6 research outputs found

    A social network for supporting end-users in the composition of services: definition and proof of concept

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    [EN] Nowadays, end users are surrounded by plenty of services that are somehow supporting their daily routines and activities. Involving end users into the process of service creation can allow end users to benefit from a cheaper, faster, and better service provisioning. Even though we can already find tools that face this challenge, they consider end users as isolate individuals. In this paper, we investigate how social networks can be used to improve the composition of services by end users. To do so, we propose a graph-based definition of a social structure, and analyse how social connections can be exploited to both facilitate end users to discover services through browsing these connections, and recommend services to end users during the composition activity. As proof of concept, we implement and evaluate the proposed social network in the context of EUCalipTool, a mobile end-user environment for composing services.This work has been developed with the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency under the Project TIN2017-84094-R and co-financed with ERDF.Valderas, P.; Torres Bosch, MV.; Pelechano Ferragud, V. (2020). A social network for supporting end-users in the composition of services: definition and proof of concept. Computing. 102(8):1909-1940. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00607-020-00796-8S190919401028Yu J, Sheng QZ, Han J, Wu Y, Liu C (2012) A semantically enhanced service repository for user-centric service discovery and management. Data Knowl Eng 72:202–218Daniel F, Casati F, Benatallah B, Shan M-C (2009) Hosted universal composition: models, languages and infrastructure in mashart. In: International conference on conceptual modeling. 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    Mist and Edge Computing Cyber-Physical Human-Centered Systems for Industry 5.0: A Cost-Effective IoT Thermal Imaging Safety System

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    While many companies worldwide are still striving to adjust to Industry 4.0 principles, the transition to Industry 5.0 is already underway. Under such a paradigm, Cyber-Physical Human-centered Systems (CPHSs) have emerged to leverage operator capabilities in order to meet the goals of complex manufacturing systems towards human-centricity, resilience and sustainability. This article first describes the essential concepts for the development of Industry 5.0 CPHSs and then analyzes the latest CPHSs, identifying their main design requirements and key implementation components. Moreover, the major challenges for the development of such CPHSs are outlined. Next, to illustrate the previously described concepts, a real-world Industry 5.0 CPHS is presented. Such a CPHS enables increased operator safety and operation tracking in manufacturing processes that rely on collaborative robots and heavy machinery. Specifically, the proposed use case consists of a workshop where a smarter use of resources is required, and human proximity detection determines when machinery should be working or not in order to avoid incidents or accidents involving such machinery. The proposed CPHS makes use of a hybrid edge computing architecture with smart mist computing nodes that processes thermal images and reacts to prevent industrial safety issues. The performed experiments show that, in the selected real-world scenario, the developed CPHS algorithms are able to detect human presence with low-power devices (with a Raspberry Pi 3B) in a fast and accurate way (in less than 10 ms with a 97.04% accuracy), thus being an effective solution that can be integrated into many Industry 5.0 applications. Finally, this article provides specific guidelines that will help future developers and managers to overcome the challenges that will arise when deploying the next generation of CPHSs for smart and sustainable manufacturing.Comment: 32 page

    Systemic formalisation of Cyber-Physical-Social System (CPSS): A systematic literature review

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    peer reviewedThe notion of Cyber-Physical-Social System (CPSS) is an emerging concept developed as a result of the need to understand the impact of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) on humans and vice versa. This paradigm shift from CPS to CPSS was mainly attributed to the increasing use of sensor enabled smart devices and the tight link with the users. The concept of CPSS has been around for over a decade and it has gained an increasing attention over the past few years. The evolution to incorporate human aspects in the CPS research has unlocked a number of research challenges. Particularly human dynamics brings additional complexity that is yet to be explored. The exploration to conceptualise the notion of CPSS has been partially addressed in few scientific literatures. Although its conceptualisation has always been use-case dependent. Thus, there is a lack of generic view as most works focus on specific domains. Furthermore the systemic core and design principles linking it with the theory of systems are loose. This work aims at addressing these issues by first exploring and analysing scientific literatures to understand the complete spectrum of CPSS through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Thereby identifying the state-of-the-art perspectives on CPSS regarding definitions, underlining principles and application areas. Subsequently, based on the findings of the SLR, we propose a domain-independent definition and a meta-model for CPSS, grounded in the Theory of Systems. Finally a discussion on feasible future research directions is presented based on the systemic notion and the proposed meta-models

    An Efficient Multi-Cloud Service Composition Using A Distributed Multiagent-based, Memory-driven Approach

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    Cloud services are often distributed across several data centers requiring new scalable approaches to efficiently perform searching to reduce the energy and price cost of fulfilling requests. Multiagent-based systems have arisen as a powerful technique for improving distributed processing on a wide scale, which can operate in environments where partial observability is the norm and the cost of prolonged search can be exponential. In this paper, we present a multiagent-based service composition approach, using agent-matchmakers and agent-representatives, for the efficient retrieval of distributed services and propagation of information within the agent network to reduce the amount of brute-force search. Our extensive simulation results indicate that by introducing localised agent-based memory searches, the amount of actions (with their associated energy costs) can be reduced by over 50% which results in a lower energy cost per composition request

    Dynamic Maximal Cliques Detection and Evolution Management in Social Internet of Things: A Formal Concept Analysis Approach

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordThe booming of Social Internet of Things (SIoT) has witnessed the significance of graph mining and analysis for social network management. Online Social Networks (OSNs) can be efficiently managed by monitoring users behaviors within a cohesive social group represented by a maximal clique. They can further provide valued social intelligence for their users. Maximal Cliques Problem (MCP) as a fundamental problem in graph mining and analysis is to identify the maximal cliques in a graph. Existing studies on MCP mainly focus on static graphs. In this paper, we adopt the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) theory to represent and analyze social networks. We then develop two novel formal concepts generation algorithms, termed Add-FCA and Dec-FCA, that can be applicable to OSNs for detecting the maximal cliques and characterizing the dynamic evolution process of maximal cliques in OSNs. Extensive experimental results are conducted to investigate and demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. The results reveal that our algorithms can efficiently capture and manage the evolutionary patterns of maximal cliques in OSNs, and a quantitative relation among them is presented. In addition, an illustrative example is presented to verify the usefulness of the proposed approach.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaEuropean Union Horizon 2020Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universitie