28,864 research outputs found

    Reliability based robust design optimization based on sensitivity and elasticity factors analysis

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    In this paper, a Reliability Based Robust Design Optimization (RBRDO) based on sensitivity and elasticity factors analysis is presented. In the first step, a reliability assessment is performed using the First-and Second Order Reliability Method (FORM)/ (SORM), and Monte Carlo Simulation. Furthermore, FORM method is used for reliability elasticity factors assessment, which can be carried out to determine the most influential parameters, these factors can be help to reduce the size of design variables vector in RBRDO process. The main objective of the RBRDO is to improve both reliability and design of a cylindrical gear pair under uncertainties. This approach is achieved by integration of two objectives which minimize the variance and mean values of performance function. To solve this problem a decoupled approach of Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) method is implemented. The results obtained shown that a desired reliability with a robust design is progressively achieved

    Multi-objective optimisation for battery electric vehicle powertrain topologies

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    Electric vehicles are becoming more popular in the market. To be competitive, manufacturers need to produce vehicles with a low energy consumption, a good range and an acceptable driving performance. These are dependent on the choice of components and the topology in which they are used. In a conventional gasoline vehicle, the powertrain topology is constrained to a few well-understood layouts; these typically consist of a single engine driving one axle or both axles through a multi-ratio gearbox. With electric vehicles, there is more flexibility, and the design space is relatively unexplored. In this paper, we evaluate several different topologies as follows: a traditional topology using a single electric motor driving a single axle with a fixed gear ratio; a topology using separate motors for the front axle and the rear axle, each with its own fixed gear ratio; a topology using in-wheel motors on a single axle; a four-wheel-drive topology using in-wheel motors on both axes. Multi-objective optimisation techniques are used to find the optimal component sizing for a given requirement set and to investigate the trade-offs between the energy consumption, the powertrain cost and the acceleration performance. The paper concludes with a discussion of the relative merits of the different topologies and their applicability to real-world passenger cars

    Development of a Variable Roller Pump and Evaluation of its Power Saving Potential as a Charge Pump in Hydrostatic Drivetrains

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    Predložená doktorandská dizertačná práca (ďalej len práca) sa zaoberá rozsiahlou analýzou valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom a predikciou výkonových úspor dosiahnutých aplikáciou navrhnutého valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom v hydrostatickom pohone vybraných mobilných pracovných strojov. Teoretický rozbor princípov fungovania valčekového hydrogenerátora a teória jednorozmerného simulačného modelu sú popísané v prvej časti práce. Na základe odvodenej teórie je vytvorený simulačný model, ktorý je vhodný na predikciu priebehu tlaku v komorách valčekového hydrogenerátora, síl pôsobiacich na valček a na predikciu vnútorných únikov vzniknutých skratovaním rozvodovej dosky, ktoré majú priamy vplyv na objemovú účinnosť valčekového hydrogenerátora. Simulačný model bol úspešne použitý pre optimalizáciu rozvodových dosiek valčekového hydrogenerátora a vhodnosť simulačného modelu potvrdili následné merania Práca obsahuje aj analýzu síl pôsobiacich na vodiaci prstenec, ktorej výsledky boli taktiež potvrdené meraním. Analýza týchto síl môže vylepšiť v konečnom dôsledku parametre budúcich tlakových regulácii. Práca ďalej obsahuje základné porovnanie použitých tlakových regulácii. Všetky uskutočnené merania potvrdili, že valčekový hydrogenerátor s premenlivým geometrickým objemom s testovanými tlakovými reguláciami je schopný úspešne pracovať v hydrostatickej prevodovke. Druhá časť práce analyzuje potenciál výkonových úspor valčekového hydrogenerátora s premenlivým geometrickým objemom pre dve mobilné aplikácie - teleskopický nakladač s hmotnosťou 9 ton a kombajn s hmotnosťou 20 ton. Analýza vyžaduje jednorozmerný simulačný model hydrostatického pohonu s teplotnou predikciou hydrostatickej prevodovky. Dva rozdielne koncepty variabilného doplňovacieho systému hydrostatickej prevodovky sú porovnané so štandardným doplňovacím systémom pre pracovný a transportný režim oboch vybraných typov vozidiel. Simulácia pohonu vozidla s valčekovým hydrogenerátorom s premenlivým geometrickým objemom vo funkcii doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora a obtokovou clonou potvrdili vyššie úspory iba v prípadoch, kedy rýchlosť doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora bola výrazne vyššia a prietok cez obtokovú clonu do skrine hlavného hydrogenerátora zabezpečil dostatočné chladenie. Najvyššie výkonové úspory boli dosiahnuté s premenlivým preplachovacím systémom, ktorého prietok sa menil podľa požiadaviek hydrostatickej prevodovky. Záver druhej časti práce sa zaoberá metodikou dimenzovania veľkosti doplňovacieho hydrogenerátora.Presented doctoral thesis deals with an extensive hydraulic variable roller pump analysis and the power saving prediction of hydrostatic drivetrains in the mobile machines achieved with a variable roller charge pump implementation. At the first part of the work, the roller pump functionality was described and the theory of a 1-D simulation model was developed. Based on this developed simulation model is suitable for pressure profile prediction, roller force prediction and cross port leakage prediction which has a direct impact on the total volumetric efficiency. The simulation model was successfully used as a tool for optimization of the port plates, which was confirmed by measurements. The first part of the work includes the pump control force analysis validated by measurements and also the basic pressure compensator controls comparison. Developed control force prediction could help to improve the control performance. The measurements confirmed that the variable roller charge pump is able to successfully work in transmissions with measured types of the control. The second part of the work analyzed the power saving potential of a variable charge pump for two selected typical mobile applications: telehandler (9 ton) and combine harvester (20 ton). This part required a 1-D drivetrain simulation model together with thermal behaviour of the hydrostatic transmission. Two different modifications of the charging systems were compared with the conventional charging system in simulations performed for the working and transporting mode. The drivetrain simulation of the variable roller charge pump with a bypass orifice confirms higher power savings only in cases when the pump speed was significantly higher than normal speeds and a relatively constant flushing flow through the bypass orifice to the pump case still ensures suitable cooling. The highest power savings were achieved with variable flushing flows, where the demand for charging flow was adjusted according to the hydrostatic transmission cooling requirements. At the end of the second part, this thesis deals with a variable charge pump sizing.

