656 research outputs found

    Active skeleton for bacteria modeling

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    The investigation of spatio-temporal dynamics of bacterial cells and their molecular components requires automated image analysis tools to track cell shape properties and molecular component locations inside the cells. In the study of bacteria aging, the molecular components of interest are protein aggregates accumulated near bacteria boundaries. This particular location makes very ambiguous the correspondence between aggregates and cells, since computing accurately bacteria boundaries in phase-contrast time-lapse imaging is a challenging task. This paper proposes an active skeleton formulation for bacteria modeling which provides several advantages: an easy computation of shape properties (perimeter, length, thickness, orientation), an improved boundary accuracy in noisy images, and a natural bacteria-centered coordinate system that permits the intrinsic location of molecular components inside the cell. Starting from an initial skeleton estimate, the medial axis of the bacterium is obtained by minimizing an energy function which incorporates bacteria shape constraints. Experimental results on biological images and comparative evaluation of the performances validate the proposed approach for modeling cigar-shaped bacteria like Escherichia coli. The Image-J plugin of the proposed method can be found online at http://fluobactracker.inrialpes.fr.Comment: Published in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualizationto appear i

    Mapping and Semantic Perception for Service Robotics

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    Para realizar una tarea, los robots deben ser capaces de ubicarse en el entorno. Si un robot no sabe dónde se encuentra, es imposible que sea capaz de desplazarse para alcanzar el objetivo de su tarea. La localización y construcción de mapas simultánea, llamado SLAM, es un problema estudiado en la literatura que ofrece una solución a este problema. El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar técnicas que permitan a un robot comprender el entorno mediante la incorporación de información semántica. Esta información también proporcionará una mejora en la localización y navegación de las plataformas robóticas. Además, también demostramos cómo un robot con capacidades limitadas puede construir de forma fiable y eficiente los mapas semánticos necesarios para realizar sus tareas cotidianas.El sistema de construcción de mapas presentado tiene las siguientes características: En el lado de la construcción de mapas proponemos la externalización de cálculos costosos a un servidor en nube. Además, proponemos métodos para registrar información semántica relevante con respecto a los mapas geométricos estimados. En cuanto a la reutilización de los mapas construidos, proponemos un método que combina la construcción de mapas con la navegación de un robot para explorar mejor un entorno y disponer de un mapa semántico con los objetos relevantes para una misión determinada.En primer lugar, desarrollamos un algoritmo semántico de SLAM visual que se fusiona los puntos estimados en el mapa, carentes de sentido, con objetos conocidos. Utilizamos un sistema monocular de SLAM basado en un EKF (Filtro Extendido de Kalman) centrado principalmente en la construcción de mapas geométricos compuestos únicamente por puntos o bordes; pero sin ningún significado o contenido semántico asociado. El mapa no anotado se construye utilizando sólo la información extraída de una secuencia de imágenes monoculares. La parte semántica o anotada del mapa -los objetos- se estiman utilizando la información de la secuencia de imágenes y los modelos de objetos precalculados. Como segundo paso, mejoramos el método de SLAM presentado anteriormente mediante el diseño y la implementación de un método distribuido. La optimización de mapas y el almacenamiento se realiza como un servicio en la nube, mientras que el cliente con poca necesidad de computo, se ejecuta en un equipo local ubicado en el robot y realiza el cálculo de la trayectoria de la cámara. Los ordenadores con los que está equipado el robot se liberan de la mayor parte de los cálculos y el único requisito adicional es una conexión a Internet.El siguiente paso es explotar la información semántica que somos capaces de generar para ver cómo mejorar la navegación de un robot. La contribución en esta tesis se centra en la detección 3D y en el diseño e implementación de un sistema de construcción de mapas semántico.A continuación, diseñamos e implementamos un sistema de SLAM visual capaz de funcionar con robustez en entornos poblados debido a que los robots de servicio trabajan en espacios compartidos con personas. El sistema presentado es capaz de enmascarar las zonas de imagen ocupadas por las personas, lo que aumenta la robustez, la reubicación, la precisión y la reutilización del mapa geométrico. Además, calcula la trayectoria completa de cada persona detectada con respecto al mapa global de la escena, independientemente de la ubicación de la cámara cuando la persona fue detectada.Por último, centramos nuestra investigación en aplicaciones de rescate y seguridad. Desplegamos un equipo de robots en entornos que plantean múltiples retos que implican la planificación de tareas, la planificación del movimiento, la localización y construcción de mapas, la navegación segura, la coordinación y las comunicaciones entre todos los robots. La arquitectura propuesta integra todas las funcionalidades mencionadas, asi como varios aspectos de investigación novedosos para lograr una exploración real, como son: localización basada en características semánticas-topológicas, planificación de despliegue en términos de las características semánticas aprendidas y reconocidas, y construcción de mapas.In order to perform a task, robots need to be able to locate themselves in the environment. If a robot does not know where it is, it is impossible for it to move, reach its goal and complete the task. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, known as SLAM, is a problem extensively studied in the literature for enabling robots to locate themselves in unknown environments. The goal of this thesis is to develop and describe techniques to allow a service robot to understand the environment by incorporating semantic information. This information will also provide an improvement in the localization and navigation of robotic platforms. In addition, we also demonstrate how a simple robot can reliably and efficiently build the semantic maps needed to perform its quotidian tasks. The mapping system as built has the following features. On the map building side we propose the externalization of expensive computations to a cloud server. Additionally, we propose methods to register relevant semantic information with respect to the estimated geometrical maps. Regarding the reuse of the maps built, we propose a method that combines map building with robot navigation to better explore a room in order to obtain a semantic map with the relevant objects for a given mission. Firstly, we develop a semantic Visual SLAM algorithm that merges traditional with known objects in the estimated map. We use a monocular EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) SLAM system that has mainly been focused on producing geometric maps composed simply of points or edges but without any associated meaning or semantic content. The non-annotated map is built using only the information extracted from an image sequence. The semantic or annotated parts of the map –the objects– are estimated using the information in the image sequence and the precomputed object models. As a second step we improve the EKF SLAM presented previously by designing and implementing a visual SLAM system based on a distributed framework. The expensive map optimization and storage is allocated as a service in the Cloud, while a light camera tracking client runs on a local computer. The robot’s onboard computers are freed from most of the computation, the only extra requirement being an internet connection. The next step is to exploit the semantic information that we are able to generate to see how to improve the navigation of a robot. The contribution of this thesis is focused on 3D sensing which we use to design and implement a semantic mapping system. We then design and implement a visual SLAM system able to perform robustly in populated environments due to service robots work in environments where people are present. The system is able to mask the image regions occupied by people out of the rigid SLAM pipeline, which boosts the robustness, the relocation, the accuracy and the reusability of the geometrical map. In addition, it estimates the full trajectory of each detected person with respect to the scene global map, irrespective of the location of the moving camera at the point when the people were imaged. Finally, we focus our research on rescue and security applications. The deployment of a multirobot team in confined environments poses multiple challenges that involve task planning, motion planning, localization and mapping, safe navigation, coordination and communications among all the robots. The architecture integrates, jointly with all the above-mentioned functionalities, several novel features to achieve real exploration: localization based on semantic-topological features, deployment planning in terms of the semantic features learned and recognized, and map building.<br /

