15 research outputs found

    Life in Hot Carbon Monoxide: The Complete Genome Sequence of Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans Z-2901

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    We report here the sequencing and analysis of the genome of the thermophilic bacterium Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans Z-2901. This species is a model for studies of hydrogenogens, which are diverse bacteria and archaea that grow anaerobically utilizing carbon monoxide (CO) as their sole carbon source and water as an electron acceptor, producing carbon dioxide and hydrogen as waste products. Organisms that make use of CO do so through carbon monoxide dehydrogenase complexes. Remarkably, analysis of the genome of C. hydrogenoformans reveals the presence of at least five highly differentiated anaerobic carbon monoxide dehydrogenase complexes, which may in part explain how this species is able to grow so much more rapidly on CO than many other species. Analysis of the genome also has provided many general insights into the metabolism of this organism which should make it easier to use it as a source of biologically produced hydrogen gas. One surprising finding is the presence of many genes previously found only in sporulating species in the Firmicutes Phylum. Although this species is also a Firmicutes, it was not known to sporulate previously. Here we show that it does sporulate and because it is missing many of the genes involved in sporulation in other species, this organism may serve as a “minimal” model for sporulation studies. In addition, using phylogenetic profile analysis, we have identified many uncharacterized gene families found in all known sporulating Firmicutes, but not in any non-sporulating bacteria, including a sigma factor not known to be involved in sporulation previously

    Understanding the Evolutionary Relationships and Major Traits of \u3cem\u3eBacillus\u3c/em\u3e through Comparative Genomics

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    Background: The presence of Bacillus in very diverse environments reflects the versatile metabolic capabilities of a widely distributed genus. Traditional phylogenetic analysis based on limited gene sampling is not adequate for resolving the genus evolutionary relationships. By distinguishing between core and pan-genome, we determined the evolutionary and functional relationships of known Bacillus. Results: Our analysis is based upon twenty complete and draft Bacillus genomes, including a newly sequenced Bacillus isolate from an aquatic environment that we report for the first time here. Using a core genome, we were able to determine the phylogeny of known Bacilli, including aquatic strains whose position in the phylogenetic tree could not be unambiguously determined in the past. Using the pan-genome from the sequenced Bacillus, we identified functional differences, such as carbohydrate utilization and genes involved in signal transduction, which distinguished the taxonomic groups. We also assessed the genetic architecture of the defining traits of Bacillus, such as sporulation and competence, and showed that less than one third of the B. subtilis genes are conserved across other Bacilli. Most variation was shown to occur in genes that are needed to respond to environmental cues, suggesting that Bacilli have genetically specialized to allow for the occupation of diverse habitats and niches. Conclusions: The aquatic Bacilli are defined here for the first time as a group through the phylogenetic analysis of 814 genes that comprise the core genome. Our data distinguished between genomic components, especially core vs. pan-genome to provide insight into phylogeny and function that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. A phylogeny may mask the diversity of functions, which we tried to uncover in our approach. The diversity of sporulation and competence genes across the Bacilli was unexpected based on previous studies of the B. subtilis model alone. The challenge of uncovering the novelties and variations among genes of the non-subtilis groups still remains. This task will be best accomplished by directing efforts toward understanding phylogenetic groups with similar ecological niches

    Growth, cell division and sporulation in mycobacteria

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    Bacteria have the ability to adapt to different growth conditions and to survive in various environments. They have also the capacity to enter into dormant states and some bacteria form spores when exposed to stresses such as starvation and oxygen deprivation. Sporulation has been demonstrated in a number of different bacteria but Mycobacterium spp. have been considered to be non-sporulating bacteria. We recently provided evidence that Mycobacterium marinum and likely also Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette–Guérin can form spores. Mycobacterial spores were detected in old cultures and our findings suggest that sporulation might be an adaptation of lifestyle for mycobacteria under stress. Here we will discuss our current understanding of growth, cell division, and sporulation in mycobacteria

    Identification of a novel zinc metalloprotease through a global analysis of clostridium difficile extracellular proteins

