9 research outputs found

    Minimisation des retards dans le séquencement des véhicules sur une ligne d'assemblage multi modèles

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous considérons le problème du séquencement sur une ligne d'assemblage à transport continu de véhicules industriels. Pour équilibrer au mieux la charge dynamique, nous proposons de minimiser les retards à l'issue de chaque véhicule. Nous proposons une formalisation par un modèle de type programmation linéaire. Le modèle est testé sur des instances du cas d'étude de l'usine de montage de Renault Trucks à Bourg en Bresse

    Minimisation des retards dans le séquencement des véhicules sur une ligne d'assemblage multi modèles

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous considérons le problème du séquencement sur une ligne d'assemblage à transport continu de véhicules industriels. Pour équilibrer au mieux la charge dynamique, nous proposons de minimiser les retards. Nous proposons une formalisation par un modèle de type programmation linéaire. Un modèle monoposte est présenté puis une généralisation sur le cas multipostes est proposée. Le modèle est testé sur des instances du cas d'étude de l'usine de montage de Renault Trucks à Bourg en Bresse et une étude expérimentale des facteurs de complexité est développée

    A mathematical model and artificial bee colony algorithm for the lexicographic bottleneck mixed-model assembly line balancing problem

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Typically, the total number of required workstations are minimised for a given cycle time (this problem is referred to as type-1), or cycle time is minimised for a given number of workstations (this problem is referred to as type-2) in traditional balancing of assembly lines. However, variation in workload distributions of workstations is an important indicator of the quality of the obtained line balance. This needs to be taken into account to improve the reliability of an assembly line against unforeseeable circumstances, such as breakdowns or other failures. For this aim, a new problem, called lexicographic bottleneck mixed-model assembly line balancing problem (LB-MALBP), is presented and formalised. The lexicographic bottleneck objective, which was recently proposed for the simple single-model assembly line system in the literature, is considered for a mixed-model assembly line system. The mathematical model of the LB-MALBP is developed for the first time in the literature and coded in GAMS solver, and optimal solutions are presented for some small scale test problems available in the literature. As it is not possible to get optimal solutions for the large-scale instances, an artificial bee colony algorithm is also implemented for the solution of the LB-MALBP. The solution procedures of the algorithm are explored illustratively. The performance of the algorithm is also assessed using derived well-known test problems in this domain and promising results are observed in reasonable CPU times


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    Mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem: A flexible agent-based ant colony optimization approach

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Assembly lines are frequently used as a production method to assemble complex products. Two-sided assembly lines are utilized to assemble large-sized products (e.g., cars, buses, trucks). Locating two lines in parallel helps improve line efficiency by enabling collaboration between the line workers. This paper proposes a mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line system that can be utilized to produce large-sized items in an inter-mixed sequence. The mixed-model parallel two-sided line balancing problem is defined and the advantages of utilizing multi-line stations across the lines are discussed. A flexible agent-based ant colony optimization algorithm is developed to solve the problem and a numerical example is given to explain the method systematically. The proposed algorithm builds flexible balancing solutions suitable for any model sequence launched. The dynamically changing workloads of workstations (based on specific product models during the production process) are also explored. A comprehensive experimental study is conducted and the results are statistically analyzed using the well-known paired sample t-test. The test results indicate that the mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line system reduces the workforce need in comparison with separately balanced mixed-model two-sided lines. It is also shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the tabu search algorithm and six heuristics often used in the assembly line balancing domain

    Mathematical model and agent based solution approach for the simultaneous balancing and sequencing of mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly lines

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    Copyright © 2014 Elsevier. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Production Economics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in International Journal of Production Economics, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.08.010One of the key factors of a successfully implemented mixed-model line system is considering model sequencing problem as well as the line balancing problem. In the literature, there are many studies, which consider these two tightly interrelated problems individually. However, we integrate the model sequencing problem in the line balancing procedure to obtain a more efficient solution for the problem of Simultaneous Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed-Model Parallel Two-Sided Assembly Lines. A mathematical model is developed to present the problem and a novel agent based ant colony optimisation approach is proposed as the solution method. Different agents interact with each other to find a near optimal solution for the problem. Each ant selects a random behaviour from a predefined list of heuristics and builds a solution using this behaviour as a local search rule along with the pheromone value. Different cycle times are allowed for different two-sided lines located in parallel to each other and this yields a complex problem where different production cycles need to be considered to build a feasible solution. The performance of the proposed approach is tested through a set of test cases. Experimental results indicate that considering model sequencing problem with the line balancing problem together helps minimise line length and total number of required workstations. Also, it is found that the proposed approach outperforms other three heuristics tested

    Schedulazione ottimale di una linea di assemblaggio: un approccio ergonomico

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    Questo testo è dedicato al problema del sequenziamento dei prodotti in una linea di assemblaggio di tipo mixed-model. Esso verrà affrontato integrando tra di loro obiettivi tradizionali come l’aumento della produttività ad altri di efficienza ergonomica. In particolare, ci si baserà sul consumo energetico associato all’assemblaggio di ciascun prodotto processato dal sistema. Verranno proposti due modelli

    Séquencement d’une ligne de montage multi-modèles : application à l’industrie du véhicule industriel

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    In this thesis, the problem of sequencing mixed model assembly lines (MMAL) is considered. Our goal is to determine the sequence of products to minimize the work overload. This problem is known as the mixed model assembly line sequencing problem with work overload minimization (MMSP-W). This work is based on an industrial case study of a truck assembly line.Two approaches can be used to minimize the work overload: the use of task operation times or the respect of sequencing rules. Most of the earlier works applied in car industry use the latter approach. The originality of this work is to employ the task operation times for the generation of the product sequence in a MMAL.The literature review has highlighted two main gaps in previous works: most of the papers consider a single type of operators, and propose heuristics or metaheuristics to solve the problem. The originality of this work is to test exact methods for industrial case instances and to model three different types of operators.Two exact methods are developed: the mixed integer linear programming and dynamic programming. The models are tested on industrial case study instances. An experimental study is developed for both approaches in order to understand the complexity factors.Moreover, the problem is treated by two approximate methods: a heuristic based on dynamic programming and metaheuristics (genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and a hybrid method based on both genetic algorithm and simulated annealing). All approaches are tested on academic instances and on real data from the industrial case study.Dans cette thèse, nous considérons le problème du séquencement sur une ligne de montage multi-modèles de véhicules industriels. Pour équilibrer au mieux la charge dynamique des opérateurs, la minimisation de la somme des retards à l’issue de chaque véhicule est proposée.Deux approches peuvent être utilisées pour optimiser le lissage de charge dans un problème de séquencement : l’utilisation directe des temps opératoires ou le respect de règles. La plupart des travaux appliqués à l’industrie automobile utilisent l’approche de respect de règles. Une originalité de ce travail est d’utiliser l’approche de la prise en compte directe des temps opératoires.L’étude de la littérature de ce problème a dévoilé deux lacunes dans les travaux précédents : l’essentiel des travaux modélisent un seul type d’opérateurs d’une part, et proposent des heuristiques ou des métaheuristiques pour résoudre ces problèmes, d’autre part. L’originalité de ce travail est de tester des méthodes exactes pour des instances industrielles et de modéliser le fonctionnement de trois différents types d’opérateurs spécifiques au cas industriel.Deux méthodes exactes sont développées : la programmation linéaire mixte et la programmation dynamique. Une étude expérimentale des facteurs de complexité sur des instances académiques des deux modèles est développée. Les modèles sont aussi testés sur des instances du cas d’étude.Par ailleurs, le problème est traité par deux méthodes approchées : une heuristique basée sur la programmation dynamique d’une part, et des métaheuristiques (algorithme génétique, recuit simulé et un couplage des deux) d’autre part. Les deux approches sont testées sur des instances académiques et des instances du cas d’étude.Ce travail a permis d’apporter une solution intéressante d’un point de vue industriel puisqu’il prend en compte les caractéristiques de la ligne de montage (opérateurs spécifiques) et améliore significativement la qualité du séquencement en un temps de calcul raisonnable

    Modelling and Solving Mixed-model Parallel Two-sided Assembly Line Problems

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    The global competitive environment and the growing demand for personalised products have increased the interest of companies in producing similar product models on the same assembly line. Companies are forced to make significant structural changes to rapidly respond to diversified demands and convert their existing single-model lines into mixed-model lines in order to avoid unnecessary new line construction cost for each new product model. Mixed-model assembly lines play a key role in increasing productivity without compromising quality for manufacturing enterprises. The literature is extensive on assembling small-sized products in an intermixed sequence and assembling large-sized products in large volumes on single-model lines. However, a mixed-model parallel two-sided line system, where two or more similar products or similar models of a large-sized product are assembled on each of the parallel two-sided lines in an intermixed sequence, has not been of interest to academia so far. Moreover, taking model sequencing problem into consideration on a mixed-model parallel two-sided line system is a novel research topic in this domain. Within this context, the problem of simultaneous balancing and sequencing of mixed-model parallel two-sided lines is defined and described using illustrative examples for the first time in the literature. The mathematical model of the problem is also developed to exhibit the main characteristics of the problem and to explore the logic underlying the algorithms developed. The benefits of utilising multi-line stations between two adjacent lines are discussed and numerical examples are provided. An agent-based ant colony optimisation algorithm (called ABACO) is developed to obtain a generic solution that conforms to any model sequence and it is enhanced step-by-step to increase the quality of the solutions obtained. Then, the algorithm is modified with the integration of a model sequencing procedure (where the modified version is called ABACO/S) to balance lines by tracking the product model changes on each workstation in a complex production environment where each of the parallel lines may a have different cycle time. Finally, a genetic algorithm based model sequencing mechanism is integrated to the algorithm to increase the robustness of the obtained solutions. Computational tests are performed using test cases to observe the performances of the developed algorithms. Statistical tests are conducted through obtained results and test results establish that balancing mixed-model parallel two-sided lines together has a significant effect on the sought performance measures (a weighted summation of line length and the number of workstations) in comparison with balancing those lines separately. Another important finding of the research is that considering model sequencing problem along with the line balancing problem helps algorithm find better line balances with better performance measures. The results also indicate that the developed ABACO and ABACO/S algorithms outperform other test heuristics commonly used in the literature in solving various line balancing problems; and integrating a genetic algorithm based model sequencing mechanism into ABACO/S helps the algorithm find better solutions with less amount of computational effort