521 research outputs found

    An occam Style Communications System for UNIX Networks

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    This document describes the design of a communications system which provides occam style communications primitives under a Unix environment, using TCP/IP protocols, and any number of other protocols deemed suitable as underlying transport layers. The system will integrate with a low overhead scheduler/kernel without incurring significant costs to the execution of processes within the run time environment. A survey of relevant occam and occam3 features and related research is followed by a look at the Unix and TCP/IP facilities which determine our working constraints, and a description of the T9000 transputer's Virtual Channel Processor, which was instrumental in our formulation. Drawing from the information presented here, a design for the communications system is subsequently proposed. Finally, a preliminary investigation of methods for lightweight access control to shared resources in an environment which does not provide support for critical sections, semaphores, or busy waiting, is made. This is presented with relevance to mutual exclusion problems which arise within the proposed design. Future directions for the evolution of this project are discussed in conclusion

    RIOT OS Paves the Way for Implementation of High-Performance MAC Protocols

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    Implementing new, high-performance MAC protocols requires real-time features, to be able to synchronize correctly between different unrelated devices. Such features are highly desirable for operating wireless sensor networks (WSN) that are designed to be part of the Internet of Things (IoT). Unfortunately, the operating systems commonly used in this domain cannot provide such features. On the other hand, "bare-metal" development sacrifices portability, as well as the mul-titasking abilities needed to develop the rich applications that are useful in the domain of the Internet of Things. We describe in this paper how we helped solving these issues by contributing to the development of a port of RIOT OS on the MSP430 microcontroller, an architecture widely used in IoT-enabled motes. RIOT OS offers rich and advanced real-time features, especially the simultaneous use of as many hardware timers as the underlying platform (microcontroller) can offer. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of these features by presenting a new implementation, on RIOT OS, of S-CoSenS, an efficient MAC protocol that uses very low processing power and energy.Comment: SCITEPRESS. SENSORNETS 2015, Feb 2015, Angers, France. http://www.scitepress.or

    A Comparison of wide area network performance using virtualized and non-virtualized client architectures

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    The goal of this thesis is to determine if there is a significant performance difference between two network computer architecture models. The study will measure latency and throughput for both client-server and virtualized client architectures. In the client server environment, the client computer performs a significant portion of the work and frequently requires downloading uploading files to and from a remote location. Virtual client architecture turns the client machine into a terminal, sending only keystrokes and mouse clicks and receiving only display pixel or sound changes. I accomplished the goal of comparing these architectures by comparing completion times for ping reply, file download, a small set of common work tasks, and a moderately large SQL database query. I compared these tasks using simulated wide area network, local area network, and virtual client network architectures. The study limits the architecture to one where the virtual client and server are in the same data center

    Eyeriss v2: A Flexible Accelerator for Emerging Deep Neural Networks on Mobile Devices

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    A recent trend in DNN development is to extend the reach of deep learning applications to platforms that are more resource and energy constrained, e.g., mobile devices. These endeavors aim to reduce the DNN model size and improve the hardware processing efficiency, and have resulted in DNNs that are much more compact in their structures and/or have high data sparsity. These compact or sparse models are different from the traditional large ones in that there is much more variation in their layer shapes and sizes, and often require specialized hardware to exploit sparsity for performance improvement. Thus, many DNN accelerators designed for large DNNs do not perform well on these models. In this work, we present Eyeriss v2, a DNN accelerator architecture designed for running compact and sparse DNNs. To deal with the widely varying layer shapes and sizes, it introduces a highly flexible on-chip network, called hierarchical mesh, that can adapt to the different amounts of data reuse and bandwidth requirements of different data types, which improves the utilization of the computation resources. Furthermore, Eyeriss v2 can process sparse data directly in the compressed domain for both weights and activations, and therefore is able to improve both processing speed and energy efficiency with sparse models. Overall, with sparse MobileNet, Eyeriss v2 in a 65nm CMOS process achieves a throughput of 1470.6 inferences/sec and 2560.3 inferences/J at a batch size of 1, which is 12.6x faster and 2.5x more energy efficient than the original Eyeriss running MobileNet. We also present an analysis methodology called Eyexam that provides a systematic way of understanding the performance limits for DNN processors as a function of specific characteristics of the DNN model and accelerator design; it applies these characteristics as sequential steps to increasingly tighten the bound on the performance limits.Comment: accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This extended version on arXiv also includes Eyexam in the appendi

    Revisiting LP-NUCA Energy Consumption: Cache Access Policies and Adaptive Block Dropping

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    Cache working-set adaptation is key as embedded systems move to multiprocessor and Simultaneous Multithreaded Architectures (SMT) because interthread pollution harms system performance and battery life. Light-Power NUCA (LP-NUCA) is a working-set adaptive cache that depends on temporal-locality to save energy. This work identifies the sources of energy waste in LP-NUCAs: parallel access to the tag and data arrays of the tiles and low locality phases with useless block migration. To counteract both issues, we prove that switching to serial access reduces energy without harming performance and propose a machine learning Adaptive Drop Rate (ADR) controller that minimizes the amount of replacement and migration when locality is low. This work demonstrates that these techniques efficiently adapt the cache drop and access policies to save energy. They reduce LP-NUCA consumption 22.7% for 1SMT. With interthread cache contention in 2SMT, the savings rise to 29%. Versus a conventional organization, energy--delay improves 20.8% and 25% for 1- and 2SMT benchmarks, and, in 65% of the 2SMT mixes, gains are larger than 20%

    Wireless mesh networks for smart-grids

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    Tese de mestrado. Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major Telecomunicações. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Scaling High-Performance Interconnect Architectures to Many-Core Systems.

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    The ever-increasing demand for performance scaling has made multi-core (2-8 cores) chips prevalent in today’s computing systems and foreshadows the shift toward many-core (10s- 100s of cores) chips in the near future. Although the potential performance gains from many-core systems remain appealing, the widespread adoption of these systems hinges on their ability to scale performance while simultaneously satisfying Quality-of-Service (QoS) and energy-efficiency constraints. This work makes the case that the interconnect for these many-core systems has a significant impact on the aforementioned scalability issues. The impact of interconnects on many-core systems is illustrated by observing that the degree of the interconnect has a signicant effect on system scalability and demonstrating that the architecture of high-radix, many-core systems are feasible, energy-efficient, and high-performance. The feasibility of high-radix crossbars for many-core systems is first shown through a new circuit-level building block called the Swizzle-Switch which can operate at frequencies up to 1.5GHz for 128-bit, radix-64 crossbars. This work then shows how a many-core system called the Swizzle-Switch Network (SSN) can use the Swizzle-Switch as the central building block for a flat crossbar interconnect. The SSN is shown to be advantageous to traditional Network-on-Chip (NoC) for systems up to 64 cores. The SSN performance by 21% relative to a Mesh while also providing a 25% energy savings over the Mesh. The Swizzle-Switch is also leveraged as a building block for high-radix NoC topologies that can support many-core architectures. The Swizzle-Switch-based Flattened Butterfly topology is demonstrated to provide a 15% speedup and 10% energy savings over the Mesh. Finally, the impact that 3D stacking technology has on many-core scalability is evaluated for bus and crossbar interconnects. A 3D-optimized Swizzle-Switch Network is able to leverage frequency gains to achieve a 15-28% speedup over a 2D-Swizzle-Switch Network when using memory- intensive benchmarks. Additionally, a bus-based 64-core architecture is shown to provide an average speedup of 49× over a baseline uniprocessor system when using 3D technology.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/93980/1/ksewell_1.pd

    Virtual network security: threats, countermeasures, and challenges

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    Network virtualization has become increasingly prominent in recent years. It enables the creation of network infrastructures that are specifically tailored to the needs of distinct network applications and supports the instantiation of favorable environments for the development and evaluation of new architectures and protocols. Despite the wide applicability of network virtualization, the shared use of routing devices and communication channels leads to a series of security-related concerns. It is necessary to provide protection to virtual network infrastructures in order to enable their use in real, large scale environments. In this paper, we present an overview of the state of the art concerning virtual network security. We discuss the main challenges related to this kind of environment, some of the major threats, as well as solutions proposed in the literature that aim to deal with different security aspects.Network virtualization has become increasingly prominent in recent years. It enables the creation of network infrastructures that are specifically tailored to the needs of distinct network applications and supports the instantiation of favorable environme61CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICORNP - REDE NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISAFAPERGS - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SULsem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã