67 research outputs found

    Modeliranje logističkog sustava Petrijevim mrežama

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    In this paper an application of Petri nets (Petri Nets – PN) is shown in the modeling and simulation of the production process. Petri nets are graphically mathematical tools that are suitable for modeling and projecting different system types. The very approach to a system modeling by means of Petri nets faithfully reflects the way events develop in the real world so that, for Petri nets, it can be said that they have almost universal application. Computer (PC) simulation is possible by means of the application of the extended Petri nets both in model building and in designing the simulation program routine. The program firstly checks the execution of preconditions for one of the cycles to take place. This routine is cyclical and each cycle corresponds to one time unit. After initiating any cycle, the state space does not allow allocation of a new assignment on this entity until the time interval anticipated for the cycle duration that is in progress has passed.U radu je prikazana primjena Petrijevih mreža (Petri Nets – PN) kod modeliranja i simulacije procesa proizvodnje. Petrijeve mreže su grafičko- matematički alat pogodan za modeliranje i oblikovanje različitih vrsta dinamičkih sustava. Pristup modeliranju sustava pomoću Petrijevih mreža vjerno odražava način odvijanja događaja u realnom okruženju, i stoga se za Petrijeve mreže može reći da imaju gotovo univerzalnu primjenu. Računalna simulacija je moguća zahvaljujući primjeni proširenih Petrijevih mreža, kako u izgradnji modela tako i pri oblikovanju rutina simulacijskog programa. Program prvo provjerava stanje preduvjeta za izvršenje nekog ciklusa. Ova rutina je ciklična i svaki ciklus odgovara jednoj vremenskoj jedinici. Po iniciranju bilo kojeg ciklusa, prostor stanja ne dopušta dodjeljivanje novog zadatka ovom entitetu sve dok ne prođe vremenski interval predviđen za trajanje ciklusa aktivnosti koja je u tijeku

    Applications of Bayesian networks and Petri nets in safety, reliability, and risk assessments: A review

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    YesSystem safety, reliability and risk analysis are important tasks that are performed throughout the system lifecycle to ensure the dependability of safety-critical systems. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) approaches are comprehensive, structured and logical methods widely used for this purpose. PRA approaches include, but not limited to, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), and Event Tree Analysis (ETA). Growing complexity of modern systems and their capability of behaving dynamically make it challenging for classical PRA techniques to analyse such systems accurately. For a comprehensive and accurate analysis of complex systems, different characteristics such as functional dependencies among components, temporal behaviour of systems, multiple failure modes/states for components/systems, and uncertainty in system behaviour and failure data are needed to be considered. Unfortunately, classical approaches are not capable of accounting for these aspects. Bayesian networks (BNs) have gained popularity in risk assessment applications due to their flexible structure and capability of incorporating most of the above mentioned aspects during analysis. Furthermore, BNs have the ability to perform diagnostic analysis. Petri Nets are another formal graphical and mathematical tool capable of modelling and analysing dynamic behaviour of systems. They are also increasingly used for system safety, reliability and risk evaluation. This paper presents a review of the applications of Bayesian networks and Petri nets in system safety, reliability and risk assessments. The review highlights the potential usefulness of the BN and PN based approaches over other classical approaches, and relative strengths and weaknesses in different practical application scenarios.This work was funded by the DEIS H2020 project (Grant Agreement 732242)

    Abstracts of the 10th Conference of the Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering

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    The American Multi-modal Energy System: Model Development with Structural and Behavioral Analysis using Hetero-functional Graph Theory

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    In the 21st century, infrastructure is playing an ever greater role in our daily lives. Presidential Policy Directive 21 emphasizes that infrastructure is critical to public confidence, the nation\u27s safety, and its well-being. With global climate change demanding a host of changes across at least four critical energy infrastructures: the electric grid, the natural gas system, the oil system, and the coal system, it is imperative to study models of these infrastructures to guide future policies and infrastructure developments. Traditionally these energy systems have been studied independently, usually in their own fields of study. Therefore, infrastructure datasets often lack the structural and dynamic elements to describe the interdependencies with other infrastructures. This thesis refers to the integration of the aforementioned energy infrastructures into a singular system-of-systems within the context of the United States of America as the American Multi-modal Energy System (AMES). This work develops an open-source structural and behavioral model of the AMES using Hetero-functional Graph Theory (HFGT), a data-driven approach, and model-based systems engineering practices in the following steps. First, the HFGT toolbox code is made available on GitHub and advanced to produce HFGs of systems on the scale of the AMES using the languages Python and Julia. Second, the analytical insights that HFGs can provide relative to formal graphs are investigated through structural analysis of the American Electric Power System which demonstrates how HFGs are better equipped to describe changes in system behavior. Third, a reference architecture of the AMES is developed, providing a standardized foundation to develop future models of the AMES. Fourth, the AMES reference architecture is instantiated into a structural model from which structural properties are investigated. Finally, a physically informed Weighted Least Squares Error Hetero-functional Graph State Estimation analysis of the AMES\u27 socio-economic behavior is implemented to investigate the behavior of the AMES with asset level granularity. These steps provide a reproducible and reusable structural and behavioral model of the AMES for guiding future policies and infrastructural developments to critical energy infrastructures

