9 research outputs found

    Enhancing workflow-nets with data for trace completion

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    The growing adoption of IT-systems for modeling and executing (business) processes or services has thrust the scientific investigation towards techniques and tools which support more complex forms of process analysis. Many of them, such as conformance checking, process alignment, mining and enhancement, rely on complete observation of past (tracked and logged) executions. In many real cases, however, the lack of human or IT-support on all the steps of process execution, as well as information hiding and abstraction of model and data, result in incomplete log information of both data and activities. This paper tackles the issue of automatically repairing traces with missing information by notably considering not only activities but also data manipulated by them. Our technique recasts such a problem in a reachability problem and provides an encoding in an action language which allows to virtually use any state-of-the-art planning to return solutions

    Automatic Process Model Discovery from Textual Methodologies: An Archaeology Case Study

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    International audience— Process mining has been successfully used in automatic knowledge discovery and in providing guidance or support. The known process mining approaches rely on processes being executed with the help of information systems thus enabling the automatic capture of process traces as event logs. However, there are many other fields such as Humanities, Social Sciences and Medicine where workers follow processes and log their execution manually in textual forms instead. The problem we tackle in this paper is mining process instance models from unstructured, text-based process traces. Using natural language processing with a focus on the verb semantics, we created a novel unsupervised technique TextProcessMiner that discovers process instance models in two steps: 1.ActivityMiner mines the process activities; 2.ActivityRelationshipMiner mines the sequence, parallelism and mutual exclusion relationships between activities. We employed technical action research through which we validated and preliminarily evaluated our proposed technique in an Archaeology case. The results are very satisfactory with 88% correctly discovered activities in the log and a process instance model that adequately reflected the original process. Moreover, the technique we created emerged as domain independent

    Формування структури соціально-інформаційних інтерфейсів як вирішення задачі про призначення відповідальності

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    The concept of social-information interface that is used in various ways by HEI divisions was defined in the paper. Information activity strategies of the higher educational institution in the Internet social media, namely monitoring, analytical, representative, active, educational were highlighted and described.Importance indicator of the generator, which is the basis for the HEI information activity coordinator to make a decision on the implementation of social-information interface and prioritization when working with it and building strategies and algorithms of response to external influences on the HEI information image on the Internet, including identifying priority directions of activity and resource planning, as well as integrated assessment of the HEI positive image, was determined.A mathematical description of the problem of assignment of responsibility of the divisions for generators, based on the formal description of the structure of HEI and generators was formulated.A comprehensive estimate of the overall predictive efficiency of information activity of the division in the generator that includes communicative and predictive efficiency was defined.Определено понятие социально-информационного интерфейса. Выделены стратегии информационной деятельности высшего учебного заведения в социальных средах Интернета. Определены показатель важности для генератора информационного образа. Сформирована задача о назначении ответственности подразделений за генераторы и определены прогнозируемую эффективность информационной деятельности подразделения в генераторе.Визначено поняття соціально-інформаційного інтерфейсу. Виділено стратегії інформаційної діяльності вищого навчального закладу в соціальних середовищах Інтернету. Визначено показник важливості для генератора інформаційного образу. Сформовано задачу про призначення відповідальності підрозділів за генератори та визначено прогнозовану ефективность інформаційної діяльності підрозділу у генераторі

    Формування структури соціально-інформаційних інтерфейсів як вирішення задачі про призначення відповідальності

