35,663 research outputs found

    DOLFIN: Automated Finite Element Computing

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    We describe here a library aimed at automating the solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method. By employing novel techniques for automated code generation, the library combines a high level of expressiveness with efficient computation. Finite element variational forms may be expressed in near mathematical notation, from which low-level code is automatically generated, compiled and seamlessly integrated with efficient implementations of computational meshes and high-performance linear algebra. Easy-to-use object-oriented interfaces to the library are provided in the form of a C++ library and a Python module. This paper discusses the mathematical abstractions and methods used in the design of the library and its implementation. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the use of the library in application code

    Using polyhedral models to automatically sketch idealized geometry for structural analysis

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    Simplification of polyhedral models, which may incorporate large numbers of faces and nodes, is often required to reduce their amount of data, to allow their efficient manipulation, and to speed up computation. Such a simplification process must be adapted to the use of the resulting polyhedral model. Several applications require simplified shapes which have the same topology as the original model (e.g. reverse engineering, medical applications, etc.). Nevertheless, in the fields of structural analysis and computer visualization, for example, several adaptations and idealizations of the initial geometry are often necessary. To this end, within this paper a new approach is proposed to simplify an initial manifold or non-manifold polyhedral model with respect to bounded errors specified by the user, or set up, for example, from a preliminary F.E. analysis. The topological changes which may occur during a simplification because of the bounded error (or tolerance) values specified are performed using specific curvature and topological criteria and operators. Moreover, topological changes, whether or not they kept the manifold of the object, are managed simultaneously with the geometric operations of the simplification process

    Unified Framework for Finite Element Assembly

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    At the heart of any finite element simulation is the assembly of matrices and vectors from discrete variational forms. We propose a general interface between problem-specific and general-purpose components of finite element programs. This interface is called Unified Form-assembly Code (UFC). A wide range of finite element problems is covered, including mixed finite elements and discontinuous Galerkin methods. We discuss how the UFC interface enables implementations of variational form evaluation to be independent of mesh and linear algebra components. UFC does not depend on any external libraries, and is released into the public domain

    Bisector and zero-macrospin co-rotational systems for shell elements

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    A principal issue in any co-rotational approach for large displacement analysis of plates and shells is associated with the specific choice of the local reference system in relation to the current deformed element configuration. Previous approaches utilised local co-rotational systems, which are invariant to nodal ordering, a characteristic that is deemed desirable on several fronts; however, the associated definitions of the local reference system suffered from a range of shortcomings, including undue complexity, dependence on the local element formulation and possibly an asymmetric tangent stiffness matrix. In this paper, new definitions of the local co-rotational system are proposed for quadrilateral and triangular shell elements, which achieve the invariance characteristic to the nodal ordering in a relatively simple manner and address the aforementioned shortcomings. The proposed definitions utilise only the nodal coordinates in the deformed configuration, where two alternative definitions, namely, bisector and zero-macrospin definitions, are presented for each of quadrilateral and triangular finite elements. In each case, the co-rotational transformations linking the local and global element entities are presented, highlighting the simplicity of the proposed approach. Several numerical examples are finally presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and relative accuracy of the alternative definitions proposed for the local co-rotational system

    Mesh refinement in finite element analysis by minimization of the stiffness matrix trace

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    Most finite element packages provide means to generate meshes automatically. However, the user is usually confronted with the problem of not knowing whether the mesh generated is appropriate for the problem at hand. Since the accuracy of the finite element results is mesh dependent, mesh selection forms a very important step in the analysis. Indeed, in accurate analyses, meshes need to be refined or rezoned until the solution converges to a value so that the error is below a predetermined tolerance. A-posteriori methods use error indicators, developed by using the theory of interpolation and approximation theory, for mesh refinements. Some use other criterions, such as strain energy density variation and stress contours for example, to obtain near optimal meshes. Although these methods are adaptive, they are expensive. Alternatively, a priori methods, until now available, use geometrical parameters, for example, element aspect ratio. Therefore, they are not adaptive by nature. An adaptive a-priori method is developed. The criterion is that the minimization of the trace of the stiffness matrix with respect to the nodal coordinates, leads to a minimization of the potential energy, and as a consequence provide a good starting mesh. In a few examples the method is shown to provide the optimal mesh. The method is also shown to be relatively simple and amenable to development of computer algorithms. When the procedure is used in conjunction with a-posteriori methods of grid refinement, it is shown that fewer refinement iterations and fewer degrees of freedom are required for convergence as opposed to when the procedure is not used. The mesh obtained is shown to have uniform distribution of stiffness among the nodes and elements which, as a consequence, leads to uniform error distribution. Thus the mesh obtained meets the optimality criterion of uniform error distribution

    The diffuse Nitsche method: Dirichlet constraints on phase-field boundaries

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    We explore diffuse formulations of Nitsche's method for consistently imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions on phase-field approximations of sharp domains. Leveraging the properties of the phase-field gradient, we derive the variational formulation of the diffuse Nitsche method by transferring all integrals associated with the Dirichlet boundary from a geometrically sharp surface format in the standard Nitsche method to a geometrically diffuse volumetric format. We also derive conditions for the stability of the discrete system and formulate a diffuse local eigenvalue problem, from which the stabilization parameter can be estimated automatically in each element. We advertise metastable phase-field solutions of the Allen-Cahn problem for transferring complex imaging data into diffuse geometric models. In particular, we discuss the use of mixed meshes, that is, an adaptively refined mesh for the phase-field in the diffuse boundary region and a uniform mesh for the representation of the physics-based solution fields. We illustrate accuracy and convergence properties of the diffuse Nitsche method and demonstrate its advantages over diffuse penalty-type methods. In the context of imaging based analysis, we show that the diffuse Nitsche method achieves the same accuracy as the standard Nitsche method with sharp surfaces, if the inherent length scales, i.e., the interface width of the phase-field, the voxel spacing and the mesh size, are properly related. We demonstrate the flexibility of the new method by analyzing stresses in a human vertebral body

    Suitably graded THB-spline refinement and coarsening: Towards an adaptive isogeometric analysis of additive manufacturing processes

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    In the present work we introduce a complete set of algorithms to efficiently perform adaptive refinement and coarsening by exploiting truncated hierarchical B-splines (THB-splines) defined on suitably graded isogeometric meshes, that are called admissible mesh configurations. We apply the proposed algorithms to two-dimensional linear heat transfer problems with localized moving heat source, as simplified models for additive manufacturing applications. We first verify the accuracy of the admissible adaptive scheme with respect to an overkilled solution, for then comparing our results with similar schemes which consider different refinement and coarsening algorithms, with or without taking into account grading parameters. This study shows that the THB-spline admissible solution delivers an optimal discretization for what concerns not only the accuracy of the approximation, but also the (reduced) number of degrees of freedom per time step. In the last example we investigate the capability of the algorithms to approximate the thermal history of the problem for a more complicated source path. The comparison with uniform and non-admissible hierarchical meshes demonstrates that also in this case our adaptive scheme returns the desired accuracy while strongly improving the computational efficiency.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Animating Human Muscle Structure

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    Graphical simulations of human muscle motion and deformation are of great interest to medical education. In this article, the authors present a technique for simulating muscle deformations by combining physically and geometrically based computations to reduce computation cost and produce fast, accurate simulations