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    Clostridium difficile is a major cause of infectious diarrhea worldwide. Although the cell surface proteins are recognized to be important in clostridial pathogenesis, biological functions of only a few are known. Also, apart from the toxins, proteins exported by C. difficile into the extracellular milieu have been poorly studied. In order to identify novel extracellular factors of C. difficile, we analyzed bacterial culture supernatants prepared from clinical isolates, 630 and R20291, using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The majority of the proteins identified were non-canonical extracellular proteins. These could be largely classified into proteins associated to the cell wall (including CWPs and extracellular hydrolases), transporters and flagellar proteins. Seven unknown hypothetical proteins were also identified. One of these proteins, CD630_28300, shared sequence similarity with the anthrax lethal factor, a known zinc metallopeptidase. We demonstrated that CD630_28300 (named Zmp1) binds zinc and is able to cleave fibronectin and fibrinogen in vitro in a zinc-dependent manner. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we identified residues important in zinc binding and enzymatic activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Zmp1 destabilizes the fibronectin network produced by human fibroblasts. Thus, by analyzing the exoproteome of C. difficile, we identified a novel extracellular metalloprotease that may be important in key steps of clostridial pathogenesis

    Genome-wide transcriptional profiling of Clostridium species during sporulation

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    Dormancy strategies utilized by bacteria contribute to their survival under adverse conditions, as well as persistence and transmission between hosts. The formation of endospores produces some of the most resilient forms of life by members of the Firmicutes phylum. Genome studies of the human gut bacteria have shown that sporulation genes are widespread among commensal Clostridia, which play an essential role in maintaining gut homeostasis, but sporulation of non-pathogenic bacteria has been poorly studied. Defining the sporulation conditions and the genetic makeup behind cell differentiation into endospores may allow for practical applications in the treatment of gut disease and to promote well-being. Select commensal Clostridia strains were cultivated under conditions that promote sporulation in Bacillus and Clostridium species. Spore-like cells were observed by phase-contrast and electron microscopy, but could not be cultured. Gene expression studies and 16s rRNA sequencing revealed that the strains belonged to non-sporulating species of Actinotignum schaalii and Staphylococcus epidermidis, which have close family members capable of exospore formation and entry into a viable but non culturable state. Differentially regulated genes during S. epidermidis entry into a VBNC state were analyzed using RNA sequencing. The upregulated expression of membrane proteins, cell transport, stress response, and a shift in metabolism towards protein and carbohydrate catabolism were similar to gene expression patterns in other bacteria previously reported to enter the VBNC state. The subject of bacterial dormancy has been gaining momentum through techniques such as RNA sequencing, which allows the discovery of genetic factors previously unassociated with cell differentiation.Hvile-stadier hos bakterier bidrar til deres overlevelse ved ugunstige forhold, i tillegg til å fremme standhaftighet og utspredning mellom verter. Formering av endosporer produserer noen av de mest resistente livsformer på jorda hos medlemmer i rekken Firmicutes. Genom studier av menneskets tarmbakterier har vist at sporuleringsgener er utbredte blant kommensale Clostridia, som spiller en viktig rolle i å opprettholde homeostase i tarmen, men sporulering hos ikke-patogene arter har blitt lite studert. Å definere sporuleringsforhold og det genetiske grunnlaget for celle differensiering kan bidra til behandling av tarmsykdommer og gi en økning i generell velferd. Utvalgte Clostridiastammer ble kultiverte ved forhold som hadde vært tidligere vist til å fremme sporulering hos Bacillus og Clostridium-arter. Spore-liknende celler ble observerte med fase-kontrast mikroskopi og elektron mikroskopi, men kunne ikke kultiveres. Genuttrykks studier og 16srRNA sekvensering viste at stammene tilhørte til ikke-sporulerende Actinotignum schaalii og Staphylococcus epidermidis-arter, men som har nære familie slektninger med evne til å danne exosporer og til gå in en VBNC hvile-stadium Differensialt uttrykte gener i løpet S. epidermidis overgang til en VBNC stadiet ble analyserte ved hjelp av RNA sekvensering. De oppregulerte gener som tilhørte membran proteiner, celle transport, stress respons, og en overgang til katabolisme av proteiner og karbohydrater, var i likhet til genuttrykk fra tidligere studier hos andre arter i VBNC stadiet. Hvile-stadier hos bakterier har fått en økning i oppmerksomhet og fremgang ved hjelp av nyere metoder som RNA sekvensering, som tillater oppdagelse av nye genetiske faktorer som tidligere var ikke assosierte med celle differensiering.M-VE

    Functional prediction of proteins from the human gut archaeome

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    AbstractThe human gastrointestinal tract contains diverse microbial communities, including archaea. Among them,Methanobrevibacter smithiirepresents a highly active and clinically relevant methanogenic archaeon, being involved in gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBD and obesity. Herein, we present an integrated approach using sequence and structure information to improve the annotation ofM. smithiiproteins using advanced protein structure prediction and annotation tools, such as AlphaFold2, trRosetta, ProFunc, and DeepFri. Of an initial set of 873 481 archaeal proteins, we found 707 754 proteins exclusively present in the human gut. Having analysed archaeal proteins together with 87 282 994 bacterial proteins, we identified unique archaeal proteins and archaeal-bacterial homologs. We then predicted and characterized functional domains and structures of 73 unique and homologous archaeal protein clusters linked the human gut andM. smithii. We refined annotations based on the predicted structures, extending existing sequence similarity-based annotations. We identified gut-specific archaeal proteins that may be involved in defense mechanisms, virulence, adhesion, and the degradation of toxic substances. Interestingly, we identified potential glycosyltransferases that could be associated with N-linked and O-glycosylation. Additionally, we found preliminary evidence for interdomain horizontal gene transfer betweenClostridiaspecies andM. smithii, which includessporulation stage V proteins AEand AD. Our study broadens the understanding of archaeal biology, particularlyM. smithii,and highlights the importance of considering both sequence and structure for the prediction of protein function

    Characterization of bacterial ultrastructure involved in storage granule formation and DNA segregation

