2,477 research outputs found

    An iterated greedy heuristic for no-wait flow shops with sequence dependent setup times, learning and forgetting effects

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    [EN] This paper addresses a sequence dependent setup times no-wait flowshop with learning and forgetting effects to minimize total flowtime. This problem is NP-hard and has never been considered before. A position-based learning and forgetting effects model is constructed. Processing times of operations change with the positions of corresponding jobs in a schedule. Objective increment properties are deduced and based on them three accelerated neighbourhood construction heuristics are presented. Because of the simplicity and excellent performance shown in flowshop scheduling problems, an iterated greedy heuristic is proposed. The proposed iterated greedy algorithm is compared with some existing algorithms for related problems on benchmark instances. Comprehensive computational and statistical tests show that the presented method obtains the best performance among the compared methods. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61572127, 61272377), the Collaborative Innovation Center of Wireless Communications Technology and the Key Natural Science Fund for Colleges and Universities in Jiangsu Province (No. 12KJA630001). Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness(MINECO), under the project "SCHEYARD - Optimization of Scheduling Problems in Container Yards" with reference DPI2015-65895-R.Li, X.; Yang, Z.; Ruiz GarcĂ­a, R.; Chen, T.; Sui, S. (2018). An iterated greedy heuristic for no-wait flow shops with sequence dependent setup times, learning and forgetting effects. Information Sciences. 453:408-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2018.04.038S40842545

    M-machine, no-wait flowshop scheduling with sequence dependent setup times and truncated learning function to minimize the makespan.

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    Recently, learning effects have been studied as an interesting topic for scheduling problems, however, most researches have considered single or two-machine settings. Moreover, learning factor has been considered for job times instead of setup times and the same learning effect has been used for all machines. This paper studies the m-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling problem considering truncated learning effect in no-wait flowshop environment. In this problem, setup time is a function of job position in the sequence with a learning truncation parameter and each machine has its own learning effect. In this paper, a mixed integer linear programming is proposed for the problem to solve such problem. This problem is NP-hard so an improved genetic algorithm (GA) and a simulated annealing (SA) algorithm are developed to find near optimal solutions. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed procedures are tested against different criteria on various instances. Numerical experiments approve that SA outperforms in most instances

    Evolutionary methods for the design of dispatching rules for complex and dynamic scheduling problems

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    Three methods, based on Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), to support and automate the design of dispatching rules for complex and dynamic scheduling problems are proposed in this thesis. The first method employs an EA to search for problem instances on which a given dispatching rule performs badly. These instances can then be analysed to reveal weaknesses of the tested rule, thereby providing guidelines for the design of a better rule. The other two methods are hyper-heuristics, which employ an EA directly to generate effective dispatching rules. In particular, one hyper-heuristic is based on a specific type of EA, called Genetic Programming (GP), and generates a single rule from basic job and machine attributes, while the other generates a set of work centre-specific rules by selecting a (potentially) different rule for each work centre from a number of existing rules. Each of the three methods is applied to some complex and dynamic scheduling problem(s), and the resulting dispatching rules are tested against benchmark rules from the literature. In each case, the benchmark rules are shown to be outperformed by a rule (set) that results from the application of the respective method, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Flowshop Scheduling Problems with a Position-Dependent Exponential Learning Effect

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    We consider a permutation flowshop scheduling problem with a position-dependent exponential learning effect. The objective is to minimize the performance criteria of makespan and the total flow time. For the two-machine flow shop scheduling case, we show that Johnson’s rule is not an optimal algorithm for minimizing the makespan given the exponential learning effect. Furthermore, by using the shortest total processing times first (STPT) rule, we construct the worst-case performance ratios for both criteria. Finally, a polynomial-time algorithm is proposed for special cases of the studied problem

    Makespan minimizing on multiple travel salesman problem with a learning effect of visiting time

