9 research outputs found

    Can Core Flows inferred from Geomagnetic Field Models explain the Earth's Dynamo?

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    We test the ability of large scale velocity fields inferred from geomagnetic secular variation data to produce the global magnetic field of the Earth.Our kinematic dynamo calculations use quasi-geostrophic (QG) flows inverted from geomagnetic field models which, as such, incorporate flow structures that are Earth-like and may be important for the geodynamo.Furthermore, the QG hypothesis allows straightforward prolongation of the flow from the core surface to the bulk.As expected from previous studies, we check that a simple quasi-geostrophic flow is not able to sustain the magnetic field against ohmic decay.Additional complexity is then introduced in the flow, inspired by the action of the Lorentz force.Indeed, on centenial time-scales, the Lorentz force can balance the Coriolis force and strict quasi-geostrophy may not be the best ansatz.When the columnar flow is modified to account for the action of the Lorentz force, magnetic field is generated for Elsasser numbers larger than 0.25 and magnetic Reynolds numbers larger than 100.This suggests that our large scale flow captures the relevant features for the generation of the Earth's magnetic field and that the invisible small scale flow may not be directly involved in this process.Near the threshold, the resulting magnetic field is dominated by an axial dipole, with some reversed flux patches.Time-dependence is also considered, derived from principal component analysis applied to the inverted flows.We find that time periods from 120 to 50 years do not affect the mean growth rate of the kinematic dynamos.Finally we notice the footprint of the inner-core in the magnetic field generated deep in the bulk of the shell, although we did not include one in our computations

    Generation of large-scale magnetic fields due to fluctuating α\alpha in shearing systems

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    We explore the growth of large-scale magnetic fields in a shear flow, due to helicity fluctuations with a finite correlation time, through a study of the Kraichnan-Moffatt model of zero-mean stochastic fluctuations of the α\alpha parameter of dynamo theory. We derive a linear integro-differential equation for the evolution of large-scale magnetic field, using the first-order smoothing approximation and the Galilean invariance of the α\alpha-statistics. This enables construction of a model that is non-perturbative in the shearing rate SS and the α\alpha-correlation time τα\tau_\alpha. After a brief review of the salient features of the exactly solvable white-noise limit, we consider the case of small but non-zero τα\tau_\alpha. When the large-scale magnetic field varies slowly, the evolution is governed by a partial differential equation. We present modal solutions and conditions for the exponential growth rate of the large-scale magnetic field, whose drivers are the Kraichnan diffusivity, Moffatt drift, Shear and a non-zero correlation time. Of particular interest is dynamo action when the α\alpha-fluctuations are weak; i.e. when the Kraichnan diffusivity is positive. We show that in the absence of Moffatt drift, shear does not give rise to growing solutions. But shear and Moffatt drift acting together can drive large scale dynamo action with growth rate γS\gamma \propto |S|.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in Journal of Plasma Physic

    High-speed shear driven dynamos. Part 2. Numerical analysis

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    This paper aims to numerically verify the large Reynolds number asymptotic theory of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) flows proposed in the companion paper Deguchi (2019). To avoid any complexity associated with the chaotic nature of turbulence and flow geometry, nonlinear steady solutions of the viscous-resistive magneto-hydrodynamic equations in plane Couette flow have been utilised. Two classes of nonlinear MHD states, which convert kinematic energy to magnetic energy effectively, have been determined. The first class of nonlinear states can be obtained when a small spanwise uniform magnetic field is applied to the known hydrodynamic solution branch of the plane Couette flow. The nonlinear states are characterised by the hydrodynamic/magnetic roll-streak and the resonant layer at which strong vorticity and current sheets are observed. These flow features, and the induced strong streamwise magnetic field, are fully consistent with the vortex/Alfv\'en wave interaction theory proposed in Deguchi (2019). When the spanwise uniform magnetic field is switched off, the solutions become purely hydrodynamic. However, the second class of `self-sustained shear driven dynamos' at the zero-external magnetic field limit can be found by homotopy via the forced states subject to a spanwise uniform current field. The discovery of the dynamo states has motivated the corresponding large Reynolds number matched asymptotic analysis in Deguchi (2019). Here, the reduced equations derived by the asymptotic theory have been solved numerically. The asymptotic solution provides remarkably good predictions for the finite Reynolds number dynamo solutions

    Convection-driven kinematic dynamos with a self-consistent shear flow

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordIt is widely accepted that astrophysical magnetic fields are generated by dynamo action. In many cases, these fields exhibit organisation on a scale larger than that of the underlying turbulent flow (e.g. the 11-year solar cycle). The mechanism for the generation of so-called large-scale fields remains an open problem. In cases where the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm) is small, dynamo-generated fields are coherent but at (the astrophysically relevant) high Rm, the fields are overwhelmed by small-scale fluctuating field. Recently Tobias and Cattaneo have shown that an imposed large-scale shear flow can suppress the small-scale fluctuations and allow the large-scale temporal behaviour to emerge. Shear is also believed to modify the electromotive force by introducing correlations between the flow and the field. However, in previous models at high Rm the shear is often artificially imposed or driven by an arbitrary body force. Here we consider a simple kinematic model of a convective dynamo in which shear is self-consistently driven by the presence of a horizontal temperature gradient (resulting in a thermal wind) and a rotation vector that is oblique to gravity. By considering a 2.5-dimensional system, we are able to reach high Rm so that the dynamo approaches the asymptotic regime where the growth rate becomes approximately independent of Rm. We find the flows studied here to be excellent small-scale dynamos, but with very little systematic behaviour evident at large Rm. We attribute this to being unable to self-consistently generate flows with both large (net) helicity and strong shear in this setup.LKC acknowledges support from the European Research Council under ERC grant agreements No. 337705 (CHASM). SMT is supported by STFC grant: ST/N000765/1. SMT would also like to acknowledge The Leverhulme Trust for the award of a Research Fellowship. The simulations here were carried out on the University of Exeter supercomputer, a DiRAC Facility jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS and the University of Exeter. This work used the DiRAC Complexity system, operated by the University of Leicester IT Services, which forms part of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility (www.dirac.ac.uk). This equipment is funded by BIS National E-Infrastructure capital grant ST/K000373/1 and STFC DiRAC Operations grant ST/K0003259/1. DiRAC is part of the National E-Infrastructure

    The magnetic shear-current effect: generation of large-scale magnetic fields by the small-scale dynamo

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    A novel large-scale dynamo mechanism, the magnetic shear-current effect, is discussed and explored. The effect relies on the interaction of magnetic fluctuations with a mean shear flow, meaning the saturated state of the small-scale dynamo can drive a large-scale dynamo -- in some sense the inverse of dynamo quenching. The dynamo is nonhelical, with the mean-field α\alpha coefficient zero, and is caused by the interaction between an off-diagonal component of the turbulent resistivity and the stretching of the large-scale field by shear flow. Following up on previous numerical and analytic work, this paper presents further details of the numerical evidence for the effect, as well as an heuristic description of how magnetic fluctuations can interact with shear flow to produce the required electromotive force. The pressure response of the fluid is fundamental to this mechanism, which helps explain why the magnetic effect is stronger than its kinematic cousin, and the basic idea is related to the well-known lack of turbulent resistivity quenching by magnetic fluctuations. As well as being interesting for its applications to general high Reynolds number astrophysical turbulence, where strong small-scale magnetic fluctuations are expected to be prevalent, the magnetic shear-current effect is a likely candidate for large-scale dynamo in the unstratified regions of ionized accretion disks. Evidence for this is discussed, as well as future research directions and the challenges involved with understanding details of the effect in astrophysically relevant regimes

    Parallel-in-time integration of kinematic dynamos

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    The precise mechanisms responsible for the natural dynamos in the Earth and Sun are still not fully understood. Numerical simulations of natural dynamos are extremely computationally intensive, and are carried out in parameter regimes many orders of magnitude away from real conditions. Parallelization in space is a common strategy to speed up simulations on high performance computers, but eventually hits a scaling limit. Additional directions of parallelization are desirable to utilise the high number of processor cores now available. Parallel-in-time methods can deliver speed up in addition to that offered by spatial partitioning but have not yet been applied to dynamo simulations. This paper investigates the feasibility of using the parallel-in-time algorithm Parareal to speed up initial value problem simulations of the kinematic dynamo, using the open source Dedalus spectral solver. Both the time independent Roberts and time dependent Galloway-Proctor 2.5D dynamos are investigated over a range of magnetic Reynolds numbers. Speedups beyond those possible from spatial parallelisation are found in both cases. Results for the Galloway-Proctor flow are promising, with Parareal efficiency found to be close to 0.3. Roberts flow results are less efficient, but Parareal still shows some speed up over spatial parallelisation alone. Parallel in space and time speed ups of ∼300 were found for 1600 cores for the Galloway-Proctor flow, with total parallel efficiency of ∼0.16

    The magnetic shear-current effect: generation of large-scale magnetic fields by the small-scale dynamo

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    A novel large-scale dynamo mechanism, the magnetic shear-current effect, is discussed and explored. The effect relies on the interaction of magnetic fluctuations with a mean shear flow, meaning the saturated state of the small-scale dynamo can drive a large-scale dynamo – in some sense the inverse of dynamo quenching. The dynamo is non-helical, with the mean field α coefficient zero, and is caused by the interaction between an off-diagonal component of the turbulent resistivity and the stretching of the large-scale field by shear flow. Following up on previous numerical and analytic work, this paper presents further details of the numerical evidence for the effect, as well as an heuristic description of how magnetic fluctuations can interact with shear flow to produce the required electromotive force. The pressure response of the fluid is fundamental to this mechanism, which helps explain why the magnetic effect is stronger than its kinematic cousin, and the basic idea is related to the well-known lack of turbulent resistivity quenching by magnetic fluctuations. As well as being interesting for its applications to general high Reynolds number astrophysical turbulence, where strong small-scale magnetic fluctuations are expected to be prevalent, the magnetic shear-current effect is a likely candidate for large-scale dynamo in the unstratified regions of ionized accretion disks. Evidence for this is discussed, as well as future research directions and the challenges involved with understanding details of the effect in astrophysically relevant regimes