    Evaluation et gestion de la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques : nouveau cadre général et applications

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    This thesis focuses on flexibility issues in supply chain. These issues are becoming more and more important for firms because of the increasingly changing business environment and customer behaviors. Although some of these issues have been tackled in academic research in recent years, but studies have mainly concentrated in conceptual levels and there is little consensus even on the definition of flexibility. This thesis aims at defining a new framework for the supply chain flexibility, proposing quantitative measures of the flexibility and optimizing the use of flexibility, especially in an integrated production and transportation planning context. The new framework of supply chain flexibility is based on classification of different flexibility aspects in a supply chain into three main categories - manufacturing flexibility,logistic chain flexibility and system flexibility. These flexibility types are further distinguished into major flexibility dimension and other flexibility dimension.In order to measure supply chain flexibility from a quantitative point of view, Mechanical Analogy method is particularly discussed. A procedure is established to enlarge and carry out this method in supply chain, provided with a case study to evaluate the flexibility of Louis Vuitton stores.One of the most important issues is to optimally make use of the available flexibility. We investigate an Integrated Production and Transportation Planning problem with given flexibility tolerances, where the production and transportation activities are intimately linked to each other and must be scheduled in a synchronized way. Particularly, heterogeneous vehicles are taken into account. Two mixed integer linear programming models are constructed.Three algorithms are developed and compared with linear relaxation bounds for large sized real life instances and with optimal solutions for small sized instances. These comparisons show the effectiveness of our heuristics in solving real life problemsCette thèse étudie la problématique de la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques. La recherche académique a commencé à s’intéresser à cette problématique depuis quelques années, mais les études existantes restent pour la plupart au niveau conceptuel et il y a peu de consensus sur la définition même de la flexibilité. Cette thèse a pour ambition de définir un nouveau cadre pour la flexibilité dans les chaînes logistiques, proposer des mesures quantitatives pour la flexibilité et enfin optimiser l’utilisation de la flexibilité, en particulier dans un contexte de planification intégrée de la production et du transport.Ce travail de thèse vise tout d’abord à établir un nouveau cadre pour la flexibilité de la chaîne logistique, où les différents aspects de la flexibilité sont classifiés en trois catégories principales: flexibilité de la production, flexibilité de la chaîne logistique et flexibilité du système. Dans chacune de ces catégories, on peut trouver des dimensions primordiales et des dimensions moins importantes.Afin d’évaluer la flexibilité de manière quantitative, nous faisons appel à la méthode Analogie Mécanique. Cette méthode propose une analogie entre un système mécanique vibratoire et une chaîne logistique. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé une étude de cas pour Louis Vuitton afin d’évaluer la flexibilité de leurs magasins, et nous avons établi une procédure pour implémenter cette méthode.Une autre problématique importante est l’utilisation optimale de la flexibilité existante.Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à la planification intégrée de la production et du transport avec des flexibilités sur la capacité de transport, où la production et le transport sont intimement liés du fait du manque de capacité de stockage et doivent être planifiées conjointement. Particulièrement, les véhicules hétérogènes sont pris en compte.Nous avons construit deux modèles de programmation linéaire en nombres mixtes et développé trois algorithmes qui ont été comparées par rapport à la relaxation linéaire pour les instances de grande taille et aux solutions optimales pour des instances de petite taille. Ces comparaisons montrent que les heuristiques proposées sont efficaces pour résoudre des problèmes réels, aussi bien en termes de qualité de solution qu’en termes de temps de calcul

