274 research outputs found

    Semantics for first-order affine inductive data types via slice categories

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    Affine type systems are substructural type systems where copying of information is restricted, but discarding of information is permissible at all types. Such type systems are well-suited for describing quantum programming languages, because copying of quantum information violates the laws of quantum mechanics. In this paper, we consider a first-order affine type system with inductive data types and present a novel categorical semantics for it. The most challenging aspect of this interpretation comes from the requirement to construct appropriate discarding maps for our data types which might be defined by mutual/nested recursion. We show how to achieve this for all types by taking models of a first-order linear type system whose atomic types are discardable and then presenting an additional affine interpretation of types within the slice category of the model with the tensor unit. We present some concrete categorical models for the language ranging from classical to quantum. Finally, we discuss potential ways of dualising and extending our methods and using them for interpreting coalgebraic and lazy data types

    Linear/non-Linear Types For Embedded Domain-Specific Languages

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    Domain-specific languages are often embedded inside of general-purpose host languages so that the embedded language can take advantage of host-language data structures, libraries, and tools. However, when the domain-specific language uses linear types, existing techniques for embedded languages fall short. Linear type systems, which have applications in a wide variety of programming domains including mutable state, I/O, concurrency, and quantum computing, can manipulate embedded non-linear data via the linear type !σ. However, prior work has not been able to produce linear embedded languages that have full and easy access to host-language data, libraries, and tools. This dissertation proposes a new perspective on linear, embedded, domain-specific languages derived from the linear/non-linear (LNL) interpretation of linear logic. The LNL model consists of two distinct fragments---one with linear types and another with non-linear types---and provides a simple categorical interface between the two. This dissertation identifies the linear fragment with the linear embedded language and the non-linear fragment with the general-purpose host language. The effectiveness of this framework is illustrated via a number of examples, implemented in a variety of host languages. In Haskell, linear domain-specific languages using mutable state and concurrency can take advantage of the monad that arises from the LNL model. In Coq, the QWIRE quantum circuit language uses linearity to enforce the no-cloning axiom of quantum mechanics. In homotopy type theory, quantum transformations can be encoded as higher inductive types to simplify the presentation of a quantum equational theory. These examples serve as case studies that prove linear/non-linear type theory is a natural and expressive interface in which to embed linear domain-specific languages

    Modalities and Parametric Adjoints

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    Introduction to linear logic and ludics, part II

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    This paper is the second part of an introduction to linear logic and ludics, both due to Girard. It is devoted to proof nets, in the limited, yet central, framework of multiplicative linear logic and to ludics, which has been recently developped in an aim of further unveiling the fundamental interactive nature of computation and logic. We hope to offer a few computer science insights into this new theory

    A Static Analyzer for Large Safety-Critical Software

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    We show that abstract interpretation-based static program analysis can be made efficient and precise enough to formally verify a class of properties for a family of large programs with few or no false alarms. This is achieved by refinement of a general purpose static analyzer and later adaptation to particular programs of the family by the end-user through parametrization. This is applied to the proof of soundness of data manipulation operations at the machine level for periodic synchronous safety critical embedded software. The main novelties are the design principle of static analyzers by refinement and adaptation through parametrization, the symbolic manipulation of expressions to improve the precision of abstract transfer functions, the octagon, ellipsoid, and decision tree abstract domains, all with sound handling of rounding errors in floating point computations, widening strategies (with thresholds, delayed) and the automatic determination of the parameters (parametrized packing)

    Implicit automata in typed λ\lambda-calculi II: streaming transducers vs categorical semantics

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    We characterize regular string transductions as programs in a linear λ\lambda-calculus with additives. One direction of this equivalence is proved by encoding copyless streaming string transducers (SSTs), which compute regular functions, into our λ\lambda-calculus. For the converse, we consider a categorical framework for defining automata and transducers over words, which allows us to relate register updates in SSTs to the semantics of the linear λ\lambda-calculus in a suitable monoidal closed category. To illustrate the relevance of monoidal closure to automata theory, we also leverage this notion to give abstract generalizations of the arguments showing that copyless SSTs may be determinized and that the composition of two regular functions may be implemented by a copyless SST. Our main result is then generalized from strings to trees using a similar approach. In doing so, we exhibit a connection between a feature of streaming tree transducers and the multiplicative/additive distinction of linear logic. Keywords: MSO transductions, implicit complexity, Dialectica categories, Church encodingsComment: 105 pages, 24 figure

    Internal Parametricity for Cubical Type Theory

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    We define a computational type theory combining the contentful equality structure of cartesian cubical type theory with internal parametricity primitives. The combined theory supports both univalence and its relational equivalent, which we call relativity. We demonstrate the use of the theory by analyzing polymorphic functions between higher inductive types, observe how cubical equality regularizes parametric type theory, and examine the similarities and discrepancies between cubical and parametric type theory, which are closely related. We also abstract a formal interface to the computational interpretation and show that this also has a presheaf model

    String Diagrams for Non-Strict Monoidal Categories

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    Whereas string diagrams for strict monoidal categories are well understood, and have found application in several fields of Computer Science, graphical formalisms for non-strict monoidal categories are far less studied. In this paper, we provide a presentation by generators and relations of string diagrams for non-strict monoidal categories, and show how this construction can handle applications in domains such as digital circuits and programming languages. We prove the correctness of our construction, which yields a novel proof of Mac Lane’s strictness theorem. This in turn leads to an elementary graphical proof of Mac Lane’s coherence theorem, and in particular allows for the inductive construction of the canonical isomorphisms in a monoidal category

    String Diagrams for Non-Strict Monoidal Categories

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    Whereas string diagrams for strict monoidal categories are well understood, and have found application in several fields of Computer Science, graphical formalisms for non-strict monoidal categories are far less studied. In this paper, we provide a presentation by generators and relations of string diagrams for non-strict monoidal categories, and show how this construction can handle applications in domains such as digital circuits and programming languages. We prove the correctness of our construction, which yields a novel proof of Mac Lane's strictness theorem. This in turn leads to an elementary graphical proof of Mac Lane's coherence theorem, and in particular allows for the inductive construction of the canonical isomorphisms in a monoidal category