18 research outputs found

    Fast and easy blind deblurring using an inverse filter and PROBE

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    PROBE (Progressive Removal of Blur Residual) is a recursive framework for blind deblurring. Using the elementary modified inverse filter at its core, PROBE's experimental performance meets or exceeds the state of the art, both visually and quantitatively. Remarkably, PROBE lends itself to analysis that reveals its convergence properties. PROBE is motivated by recent ideas on progressive blind deblurring, but breaks away from previous research by its simplicity, speed, performance and potential for analysis. PROBE is neither a functional minimization approach, nor an open-loop sequential method (blur kernel estimation followed by non-blind deblurring). PROBE is a feedback scheme, deriving its unique strength from the closed-loop architecture rather than from the accuracy of its algorithmic components

    Semiblind Image Deconvolution with Spatially Adaptive Total Variation Regularization

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    A semiblind image deconvolution algorithm with spatially adaptive total variation (SATV) regularization is introduced. The spatial information in different image regions is incorporated into regularization by using the edge indicator called difference eigenvalue to distinguish flat areas from edges. Meanwhile, the split Bregman method is used to optimize the proposed SATV model. The proposed algorithm integrates the spatial constraint and parametric blur-kernel and thus effectively reduces the noise in flat regions and preserves the edge information. Comparative results on simulated images and real passive millimeter-wave (PMMW) images are reported

    Image Restoration Using One-Dimensional Sobolev Norm Profiles of Noise and Texture

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    This work is devoted to image restoration (denoising and deblurring) by variational models. As in our prior work [Inverse Probl. Imaging, 3 (2009), pp. 43-68], the image (f) over tilde to be restored is assumed to be the sum of a cartoon component u (a function of bounded variation) and a texture component v (an oscillatory function in a Sobolev space with negative degree of differentiability). In order to separate noise from texture in a blurred noisy textured image, we need to collect some information that helps distinguish noise, especially Gaussian noise, from texture. We know that homogeneous Sobolev spaces of negative differentiability help capture oscillations in images very well; however, these spaces do not directly provide clear distinction between texture and noise, which is also highly oscillatory, especially when the blurring effect is noticeable. Here, we propose a new method for distinguishing noise from texture by considering a family of Sobolev norms corresponding to noise and texture. It turns out that the two Sobolev norm profiles for texture and noise are different, and this enables us to better separate noise from texture during the deblurring process.open0

    Efficient Reconstruction of Piecewise Constant Images Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization

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    We consider the restoration of piecewise constant images where the number of the regions and their values are not fixed in advance, with a good difference of piecewise constant values between neighboring regions, from noisy data obtained at the output of a linear operator (e.g., a blurring kernel or a Radon transform). Thus we also address the generic problem of unsupervised segmentation in the context of linear inverse problems. The segmentation and the restoration tasks are solved jointly by minimizing an objective function (an energy) composed of a quadratic data-fidelity term and a nonsmooth nonconvex regularization term. The pertinence of such an energy is ensured by the analytical properties of its minimizers. However, its practical interest used to be limited by the difficulty of the computational stage which requires a nonsmooth nonconvex minimization. Indeed, the existing methods are unsatisfactory since they (implicitly or explicitly) involve a smooth approximation of the regularization term and often get stuck in shallow local minima. The goal of this paper is to design a method that efficiently handles the nonsmooth nonconvex minimization. More precisely, we propose a continuation method where one tracks the minimizers along a sequence of approximate nonsmooth energies {Jε}, the first of which being strictly convex and the last one the original energy to minimize. Knowing the importance of the nonsmoothness of the regularization term for the segmentation task, each Jε is nonsmooth and is expressed as the sum of an l1 regularization term and a smooth nonconvex function. Furthermore, the local minimization of each Jε is reformulated as the minimization of a smooth function subject to a set of linear constraints. The latter problem is solved by the modified primal-dual interior point method, which guarantees the descent direction at each step. Experimental results are presented and show the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed method. Comparison with simulated annealing methods further shows the advantage of our method.published_or_final_versio


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    In this digital age, it is more important than ever to have good methods for processing images. We focus on the removal of blur from a captured image, which is called the image deblurring problem. In particular, we make no assumptions about the blur itself, which is called a blind deconvolution. We approach the problem by miniming an energy functional that utilizes total variation norm and a fidelity constraint. In particular, we extend the work of Chan and Wong to use a reference image in the computation. Using the shock filter as a reference image, we produce a superior result compared to existing methods. We are able to produce good results on non-black background images and images where the blurring function is not centro-symmetric. We consider using a general Lp norm for the fidelity term and compare different values for p. Using an analysis similar to Strong and Chan, we derive an adaptive scale method for the recovery of the blurring function. We also consider two numerical methods in this disseration. The first method is an extension of Picards method for PDEs in the discrete case. We compare the results to the analytical Picard method, showing the only difference is the use of the approximation versus exact derivatives. We relate the method to existing finite difference schemes, including the Lax-Wendroff method. We derive the stability constraints for several linear problems and illustrate the stability region is increasing. We conclude by showing several examples of the method and how the computational savings is substantial. The second method we consider is a black-box implementation of a method for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem. By utilizing the work of Golub and Ye, we implement a routine which is robust against existing methods. We compare this routine against JDQZ and LOBPCG and show this method performs well in numerical testing

    Image reconstruction by Mumford-Shah regularization with a priori edge information

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    The Mumford-Shah functional has provided an important approach for image denoising and segmentation. Recently, it has been applied to image reconstruction in fields such as X-ray tomography and electric impedance tomography. In this thesis we study the applicability of the Mumford-Shah model to a setting, where a priori edge information is available and reliable. Such a situation occurs for example in biomedical imaging, where multimodal imaging systems have received a lot of interest. The regularization terms in the Mumford-Shah functional force smoothness of the image within individual regions and simultaneously detect edges across which smoothing is prevented. We propose to divide the edge penalty into two parts depending on the a priori edge information. We investigate the proposed model for well-posedness and regularization properties under an assumption of pointwise boundedness of the underlying image. Furthermore, we present two variational approximations that allow numerical implementations. For one we prove that it Gamma converges to a special case of our proposed model, the other we motivate heuristically. The resulting algorithm alternates between an image reconstruction and an image evaluation step. We illustrate the feasibility with two numerical examples