    The Parametric Aircraft Noise Analysis Module - status overview and recent applications

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    The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is investigating aircraft noise prediction and noise reduction capabilities. The Parametric Aircraft Noise Analysis Module (PANAM) is a fast prediction tool by the DLR Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology to address overall aircraft noise. It was initially developed to (1) enable comparative design studies with respect to overall aircraft ground noise and to (2) indentify promising low-noise technologies at early aircraft design stages. A brief survey of available and established fast noise prediction codes is provided in order to rank and classify PANAM among existing tools. PANAM predicts aircraft noise generated during arbitrary 3D approach and take-off flight procedures. Noise generation of an operating aircraft is determined by its design, the relative observer position, configuration settings, and operating condition along the flight path. Feasible noise analysis requires a detailed simulation of all these dominating effects. Major aircraft noise components are simulated with individual models and interactions are neglected. Each component is simulated with a separate semi-empirical and parametric noise source model. These models capture major physical effects and correlations yet allow for fast and accurate noise prediction. Sound propagation and convection effects are applied to the emitting noise source in order to transfer static emission into aircraft ground noise impact with respect to the actual flight operating conditions. Recent developments and process interfaces are presented and prediction results are compared with experimental data recorded during DLR flyover noise campaigns with an Airbus A319 (2006), a VFW-614 (2009), and a Boeing B737-700 (2010). Overall, dominating airframe and engine noise sources are adequately modeled and overall aircraft ground noise levels can sufficiently be predicted. The paper concludes with a brief overview on current code applications towards selected noise reduction technologies

    Reliability based robust design optimization based on sensitivity and elasticity factors analysis

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    In this paper, a Reliability Based Robust Design Optimization (RBRDO) based on sensitivity and elasticity factors analysis is presented. In the first step, a reliability assessment is performed using the First-and Second Order Reliability Method (FORM)/ (SORM), and Monte Carlo Simulation. Furthermore, FORM method is used for reliability elasticity factors assessment, which can be carried out to determine the most influential parameters, these factors can be help to reduce the size of design variables vector in RBRDO process. The main objective of the RBRDO is to improve both reliability and design of a cylindrical gear pair under uncertainties. This approach is achieved by integration of two objectives which minimize the variance and mean values of performance function. To solve this problem a decoupled approach of Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) method is implemented. The results obtained shown that a desired reliability with a robust design is progressively achieved

    Use of COTS functional analysis software as an IVHM design tool for detection and isolation of UAV fuel system faults

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    This paper presents a new approach to the development of health management solutions which can be applied to both new and legacy platforms during the conceptual design phase. The approach involves the qualitative functional modelling of a system in order to perform an Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) design – the placement of sensors and the diagnostic rules to be used in interrogating their output. The qualitative functional analysis was chosen as a route for early assessment of failures in complex systems. Functional models of system components are required for capturing the available system knowledge used during various stages of system and IVHM design. MADe™ (Maintenance Aware Design environment), a COTS software tool developed by PHM Technology, was used for the health management design. A model has been built incorporating the failure diagrams of five failure modes for five different components of a UAV fuel system. Thus an inherent health management solution for the system and the optimised sensor set solution have been defined. The automatically generated sensor set solution also contains a diagnostic rule set, which was validated on the fuel rig for different operation modes taking into account the predicted fault detection/isolation and ambiguity group coefficients. It was concluded that when using functional modelling, the IVHM design and the actual system design cannot be done in isolation. The functional approach requires permanent input from the system designer and reliability engineers in order to construct a functional model that will qualitatively represent the real system. In other words, the physical insight should not be isolated from the failure phenomena and the diagnostic analysis tools should be able to adequately capture the experience bases. This approach has been verified on a laboratory bench top test rig which can simulate a range of possible fuel system faults. The rig is fully instrumented in order to allow benchmarking of various sensing solution for fault detection/isolation that were identified using functional analysis