891 research outputs found

    A hyprid technique for human footprint recognition

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    Biometrics has concerned a great care recently due to its important in the life that starts from civil applications to security and recently terrorism. A Footprint recognition is one of the personal identifications based on biometric measurements.  The aim of this research is to design a proper and reliable biometric system for human footprint recognition named (FRBS) that stands for Footprint Recognition Biometric System. In addition, to construct a human footprint database which it is very helpful for various use in scientific application e.g. for authentication. There exist many biometrics databases for other identity but very rare for footprint. As well as the existing one are very limited. This paper presents a robust hyprid techniques which merges between Image Processing with Artificial Intelligent technique via Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to recognize human footprint.  (ACO) plays the essential role that rise the performance and the quality of the results in the biometric system via feature selection. The set of the selected features was treated as exploratory information, and selects the optimum feature set in standings of feature set size. Life RGB footprint images from nine persons with ten images per person constructed from life visual dataset. At first, the visual dataset was pre-processed operations. Each resultant image detects footprint that is cropped to portions represented by three blocks. The first block is for fingers, the second block refers to the center of the foot and the last one determines the heel. Then features were extracted from each image and stored in Excel file to be entered to Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. The experimental outcomes of the system show that the proposed algorithm evaluates optimal results with smaller feature set comparing with other algorithms. Experimental outcomes show that our algorithm obtains an efficient and accurate result about 100% accuracy in comparison with other researches on the same field

    Leveraging OpenStack and Ceph for a Controlled-Access Data Cloud

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    While traditional HPC has and continues to satisfy most workflows, a new generation of researchers has emerged looking for sophisticated, scalable, on-demand, and self-service control of compute infrastructure in a cloud-like environment. Many also seek safe harbors to operate on or store sensitive and/or controlled-access data in a high capacity environment. To cater to these modern users, the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute designed and deployed Stratus, a locally-hosted cloud environment powered by the OpenStack platform, and backed by Ceph storage. The subscription-based service complements existing HPC systems by satisfying the following unmet needs of our users: a) on-demand availability of compute resources, b) long-running jobs (i.e., >30> 30 days), c) container-based computing with Docker, and d) adequate security controls to comply with controlled-access data requirements. This document provides an in-depth look at the design of Stratus with respect to security and compliance with the NIH's controlled-access data policy. Emphasis is placed on lessons learned while integrating OpenStack and Ceph features into a so-called "walled garden", and how those technologies influenced the security design. Many features of Stratus, including tiered secure storage with the introduction of a controlled-access data "cache", fault-tolerant live-migrations, and fully integrated two-factor authentication, depend on recent OpenStack and Ceph features.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, PEARC '18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22--26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, US

    Lightweight Cryptography for Passive RFID Tags

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    Green, Cost-effective, Flexible, Small Cell Networks

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    Special Issue on "Multimedia Over Femto Cells"N/

    An Analysis of Storage Virtualization

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    Investigating technologies and writing expansive documentation on their capabilities is like hitting a moving target. Technology is evolving, growing, and expanding what it can do each and every day. This makes it very difficult when trying to snap a line and investigate competing technologies. Storage virtualization is one of those moving targets. Large corporations develop software and hardware solutions that try to one up the competition by releasing firmware and patch updates to include their latest developments. Some of their latest innovations include differing RAID levels, virtualized storage, data compression, data deduplication, file deduplication, thin provisioning, new file system types, tiered storage, solid state disk, and software updates to coincide these technologies with their applicable hardware. Even data center environmental considerations like reusable energies, data center environmental characteristics, and geographic locations are being used by companies both small and large to reduce operating costs and limit environmental impacts. Companies are even moving to an entire cloud based setup to limit their environmental impact as it could be cost prohibited to maintain your own corporate infrastructure. The trifecta of integrating smart storage architectures to include storage virtualization technologies, reducing footprint to promote energy savings, and migrating to cloud based services will ensure a long-term sustainable storage subsystem

    TWallet ARM TrustZone Enabled Trustable Mobile Wallet: A Case for Cryptocurrency Wallets

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    With the increasing popularity of Blockchains supporting virtual cryptocurrencies it has become more important to have secure devices supporting operations in trustable cryp- tocurrency wallets. These wallets, currently implemented as mobile Apps or components of mobile Apps must be protected from possible intrusion attacks. ARM TrustZone technology has made available an extension of the ARM processor ar- chitecture, allowing for the isolation of trusted and non-trusted execution environments. Critical components and their runtime support can be "booted" and loaded to run in the isolated execution environment, backed by the ARM processor. The ARM TrustZone solution provides the possible enforcement of security and privacy conditions for applica- tions, ensuring the containment of sensitive software components and data-management facilities, isolating them from OS-level intrusion attacks. The idea is that sensitive compo- nents and managed data are executed with a trust computing base supported at hardware and firmware levels, not affected by intrusions against non-protected OS-level runtime components. In this dissertation we propose TWallet: a solution designed as a generic model to sup- port secure and trustable Mobile Client Wallets (implemented as mobile Apps), backed by the ARM TrustZone technology. The objective is to manage local sensitive stored data and processing components in a trust execution environment isolated from the Android OS. We believe that the proposed TWallet framework model can also inspire other specific solutions that can benefit from the isolation of sensitive components in mobile Android Apps. As a proof-of-concept, we used the TWallet framework model to implement a trusted wallet application used as an Ethereum wallet, to operate with the Ethereum Blockchain. To achieve our goals, we also conducted different experimental observations to analyze and validate the solution, with the implemented wallet integrated, tested and validated with the Rinkeby Ethereum Test Network.Com o aumento da popularidade de Blockchains e utilização de sistemas de criptomoedas, tornou-se cada vez mais importante a utilização de dispositivos seguros para suportar aplicações de carteiras móveis (vulgarmente conhecidas por mobile wallets ou mobile cryptowallets). Estas aplicações permitem aos utilizadores uma gestão local, cómoda, confiável e segura de dados e operações integradas com sistemas de Blockchains. Estas carteiras digitais, como aplicações móveis completas ou como componentes de outras aplicações, têm sido desenvolvidas de forma generalizada para diferentes sistemas operativos convencionais, nomeadamente para o sistema operativo Android e para diferentes sistemas de criptomoedas. As wallets devem permitir processar e armazenar informação sensível associada ao controlo das operações realizadas, incluindo gestão e consulta de saldos de criptomoedas, realização e consultas de históricos de movimentos de transações ou consolidação do estado destas operações integradas com as Blockchains remotas. Devem também garantir o controlo seguro e confiável do processamento criptográfico envolvido, bem como a segurança das respetivas chaves criptográficas utilizadas. A Tecnologia ARM TrustZone disponibiliza um conjunto de extensões para as arquiteturas de processadores ARM, possibilitando o isolamento e execução de código num ambiente de execução suportado ao nível do hardware do próprio processador ARM. Isto possibilita que componentes críticos de aplicações ou de sistemas operativos suportados em processadores ARM, possam executar em ambientes isolados com minimização propiciada pelo isolamento da sua Base de Computação Confiável (ou Trusted Computing Base). A execução em ambiente seguro suportado pela solução TrustZone pode oferecer assim um reforço adicional de propriedades de confiabilidade, segurança e privacidade. Isto possibilita isolar componentes e dados críticos de possíveis ataques ou intrusões ao nível do processamento e gestão de memória ou armazenamento suportados pelo sistema operativo ou bibliotecas middleware, como é usual no caso de aplicações móveis, executando em ambiente Android OS ou noutros sistemas operativos de dispositivos móveis. Nesta dissertação propomos a solução TWallet, uma aproximação genérica para suporte de wallets utilizadas como aplicações móveis confiáveis em ambiente Android OS e fortalecidas pela utilização da tecnologia ARM TrustZone. O objetivo é possibilitar o isolamento de dados e componentes sensíveis deste tipo de aplicações, tornando-as mais seguras e confiáveis. Acreditamos que o modelo de desenho e implementação da solução TWallet, visto como uma framework de referência, poderá também ser utilizada no desenvolvimento de outras aplicações móveis em que o isolamento e segurança de componentes e dados críticos são requisitos semelhantes aos endereçados. Este pode ser o caso de aplicações de pagamento móvel, aplicações bancárias na área de mobile banking ou aplicações de bilhética na área vulgarmente chamada como mobile e-ticketing, entre outras. Como prova de conceito, utilizámos a TWallet framework para implementar um protótipo de uma wallet confiável, suportável em Android OS, para gestão de operações e criptomoedas na Blockchain Ethereum. A implementação foi integrada, testada e validada na rede Rinkeby Test Network - uma rede de desenvolvimento e testes utilizada como primeiro estágio de validação de aplicações e componentes para a rede Ethereum em operação real. Para validação da solução TWallet foi realizada uma avaliação experimen- tal. Esta avaliação envolveu a observação de indicadores de operação com verificação e comparação de diferentes métricas de operação e desempenho, bem como de alocação de recursos da aplicação protegida no modelo TWallet, comparando esses mesmo indicadores com o caso da mesma aplicação sem essa proteção