63 research outputs found

    Fault Detection and Fail-Safe Operation with a Multiple-Redundancy Air-Data System

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83640/1/AIAA-2010-7855-622.pd

    Actuators for Intelligent Electric Vehicles

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    This book details the advanced actuators for IEVs and the control algorithm design. In the actuator design, the configuration four-wheel independent drive/steering electric vehicles is reviewed. An in-wheel two-speed AMT with selectable one-way clutch is designed for IEV. Considering uncertainties, the optimization design for the planetary gear train of IEV is conducted. An electric power steering system is designed for IEV. In addition, advanced control algorithms are proposed in favour of active safety improvement. A supervision mechanism is applied to the segment drift control of autonomous driving. Double super-resolution network is used to design the intelligent driving algorithm. Torque distribution control technology and four-wheel steering technology are utilized for path tracking and adaptive cruise control. To advance the control accuracy, advanced estimation algorithms are studied in this book. The tyre-road peak friction coefficient under full slip rate range is identified based on the normalized tyre model. The pressure of the electro-hydraulic brake system is estimated based on signal fusion. Besides, a multi-semantic driver behaviour recognition model of autonomous vehicles is designed using confidence fusion mechanism. Moreover, a mono-vision based lateral localization system of low-cost autonomous vehicles is proposed with deep learning curb detection. To sum up, the discussed advanced actuators, control and estimation algorithms are beneficial to the active safety improvement of IEVs

    State Estimation and Control of Active Systems for High Performance Vehicles

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    In recent days, mechatronic systems are getting integrated in vehicles ever more. While stability and safety systems such as ABS, ESP have pioneered the introduction of such systems in the modern day car, the lowered cost and increased computational power of electronics along with electrification of the various components has fuelled an increase in this trend. The availability of chassis control systems onboard vehicles has been widely studied and exploited for augmenting vehicle stability. At the same time, for the context of high performance and luxury vehicles, chassis control systems offer a vast and untapped potential to improve vehicle handling and the driveability experience. As performance objectives have not been studied very well in the literature, this thesis deals with the problem of control system design for various active chassis control systems with performance as the main objective. A precursor to the control system design is having complete knowledge of the vehicle states, including those such as the vehicle sideslip angle and the vehicle mass, that cannot be measured directly. The first half of the thesis is dedicated to the development of algorithms for the estimation of these variables in a robust manner. While several estimation methods do exist in the literature, there is still some scope of research in terms of the development of estimation algorithms that have been validated on a test track with extensive experimental testing without using research grade sensors. The advantage of the presented algorithms is that they work only with CAN-BUS data coming from the standard vehicle ESP sensor cluster. The algorithms are tested rigorously under all possible conditions to guarantee robustness. The second half of the thesis deals with the design of the control objectives and controllers for the control of an active rear wheel steering system for a high performance supercar and a torque vectoring algorithm for an electric racing vehicle. With the use of an active rear wheel steering, the driver’s confidence in the vehicle improves due a reduction in the lag between the lateral acceleration and the yaw rate, which allows drivers to push the vehicle harder on a racetrack without losing confidence in it. The torque vectoring algorithm controls the motor torques to improve the tire utilisation and increases the net lateral force, which allows professional drivers to set faster lap times

    Low-Cost Wearable Head-Up Display for Flight General Aviation

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    A low-cost wearable Commercial-off-The-Shelf (COTS) Augmented Reality (AR) Head-Up Display (HUD) system is designed, successfully reduced to practice, and flight tested. The system is developed based on the need for a technology that improves loss-of-control (LOC) safety in the General Aviation (GA) sector. The accuracy of the flight-path based system is determined to be within a degree of the truth source. The repeatability of the data from the COTS system is excellent. A complementary filter is proposed for air data flow angles and successfully flight tested for straight and level flight, dynamic maneuvering, and atmospheric turbulence, provided that a reasonably accurate lift curve is determined. A novel accelerometer method is proposed for estimating the relative pitch attitude estimation of the pilot’s head. The method is evaluated on the ground and in flight, and is shown to be superior to other commercially available solutions. The HUD system is shown, through various test points, to make flying more intuitive and efficient, thereby affecting the GA LOC. In all the performed tasks, experienced and inexperienced pilots are used to fly the aircraft and evaluate the technology

    State observers based on detailed multibody models applied to an automobile

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxeñaría Industrial. 506V06Resumen [Resumo] Un sistema multicorpo é un conxunto de corpos ríxidos ou flexibles que están unidos a través de pares cinemáticos. A dinámica de sistemas multicorpo é unha disciplina na que se estudan métodos computacionais eficientes para resolver as ecuacións da dinámica destes sistemas. Se o cálculo da dinámica se executa máis rápido que o movemento do mecanismo, a simulación resultante pode ser sincronizada con elementos externos reais, abrindo un abanico de novas posibilidades, como o seu emprego en simuladores, ou en observadores de estados. Un observador de estados é unha ferramenta matemática na que se combina o modelo dinámico dun sistema con información procedente de sensores para obter máis elou mellor información sobre o sistema. Empréganse cando se quere coñecer unha magnitude que non se pode medir directamente por razóns económicas ou técnicas. Nesta tese, desenvólvense observadores de estados baseados en modelos multicorpo. Próbanse primeiro en simulación con modelos simples de mecanismos planos, estudando a precisión alcanzada e o custo computacional. Finalmente, o método que ten unha mellor relación entre a precisión e custo computacional aplícase ao caso dun vehículo automóbil.[Resumen] Un sistema multicuerpo es un conjunto de sólidos rígidos o flexibles que están unidos por medio de pares cinemáticos. La dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo es una disciplina en la que se estudian métodos computacionales eficientes para resolver las ecuaciones de la dinámica de estos sistemas. Si el cálculo de la dinámica se ejecuta más rápido que el movimiento del mecanismo, la simulación resultante se puede sincronizar con elementos externos reales, abriendo un abanico de nuevas posibilidades, como su empleo en simuladores, o en observadores de estados. Un observador de estados es una herramienta matemática en la que se combina el modelo dinámico de un sistema con información procedente de sensores para obtener más y/o mejor información acerca del sistema. Se emplean cuando se desea conocer una magnitud que no puede ser medida directamente por motivos económicos o técnicos. En esta tesis, se desarrollan y prueban observadores de estados basados en modelos multicuerpo. Se prueban primero mediante simulación con modelos sencillos de mecanismos planos, estudiando la precisión que alcanzan y su coste computacional. Finalmente, el método que presenta una mejor relación entre precisión y coste computacional se implementa para el caso de un vehículo automóvil.[Abstract] A multibody system is a set of rigid or flexible bodies that are linked via joints. Mulltibody dynamics is a discipline in which efficient computational methods are studied to solve the equations of the dynamics of these systems. If the calculation of dynamics runs faster than the motion of the mechanism, the resulting simulation can be synchronized with real external elements, opening a range of new possibilities, such as its use in simulators, or in state observers. A state observer is a mathematical tool in whieh the dynamic model of a system is combined with information from sensors to obtain more and/or bettcr information about the system. Thcy are used when the desired magnitude cannot be directly measured due to economical or tcchnical reasons. In this thesis, multibody-based state observers are developed and tested. They are tested first in simulation with simple models of flat mechanisms, studying their achieved accuracy and computational costo Finally, the method which has a better relationship between accuracy and computational cost is implemented for an automobile

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 292)

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    This bibliography lists 675 reports, articles, and other documents recently introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system database. Subject coverage includes the following: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 233)

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    This bibliography lists 637 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November, 1988. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics