3,924 research outputs found

    fVSS: A New Secure and Cost-Efficient Scheme for Cloud Data Warehouses

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    Cloud business intelligence is an increasingly popular choice to deliver decision support capabilities via elastic, pay-per-use resources. However, data security issues are one of the top concerns when dealing with sensitive data. In this pa-per, we propose a novel approach for securing cloud data warehouses by flexible verifiable secret sharing, fVSS. Secret sharing encrypts and distributes data over several cloud ser-vice providers, thus enforcing data privacy and availability. fVSS addresses four shortcomings in existing secret sharing-based approaches. First, it allows refreshing the data ware-house when some service providers fail. Second, it allows on-line analysis processing. Third, it enforces data integrity with the help of both inner and outer signatures. Fourth, it helps users control the cost of cloud warehousing by balanc-ing the load among service providers with respect to their pricing policies. To illustrate fVSS' efficiency, we thoroughly compare it with existing secret sharing-based approaches with respect to security features, querying power and data storage and computing costs

    Secret Sharing for Cloud Data Security

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    Cloud computing helps reduce costs, increase business agility and deploy solutions with a high return on investment for many types of applications. However, data security is of premium importance to many users and often restrains their adoption of cloud technologies. Various approaches, i.e., data encryption, anonymization, replication and verification, help enforce different facets of data security. Secret sharing is a particularly interesting cryptographic technique. Its most advanced variants indeed simultaneously enforce data privacy, availability and integrity, while allowing computation on encrypted data. The aim of this paper is thus to wholly survey secret sharing schemes with respect to data security, data access and costs in the pay-as-you-go paradigm

    A secure data outsourcing scheme based on Asmuth – Bloom secret sharing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Data outsourcing is an emerging paradigm for data management in which a database is provided as a service by third-party service providers. One of the major benefits of offering database as a service is to provide organisations, which are unable to purchase expensive hardware and software to host their databases, with efficient data storage accessible online at a cheap rate. Despite that, several issues of data confidentiality, integrity, availability and efficient indexing of users’ queries at the server side have to be addressed in the data outsourcing paradigm. Service providers have to guarantee that their clients’ data are secured against internal (insider) and external attacks. This paper briefly analyses the existing indexing schemes in data outsourcing and highlights their advantages and disadvantages. Then, this paper proposes a secure data outsourcing scheme based on Asmuth–Bloom secret sharing which tries to address the issues in data outsourcing such as data confidentiality, availability and order preservation for efficient indexing

    Digital curation and the cloud

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    Digital curation involves a wide range of activities, many of which could benefit from cloud deployment to a greater or lesser extent. These range from infrequent, resource-intensive tasks which benefit from the ability to rapidly provision resources to day-to-day collaborative activities which can be facilitated by networked cloud services. Associated benefits are offset by risks such as loss of data or service level, legal and governance incompatibilities and transfer bottlenecks. There is considerable variability across both risks and benefits according to the service and deployment models being adopted and the context in which activities are performed. Some risks, such as legal liabilities, are mitigated by the use of alternative, e.g., private cloud models, but this is typically at the expense of benefits such as resource elasticity and economies of scale. Infrastructure as a Service model may provide a basis on which more specialised software services may be provided. There is considerable work to be done in helping institutions understand the cloud and its associated costs, risks and benefits, and how these compare to their current working methods, in order that the most beneficial uses of cloud technologies may be identified. Specific proposals, echoing recent work coordinated by EPSRC and JISC are the development of advisory, costing and brokering services to facilitate appropriate cloud deployments, the exploration of opportunities for certifying or accrediting cloud preservation providers, and the targeted publicity of outputs from pilot studies to the full range of stakeholders within the curation lifecycle, including data creators and owners, repositories, institutional IT support professionals and senior manager

    Dataspaces: Concepts, Architectures and Initiatives

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    Despite not being a new concept, dataspaces have become a prominent topic due to the increasing availability of data and the need for efficient management and utilization of diverse data sources. In simple terms, a dataspace refers to an environment where data from various sources, formats, and domains can be integrated, shared, and analyzed. It aims to provide a unified view of heterogeneous data by bridging the gap between different data silos, enabling interoperability. The concept of dataspaces promotes the idea that data should be treated as a cohesive entity, rather than being fragmented across different systems and applications. Dataspaces often involve the integration of structured and unstructured data, including databases, documents, sensor data, social media feeds, and more. The goal is to enable organizations to harness the full potential of their data assets by facilitating data discovery, access, and analysis. By bringing together diverse data sources, dataspaces can offer new insights, support decision-making processes, and drive innovation. In the context of European Commission-funded research projects, dataspaces are often explored as part of initiatives focused on data management, data sharing, and the development of data-driven technologies. These projects aim to address challenges related to data integration, data privacy, data governance, and scalability. The goal is to advance the state of the art in data management and enable organizations to leverage data more effectively for societal, economic, and scientific advancements. It is important to notice that while dataspaces offer potential benefits, they also come with challenges. These challenges include data quality assurance, data privacy and security, semantic interoperability, scalability, and the need for appropriate data governance frameworks. Overall, dataspaces represent an approach to managing and utilizing data that emphasizes integration, interoperability, and accessibility. The concept is being explored and researched to develop innovative solutions that can unlock the value of data in various domains and sectors

