146 research outputs found

    Synchronization of processes

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    The study of the synchronization of processes is a very interesting field. It-brings together concepts that have originated in the design of operating systems, and of high level programming languages. Also it is becoming clear that the design of algorithms for parallel execution is intimately connected with synchronization problems. Some specialized synchronization problems have arisen in the design of data base systems. Indeed, distributed data bases provide an example of distributed processing that has immense practical significance. To summarize, synchronization of processes is a universal activity whose importance is being felt throughout computer science. The time has therefore come for the synchronization of processes to be studied as a topic in its own right. In this course I am taking such a broad viewpoint, and am trying to integrate some aspects of operating systems, languages, and parallel algorithms. However, this being a first attempt, the integration is not as thorough as I would have wished. Also, in the short time at my disposal, I am not able to discuss several very important topics, such as reliability

    The Problem of Mutual Exclusion: A New Distributed Solution

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    In both centralized and distributed systems, processes cooperate and compete with each other to access the system resources. Some of these resources must be used exclusively. It is then required that only one process access the shared resource at a given time. This is referred to as the problem of mutual exclusion. Several synchronization mechanisms have been proposed to solve this problem. In this thesis, an effort has been made to compile most of the existing mutual exclusion solutions for both shared memory and message-passing based systems. A new distributed algorithm, which uses a dynamic information structure, is presented to solve the problem of mutual exclusion. It is proved to be free from both deadlock and starvation. This solution is shown to be economical in terms of the number of message exchanges required per critical section execution. Procedures for recovery from both site and link failures are also given

    Process Synchronization with Readers and Writers Revisited

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    The readers-writers problem is one of the very well known problems in concurrency theory. It was first introduced by Courtois et.al. in 1971 [1] and requires the synchronization of processes trying to read and write a shared resource. Several readers are allowed to access the resource simultaneously, but a writer must be given exclusive access to that resource. Courtois et.al. gave semaphore-based solutions to what they called the first and second readers-writers problems. Both of their solutions are prone to starvation. The first allows readers to indefinitely lock out writers and the second allows writers to indefinitely lock out readers. This paper presents and proves correct a third semaphore-based solution, which is starvation-free for both reader and writer processes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first fair semaphore-based solution that at the same time allows several readers to access the resource simultaneously

    Modelling and verification of starvation-free mutual exclusion algorithms based on weak semaphores

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    This paper proposes an original framework for modelling and verification (M&V) of starvation-free mutual exclusion algorithms based on weak semaphores, that are without a built-in waiting-process queue. The goal is to support the implementation of light-weight starvation-free semaphores useful in general concurrent systems including cyber physical systems. The M&V approach depends on UPPAAL. First known weak semaphores are modelled. Then they are exploited for model checking classic algorithms. Known properties are retrieved but subtle new ones are discovered. As part of the developed approach, a new algorithm is proposed which uses two semaphores of the weakest type, N bits (N being the number of processes) and a counter. This algorithm too is proved to be correct