147 research outputs found

    Evaluation and verification of epitaxial process sequence for silicon solar cell production

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    The applicability of solar cell and module processing sequences, to be used on lower cost epitaxial silicon wafers was evaluated. The extent to which the process sequences perform effectively when applied to film solar cells formed by epitaxial deposition of Si on potentially inexpensive substrates of upgraded metallurgical grade Si is examined. It is concluded that these substrates are satisfactory in their cell performance

    Demonstration of the feasibility of automated silicon solar cell fabrication

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    A study effort was undertaken to determine the process, steps and design requirements of an automated silicon solar cell production facility. Identification of the key process steps was made and a laboratory model was conceptually designed to demonstrate the feasibility of automating the silicon solar cell fabrication process. A detailed laboratory model was designed to demonstrate those functions most critical to the question of solar cell fabrication process automating feasibility. The study and conceptual design have established the technical feasibility of automating the solar cell manufacturing process to produce low cost solar cells with improved performance. Estimates predict an automated process throughput of 21,973 kilograms of silicon a year on a three shift 49-week basis, producing 4,747,000 hexagonal cells (38mm/side), a total of 3,373 kilowatts at an estimated manufacturing cost of 0.866percellor0.866 per cell or 1.22 per watt

    Advances in the Surface Passivation of Silicon Solar Cells

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    AbstractThe surface passivation properties of aluminium oxide (Al2O3) on crystalline Si are compared with the traditional passivation system of silicon nitride (SiNx). It is shown that Al2O3 has fundamental advantages over SiNx when applied to the rear of p-type silicon solar cells as well as to the p+ emitter of n-type silicon solar cells. Special emphasis is paid to the transfer of Al2O3 into industrial solar cell production. We compare different Al2O3 deposition techniques suitable for mass production such as ultrafast spatial atomic layer deposition, inline plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition and reactive sputtering. Finally, we review the most recent cell results with Al2O3 passivation and give a brief outlook on the future prospects of Al2O3 in silicon solar cell production

    Silicon solar cell production line and key performance indicators: A case of study at front size serigraphy stage

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    Photovoltaic industry has devices power improvement as a main target. This implies that technological advances are continuously implemented in production lines and their power improvements have to be monitored with the suitable key performance indicators. In this work, front size serigraphy design has been selected as process improvement and laminated unit power and cell to module ratio has been defined as the main key performance indicator. Real size silicon PV cells with three different front finger morphologies have been produced in industrial production lines by the use of two front size serigraphy designs. The modification of the finger dimensions (wide/height) from (183.0 μm/31.6 μm) to (184.0 μm/37.6 μm) and (140.0 μm/40.8 μm) leads to a redistribution of the majority produced cell power range from [4.10–4.15) W to [4.10–4.15) W and [4.20–4.25) W respectively. Concerning the cell production, it has successfully been monitored by the laminated unit power indicator along a month when shows an increment from 3.95 W to 4.20 W. Concerning module level, cell to module ratio per process cell range is selected as suitable indicator and monitoring during a year. In the specific case of [4.30–4.35) W cell range, cell to module ratio decrease from 7.7 % to 6.5 %The authors are thankful to Erasmus+ Programme, SafeEngine project, contract no 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080085, Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through project PID2020-117832RB-100, UMA 18-FEDERJA-041 for their support and to Isofoton and J. Alcaide and J. Rando from 4TENERGY S.COOP:AND, for their collaboration. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Silicon solar cell–integrated stress and temperature sensors for photovoltaic modules

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    We propose silicon solar cell–integrated stress and temperature sensors as a new approach for the stress and temperature measurement in photovoltaic (PV) modules. The solar cell–integrated sensors enable a direct and continuous in situ measurement of mechanical stress and temperature of solar cells within PV modules. In this work, we present a proof of concept for stress and temperature sensors on a silicon solar cell wafer. Both sensors were tested in a conventional PV module setup. For the stress sensor, a sensitivity of (−47.41 ± 0.14)%/GPa has been reached, and for the temperature sensor, a sensitivity of (3.557 ± 0.008) × 103^{-3} K1^{-1} has been reached. These sensors can already be used in research for increased measurement accuracy of the temperature and the mechanical stress in PV modules because of the implementation at the precise location of the solar cells within a laminate stack, for process evaluation, in‐situ measurements in reliability tests, and the correlation with real exposure to climates

    Excellent Silicon Surface Passivation Achieved by Industrial Inductively Coupled Plasma Deposited Hydrogenated Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon Suboxide

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    We present an alternative method of depositing a high-quality passivation film for heterojunction silicon wafer solar cells, in this paper. The deposition of hydrogenated intrinsic amorphous silicon suboxide is accomplished by decomposing hydrogen, silane, and carbon dioxide in an industrial remote inductively coupled plasma platform. Through the investigation on CO2 partial pressure and process temperature, excellent surface passivation quality and optical properties are achieved. It is found that the hydrogen content in the film is much higher than what is commonly reported in intrinsic amorphous silicon due to oxygen incorporation. The observed slow depletion of hydrogen with increasing temperature greatly enhances its process window as well. The effective lifetime of symmetrically passivated samples under the optimal condition exceeds 4.7 ms on planar n-type Czochralski silicon wafers with a resistivity of 1 Ωcm, which is equivalent to an effective surface recombination velocity of less than 1.7 cms−1 and an implied open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 741 mV. A comparison with several high quality passivation schemes for solar cells reveals that the developed inductively coupled plasma deposited films show excellent passivation quality. The excellent optical property and resistance to degradation make it an excellent substitute for industrial heterojunction silicon solar cell production

    Investigation of Thick-Film-Paste Rheology and Film Material for Pattern Transfer Printing (PTP) Technology

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    Steady cost pressure in silicon solar cell production leads to a continuous reduction of silver consumption per cell. Pattern Transfer Printing (PTP) technology enables to reduce silver consumption by depositing smaller front electrodes on solar cells. Here, we aim at a better understanding of the laser deposition process. The aspect ratio of printed lines improved with increasing paste yield stress but was lower than the theoretical aspect ratio for a given trench geometry, suggesting that line spreading was caused by the pressure that was due to the vaporization of volatile paste components and a yield stress reduction that was due to local paste heating. A low laser power threshold, mandatory to fabricate narrow electrodes with a high aspect ratio and low amount of debris, could be achieved using pastes with low boiling temperature of volatile components and poor wetting between paste and film. The material with the lowest light transmission exhibited the lowest laser power threshold. We attribute this to the weaker adhesion to the paste and a better alignment with the laser focal plane. Our results provide valuable guidelines for paste and film material design aimed at narrower electrodes, with a higher aspect ratio to be obtained at an even lower laser power threshold in PTP-based solar cell metallization

    Processes For Producing Low Cost, High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells

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    Processes which utilize rapid thermal processing (RTP) are provided for inexpensively producing high efficiency silicon solar cells. The RTP processes preserve minority carrier bulk lifetime τ and permit selective adjustment of the depth of the diffused regions, including emitter and back surface field (bsf), within the silicon substrate. Silicon solar cell efficiencies of 16.9% have been achieved. In a first RTP process, an RTP step is utilized to simultaneously diffuse phosphorus and aluminum into the front and back surfaces, respectively, of a silicon substrate. Moreover, an in situ controlled cooling procedure preserves the carrier bulk lifetime τ and permits selective adjustment of the depth of the diffused regions. In a second RTP process, both simultaneous diffusion of the phosphorus and aluminum as well as annealing of the front and back contacts are accomplished during the RTP step. In a third RTP process, the RTP step accomplishes simultaneous diffusion of the phosphorus and aluminum, annealing of the contacts, and annealing of a double-layer antireflection/passivation coating SiN/SiOx.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Integration of Antennas and Solar cells for Low Power Wireless Systems

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    This thesis reports on design methods for enhanced integration of low-profile antennas for short-range wireless communications with solar voltaic systems. The need to transform to more sustainable energy sources arises from the excessive production of harmful carbon emissions from fossil fuels. The Internet of Things and the proliferation of battery powered devices makes energy harvesting from the environment more desirable in order to reduce dependency on the power grid and running costs. While photovoltaic powering is opportune due to immense levels of available solar power, the separate area requirements for the antenna and the photovoltaic surfaces presents an opportunity to significantly minimize the unit volume and to enable portable deployment. The focus is on issues of integrating antennas and transmission lines above crystalline silicon solar cells, in particular, the relative orientations are complicated by a-symmetric lattice of the solar cell. A solution to minimise orientation sensitivity was provided and utilised to successfully isolate a microstrip transmission line from the solar lattice, thereby allowing four antenna configurations to be demonstrated. Further work on crystalline solar cells demonstrated their use alongside circularly polarised antennas for aerial vehicles. Wireless energy harvesting over a wide frequency range was demonstrated with an a-Si solar Vivaldi antenna. A dye-sensitised solar dipole antenna was developed for low power indoor applications. The approaches established the engineering capacity to reduce the device size and weight through integration of the radio and the solar cell technologies. In addition, the use of different solar cell technologies demonstrated the importance of selecting the cell type most suited to the intended application