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    -The multiple traveling salesman problem (MTSP) involves the assignment and sequencing procedure simultaneously. The assignment of a set of nodes to each visitors and determining the sequence of visiting of nodes for each visitor. Since specific range of process is needed to be carried out in nodes in commercial environment, several factors associated with routing problem are required to be taken into account. This research considers visitors’ skill and category of customers which can affect visiting time of visitors in nodes. With regard to learning-by-doing, visiting time in nodes can be reduced. And different class of customers which are determined based on their potential purchasing of power specifies that required time for nodes can be vary. So, a novel optimization model is presented to formulate MTSP, which attempts to ascertain the optimum routes for salesmen by minimizing the makespan to ensure the balance of workload of visitors. Since this problem is an NP-hard problem, for overcoming the restriction of exact methods for solving practical large-scale instances within acceptable computational times. So, Artificial Immune System (AIS) and the Firefly (FA) metaheuristic algorithm are implemented in this paper and algorithms parameters are calibrated by applying Taguchi technique. The solution methodology is assessed by an array of numerical examples and the overall performances of these metaheuristic methods are evaluated by analyzing their results with the optimum solutions to suggested problems. The results of statistical analysis by considering 95% confidence interval for calculating average relative percentage of deviation (ARPD) reveal that the solutions of proposed AIS algorithm has less variation and Its’ confidence interval of closer than to zero with no overlapping with that of FA. Although both proposed meta-heuristics are effective and efficient in solving small-scale problems, in medium and large scales problems, AIS had a better performance in a shorter average time. Finally, the applicability of the suggested pattern is implemented in a case study in a specific company, namely Kalleh

    Serial-batch scheduling – the special case of laser-cutting machines

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    The dissertation deals with a problem in the field of short-term production planning, namely the scheduling of laser-cutting machines. The object of decision is the grouping of production orders (batching) and the sequencing of these order groups on one or more machines (scheduling). This problem is also known in the literature as "batch scheduling problem" and belongs to the class of combinatorial optimization problems due to the interdependencies between the batching and the scheduling decisions. The concepts and methods used are mainly from production planning, operations research and machine learning

    SOLO: Search Online, Learn Offline for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We study combinatorial problems with real world applications such as machine scheduling, routing, and assignment. We propose a method that combines Reinforcement Learning (RL) and planning. This method can equally be applied to both the offline, as well as online, variants of the combinatorial problem, in which the problem components (e.g., jobs in scheduling problems) are not known in advance, but rather arrive during the decision-making process. Our solution is quite generic, scalable, and leverages distributional knowledge of the problem parameters. We frame the solution process as an MDP, and take a Deep Q-Learning approach wherein states are represented as graphs, thereby allowing our trained policies to deal with arbitrary changes in a principled manner. Though learned policies work well in expectation, small deviations can have substantial negative effects in combinatorial settings. We mitigate these drawbacks by employing our graph-convolutional policies as non-optimal heuristics in a compatible search algorithm, Monte Carlo Tree Search, to significantly improve overall performance. We demonstrate our method on two problems: Machine Scheduling and Capacitated Vehicle Routing. We show that our method outperforms custom-tailored mathematical solvers, state of the art learning-based algorithms, and common heuristics, both in computation time and performance

    Branch and Bound Method to Solve Multi Objectives Function

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    This paper  presents  a  branch  and  bound  algorithm  for  sequencing  a  set  of  n independent  jobs  on  a single  machine  to  minimize sum of the discounted total weighted completion time and maximum lateness,  this problems is NP-hard. Two lower bounds were proposed and heuristic method to get an upper bound. Some special cases were  proved and some dominance rules were suggested and proved, the problem solved with up to 50 jobs

    Note on a Single-Machine Scheduling Problem with Sum of Processing Times Based Learning and Ready Times

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    In the recent 20 years, scheduling with learning effect has received considerable attention. However, considering the learning effect along with release time is limited. In light of these observations, in this paper, we investigate a single-machine problem with sum of processing times based learning and ready times where the objective is to minimize the makespan. For solving this problem, we build a branch-and-bound algorithm and a heuristic algorithm for the optimal solution and near-optimal solution, respectively. The computational experiments indicate that the branch-and-bound algorithm can perform well the problem instances up to 24 jobs in terms of CPU time and node numbers, and the average error percentage of the proposed heuristic algorithm is less than 0.5%


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