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    The concept of social-information interface that is used in various ways by HEI divisions was defined in the paper. Information activity strategies of the higher educational institution in the Internet social media, namely monitoring, analytical, representative, active, educational were highlighted and described.Importance indicator of the generator, which is the basis for the HEI information activity coordinator to make a decision on the implementation of social-information interface and prioritization when working with it and building strategies and algorithms of response to external influences on the HEI information image on the Internet, including identifying priority directions of activity and resource planning, as well as integrated assessment of the HEI positive image, was determined.A mathematical description of the problem of assignment of responsibility of the divisions for generators, based on the formal description of the structure of HEI and generators was formulated.A comprehensive estimate of the overall predictive efficiency of information activity of the division in the generator that includes communicative and predictive efficiency was defined.Определено понятие социально-информационного интерфейса. Выделены стратегии информационной деятельности высшего учебного заведения в социальных средах Интернета. Определены показатель важности для генератора информационного образа. Сформирована задача о назначении ответственности подразделений за генераторы и определены прогнозируемую эффективность информационной деятельности подразделения в генераторе.Визначено поняття соціально-інформаційного інтерфейсу. Виділено стратегії інформаційної діяльності вищого навчального закладу в соціальних середовищах Інтернету. Визначено показник важливості для генератора інформаційного образу. Сформовано задачу про призначення відповідальності підрозділів за генератори та визначено прогнозовану ефективность інформаційної діяльності підрозділу у генераторі

    Побудова мультибазових сховищ даних на основі структурованості даних та запитів

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    The study focuses on building multibase data storages that consider a correlation between the data properties and performed queries. This type of data storaging has been neither viewed as an approach nor researched before. Lack of attention especially concerns presentation of data by various models for optimizing query response.We suggest a method of designing multibase data storages on the basis of data structuredness, which allows posting the reference data in storage media the data models of which facilitate performing queries on them. The efficiency of the designed data storage is optimized on the basis of the statistics on queries processing and consists in storing data as well as saving the data in storage media with the help of indexing, materialized submission, fragmentation, and merger. We have studied both the impact of design phases and optimization on storage performance and the parameters of the modified genetic algorithm, including the threshold of gene adaptation.The research has proved that application of the suggested approach increases the integral index of query processing by 10 %. The storage building time can be reduced to 50 %, which significantly impacts data storage building of a huge amount of data. An important advantage of the approach is flexibility: any storage media and optimization mechanisms can be used while applying the suggested models.В данной работе рассмотрен процесс построения мультибазових хранилищ данных на основе свойств данных, для которых оно строится, и запросов, которые выполняются с этими данными. Проанализированы показатели быстродействия построенного хранилища, в том числе на различных этапах построения. Исследовано влияние параметров двухфазного алгоритма, в частности порога адаптации процесса поиска на основе генов.У даній роботі розглянуто процес побудови мультибазових сховищ даних на основі властивостей даних, для яких воно будується, і запитів, які виконуються до цих даних. Проаналізовано показники швидкодії побудованого сховища, зокрема на різних етапах побудови. Досліджено вплив параметрів двофазного алгоритму, зокрема порогу адаптації процесу пошуку на основі генів

    Побудова мультибазових сховищ даних на основі структурованості даних та запитів

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    The study focuses on building multibase data storages that consider a correlation between the data properties and performed queries. This type of data storaging has been neither viewed as an approach nor researched before. Lack of attention especially concerns presentation of data by various models for optimizing query response.We suggest a method of designing multibase data storages on the basis of data structuredness, which allows posting the reference data in storage media the data models of which facilitate performing queries on them. The efficiency of the designed data storage is optimized on the basis of the statistics on queries processing and consists in storing data as well as saving the data in storage media with the help of indexing, materialized submission, fragmentation, and merger. We have studied both the impact of design phases and optimization on storage performance and the parameters of the modified genetic algorithm, including the threshold of gene adaptation.The research has proved that application of the suggested approach increases the integral index of query processing by 10 %. The storage building time can be reduced to 50 %, which significantly impacts data storage building of a huge amount of data. An important advantage of the approach is flexibility: any storage media and optimization mechanisms can be used while applying the suggested models.В данной работе рассмотрен процесс построения мультибазових хранилищ данных на основе свойств данных, для которых оно строится, и запросов, которые выполняются с этими данными. Проанализированы показатели быстродействия построенного хранилища, в том числе на различных этапах построения. Исследовано влияние параметров двухфазного алгоритма, в частности порога адаптации процесса поиска на основе генов.У даній роботі розглянуто процес побудови мультибазових сховищ даних на основі властивостей даних, для яких воно будується, і запитів, які виконуються до цих даних. Проаналізовано показники швидкодії побудованого сховища, зокрема на різних етапах побудови. Досліджено вплив параметрів двофазного алгоритму, зокрема порогу адаптації процесу пошуку на основі генів

    Інформаційна технологія побудови розподілених сховищ даних гібридного типу

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    У дисертаційній роботі вирішено актуальне науково-практичне завдання створення інформаційної технології побудови розподілених сховищ даних гібридного типу з врахуванням властивостей даних і статистики виконання запитів до сховища. Здійснено аналіз проблеми побудови сховищ даних з врахуванням властивостей даних і виконуваних запитів, обґрунтовано актуальність вирішення цієї проблеми. Визначено вимоги до інформаційної технології побудови розподілених сховищ гібридного типу. Введено поняття мультибазових сховищ даних, розроблено концептуальну, логічну та фізичну моделі таких сховищ і процедури міжрівневих переходів. Описано інтеграцію даних у сховище за допомогою процедур перетворення елементів даних і операцій, вибору моделей представлення даних. Розташування даних по вузлах, маршрути реплікації даних визначаються за критерієм мінімальної сукупної вартості збереження та обробки даних з використанням модифікованого генетичного алгоритму. На основі запропонованих моделей і методів створено інформаційну технологію побудови розподілених сховищ гібридного типу, яка вирішує поставлене наукове завдання. Зазначена технологія застосована при розробленні інформаційних та інформаційно-аналітичних систем Міністерства фінансів України. Результати впровадження підтвердили її відповідність поставленим вимогам

    BPMN4V pour la modélisation de versions de processus intra- et inter-organisationnels

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    Nos travaux de recherche abordent la problématique de la modélisation des processus intra- et inter-organisationnels flexibles à l’aide des versions. En effet, le concept de version est un concept approprié pour prendre en compte les changements que peuvent subir les schémas de processus. On peut ainsi définir une nouvelle version de processus lorsque des modifications significatives doivent être apportées à son schéma. Différentes contributions de l’état de l’art ont abordé le versionnement des processus. Chacune de ces contributions a constitué une avancée pour le versionnement des processus. Mais elles ont en commun de principalement considérer le versionnement de la perspective comportementale des processus, sans étudier les impacts du versionnement sur les perspectives organisationnelles et informationnelles, qui sont pourtant fondamentales dans la définition des processus. De plus, il est également nécessaire lorsqu’on aborde la problématique du versionnement des processus de considérer une autre perspective, la perspective contextuelle, qui permet de modéliser les situations d’utilisation des versions. En outre, ces contributions ne s’appuient pas sur les standards existants et notamment sur BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) qui est reconnu comme le standard pour la modélisation de schémas de processus. Enfin, ces contributions abordent uniquement la flexibilité des processus intra-organisationnels. Cette thèse a pour objectif de pallier ces deux faiblesses. Plus précisément, elle propose BPMN4V une extension du standard BPMN pour la modélisation de versions de processus tout en considérant les perspectives de modélisation des processus. Ainsi les contributions proposées sont les suivantes. En ce qui concerne la modélisation des versions des processus intra-organisationnels, nous avons introduit BPMN4V-PP (BPMN for Versions of Private Processes), qui est une extension de BPMN pour la modélisation de versions de processus intra-organisationnels, représentées en BPMN par des processus privés. Les aspects statiques et dynamiques du versionnement sont abordés. Puis nous avons étendu BPMN4V-PP pour modéliser le contexte d’utilisation des processus. Cette notion de contexte est importante pour aider le concepteur (i) à définir pourquoi une version de processus a été modélisée et (ii) à sélectionner la version qui convient à une situation particulière. En ce qui concerne la modélisation des versions de processus inter-organisationnels, modélisées comme des collaborations ou des chorégraphies en BPMN, nous avons défini BPMN4V-CC (BPMN for Versions of Collaborations and Choreographies) qui étend BPMN pour la modélisation et la manipulation des versions de collaborations et de chorégraphies. Nous avons aussi défini six patrons d’adaptation qui sont des opérations de haut niveau facilitant la modification des schémas des versions de collaborations. Nous avons également proposé une démarche pour la génération automatique d’une version de chorégraphie à partir d’une version de collaboration. Nous avons finalement implanté ces propositions dans un plug-in Eclipse, appelé BPMN4V-Modeler, permettant d’assister les concepteurs lors de la modélisation des versions de processus selon les méta-modèles BPMN4V-PP et BPMN4VCC. Nous avons évalué nos contributions en mesurant notamment les performances de l’outil BPMN4V-Modeler.Our research deals with modeling flexible intra and inter-organizational processes using versions. Indeed, the notion of version has been recognized as a key notion to keep track of changes on process schemas. Thus it is possible to define a new process version for each significant modification of its schema. Several contributions addressing process flexibility using versions have been proposed in the literature. Each of these contributions provides solutions for process versioning. However, they mainly focus on the behavioral perspective of processes neglecting the informational and organizational perspectives, which are nevertheless important to have a comprehensive view of processes. Furthermore, the contextual perspective of processes must also be considered to characterize the situations in which versions of processes have to be used. Moreover, the proposed solutions are specific and have no chance to be used by process designers since they do not support standards for process modeling such as BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). Finally, these contributions focus only on intra- organizational processes. This thesis aims at overcoming these two weaknesses, introducing BPMN4V, an extension of BPMN with versions to address intra and inter-organizational process flexibility. More precisely, the contributions of this thesis are the following. Regarding flexibility of intra-organizational processes, we have introduced BPMN4V-PP (BPMN for Versions of Private Processes) which is an extension of BPMN for modeling versions of intra-organizational processes, modeled in BPMN as private processes, considering both static and dynamic aspects of process versions. BPMN4V takes into account the three main perspectives of business processes, i.e., the behavioral perspective, the informational perspective and the organizational perspective. In order to consider the contextual perspective, we have also proposed another extension to BPMN allowing the definition of versions context. This perspective is fundamental to help process designers in featuring why a process version is defined and in selecting a particular process version according to a concrete situation. Regarding flexibility of inter-organizational processes, modeled as collaborations and choreographies in BPMN, this thesis has recommended BPMN4V-CC (BPMN for Versions of Collaborations and Choreographies) for modeling and handling versions of collaboration. Secondly, it has introduced six new adaptation patterns, which are high-level operations for collaborative process schema update. Then, it has defined a mapping approach for deducing version of choreography from version of collaboration. Finally, we have implemented our contributions in the BPMN4V-Modeler plug-in, which assists process designer in modeling versions of processes according to BPMN4V-PP and BPMN4V-CC. We have evaluated our contributions mainly measuring BPMN4V-Modeler performances

    BPMN4V pour la modélisation de versions de processus intra- et inter-organisationnels

