816,681 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for stable silicon dioxide layers on silicon grown in silicon nitride ambient

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    A method and apparatus for thermally growing stable silicon dioxide layers on silicon is disclosed. A previously etched and baked silicon nitride tube placed in a furnace is used to grow the silicon dioxide. First, pure oxygen is allowed to flow through the tube to initially coat the inside surface of the tube with a thin layer of silicon dioxide. After the tube is coated with the thin layer of silicon dioxide, the silicon is oxidized thermally in a normal fashion. If the tube becomes contaminated, the silicon dioxide is etched off thereby exposing clean silicon nitride and then the inside of the tube is recoated with silicon dioxide. As is disclosed, the silicon nitride tube can also be used as the ambient for the pyrolytic decomposition of silane and ammonia to form thin layers of clean silicon nitride

    The sustainable global energy economy: Hydrogen or silicon?

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    A sustainable global silicon energy economy is proposed as a potential alternative to the hydrogen economy. This first visualisation of a silicon energy economy is based on largescale and carbon-neutral metallic silicon production from major smelters in North Africa and elsewhere, supplied by desert silica sand and electricity from extensive solar generating systems. The resulting “fuel silicon” is shipped around the world to emission-free silicon power stations for either immediate electricity generation or stockpiling. The high energy density of silicon and its stable storage make it an ideal material for maintaining national economic functioning through security of base load power supply from a renewable source. This contrasts with the present situation of fossil fuel usage with its associated global warming and geopolitical supply uncertainties. Critical technological requirements for the silicon economy are carbon-neutral silicon production and the development of efficient silicon-fired power stations capable of high-temperature rapid oxidation of fuel silicon. A call is made for the development of research effort into these specific engineering issues, and also with respect to large-scale economical solar power generation

    Molecular dynamics studies of the bonding properties of amorphous silicon nitride coatings on crystalline silicon

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    In this paper we present molecular dynamics simulations of silicon nitride, both in bulk and as an interface to crystalline silicon. We investigate, in particular, the bonding structure of the silicon nitride and analyze the simulations to search for de- fective geometries which have been identified as potential charge carrier traps when silicon nitride forms an interface with silicon semiconductors. The simulations reveal how the bonding patterns in silicon nitride are dependent upon the stoichiometry of the system. Furthermore we demonstrate how having an “interphase”, where the nitrogen content in silicon gradually reduces towards pure silicon across a boundary region, as opposed to an interface where there is an abrupt drop in nitrogen con- centration at the boundary, can result in significantly different numbers of certain important carrier tra

    Structures, enthalpies of formation, and ionization energies for the parent and binary mixed carbon, silicon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cubane derivatives: A G4MP2 theoretical study

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    Gas phase standard state (298.15 K, 1 atm) structures, enthalpies of formation, and ionization energies (IEs) were calculated at the G4MP2 composite method level of theory for the parent and binary mixed carbon, silicon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cubane derivatives. Increasing nitrogen content increases the enthalpies of formation for the carbon-nitrogen, nitrogen-phosphorus, and silicon-nitrogen binary cubanes, with the opposite enthalpies of formation trend for increasing phosphorus content within the carbon-phosphorus, nitrogen-phosphorus, and silicon-phosphorus derivatives. Varying carbon/silicon content in the carbon-silicon cubanes results in no general trends for enthalpies of formation. Isomerization enthalpies within the homolog groups having more than one isomer vary widely with atomic composition and substitution patterns. Increasing nitrogen content of the carbon-nitrogen and nitrogen-phosphorus derivatives increases the IE, increasing silicon content in the carbon-silicon cubanes and phosphorus content of the carbon-phosphorus cubanes decreases the IE, while no IE clear trends are evident based on relative atomic content for the silicon-nitrogen and silicon-phosphorus compounds. The binary mixed carbon, silicon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cubane derivatives are predicted to display potentially tunable thermodynamic stability and redox behavior depending on the atom identities and relative positions

    Shielding method for polycrystalline and epitaxy growths

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    Technique prevents silicon wafers from adhering to susceptor following silicon epitaxial deposition. Annular ring of refractory material goes around wafer during epitaxial deposit. Silicon is deposited on ring, susceptor, and portions of wafer. Ring breaks away from susceptor and wafer and no silicon undergrowth occurs

    Effect of silicic acid and other silicon compounds on fungal growth in oligotrophic and nutrient-rich media

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    Mycelium grew from a spore-mycelial inoculum of Aspergillus oryzae added to ultra-pure water (upw) containing silicon compounds, but did not grow in upw alone. Growth of other fungi also occurred in upw only when silicon compounds were added. Increased growth of A. oryzae, and other fungi, also followed the addition of silicic acid and other silicon compounds to Czapek Dox. Aspergillus oryzae solubilized silicon compounds in both upw and nutrient-rich media. Although interactions between microorganisms and silicon have been generally neglected, the results show that silicon compounds can increase fungal growth under both oligotrophic and nutrient-rich conditions

    Fluorescent Silicon Clusters and Nanoparticles

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    The fluorescence of silicon clusters is reviewed. Atomic clusters of silicon have been at the focus of research for several decades because of the relevance of size effects for material properties, the importance of silicon in electronics and the potential applications in bio-medicine. To date numerous examples of nanostructured forms of fluorescent silicon have been reported. This article introduces the principles and underlying concepts relevant for fluorescence of nanostructured silicon such as excitation, energy relaxation, radiative and non-radiative decay pathways and surface passivation. Experimental methods for the production of silicon clusters are presented. The geometric and electronic properties are reviewed and the implications for the ability to emit fluorescence are discussed. Free and pure silicon clusters produced in molecular beams appear to have properties that are unfavourable for light emission. However, when passivated or embedded in a suitable host, they may emit fluorescence. The current available data show that both quantum confinement and localised transitions, often at the surface, are responsible for fluorescence. By building silicon clusters atom by atom, and by embedding them in shells atom by atom, new insights into the microscopic origins of fluorescence from nanoscale silicon can be expected.Comment: 5 figures, chapter in "Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook", editor Klaus D. Sattler, CRC Press, August 201

    Growth of silicon carbide crystals on a seed while pulling silicon crystals from a melt

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    A saturated solution of silicon and an element such as carbon having a segregation coefficient less than unity is formed by placing a solid piece of carbon in a body of molten silicon having a temperature differential decreasing toward the surface. A silicon carbide seed crystal is disposed on a holder beneath the surface of the molten silicon. As a rod or ribbon of silicon is slowly pulled from the melt, a supersaturated solution of carbon in silicon is formed in the vicinity of the seed crystal. Excess carbon is emitted from the solution in the form of silicon carbide which crystallizes on the seed crystal held in the cool region of the melt