14 research outputs found

    Modeling of the interaction of rigid wheels with dry granular media

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    We analyze the capabilities of various recently developed techniques, namely Resistive Force Theory (RFT) and continuum plasticity implemented with the Material Point Method (MPM), in capturing dynamics of wheel--dry granular media interactions. We compare results to more conventionally accepted methods of modeling wheel locomotion. While RFT is an empirical force model for arbitrarily-shaped bodies moving through granular media, MPM-based continuum modeling allows the simulation of full granular flow and stress fields. RFT allows for rapid evaluation of interaction forces on arbitrary shaped intruders based on a local surface stress formulation depending on depth, orientation, and movement of surface elements. We perform forced-slip experiments for three different wheel types and three different granular materials, and results are compared with RFT, continuum modeling, and a traditional terramechanics semi-empirical method. Results show that for the range of inputs considered, RFT can be reliably used to predict rigid wheel granular media interactions with accuracy exceeding that of traditional terramechanics methodology in several circumstances. Results also indicate that plasticity-based continuum modeling provides an accurate tool for wheel-soil interaction while providing more information to study the physical processes giving rise to resistive stresses in granular media

    Relating geologic units and mobility system kinematics contributing to Curiosity wheel damage at Gale Crater, Mars

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    Curiosity landed on plains to the north of Mount Sharp in August 2012. By June 2016 the rover had traversed 12.9 km to the southwest, encountering extensive strata that were deposited in a fluvial-deltaic-lacustrine system. Initial drives across sharp sandstone outcrops initiated an unacceptably high rate of punctures and cracks in the thin aluminum wheel skin structures. Initial damage was found to be related to the drive control mode of the six wheel drive actuators and the kinematics of the rocker-bogie suspension. Wheels leading a suspension pivot were forced onto sharp, immobile surfaces by the other wheels as they maintained their commanded angular velocities. Wheel damage mechanisms such as geometry-induced stress concentration cracking and low-cycle fatigue were then exacerbated. A geomorphic map was generated to assist in planning traverses that would minimize further wheel damage. A steady increase in punctures and cracks between landing and June 2016 was due in part because of drives across the sharp sandstone outcrops that could not be avoided. Wheel lifetime estimates show that with careful path planning the wheels will be operational for an additional ten kilometers or more, allowing the rover to reach key strata exposed on the slopes of Mount Sharp

    Terrain physical properties derived from orbital data and the first 360 sols of Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover observations in Gale Crater

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    Physical properties of terrains encountered by the Curiosity rover during the first 360 sols of operations have been inferred from analysis of the scour zones produced by Sky Crane Landing System engine plumes, wheel touch down dynamics, pits produced by Chemical Camera (ChemCam) laser shots, rover wheel traverses over rocks, the extent of sinkage into soils, and the magnitude and sign of rover‐based slippage during drives. Results have been integrated with morphologic, mineralogic, and thermophysical properties derived from orbital data, and Curiosity‐based measurements, to understand the nature and origin of physical properties of traversed terrains. The hummocky plains (HP) landing site and traverse locations consist of moderately to well‐consolidated bedrock of alluvial origin variably covered by slightly cohesive, hard‐packed basaltic sand and dust, with both embedded and surface‐strewn rock clasts. Rock clasts have been added through local bedrock weathering and impact ejecta emplacement and form a pavement‐like surface in which only small clasts (<5 to 10 cm wide) have been pressed into the soil during wheel passages. The bedded fractured (BF) unit, site of Curiosity's first drilling activity, exposes several alluvial‐lacustrine bedrock units with little to no soil cover and varying degrees of lithification. Small wheel sinkage values (<1 cm) for both HP and BF surfaces demonstrate that compaction resistance countering driven‐wheel thrust has been minimal and that rover slippage while traversing across horizontal surfaces or going uphill, and skid going downhill, have been dominated by terrain tilts and wheel‐surface material shear modulus values

    Rigid Wheel and Grouser Designs for Off-Road Mobility

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    A wheel includes a circular wheel main body and at least one grouser. The at least one grouser is provided along an outer circumference of the wheel main body and has a contact surface capable of drawing a first tangent line. The first tangent line is inclined opposite to a rotational direction of the wheel main body from the center line of the wheel main body

    MMX Rover Simulation - Robotic Simulations for Phobos Operations

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    The MMX Rover, developed by CNES and DLR, will fly to and explore the surface of the Martian Moon Phobos within the JAXA Martian Moon Exploration Mission. It will be the first wheeled locomotion system in a milli-g environment. In the development of the rover, simulations have been used to test and develop its robotic activities. This paper presents the multi-physics simulations that are being used. The overall simulator setup and its main components are discussed. To provide appropriate simulations for the var-ious topics while maintaining a unified simulator, a modular approach was required. The different modules and their role will be outlined. For this, Dymola's implementation of the Mod-elica modeling language provides the basis, especially regarding multi-body dynamics, and the possibility to include external libraries, e. g. for environment interaction, control logic and visualization. Finally, examples for the simulator used in driving, uprighting, alignment and separation will be presented. These examples illustrate the approach on experiment design, setup and result evaluation. To date the MMX Rover simulator is regarded as an indispensable development and analysis tools, especially since representative lab experiments are much limited when designing a robotic system for milli-g operations. It is also planned to be used during operations phase for planning and analysis

    Terrain Aware Traverse Planning for Mars Rovers

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    NASA is proposing a Mars Sample Return mission, to be completed within one Martian year, that will require enhanced autonomy to perform its duties faster, safer, and more efficiently. With its main purpose being to retrieve samples possibly tens of kilometers away, it will need to drive beyond line-of-sight to get to its target more quickly than any rovers before. This research proposes a new methodology to support a sample return mission and is divided into three compo-nents: map preparation (map of traversability, i.e., ability of a terrain to sustain the traversal of a vehicle), path planning (pre-planning and replanning), and terrain analysis. The first component aims at creating a better knowledge of terrain traversability to support planning, by predicting rover slip and drive speed along the traverse using orbital data. By overlapping slope, rock abundance and terrain types at the same location, the expected drive velocity is obtained. By combining slope and thermal data, additional information about the experienced slip is derived, indicating whether it will be low (less than 30%) or medium to high (more than 30%). The second component involves planning the traverse for one Martian day (or sol) at a time, based on the map of expected drive speed. This research proposes to plan, offline, several paths traversable in one sol. Once online, the rover chooses the fastest option (the path cost being calculated using the distance divided by the expected velocity). During its drive, the rover monitors the terrain via analysis of its experienced wheel slip and actual speed. This information is then passed along the different pre-planned paths over a given distance (e.g., 25 m) and the map of traversability is locally updated given this new knowledge. When an update occurs, the rover calculates the new time of arrival of the various paths and replans its route if necessary. When tested in a simulation study on maps of the Columbia Hills, Mars, the rover successfully updates the map given new information drawn from a modified map used as ground truth for simulation purposes and replans its traverse when needed. The third component describes a method to assess the soil in-situ in case of dangerous terrain detected during the map update, or if the monitoring is not enough to confirm the traversability predicted by the map. The rover would deploy a shear vane instrument to compute intrinsic terrain parameters, information then propagated ahead of the rover to update the map and replan if necessary. Experiments in a laboratory setting as well as in the field showed promising results, the mounted shear vane giving values close to the expected terrain parameters of the tested soils