    Anpassen verteilter eingebetteter Anwendungen im laufenden Betrieb

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    The availability of third-party apps is among the key success factors for software ecosystems: The users benefit from more features and innovation speed, while third-party solution vendors can leverage the platform to create successful offerings. However, this requires a certain decoupling of engineering activities of the different parties not achieved for distributed control systems, yet. While late and dynamic integration of third-party components would be required, resulting control systems must provide high reliability regarding real-time requirements, which leads to integration complexity. Closing this gap would particularly contribute to the vision of software-defined manufacturing, where an ecosystem of modern IT-based control system components could lead to faster innovations due to their higher abstraction and availability of various frameworks. Therefore, this thesis addresses the research question: How we can use modern IT technologies and enable independent evolution and easy third-party integration of software components in distributed control systems, where deterministic end-to-end reactivity is required, and especially, how can we apply distributed changes to such systems consistently and reactively during operation? This thesis describes the challenges and related approaches in detail and points out that existing approaches do not fully address our research question. To tackle this gap, a formal specification of a runtime platform concept is presented in conjunction with a model-based engineering approach. The engineering approach decouples the engineering steps of component definition, integration, and deployment. The runtime platform supports this approach by isolating the components, while still offering predictable end-to-end real-time behavior. Independent evolution of software components is supported through a concept for synchronous reconfiguration during full operation, i.e., dynamic orchestration of components. Time-critical state transfer is supported, too, and can lead to bounded quality degradation, at most. The reconfiguration planning is supported by analysis concepts, including simulation of a formally specified system and reconfiguration, and analyzing potential quality degradation with the evolving dataflow graph (EDFG) method. A platform-specific realization of the concepts, the real-time container architecture, is described as a reference implementation. The model and the prototype are evaluated regarding their feasibility and applicability of the concepts by two case studies. The first case study is a minimalistic distributed control system used in different setups with different component variants and reconfiguration plans to compare the model and the prototype and to gather runtime statistics. The second case study is a smart factory showcase system with more challenging application components and interface technologies. The conclusion is that the concepts are feasible and applicable, even though the concepts and the prototype still need to be worked on in future -- for example, to reach shorter cycle times.Eine große Auswahl von Drittanbieter-Lösungen ist einer der Schlüsselfaktoren für Software Ecosystems: Nutzer profitieren vom breiten Angebot und schnellen Innovationen, während Drittanbieter über die Plattform erfolgreiche Lösungen anbieten können. Das jedoch setzt eine gewisse Entkopplung von Entwicklungsschritten der Beteiligten voraus, welche für verteilte Steuerungssysteme noch nicht erreicht wurde. Während Drittanbieter-Komponenten möglichst spät -- sogar Laufzeit -- integriert werden müssten, müssen Steuerungssysteme jedoch eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit gegenüber Echtzeitanforderungen aufweisen, was zu Integrationskomplexität führt. Dies zu lösen würde insbesondere zur Vision von Software-definierter Produktion beitragen, da ein Ecosystem für moderne IT-basierte Steuerungskomponenten wegen deren höherem Abstraktionsgrad und der Vielzahl verfügbarer Frameworks zu schnellerer Innovation führen würde. Daher behandelt diese Dissertation folgende Forschungsfrage: Wie können wir moderne IT-Technologien verwenden und unabhängige Entwicklung und einfache Integration von Software-Komponenten in verteilten Steuerungssystemen ermöglichen, wo Ende-zu-Ende-Echtzeitverhalten gefordert ist, und wie können wir insbesondere verteilte Änderungen an solchen Systemen konsistent und im Vollbetrieb vornehmen? Diese Dissertation beschreibt Herausforderungen und verwandte Ansätze im Detail und zeigt auf, dass existierende Ansätze diese Frage nicht vollständig behandeln. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, beschreiben wir eine formale Spezifikation einer Laufzeit-Plattform und einen zugehörigen Modell-basierten Engineering-Ansatz. Dieser Ansatz entkoppelt die Design-Schritte der Entwicklung, Integration und des Deployments von Komponenten. Die Laufzeit-Plattform unterstützt den Ansatz durch Isolation von Komponenten und zugleich Zeit-deterministischem Ende-zu-Ende-Verhalten. Unabhängige Entwicklung und Integration werden durch Konzepte für synchrone Rekonfiguration im Vollbetrieb unterstützt, also durch dynamische Orchestrierung. Dies beinhaltet auch Zeit-kritische Zustands-Transfers mit höchstens begrenzter Qualitätsminderung, wenn überhaupt. Rekonfigurationsplanung wird durch Analysekonzepte unterstützt, einschließlich der Simulation formal spezifizierter Systeme und Rekonfigurationen und der Analyse der etwaigen Qualitätsminderung mit dem Evolving Dataflow Graph (EDFG). Die Real-Time Container Architecture wird als Referenzimplementierung und Evaluationsplattform beschrieben. Zwei Fallstudien untersuchen Machbarkeit und Nützlichkeit der Konzepte. Die erste verwendet verschiedene Varianten und Rekonfigurationen eines minimalistischen verteilten Steuerungssystems, um Modell und Prototyp zu vergleichen sowie Laufzeitstatistiken zu erheben. Die zweite Fallstudie ist ein Smart-Factory-Demonstrator, welcher herausforderndere Applikationskomponenten und Schnittstellentechnologien verwendet. Die Konzepte sind den Studien nach machbar und nützlich, auch wenn sowohl die Konzepte als auch der Prototyp noch weitere Arbeit benötigen -- zum Beispiel, um kürzere Zyklen zu erreichen

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen