26 research outputs found

    Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (PMUT) Arrays for Integrated Sensing, Actuation and Imaging

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    Many applications of ultrasound for sensing, actuation and imaging require miniaturized and low power transducers and transducer arrays integrated with electronic systems. Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers (PMUTs), diaphragm-like thin film flexural transducers typically formed on silicon substrates, are a potential solution for integrated transducer arrays. This paper presents an overview of the current development status of PMUTs and a discussion of their suitability for miniaturized and integrated devices. The thin film piezoelectric materials required to functionalize these devices are discussed, followed by the microfabrication techniques used to create PMUT elements and the constraints the fabrication imposes on device design. Approaches for electrical interconnection and integration with on-chip electronics are discussed. Electrical and acoustic measurements from fabricated PMUT arrays with up to 320 diaphragm elements are presented. The PMUTs are shown to be broadband devices with an operating frequency which is tunable by tailoring the lateral dimensions of the flexural membrane or the thicknesses of the constituent layers. Finally, the outlook for future development of PMUT technology and the potential applications made feasible by integrated PMUT devices are discussed

    PMUT-Powered Photoacoustic Detection: Revolutionizing Microfluidic Concentration Measurements

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    This report introduces a novel optofluidic platform based on piezo-MEMS technology, capable of identifying subtle variations in the fluid concentration. The system utilizes piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers (PMUTs) as receivers to capture sound waves produced by nanosecond photoacoustic (PA) pulses emanating from a fluid target housed in PDMS microchannels. Additionally, a dedicated low-noise single-channel amplifier has been developed to extract the minute analog voltage signals from the PMUTs, given the inherently weak ultrasound signals generated by fluid targets. The PMUTs' proficiency in detecting changes in fluid concentration under both static and time-varying conditions has been documented and verified, confirming the platform's efficacy in monitoring fluid concentrations.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    A Feasibility Study of Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers Functionalized for Ethanol Dectection

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    The chemical sensing system plays an important role in medical and environmental monitoring. Gases exhaled by humans include nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The VOCs are important and provide valuable information for non- invasive diagnosis. For instance, ethanol detection is beneficial for checking blood alcohol. In time blood alcohol level checking before checking can prevent a person from unsafe driving. Due to the extremely low concentration of the target gases, a gas sensor with high sensitivity, selectivity and low detection limit is required. There is a high demand for low cost, fast, accurate and easy-to-use self-check diagnosis devices. With low cost and high portability, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors have been extensively studied for chemical sensing, which provide a cheap self-diagnosis solution. Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) and Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (PMUTs), which both work based on the mass-loading effect, are considered as the promising types of MEMS sensors for gas sensing. Since they are fabricated in a batch manner with the similar process of silicon-based integrated circuits, CMUTs and PMUTs are able to provide massive parallelism, easy integration with microelectronic circuits, and a higher quality factor. In this research, studied the feasibility of using PMUTs and CMUTs fabricated by our lab for ethanol detection through simulation and experiments. Models for are built via COMSOL for PMUT and CMUT respectively. The simulation results of a single sensing element demonstrated that both CMUTs and PMUTs show great potential for gas sensors. The chemical experiments through frequency response measurement exhibit that both the PMUTs and CMUTs are effective for ethanol detection based on the mass-loading effect. When the gas analyte is attached to the sensing layer, a higher resonance frequency of the transducer induces a higher frequency shift, which means the higher resonance frequency of transducer, the higher sensitivity of a gas sensor is and the lower concentration of ethanol can be detected. Additionally, a CMUT array is also applied to ethanol detection. It provides a good preliminary study of the CMUTs functionalized with more sensing materials for chemical detection in future


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    Air-coupled PMUT at 100 kHz with PZT active layer and residual stresses: Multiphysics model and experimental validation

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    In this paper a complete Multiphysics modelling via the Finite Element Method (FEM) of an air-coupled Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (PMUT) is described, with its experimental validation related to the mechanical and acoustic responses

    Design and Modeling of Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (PMUT) using a Multi-User MEMS Process for Medical Imaging

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    According to the Canadian Cancer Society, 2020, “1 in 8 women will be affected by breast cancer and 1 in 33 will die from it.” There has been a decline in breast cancer causalities due to the early detection using advanced imaging technologies. This signifies the importance of early detection of breast cancer that increases the survival rate and treatment options for the patients. One of the platforms which are aiding the early detection is Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)-base imaging system. In this thesis, a Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (PMUT) is proposed to work at lower frequency ranges for higher penetration aiding imaging applications while operating at a lower voltage. In this work, a comprehensive study based on the Multi-User MEMS Process (MUMPs) has been conducted to investigate the effect of critical design parameters on output performance. Three sets of PMUTs are fabricated based on the investigated parameters. The resonant frequency and acoustic output pressure of these fabricated devices are evaluated and compared based on their respective areas of the piezo layer using COMSOL Multiphysics. The resonant frequency of the fabricated PMUT ranges from 0.5 MHz to 2 MHz. Keysight Impedance Analyzer E4990A has been utilized for the electrical characterization of the fabricated PMUT devices to determine their respective resonant frequencies and validate the COMSOL simulation results. It is shown that the fabricated individual circular PMUT achieves a high acoustic output pressure of 39 kPa at 1.3 MHz and the rectangular PMUT provides 4.7 kPa of acoustic pressure at 1.4 MHz. The results indicate that the proposed PMUT design can deliver acoustic pressure at a lower frequenc

    Design Modelling and Mechanical/Acoustic Characterization of Piezoelectric Micro Ultrasound Transducers

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    This master thesis is realized in STMicroelectronics thanks to a collaboration between the company and Politecnico di Milano. The activity is aimed at modelling and experimentally characterizing a Piezoelectric Micro-machined Ultrasound Transducer (PMUT). This is a new generation MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) able to send and receive ultrasound waves by exploiting the piezoelectric effect: here the attention will be focused on the sending mode only. Throughout all the activity a continuous comparison between numerical simulation and experimental results is proposed. This approach is the typical work flow to launch a product into the market. The design modelling is done by using the finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6 while the laboratory campaign is carried out through Polytec MSA500 and other electronic equipment. The analysis performed are mainly focused on investigating the static and dynamic mechanical behavior of the device and only as a closing section the emitted acoustic field has been considered. Concerning the mechanical characterization, the main fields of investigation are the deformed configurations both of the single membrane and the whole device, the resonance frequencies of the membranes, the dynamic oscillation and the cross-talk phenomena through which the membranes within the same die can interact. Starting from the distorted geometry of the membranes, this is due to the fabrication process which introduces residual stresses and in turn causes a non flat configuration of the membrane: it is noted that the initial upward deformation flattens by applying an increasing DC voltage. Similarly, even the deformation of the die is caused by the presence of residual stresses. Going on, the modal analysis is performed: the first six modes are evaluated to have a complete characterization but the only one exploited in applications is the first one, having a frequency equal to 140kHz. Once the frequency is known, a dynamic analysis is carried out. The membranes are activated by means of a single sinusoidal voltage signal at the resonance frequency and the oscillation ring down is analyzed. Thanks to these measurements, it has been possible to measure the damping of the device by computing the Q factor. This is carried out in presence of Air and Vacuum and the values obtained are respectively 22 and 182: in this way the fluid and mechanic contributions to the damping are divided. Furthermore, by studying the oscillation ring down it appears the need to develop a non linear hysterical piezoelectric model to simulate the dynamic behavior of PZT layer: it will be part of the future activity. Subsequently, the presence of the undesired phenomena of cross-talk has been experimentally investigated. Because of this effect, the membranes can interact each other and the oscillation of one membrane can put in motion the close ones. The analysis has been performed in vacuum and air: it is noted that the acoustic contribution to the cross-talk has a higher influence and in particular the communication occurs through the back cavities. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the acoustic measurements of the emitted field in terms of directionality and sound pressure level. The radiation pattern of the emitted acoustic field by the membrane is simulated by means of a 2D axysimmetric model. Moreover, the pressure intensity has been evaluated at 2cm over the membrane both through simulation and experimentally: a mismatch is noted and it is due to the inability of the model to consider the oscillation cross-talk of the other membranes. From here comes the second future development to be investigated: the emitted acoustic field considering the oscillation of the other membranes or avoid the cross-talk by changing the design of the device, i.e closing the cavity at the bottom of the membranes. This thesis is the starting point of future activities aimed at modelling the non linear hysterical piezoelectric behavior to better match the dynamic response and studying the cross-talk effect in the acoustic emission.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria

    Development of a high-density piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer array based on patterned aluminum nitride thin film

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    This study presents the fabrication and characterization of a piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (pMUT; radius: 40 μm) using a patterned aluminum nitride (AlN) thin film as the active piezoelectric material. A 20 x 20 array of pMUTs using a 1 μm thick AlN thin film was designed and fabricated on a 2 x 2 mm2 footprint for a high fill factor. Based on the electrical impedance and phase of the pMUT array, the electromechanical coefficient was ~1.7% at the average resonant frequency of 2.82 MHz in air. Dynamic displacement of the pMUT surface was characterized by scanning laser Doppler vibrometry. The pressure output while immersed in water was 19.79 kPa when calculated based on the peak displacement at the resonant frequency. The proposed AlN pMUT array has potential applications in biomedical sensing for healthcare, medical imaging, and biometrics. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.1

    Semiconductor Infrared Devices and Applications

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    Infrared (IR) technologies—from Herschel’s initial experiment in the 1800s to thermal detector development in the 1900s, followed by defense-focused developments using HgCdTe—have now incorporated a myriad of novel materials for a wide variety of applications in numerous high-impact fields. These include astronomy applications; composition identifications; toxic gas and explosive detection; medical diagnostics; and industrial, commercial, imaging, and security applications. Various types of semiconductor-based (including quantum well, dot, ring, wire, dot in well, hetero and/or homo junction, Type II super lattice, and Schottky) IR (photon) detectors, based on various materials (type IV, III-V, and II-VI), have been developed to satisfy these needs. Currently, room temperature detectors operating over a wide wavelength range from near IR to terahertz are available in various forms, including focal plane array cameras. Recent advances include performance enhancements by using surface Plasmon and ultrafast, high-sensitivity 2D materials for infrared sensing. Specialized detectors with features such as multiband, selectable wavelength, polarization sensitive, high operating temperature, and high performance (including but not limited to very low dark currents) are also being developed. This Special Issue highlights advances in these various types of infrared detectors based on various material systems

    CMUT array design and fabrication for high frequency ultrasound imaging

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    High frequency ultrasound imaging is utilized in a broad range of applications from intravascular imaging to small animal imaging for preclinical studies. Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) possess multiple preferable characteristics for high frequency imaging systems, such as simpler fabrication methods, simpler integration to electronics, and greater variety of array geometries. Adequate performance and optimization of CMUT based systems require a comprehensive analysis of multiple design parameters. This research utilizes a nonlinear lumped model, capable of simulating the pressure output, electrical input-output, and echo response to a planar reflector of CMUT arrays with arbitrary membrane shape and array geometry, to determine the performance limitations of high frequency CMUT arrays and the effect of different design parameters on its performance. Receiver performance is analyzed through parameters extracted from simulations, namely, thermal mechanical current noise, plane wave pressure sensitivity, and pressure noise spectrum. Transmitter performance is analyzed through pressure output simulation, and the overall performance is analyzed through the simulated pulse-echo response from a perfect planar reflector and the thermal mechanical current noise limited SNR. It is observed that the frequency response is dominated by two vibroacoustic limiting mechanisms: Bragg’s scattering, determined by array lateral dimensions, and crosstalk actuated fundamental and antisymmetric array modes, determined by individual membrane dynamics. Based on the limiting mechanism frequencies, a simplified design methodology is developed and used to design two CMUT array sets covering a broad frequency range of 1-80MHz. These CMUT arrays are fabricated and their limiting mechanisms are experimentally verified through pressure and admittance measurement and simulation comparison. CMUT arrays for guidewire IVUS application are implemented and successfully interfaced with ASICs to demonstrate imaging at 40MHz. Considering that CMUT array performance is also susceptible to the electrical termination conditions, the simulation model is utilized to investigate the effect of different impedance matching scenarios. Receiver performance of the integrated CMUT array and termination circuitry is analyzed through the system’s SNR and acoustic reflectivity.Ph.D