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    Projet I : Les endospores représentent un état de dormance des bactéries leur permettant de résister à des conditions extrêmes et de persister pendant des années. La formation d'endospores a façonné l'évolution puisqu’elle se produit exclusivement chez les Firmicutes. Plusieurs études ont rapporté la formation d'endospores chez des espèces en dehors des Firmicutes, en particulier chez deux espèces de Protéobactéries, Rhodobacter johrii et Serratia marscescens, et une espèce d'Actinobacteries, Mycobacterium marinum. Le fait d’identifier les endospores en dehors des Firmicutes pourrait affecter la forme de l'arbre de vie et aiderait dans notre lutte contre les agents pathogènes humains. Par conséquent, nous avons visé d’étudier l'endosporulation chez ces trois espèces en utilisant des approches avancées d'imagerie et d'analyse, y compris la microscopie corrélative alliant la microscopie optique et électronique (CLEM), la tomographie de cryo- électron (cryo-ET) et la lipidomique. Nous avons utilisé la bactérie sporulante bien caractérisée Bacillus subtilis comme contrôle positif de la sporulation. L'examen de R. johrii, S. marcescens et M. marinum en utilisant CLEM et cryo-ET a montré que les objets à phase brillante ne ressemblaient à aucun stade de l'endosporulation. Les cryo-tomogrammes ont montré que les objets à phase brillante chez S. marcescens étaient des débris cellulaires agrégés de cellules mortes, alors qu'ils présentaient des structures granulaires typiques des cellules bactériennes chez les R. johrii et M. marinum. L'analyse lipidomique chez R. johrii a identifié les structures granulaires comme des granules de stockage potentiels enrichis en triacylglycérides (TAG). Nous pensons que les TAG peuvent fournir une source d'énergie pour résister à l'épuisement des nutriments. Des approches biochimiques et bioinformatiques supplémentaires ont soutenu nos conclusions selon lesquelles R. johrii, S. marcescens et M. marinum sont des bactéries non sporulantes. Projet II : Les plasmides jouent un rôle vital dans la propagation des gènes de résistance au sein et entre les espèces bactériennes. Par conséquent, il est essentiel de comprendre les systèmes bactériens impliqués dans le transfert et la maintenance des plasmides pour mieux aider dans notre lutte contre la propagation de la résistance aux antibiotiques. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, nous avons cherché à caractériser l'opéron alp7ARC, en utilisant l'homologue de l'actine bactérienne Alp7A pour séparer le plasmide pLS20 codant pour la résistance à la tétracycline dans B. subtilis. La stabilité du plasmide s'est avérée dépendante de l'opéron alp7ARC, indiquant un rôle essentiel dans la ségrégation plasmidique. Nos résultats préliminaires sur Alp7A ont montré qu'il s'assemble dans une nouvelle nanostructure tubulaire plutôt que des filaments, suggérant un nouveau mécanisme de ségrégation de l'ADN par Alp7A. Nous avons également étudié la structure d'Alp7A in vivo en utilisant une combinaison d'approches, notamment la biologie moléculaire, la Cryo-ET et la fLM. Nous avons également utilisé la CLEM pour localiser Alp7A dans des cellules entières à une résolution macromoléculaire. En outre, nous avons étudié la structure et la fonction d'Alp7A in vitro en transfectant B. subtilis et E. coli avec diverses constructions plasmidiques incorporant des mutations dans le gène d’Alp7A. Nous avons déployé différentes méthodes pour la purification de la protéine Alp7A, y compris la séparation par chromatographie, et le fractionnement au sulfate d'ammonium. J'ai discuté des divers défis que nous avons rencontrés dans ces expériences, tels que la contamination, l'instabilité de la protéine Alp7A et l'épaisseur bactérienne. Enfin, j'ai proposé des approches expérimentales alternatives qui aideraient à étudier le mécanisme de ségrégation des plasmides par Alp7ARC.Project I: Endospores represent a dormant state of bacteria that allows them to withstand extreme conditions and persist for years. Endospore formation has shaped evolution, whereby it exclusively occurs in Firmicutes. Several studies have reported endospore formation in species outside of Firmicutes, particularly in two species of Proteobacteria, Rhodobacter johrii and Serratia marcescens, and one species of Actinobacteria, Mycobacterium marinum. Identifying endospores outside of Firmicutes would affect the shape of the tree of life and aid in our fight against human pathogens. Therefore, we aimed to investigate endosporulation in these three species using advanced imaging and analytical approaches, including correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), and lipidomics. We used the well-characterized sporulating bacterium Bacillus subtilis as a positive control of sporulation. Examination of R. johrii, S. marcescens, and M. marinum using CLEM and cryo-ET showed that phase-bright objects did not resemble any stages of endosporulation. Cryo-tomograms revealed that the phase-bright objects in S. marcescens were aggregated cellular debris of dead cells, whereas they displayed granular structures typical of bacterial cells in R. johrii and M. marinum. Lipidomic analysis in R. johrii identified the granular structures as potential storage granules enriched with triacyl-glycerides (TAGs). We speculate that TAGs may provide an energy source to withstand the nutrient depletion. Additional biochemical and bioinformatics approaches supported our conclusions that R. johrii, S. marcescens, and M. marinum are non-sporulating bacteria. Project II: Plasmids play a vital role in the spread of resistance genes within and across bacterial species. Therefore, it is essential to understand the bacterial systems involved in the transfer and maintenance of plasmids to better aid in our fight against the spread of antibiotic resistance. In this doctorate, we aimed to characterize the alp7ARC operon, employing the bacterial actin homolog Alp7A to segregate the tetracycline resistance-encoding plasmid pLS20 in B. subtilis. The stability of the plasmid was shown to be dependent on the alp7ARC operon, indicating an essential role in plasmid segregation. Preliminary results on Alp7A showed that it assembles into a novel tubular nanostructure rather than filaments, suggesting a novel mechanism for DNA segregation by Alp7A. We further studied the structure of Alp7A in vivo using combination of approaches, including molecular biology, cryo-ET, and fLM. We also used CLEM to localize Alp7A in whole cells to a macromolecular resolution. Besides, we investigated the structure and function of Alp7A in vitro by transfecting E. coli with various plasmid constructs and purification by several methods, including affinity chromatography and ammonium sulfate precipitation. I discussed the diverse challenges we encountered in these experiments, such as bacterial thickness, contamination, and Alp7A protein instability. Finally, I proposed alternative experimental approaches for investigating the mechanism of plasmid segregation by Alp7ARC