565 research outputs found


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    Increasingly organizations require their members to act not only as end users but also as developers of their tools, i.e. to create, shape and adapt the software artifacts they use without becoming computer experts. In this way, they move from being mere consumers to active producers of knowledge and developers of software artifacts. This leads to an evolution of the work environment and the organization and force the designers to adapt the software artifacts to meet the needs of the end users and to manage this co-evolution of users and software. Moreover, the achievements of social media, Web 2.0 and the advanced information technologies lead to an upward diffusion of global communities, geographically distributed, that collaborate asynchronously on the same design projects. The members of global communities belong to different cultures, therefore cultural boundaries need to be transcended. The mantra "making all voices heard" has to be evolved into "making all voices heard and understood" to allow the proper participation of end users to knowledge and software artifacts creation, sharing and evolution. To respond to these challenges, the thesis presents a semiotic model for end-user development and a Web architecture that supports 1) an interaction localized to end user\u2019s culture, domain of activity and digital platform in use, and 2) the collaborative creation and evolution of knowledge and software artifacts. The architecture is Ajax-like, component-based, Web service-based, and underpins re-use and evolution of software

    Mapping new translation practices into translation training: promoting collaboration through community-based localization platforms

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    Crowdsourcing and collaborative translation, activities emerging on the translation scene recently, are playing an increasingly important role in the world of professional translation and in the localization industry. This article focuses on a study carried out to analyze the perception of a group of translator trainees regarding these new translation practices. A total of 20 undergraduate students participated in the research and were asked to perform a collaborative localization task using an online collaborative platform. Data subjected to a quantitative and qualitative analysis suggest that online collaborative translation tasks enhance students? motivation towards collaborative translation and help consolidate their technical knowledge about specific localization tools and files.Le crowdsourcing et la traduction collaborative, des activités récemment apparues sur la scène de la traduction, jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le monde de la traduction professionnelle et dans l’industrie de la localisation. Cet article se concentre sur une étude réalisée pour analyser la perception d’un groupe d’étudiants en traduction à l’égard de ces nouvelles pratiques de traduction. Au total 20 étudiants de premier cycle ont participé à la recherche et ont été invités à effectuer une tâche de localisation collaborative à l’aide d’une plateforme collaborative en ligne. Les données obtenues à partir d’une analyse quantitative et qualitative suggèrent que les tâches de traduction collaborative en ligne ont renforcé la motivation des étudiants à l’égard de la traduction collaborative et les ont aidés à consolider leurs connaissances techniques sur des outils et des fichiers de localisation spécifiques

    Global Communications: A Master\u27s Portfolio

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    Entitled Global Communications, this portfolio explores how technical writing must adapt to global business and cross-cultural values. The first essay discusses intercultural communication curriculum and how it must change to better suit intercultural issues. The second essay explores how the Coca-Cola Company uses advertisements to adapt to cultural values and sell their product. The third essay critiques Japanese dating simulation games and their message by examining gender stereotypes through visuals. The last essay is an editing portfolio in which I showcase my ability to edit and write for global businesses. Global Communications fulfills the requirements of graduation for a Master of Arts - English Professional Writing and Rhetoric degree

    Corpus studies and localization: a research proposal for interactive material

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    This article aims to analyze the dubbing synchronies used in a multimodal corpus composed of three video games, dubbed into Castilian Spanish, belonging to the interactive genre of action-adventure. The methodology, adopting a descriptive approach, triangulates qualitative and quantitative data obtained, on the one hand, from the empirical analysis of the multimodal corpus and, on the other hand, from direct contact with professionals in the industry through semi-structured interviews. Additionally, some previous approaches within Corpus-Based Translation Studies—closely linked to Descriptive Translation Studies—will be reviewed, as well as the professional practice of localization, from the perspective of audiovisual translation (AVT). The goal is thus to present how different methods and perspectives can be combined to analyze the AVT mode of dubbing in a multimodal and interactive product, which remains largely unexplored in academia so far, despite the efficacy that corpus studies have demonstrated in translation studies.Este artículo pretende dar cuenta de las sincronías empleadas en el doblaje al español peninsular de un corpus multimodal compuesto por tres videojuegos del género interactivo de la acción-aventura. La metodología, de enfoque descriptivo, triangula datos cualitativos y cuantitativos obtenidos, por una parte, del análisis empírico del corpus multimodal y, por otra, del contacto directo con profesionales de la industria mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas. Asimismo, se revisarán algunos planteamientos previos de los estudios de corpus, estrechamente relacionados con los Estudios Descriptivos en Traducción, y de la práctica profesional de la localización, abordándola desde el enfoque de la Traducción Audiovisual (TAV). Se busca así exponer cómo combinar distintos métodos y perspectivas para analizar la modalidad de TAV del doblaje en un producto multimodal interactivo, aspecto escasamente investigado empíricamente en la esfera académica por el momento, a pesar de la utilidad que ya han demostrado los estudios de corpus en el panorama traductológico

    Rapid and Radical Changes in Translation and Translation Studies

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    This article describes the changes in the field of translation by referring to practices such as localization, amateur translation, audiovisual translation, and news translation. The changes are enhanced by computing, information, and communication technologies. Therefore, two paradigms are evolving, and they justify, to some degree, the current multiplication of labels created for translation. On one hand, the paradigm of equivalence has been replaced by the paradigm of the cultural turn. And the shift exists concurrently with the change of the platforms and media through which all the activities of translation are carried out&mdash;from the printed book paradigm to the digital paradigm.</p

    Systematizing the dialogue between translation studies and business studies: an interdisciplinary approach

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    Translation studies has collaborated with various disciplines in context and methodology since its emergence. The research in and methodology of translation studies offer solutions to distinctive issues in various disciplines. However, it is still a key concern whether other disciplines have sufficiently benefited from, utilized, or acknowledged what translation studies has cultivated so far. Each discipline has its specific reasons to interact with translation studies; however, the rationale of business studies is more and more reinforced by the unfolding conditions of globalization, international trade, and e-commerce, which as a whole demolish the borders erected among nations, cultures, and languages. For over two decades, a number of business scholars have highlighted the requirement to practice on theoretical and applied knowledge provided by translation studies to efficiently function in a globalized world with distinctive languages and cultures. Rising number and functions of multinational enterprises require rapid identification and resolution of translation-based problems. As a result, numerous studies to date have revealed the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to efficiently combine the academic disciplines and enable thinking across boundaries. This paper aims to analyze the dialogue between translation studies and business studies while presenting a detailed review of the current literature and opening the issue for further discussion.Publisher's Versio

    Language tools: communicating in today’s world of business

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    In a society increasingly mediated by technology, the medium has created unparalleled opportunities. As a result, it has refocused educators’ attention on how technological literacy is both an essential learning outcome in all higher education programs, and the intermediary, the means to achieve the digital competences expected from employees. In the field of English for Specific Purposes, and at a time when technology is perceived to enable quick and effective access to a vast number of sources of information and knowledge, teaching a language confronts teachers and students with divergent views that converge into what we perceive to be interconnected paths. We critically reflect upon these interconnected paths in order to obtain further insights on how technology, namely Machine Translation and Computer-Aided Translation, is perceived by business communicators who are learning English in an ESP environment. Within the premises that translation is an act of intercultural communication, our case study addresses mirrored perceptions of the English language, the act of translation, and the use of technological tools. Our study draws on both perspectives and discusses how mirrored images of students and teachers converge through project-based approaches, rooted in practical, short visual tasks with a clear and immediately visible purpose.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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