67 research outputs found

    Resource-Constrained Acquisition Circuits for Next Generation Neural Interfaces

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    The development of neural interfaces allowing the acquisition of signals from the cortex of the brain has seen an increasing amount of interest both in academic research as well as in the commercial space due to their ability to aid people with various medical conditions, such as spinal cord injuries, as well as their potential to allow more seamless interactions between people and machines. While it has already been demonstrated that neural implants can allow tetraplegic patients to control robotic arms, thus to an extent returning some motoric function, the current state of the art often involves the use of heavy table-top instruments connected by wires passing through the patient’s skull, thus making the applications impractical and chronically infeasible. Those limitations are leading to the development of the next generation of neural interfaces that will overcome those issues by being minimal in size and completely wireless, thus paving a way to the possibility of their chronic application. Their development however faces several challenges in numerous aspects of engineering due to constraints presented by their minimal size, amount of power available as well as the materials that can be utilised. The aim of this work is to explore some of those challenges and investigate novel circuit techniques that would allow the implementation of acquisition analogue front-ends under the presented constraints. This is facilitated by first giving an overview of the problematic of recording electrodes and their electrical characterisation in terms of their impedance profile and added noise that can be used to guide the design of analogue front-ends. Continuous time (CT) acquisition is then investigated as a promising signal digitisation technique alternative to more conventional methods in terms of its suitability. This is complemented by a description of practical implementations of a CT analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) including a novel technique of clockless stochastic chopping aimed at the suppression of flicker noise that commonly affects the acquisition of low-frequency signals. A compact design is presented, implementing a 450 nW, 5.5 bit ENOB CT ADC, occupying an area of 0.0288 mm2 in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology, making this the smallest presented design in literature to the best of our knowledge. As completely wireless neural implants rely on power delivered through wireless links, their supply voltage is often subject to large high frequency variations as well voltage uncertainty making it necessary to design reference circuits and voltage regulators providing stable reference voltage and supply in the constrained space afforded to them. This results in numerous challenges that are explored and a design of a practical implementation of a reference circuit and voltage regulator is presented. Two designs in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology are presented, showing respectively a measured PSRR of ≈60 dB and ≈53 dB at DC and a worst-case PSRR of ≈42 dB and ≈33 dB with a less than 1% standard deviation in the output reference voltage of 1.2 V while consuming a power of ≈7 μW. Finally, ΣΔ modulators are investigated for their suitability in neural signal acquisition chains, their properties explained and a practical implementation of a ΣΔ DC-coupled neural acquisition circuit presented. This implements a 10-kHz, 40 dB SNDR ΣΔ analogue front-end implemented in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology occupying a compact area of 0.044 μm2 per channel while consuming 31.1 μW per channel.Open Acces

    Power efficient, event driven data acquisition and processing using asynchronous techniques

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    PhD ThesisData acquisition systems used in remote environmental monitoring equipment and biological sensor nodes rely on limited energy supply soured from either energy harvesters or battery to perform their functions. Among the building blocks of these systems are power hungry Analogue to Digital Converters and Digital Signal Processors which acquire and process samples at predetermined rates regardless of the monitored signal’s behavior. In this work we investigate power efficient event driven data acquisition and processing techniques by implementing an asynchronous ADC and an event driven power gated Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. We present an event driven single slope ADC capable of generating asynchronous digital samples based on the input signal’s rate of change. It utilizes a rate of change detection circuit known as the slope detector to determine at what point the input signal is to be sampled. After a sample has been obtained it’s absolute voltage value is time encoded and passed on to a Time to Digital Converter (TDC) as part of a pulse stream. The resulting digital samples generated by the TDC are produced at a rate that exhibits the same rate of change profile as that of the input signal. The ADC is realized in 0.35mm CMOS process, covers a silicon area of 340mm by 218mm and consumes power based on the input signal’s frequency. The samples from the ADC are asynchronous in nature and exhibit random time periods between adjacent samples. In order to process such asynchronous samples we present a FIR filter that is able to successfully operate on the samples and produce the desired result. The filter also poses the ability to turn itself off in-between samples that have longer sample periods in effect saving power in the process

    Design of event-driven automatic gain control and high-speed data path for multichannel optical receiver arrays

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    The internet has become the ubiquitous tool that has transformed the lives of all of us. New broadband applications in the field of entertainment, commerce, industry, healthcare and social interactions demand increasingly higher data rates and quality of the networks and ICT infrastructure. In addition, high definition video streaming and cloud services will continue to push the demand for bandwidth. These applications are reshaping the internet into a content-centric network. The challenge is to transform the telecom optical networks and data centers such that they can be scaled efficiently, at low cost. Furthermore, from both an environmental and economic perspective, this scaling should go hand in hand with reduced power consumption. This stems from the desire to reduce CO2 emission and to reduce network operating costs while offering the same service level as today. In the current architecture of the internet, end-users connect to the public network using the access network of an internet service provider (ISP). Today, this access network either reuses the legacy copper or coaxial network or uses passive optical network (PON) technologies, among which the PON is the most energy efficient and provides the highest data rates. Traffic from the access network is aggregated with Ethernet switches and routed to the core network through the provider edge routers, with broadband network gateways (BNGs) to regulate access and usage. These regional links are collectively called the metro network. Data centers connect to the core network using their own dedicated gateway router. The problem of increasing data rates, while reducing the economic and environmental impact, has attracted considerable attention. The research described in this work has been performed in the context of two projects part of the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), which both aim for higher data rates and tight integration while keeping power consumption low. Mirage targets data center applications while C3PO focuses on medium-reach networks, such as the metro network. Specifically, this research considers two aspects of the high-speed optical receivers used in the communication networks: increasing dynamic range of a linear receiver for multilevel modulation through automatic gain control (AGC) and integration of multiple channels on a single chip with a small area footprint. The data centers of today are high-density computing facilities that provide storage, processing and software as a service to the end-user. They are comprised of gateway routers, a local area network, servers and storage. All of this is organized in racks. The largest units contain over 100 000 servers. The major challenges regarding data centers are scalability and keeping up with increasing amounts of traffic while reducing power consumption (of the devices as well as the associated cooling) and keeping cost minimal. Presently, racks are primarily interconnected with active optical cables (AOCs) which employ signal rates up to 25 Gb/s per lane with non-return-to-zero (NRZ) modulation. A number of technological developments can be employed in AOCs of the future to provide terabit-capacity optical interconnects over longer distances. One such innovation is the use of multilevel modulation formats, which are more bandwidth-efficient than traditional NRZ modulation. Multilevel modulation requires a linear amplifier as front-end of the optical receiver. The greater part of this dissertation discusses the design and implementation of an AGC system for the data path of a linear transimpedance amplifier (TIA). The metro network is the intermediate regional network between the access and core network of the internet architecture, with link lengths up to 500 km. It is estimated that in the near future metro-traffic will increase massively. This growth is attributed mainly to increasing traffic from content delivery networks (CDNs) and data centers, which bypass the core network and directly connect to the metro network. Internet video growth is the major reason for traffic increase. This evolution demands increasingly higher data rates. Today, dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is widely recognized as being necessary to provide data capacity scalability for future optical networks, as it allows for much higher combined data rates over a single fiber. At the receiver, each wavelength of the demultiplexed incoming light is coupled to a photo diode in a photo diode array which is connected to a dedicated lane of a multichannel receiver. The high number of channels requires small physical channel spacing and tight integration of the diode array with the receiver. In addition, active cooling should be avoided, such that power consumption per receiver lane must be kept low in order not to exceed thermal operation limits. The second component of this work presents the development of an integrated four-channel receiver, targeting 4 × 25 Gb/s data rate, with low power consumption and small footprint to support tight integration with a p-i-n photo diode array with a 250 μm channel pitch. Chapter 1 discusses the impact of increasing data rates and the desire to reduce power consumption on the design of the optical receiver component, in wide metropolitan area networks as well as in short-reach point-to-point links in data centers. In addition, some aspects of integrated analog circuit design are highlighted: the design flow, transistor hand models, a software design tool. Also, an overview of the process technology is given. Chapter 2 provides essential optical receiver concepts, which are required to understand the remainder of the work. Fundamentals of feedback AGC systems are discussed in the first part of Chapter 3. A basic system model is presented in the continuous-time domain, in which the variable gain amplifier (VGA) constitutes the multistage datapath of a linear optical receiver. To enable reliable reception of multilevel modulation formats, the VGA requires controlled frequency response and in particular limited time-domain overshoot across the gain range. It is argued that this control is hard to achieve with fully analog building blocks. Therefore, an event-driven approach is proposed as an extension of the continuous-time system. Both the structural and behavioral aspects are discussed. The result is a system model of a quantized AGC loop, upon which the system-level design, presented in Chapter 4, is based. In turn, Chapter 5 discusses the detailed implementation of the various building blocks on the circuit level and presents experimental results that confirm the feasibility of the proposed approach. Chapter 6 discusses the design and implementation of a 4 × 25 Gb/s optical receiver array for NRZ modulation with a small area footprint. The focus lies on the input stages and techniques to extend bandwidth and dynamic range are presented. Measurement results for NRZ and optical duobinary (ODB) modulation are presented, as well as the influence of crosstalk on the performance. Finally, Chapter 7 provides an overview of the foremost conclusions of the presented research and includes suggestions for future research. Two appendices are included. Appendix A gives an overview of the general network theorem (GNT), which is used throughout this work and which has been implemented numerically. The results from Appendix B, the analysis of a two-stage opamp compensated with capacitance multipliers, were used to design a building block for the AGC system

    Time-based, Low-power, Low-offset 5-bit 1 GS/s Flash ADC Design in 65nm CMOS Technology

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    Low-power, medium resolution, high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have always been important block which have abundant applications such as digital signal processors (DSP), imaging sensors, environmental and biomedical monitoring devices. This study presents a low power Flash ADC designed in nanometer complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) technology. Time analysis on the output delay of the comparators helps to generate one more bit. The proposed technique reduced the power consumption and chip area substantially in comparison to the previous state-of-the-art work. The proposed ADC was developed in TSMC 65nm CMOS technology. The offset cancellation technique was embedded in the proposed comparator to decrement the static offset of the comparator. Moreover, one more bit was generated without using extra comparators. The proposed ADC achieved 4.1 bits ENOB at input Nyquist frequency. The simulated differential and integral non-linearity static tests were equal to +0.26/-0.17 and +0.22/-0.15, respectively. The ADC consumed 7.7 mW at 1 GHz sampling frequency, achieving 415 fJ/Convstep Figure of Merit (FoM)

    Parallel-sampling ADC architecture for power-efficient broadband multi-carrier systems

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