (Hungary) on a typical soil profile from the concerned area. The chemical changes caused by the leachate of the red mud and the effects of these changes on living organisms were assessed. Ecotoxicological tests with Vibrio fischeri, Sinapis alba and Folsomia candida were performed and the number of aerobic heterotrophic microorganisms was determined. The total, plant available, exchangeable and water soluble fractions of Na, Mo, Cu, and Cr increased in the soil mostly due to their leaching from the red mud layer and partly to the increase of the pH and DOC concentration. The chemical changes had significant effects on the test organisms only in the 0 – 30 cm soil layer except for F. candida that had a lower survival rate also in the 30 – 50 cm soil layer. There were no severe toxic effects detected on the test organisms. Furthermore in case of the aerobic heterotrophic cell number and S. alba germination a stimulating effect was revealed. However, the red mud itself was toxic, therefore the performed ecotoxicology tests have justified the removal of red mud from the soil surface after the disaster

    Хімічний склад насіння та вегетативної маси гірчиці залежно від погодних умов періоду вегетації

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    The difference between Brassica juncea and Sinapis alba as for their chemical contents of seeds, vegetative mass and oil has been found out. The seeds of  Brassica juncea contain more oil than Sinapis alba (approximately 42,08 as compared with 37,87) while the latter has more protein (27,70 as compared to 23,11). Oleic acid prevails in Brassica juncea oil (46,68%) while erucic (C22:1) does in Sinapis alba (44,0%). Brassica juncea accumulates higher yield of dry seed matter as compared to Sinapis alba, while the latter has a richer vegetative mass. Brassica juncea spends less nitrogen and potassium but more phosphorus for producing 1 centner of dry seed matter as compared to Sinapis albaОбнаружено различия между горчицей сизой (Brassica juncea) сорт Тавричанка 5 и горчицей белой (Sinapis alba) сорт Талисман по химическому составу семян, вегетативной массы и жира. В семенах горчицы сизой больше жира, чем у белой (соответственно 42,08 и 31,87), в горчице белой – больше белка, чем у сизой (27,70 и 23,11). В масле горчицы сизой преобладает олеиновая кислота (в среднем 46,68%), горчицы белой – эруковая (44%). Горчица сизая в сравнении с белой накапливает более высокий урожай сухого вещества семян, горчица белая – вегетативной массы. Горчица сизая на создание 1 ц сухого вещества использует азота и калия меньше, а фосфора – больше, чем горчица белаяВиявлено розбіжності між гірчицею сизою (Brassica juncea) сорту Тавричанка 5 і гірчицею білою (Sinapis alba) сорту Талісман за хімічним складом насіння, вегетативної маси та олії. У насінні гірчиці сизої більше олії, ніж у білої (у середньому 42,08 проти 31,87); у гірчиці білої – більше білка, ніж у сизої (27,70 проти 23,11). В олії гірчиці сизої переважає олеїнова кислота (у середньому 46,68%), гірчиці білої – ерукова (44,0%). Гірчиця сиза у порівнянні з білою накопичує більший урожай сухої речовини насіння, гірчиця біла – більше вегетативної маси. Гірчиця сиза на створення 1 ц сухої речовини витрачає азоту й калію менше, а фосфору – більше, ніж біл

    Post-harvest sown catch crops – results from two years of organic field trials

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    Post-harvest sown catch crops should be sown as early as possible in order to obtain maximum biomass and nutrient uptake in the harvested crop, as biomass production decreased by 2-3.5 percent per day, when time of sowing was postponed throughout August. Furthermore, the winter hardy species included in these experiments had a tendency to yield less than the non-winter hardy catch crops. These experiments imply that early sown catch crops may become a biomass supplement for organic biogas production, provided sufficient yields are obtained and costs for harvest, transportation and storage are adequately low

    Mustard Magic: A Palate-Pleasing Review

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    This comprehensive review article explores the medicinal properties and key bioactive components of Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra, and Sinapis alba. These three members of the Brassicaceae family have long been recognized for their therapeutic potential. We provide an in-depth analysis of the bioactive compounds present in each plant, shedding light on their pharmacological properties and potential health benefits. From anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant effects to potential anticancer properties, we examine the diverse medicinal applications of these Brassica species. This review aims to consolidate current knowledge on the subject, offering a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and individuals interested in the medicinal aspects of Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra and Sinapis alb


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    As shown by the research made based on the four-year field experiment, sulfur fertilization, in general, significantly differentiated the white mustard yield components. Of all the factors (sulfur application method, its form and dose), the greatest effect on the yield structure components was demonstrated for the sulfur dose. The use of 40 kg S·ha-1, regardless of the form applied and the sulfur application method, resulted in significant increases in most of the characters, as compared with the control. The application of sulfur into soil showed a significantly more favorable effect on the seed weigh and number per silique and on the weight of seeds of the entire plant than the foliar application of this nutrient. The white mustard seed yield size was most correlated with the number of siliques per plant, and successively less with the thousand seed weight

    Does the addition of soil amendments have a positive influence on landfill soils?

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    Waste disposal in landfills is one of most frequently used methods of municipal solid waste (MSW) management. Landfills disturb to a certain extent the landscape character and disposal of waste in landfils represents one of human activities that may impair natural ecosystems. Due to waste decomposition, numerous chemical, physical and biological reactions and changes occur within the landfill body that give rise to dangerous and harmful substances. One of the problems very often occurring in the landfill surrounding is soil contamination. This study is focused on the assessment of soils contamination due to the operation of sanitary MSW landfill. The aim was to determine the effect of diatomite and compost on soil phytotoxicity. Toxicity was assessed in a pot experiment with soil amendments. Soil samples (sample 1–4) for the experiment were taken from the landfill site (sample 1–3) and its surrounding (sample 4). The aim of this study was to check relation between soil amendments added to the soil sample and the amount of biomass produced by some plant species (Sinapis alba L., Hordeum vulgare L.). In this study soil amendments improved soil characteristics. The paper shows that a higher percentage of biomass weight increase was recorded in samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the addition of compost. As compared with the addition of diatomite, biomass weight in the samples with the added compost increased on average by 67.25%. Therefore, it can be stated that the addition of diatomite did not advance the plant growth as much as the addition of compost. The potential of using soil amendments in practice is promising.


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    Implementation of the dry-farming work system is one of the solutions that allow maintaining the balance between the growing demand for the production of food and plant materials with different uses, together with the negative impact that intensive agriculture has on the planet's natural resources. The paper aims to observe how some species of oilseed plants, namely Sinapisalba L., Linumusitatissimum L., and Coriandrumsativum L., can adapt to the prolonged drought conditions of the south-eastern part of Romania and its impact on the quality and quantity of the harvests obtained. Sinapisalba L. proved to be the plant with the highest sensitivity to the lack of precipitation, suffering losses of 70-80%. The emergence of coriander was higher compared to flax and mustard