    Analysing security risk of a cloud computing system to produce a model for secured business environment

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    These days, almost all the medium and big size of businesses is using the cloud computing system to run their business across the globe and around the clock. It becomes popular and of huge application due to its characteristics such as large scale computation and data storage, virtualization, high expansibility, high reliability and low price service. Cloud Computing is a flexible, cost-effective, and proven delivery platform for providing business or consumer IT services over the Internet. This is an affordable and effective place for businesses to sell and promote their goods and services. However the security problems for the cloud computing system are very significant. It can ruin the rapid development of cloud computing. In Business, cloud Computing presents an added level of risk because essential services are often outsourced to a third party, which makes it harder to maintain data security and privacy, support data and service availability, and demonstrate compliance. The data privacy and service availability in cloud computing are the key security problem. The internet also provides opportunities for fraudulent behaviour and unauthorized access to business and client data. Attacks on the computer system of a business can have immediate and ongoing effects, such as targeting customers for identity crimes or infecting website visitors with malicious software. Due to having combination of various types of models in the cloud computing, the single security method cannot solve its security problem. Various traditional and new technologies and strategies together need to consider for protecting a cloud computing system totally. The aim of this paper is to bring into the deep sight of the cloud computing systems working and then to analyse the cloud computing security problem and its strategy according to the cloud computing concepts and characters. In addition to that, we are identifying the higher vulnerabilities in this type of systems and the most important threats found in the literature study related to Cloud Computing and its environment as well as to identify and relate vulnerabilities and threats with the possible solutions

    Personal Volunteer Computing

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    We propose personal volunteer computing, a novel paradigm to encourage technical solutions that leverage personal devices, such as smartphones and laptops, for personal applications that require significant computations, such as animation rendering and image processing. The paradigm requires no investment in additional hardware, relying instead on devices that are already owned by users and their community, and favours simple tools that can be implemented part-time by a single developer. We show that samples of personal devices of today are competitive with a top-of-the-line laptop from two years ago. We also propose new directions to extend the paradigm

    Policies and User Perception based Data Security in the Cloud

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    In today’s world, most of the companies migrated from desktop devices to the cloud. Cloud is a platform for storing large amount of data. Among this it is very necessary to provide data security over the un-trusted cloud. We cannot trust the cloud provider when sensitive data is stored in the cloud so that, various security aspects are required to protect sensitive data which is stored on the cloud. The main problem is that, how to deal with such security issues to protect sensitive data. With the help of policy based security, it is possible to minimize data security issues and to improve data privacy. This paper proposes a user perception framework. According to this framework, owner of the organization is able to tell which user of that organization will follow which rights. A particular user should provide his/her privileges to the owner and he will protect user’s data by giving full rights to access data based on the identification of the users

    An MDA approach for developing Secure OLAP applications: metamodels and transformations

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    Decision makers query enterprise information stored in Data Warehouses (DW) by using tools (such as On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools) which employ specific views or cubes from the corporate DW or Data Marts, based on multidimensional modelling. Since the information managed is critical, security constraints have to be correctly established in order to avoid unauthorized access. In previous work we defined a Model-Driven based approach for developing a secure DW repository by following a relational approach. Nevertheless, it is also important to define security constraints in the metadata layer that connects the DW repository with the OLAP tools; that is, over the same multidimensional structures that end users manage. This paper incorporates a proposal for developing secure OLAP applications within our previous approach: it improves a UML profile for conceptual modelling; it defines a logical metamodel for OLAP applications; and it defines and implements transformations from conceptual to logical models, as well as from logical models to secure implementation in a specific OLAP tool (SQL Server Analysis Services).This research is part of the following projects: SIGMA-CC (TIN2012-36904), GEODAS-BC (TIN2012-37493-C01) and GEODAS-BI (TIN2012-37493-C03) funded by the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER. SERENIDAD (PEII11-037-7035) and MOTERO (PEII11- 0399-9449) funded by the ConsejerĂ­a de EducaciĂłn, Ciencia y Cultura de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha, and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER
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