    Camera Relocalization with Ellipsoidal Abstraction of Objects

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    International audienceWe are interested in AR applications which take place in man-made GPS-denied environments, as industrial or indoor scenes. In such environments, relocalization may fail due to repeated patterns and large changes in appearance which occur even for small changes in viewpoint. We investigate in this paper a new method for relocalization which operates at the level of objects and takes advantage of the impressive progress realized in object detection. Recent works have opened the way towards object oriented reconstruction from elliptic approximation of objects detected in images. We go one step further and propose a new method for pose computation based on ellipse/ellipsoid correspondences. We consider in this paper the practical common case where an initial guess of the rotation matrix of the pose is known, for instance with an inertial sensor or from the estimation of orthogonal vanishing points. Our contributions are twofold: we prove that a closed-form estimate of the translation can be computed from one ellipse-ellipsoid correspondence. The accuracy of the method is assessed on the LINEMOD database using only one correspondence. Second, we prove the effectiveness of the method on real scenes from a set of object detections generated by YOLO. A robust framework that is able to choose the best set of hypotheses is proposed and is based on an appropriate estimation of the reprojection error of ellipsoids. Globally, considering pose at the level of object allows us to avoid common failures due to repeated structures. In addition, due to the small combinatory induced by object correspondences, our method is well suited to fast rough localization even in large environments

    LIMO-Velo: A real-time, robust, centimeter-accurate estimator for vehicle localization and mapping under racing velocities

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    Treballs recents sobre localització de vehicles i mapeig dels seus entorns es desenvolupen per a dispositius portàtils o robots terrestres que assumeixen moviments lents i suaus. Contràriament als entorns de curses d’alta velocitat. Aquesta tesi proposa un nou model d’SLAM, anomenat LIMO-Velo, capaç de corregir el seu estat amb una latència extremadament baixa tractant els punts LiDAR com un flux de dades. Els experiments mostren un salt en robustesa i en la qualitat del mapa mantenint el requisit de correr en temps real. El model aconsegueix una millora relativa del 20% en el KITTI dataset d’odometria respecte al millor rendiment existent; no deriva en un sol esce- nari. La qualitat del mapa a nivell de centı́metre es manté amb velocitats que poden arribar a 20 m/s i 500 graus/s. Utilitzant les biblioteques obertes IKFoM i ikd-Tree, el model funciona x10 més ràpid que la majoria de models d’última generació. Mostrem que LIMO-Velo es pot generalitzar per exe- cutar l’eliminació dinàmica d’objectes, com ara altres agents a la carretera, vianants i altres.Trabajos recientes sobre la localización de vehı́culos y el mapeo de sus en- tornos se desarrollan para dispositivos portátiles o robots terrestres que asumen movimientos lentos y suaves. Al contrario de los entornos de carreras de alta velocidad. Esta tesis propone un nuevo modelo SLAM, LIMO-Velo, capaz de corregir su estado en latencia extremadamente baja al tratar los puntos LiDAR como un flujo de datos. Los experimentos muestran un salto en la solidez y la calidad del mapa mientras se mantiene el requisito de tiempo real. El modelo logra una mejora relativa del 20% en el conjunto de datos de KITTI Odometry sobre el mejor desempeño existente; no deriva en un solo escenario. La calidad del mapa de nivel centimétrico todavı́a se logra a velocidades de carrera que pueden llegar hasta 20 m/s y 500 grados/s. Us- ando las bibliotecas abiertas IKFoM e ikd-Tree, el modelo funciona x10 más rápido que la mayorı́a de los modelos de última generación. Mostramos que LIMO-Velo se puede generalizar para trabajar bajo la eliminación dinámica de objetos, como otros agentes en la carretera, peatones y más.Recent works on localizing vehicles and mapping their environments are de- veloped for handheld devices or terrestrial robots which assume slow and smooth movements. Contrary to high-velocity racing environments. This thesis proposes a new SLAM model, LIMO-Velo, capable of correcting its state at extreme low-latency by treating LiDAR points as a data stream. Experiments show a jump in robustness and map quality while maintaining the real-time requirement. The model achieves a 20% relative improvement on the KITTI Odometry dataset over the existing best performer; it does not drift in a single scenario. Centimeter-level map quality is still achieved under racing velocities that can go up to 20m/s and 500deg/s. Using the IKFoM and ikd-Tree open libraries, the model performs x10 faster than most state-of-the-art models. We show that LIMO-Velo can be generalized to work under dynamic object removal such as other agents in the road, pedestrians, and more.Outgoin

    Study of Computational Image Matching Techniques: Improving Our View of Biomedical Image Data

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    Image matching techniques are proven to be necessary in various fields of science and engineering, with many new methods and applications introduced over the years. In this PhD thesis, several computational image matching methods are introduced and investigated for improving the analysis of various biomedical image data. These improvements include the use of matching techniques for enhancing visualization of cross-sectional imaging modalities such as Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), denoising of retinal Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and high quality 3D reconstruction of surfaces from Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images. This work greatly improves the process of data interpretation of image data with far reaching consequences for basic sciences research. The thesis starts with a general notion of the problem of image matching followed by an overview of the topics covered in the thesis. This is followed by introduction and investigation of several applications of image matching/registration in biomdecial image processing: a) registration-based slice interpolation, b) fast mesh-based deformable image registration and c) use of simultaneous rigid registration and Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) for speckle noise reduction of retinal OCT images. Moving towards a different notion of image matching/correspondence, the problem of view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, with a focus on 3D reconstruction of microscopic samples from 2D images captured by SEM, is considered next. Starting from sparse feature-based matching techniques, an extensive analysis is provided for using several well-known feature detector/descriptor techniques, namely ORB, BRIEF, SURF and SIFT, for the problem of multi-view 3D reconstruction. This chapter contains qualitative and quantitative comparisons in order to reveal the shortcomings of the sparse feature-based techniques. This is followed by introduction of a novel framework using sparse-dense matching/correspondence for high quality 3D reconstruction of SEM images. As will be shown, the proposed framework results in better reconstructions when compared with state-of-the-art sparse-feature based techniques. Even though the proposed framework produces satisfactory results, there is room for improvements. These improvements become more necessary when dealing with higher complexity microscopic samples imaged by SEM as well as in cases with large displacements between corresponding points in micrographs. Therefore, based on the proposed framework, a new approach is proposed for high quality 3D reconstruction of microscopic samples. While in case of having simpler microscopic samples the performance of the two proposed techniques are comparable, the new technique results in more truthful reconstruction of highly complex samples. The thesis is concluded with an overview of the thesis and also pointers regarding future directions of the research using both multi-view and photometric techniques for 3D reconstruction of SEM images

    Three dimensional information estimation and tracking for moving objects detection using two cameras framework

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    Calibration, matching and tracking are major concerns to obtain 3D information consisting of depth, direction and velocity. In finding depth, camera parameters and matched points are two necessary inputs. Depth, direction and matched points can be achieved accurately if cameras are well calibrated using manual traditional calibration. However, most of the manual traditional calibration methods are inconvenient to use because markers or real size of an object in the real world must be provided or known. Self-calibration can solve the traditional calibration limitation, but not on depth and matched points. Other approaches attempted to match corresponding object using 2D visual information without calibration, but they suffer low matching accuracy under huge perspective distortion. This research focuses on achieving 3D information using self-calibrated tracking system. In this system, matching and tracking are done under self-calibrated condition. There are three contributions introduced in this research to achieve the objectives. Firstly, orientation correction is introduced to obtain better relationship matrices for matching purpose during tracking. Secondly, after having relationship matrices another post-processing method, which is status based matching, is introduced for improving object matching result. This proposed matching algorithm is able to achieve almost 90% of matching rate. Depth is estimated after the status based matching. Thirdly, tracking is done based on x-y coordinates and the estimated depth under self-calibrated condition. Results show that the proposed self-calibrated tracking system successfully differentiates the location of objects even under occlusion in the field of view, and is able to determine the direction and the velocity of multiple moving objects

    Wide baseline pose estimation from video with a density-based uncertainty model

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    International audienceRobust wide baseline pose estimation is an essential step in the deployment of smart camera networks. In this work, we highlight some current limitations of conventional strategies for relative pose estimation in difficult urban scenes. Then, we propose a solution which relies on an adaptive search of corresponding interest points in synchronized video streams which allows us to converge robustly toward a high-quality solution. The core idea of our algorithm is to build across the image space a nonstationary mapping of the local pose estimation uncertainty, based on the spatial distribution of interest points. Subsequently, the mapping guides the selection of new observations from the video stream in order to prioritize the coverage of areas of high uncertainty. With an additional step in the initial stage, the proposed algorithm may also be used for refining an existing pose estimation based on the video data; this mode allows for performing a data-driven self-calibration task for stereo rigs for which accuracy is critical, such as onboard medical or vehicular systems. We validate our method on three different datasets which cover typical scenarios in pose estimation. The results show a fast and robust convergence of the solution, with a significant improvement, compared to single image-based alternatives, of the RMSE of ground-truth matches, and of the maximum absolute error

    Simulation in Contexts Involving an Interactive Table and Tangible Objects

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    International audienceBy using an interactive table, it is possible to interact with several people (decision-makers) in a simultaneous and collaborative way, around the table, during a simulation session. Thanks to the RFID technology with which the table is fitted, it is possible to give tangible objects a unique identity to include and to consider them in the simulation. The paper describes a context model, which takes into consideration the specificities related to interactive tables. The TangiSense interactive table is presented; it is connected to a multi-agent system making it possible to give the table a certain level of adaptation: each tangible object can be associated to an agent which can bring roles to the object (i.e., the roles are the equivalent of a set of behaviors). The multi-agent system proposed in this paper is modeled according to an architecture adapted to the exploitation of tangible and virtual objects during simulation on an interactive table. A case study is presented; it concerns a simulation of road traffic management. The illustrations give an outline of the potentialities of the simulation system as regards the context-awareness aspect, following both the actions of the decision-makers implied in simulation, and the agents composing the road traffic simulation