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    Nos travaux de recherche abordent la problématique de la modélisation des processus intra- et inter-organisationnels flexibles à l’aide des versions. En effet, le concept de version est un concept approprié pour prendre en compte les changements que peuvent subir les schémas de processus. On peut ainsi définir une nouvelle version de processus lorsque des modifications significatives doivent être apportées à son schéma. Différentes contributions de l’état de l’art ont abordé le versionnement des processus. Chacune de ces contributions a constitué une avancée pour le versionnement des processus. Mais elles ont en commun de principalement considérer le versionnement de la perspective comportementale des processus, sans étudier les impacts du versionnement sur les perspectives organisationnelles et informationnelles, qui sont pourtant fondamentales dans la définition des processus. De plus, il est également nécessaire lorsqu’on aborde la problématique du versionnement des processus de considérer une autre perspective, la perspective contextuelle, qui permet de modéliser les situations d’utilisation des versions. En outre, ces contributions ne s’appuient pas sur les standards existants et notamment sur BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) qui est reconnu comme le standard pour la modélisation de schémas de processus. Enfin, ces contributions abordent uniquement la flexibilité des processus intra-organisationnels. Cette thèse a pour objectif de pallier ces deux faiblesses. Plus précisément, elle propose BPMN4V une extension du standard BPMN pour la modélisation de versions de processus tout en considérant les perspectives de modélisation des processus. Ainsi les contributions proposées sont les suivantes. En ce qui concerne la modélisation des versions des processus intra-organisationnels, nous avons introduit BPMN4V-PP (BPMN for Versions of Private Processes), qui est une extension de BPMN pour la modélisation de versions de processus intra-organisationnels, représentées en BPMN par des processus privés. Les aspects statiques et dynamiques du versionnement sont abordés. Puis nous avons étendu BPMN4V-PP pour modéliser le contexte d’utilisation des processus. Cette notion de contexte est importante pour aider le concepteur (i) à définir pourquoi une version de processus a été modélisée et (ii) à sélectionner la version qui convient à une situation particulière. En ce qui concerne la modélisation des versions de processus inter-organisationnels, modélisées comme des collaborations ou des chorégraphies en BPMN, nous avons défini BPMN4V-CC (BPMN for Versions of Collaborations and Choreographies) qui étend BPMN pour la modélisation et la manipulation des versions de collaborations et de chorégraphies. Nous avons aussi défini six patrons d’adaptation qui sont des opérations de haut niveau facilitant la modification des schémas des versions de collaborations. Nous avons également proposé une démarche pour la génération automatique d’une version de chorégraphie à partir d’une version de collaboration. Nous avons finalement implanté ces propositions dans un plug-in Eclipse, appelé BPMN4V-Modeler, permettant d’assister les concepteurs lors de la modélisation des versions de processus selon les méta-modèles BPMN4V-PP et BPMN4VCC. Nous avons évalué nos contributions en mesurant notamment les performances de l’outil BPMN4V-Modeler.Our research deals with modeling flexible intra and inter-organizational processes using versions. Indeed, the notion of version has been recognized as a key notion to keep track of changes on process schemas. Thus it is possible to define a new process version for each significant modification of its schema. Several contributions addressing process flexibility using versions have been proposed in the literature. Each of these contributions provides solutions for process versioning. However, they mainly focus on the behavioral perspective of processes neglecting the informational and organizational perspectives, which are nevertheless important to have a comprehensive view of processes. Furthermore, the contextual perspective of processes must also be considered to characterize the situations in which versions of processes have to be used. Moreover, the proposed solutions are specific and have no chance to be used by process designers since they do not support standards for process modeling such as BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). Finally, these contributions focus only on intra- organizational processes. This thesis aims at overcoming these two weaknesses, introducing BPMN4V, an extension of BPMN with versions to address intra and inter-organizational process flexibility. More precisely, the contributions of this thesis are the following. Regarding flexibility of intra-organizational processes, we have introduced BPMN4V-PP (BPMN for Versions of Private Processes) which is an extension of BPMN for modeling versions of intra-organizational processes, modeled in BPMN as private processes, considering both static and dynamic aspects of process versions. BPMN4V takes into account the three main perspectives of business processes, i.e., the behavioral perspective, the informational perspective and the organizational perspective. In order to consider the contextual perspective, we have also proposed another extension to BPMN allowing the definition of versions context. This perspective is fundamental to help process designers in featuring why a process version is defined and in selecting a particular process version according to a concrete situation. Regarding flexibility of inter-organizational processes, modeled as collaborations and choreographies in BPMN, this thesis has recommended BPMN4V-CC (BPMN for Versions of Collaborations and Choreographies) for modeling and handling versions of collaboration. Secondly, it has introduced six new adaptation patterns, which are high-level operations for collaborative process schema update. Then, it has defined a mapping approach for deducing version of choreography from version of collaboration. Finally, we have implemented our contributions in the BPMN4V-Modeler plug-in, which assists process designer in modeling versions of processes according to BPMN4V-PP and BPMN4V-CC. We have evaluated our contributions mainly measuring BPMN4V-Modeler performances