5 research outputs found

    Hydrological modelling using ensemble satellite rainfall estimates in a sparsely gauged river basin: The need for whole-ensemble calibration

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    The potential for satellite rainfall estimates to drive hydrological models has been long understood, but at the high spatial and temporal resolutions often required by these models the uncertainties in satellite rainfall inputs are both significant in magnitude and spatiotemporally autocorrelated. Conditional stochastic modelling of ensemble observed fields provides one possible approach to representing this uncertainty in a form suitable for hydrological modelling. Previous studies have concentrated on the uncertainty within the satellite rainfall estimates themselves, sometimes applying ensemble inputs to a pre-calibrated hydrological model. This approach does not account for the interaction between input uncertainty and model uncertainty and in particular the impact of input uncertainty on model calibration. Moreover, it may not be appropriate to use deterministic inputs to calibrate a model that is intended to be driven by using an ensemble. A novel whole-ensemble calibration approach has been developed to overcome some of these issues. This study used ensemble rainfall inputs produced by a conditional satellite-driven stochastic rainfall generator (TAMSIM) to drive a version of the Pitman rainfall-runoff model, calibrated using the whole-ensemble approach. Simulated ensemble discharge outputs were assessed using metrics adapted from ensemble forecast verification, showing that the ensemble outputs produced using the whole-ensemble calibrated Pitman model outperformed equivalent ensemble outputs created using a Pitman model calibrated against either the ensemble mean or a theoretical infinite-ensemble expected value. Overall, for the verification period the whole-ensemble calibration provided a mean RMSE of 61.7% of the mean wet season discharge, compared to 83.6% using a calibration based on the daily mean of the ensemble estimates. Using a Brier’s Skill Score to assess the performance of the ensemble against a climatic estimate, the whole-ensemble calibration provided a positive score for the main range of discharge events. The equivalent score for calibration against the ensemble mean was negative, indicating it showed no skill versus the climatic estimate

    Ensemble-characterisation of satellite rainfall uncertainty and its impacts on the hydrological modelling of a sparsely gauged basin in Western Africa

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    Many areas of the planet lack the infrastructure required to make accurate and timely estimations of rainfall. This problem is especially acute in sub-Saharan Africa, where a paucity of rain recording radar and sufficiently dense raingauge networks combine with highly variable rainfall, a reliance on agriculture that is predominantly rain fed and systems that are prone to flooding and drought. Satellite Rainfall Estimates (SRFE) are useful as they can provide additional spatial and temporal information to drive various downstream environmental models and early warning systems (EWS). However, when operating at higher spatial and temporal resolutions SRFE contain large uncertainties which propagate through the downstream models.This thesis uses the TAMSAT1 SRFE algorithm developed by Teo (2006) to estimate the rainfall over a large, data sparse and heterogenous catchment in the Senegal Basin. The uncertainty within the TAMSAT1 SRFE is represented using a set of ensemble estimates, each unique but equiprobable based on the full conditional distribution of the recorded rainfall, produced using the TAMSIM algorithm, also developed by Teo (2006). The ensemble rainfall estimates were then used in turn to drive a Pitman Rainfall-Runoff model of the catchment hydrology.The use of ensemble rainfall estimates was shown to be incompatible with the pre-calibrated parameter values for the hydrological model. A novel approach, the EnsAll method, was developed to calibrate the hydrological model which incorporated each individual ensemble member. The EnsAll calibrated model showed the greatest skill when driven by the ensemble rainfall estimates and little bias. A comparison of the hydrographs produced from TAMSIM ensemble rainfall estimates and that from an ensemble of perturbed TAMSAT1 estimates showed that the full spatio-temporally distributed method used by TAMSIM is superior to a simpler perturbation method for characterizing SRFE uncertainty.Overall, the SRFE used were shown to outperform the rainfall estimates produced from the sparse raingauge network as a hydrological model driver. However, they did demonstrate a lack of ability to represent the large interseasonal variations in rainfall resulting in large systematic biases. These biases were observed propagating directly to the modelled hydrological ouput

    Ensemble-characterisation of satellite rainfall uncertainty and its impacts on the hydrological modelling of a sparsely gauged basin in Western Africa

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    Many areas of the planet lack the infrastructure required to make accurate and timely estimations of rainfall. This problem is especially acute in sub-Saharan Africa, where a paucity of rain recording radar and sufficiently dense raingauge networks combine with highly variable rainfall, a reliance on agriculture that is predominantly rain fed and systems that are prone to flooding and drought. Satellite Rainfall Estimates (SRFE) are useful as they can provide additional spatial and temporal information to drive various downstream environmental models and early warning systems (EWS). However, when operating at higher spatial and temporal resolutions SRFE contain large uncertainties which propagate through the downstream models. This thesis uses the TAMSAT1 SRFE algorithm developed by Teo (2006) to estimate the rainfall over a large, data sparse and heterogenous catchment in the Senegal Basin. The uncertainty within the TAMSAT1 SRFE is represented using a set of ensemble estimates, each unique but equiprobable based on the full conditional distribution of the recorded rainfall, produced using the TAMSIM algorithm, also developed by Teo (2006). The ensemble rainfall estimates were then used in turn to drive a Pitman Rainfall-Runoff model of the catchment hydrology. The use of ensemble rainfall estimates was shown to be incompatible with the pre-calibrated parameter values for the hydrological model. A novel approach, the EnsAll method, was developed to calibrate the hydrological model which incorporated each individual ensemble member. The EnsAll calibrated model showed the greatest skill when driven by the ensemble rainfall estimates and little bias. A comparison of the hydrographs produced from TAMSIM ensemble rainfall estimates and that from an ensemble of perturbed TAMSAT1 estimates showed that the full spatio-temporally distributed method used by TAMSIM is superior to a simpler perturbation method for characterizing SRFE uncertainty. Overall, the SRFE used were shown to outperform the rainfall estimates produced from the sparse raingauge network as a hydrological model driver. However, they did demonstrate a lack of ability to represent the large interseasonal variations in rainfall resulting in large systematic biases. These biases were observed propagating directly to the modelled hydrological ouput

    The impact of precipitation measurement missions on hydrologic and water resource predictions

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    Issued as final reportGoddard Space Flight Cente