10 research outputs found


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    At present, the ability to write scientifically becomes an important skill mastered by students. Students need to have good writing skills using reasoning and logic that focuses on what must be believed or done based on mechanisms, such as doing conceptual analysis and arguments for problem solving and decision making. The concept of semantic mapping is an effective strategy to improve student writing skills. This study explores the effectiveness of the concept of semantic mapping in the development of students' writing skills in essay writing. This study was classified into a quasi-experimental design. In this study the population is students of Universal Batam University who are registered in the 2018-2019 academic year. The instrument of this research is a writing test. Data were analyzed with several analyzes, namely normality testing, homogeneity testing, and hypothesis testing. In testing the research hypothesis, the researcher used the t-test for the related sample and the Wilcoxon test. Based on the analysis it was found that the average score of students in the pre test was 7.89 and the average score of the students in the post test was 12. T-score count is t = 3.83 and a significant standard of 0.05. While t table is only 2,306. Because t count is greater than t table (tobserved> t table), so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Hi) is accepted. So, based on these results, it was concluded that there was a statistical difference between the pre-test at the 0.05 level. This means that learning argumentative writing based on the theory of semantic mapping has a significant influence on students' argumentative writing skills.At present, the ability to write scientifically becomes an important skill mastered by students. Students need to have good writing skills using reasoning and logic that focuses on what must be believed or done based on mechanisms, such as doing conceptual analysis and arguments for problem solving and decision making. The concept of semantic mapping is an effective strategy to improve student writing skills. This study explores the effectiveness of the concept of semantic mapping in the development of students' writing skills in essay writing. This study was classified into a quasi-experimental design. In this study the population is students of Universal Batam University who are registered in the 2018-2019 academic year. The instrument of this research is a writing test. Data were analyzed with several analyzes, namely normality testing, homogeneity testing, and hypothesis testing. In testing the research hypothesis, the researcher used the t-test for the related sample and the Wilcoxon test. Based on the analysis it was found that the average score of students in the pre test was 7.89 and the average score of the students in the post test was 12. T-score count is t = 3.83 and a significant standard of 0.05. While t table is only 2,306. Because t count is greater than t table (tobserved> t table), so the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Hi) is accepted. So, based on these results, it was concluded that there was a statistical difference between the pre-test at the 0.05 level. This means that learning argumentative writing based on the theory of semantic mapping has a significant influence on students' argumentative writing skills

    Hyvinvointitietojen integrointi terveystaltioon

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    Terveystaltio kokoaa yhteen kansalaisen terveyteen liittyvän tiedon ja työkalut Henkilökohtainen terveyden seuranta keskittyy yksittäisen ihmisen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvien muuttujien seurantaan. Henkilökohtainen terveyden seuranta on nopeasti kasvava sovellusalue, joka kattaa laajan kentän erilaisia hyvinvointi-, terveys- ja viestintälaitteita sekä niiden päälle rakennettuja sovelluksia. Sovellusten ja laitteiden avulla voidaan kerätä monipuolista tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää henkilökohtaisen terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin seurannassa. Terveydenhuoltoalan standardit pohjautuvat pitkälti potilastietojärjestelmien tarpeisiin eivätkä näin ollen sovellu suoraan terveystaltion käyttöön ja hyvinvointitietojen esittämiseen. Mittalaitetiedon osalta Continua Health Alliancen standardit ovat laajasti käytössä ja niiden on todettu tarjoavan hyvät tekniset välineet mittalaitetiedon siirtämiseen terveystaltioon. Hyvinvointitietojen integroimiseksi osaksi terveystaltiota voidaan tunnistaa kaksi erilaista lähestymistapaa. XML-pohjaiset ratkaisut ovat joustavia ja helposti muunneltavia. Ontologiapohjaisen lähestymistavan pohjan muodostavat semanttisen webin teknologiat. Ontologiapohjaisen ratkaisun avulla voidaan saavuttaa tietojärjestelmien välinen semanttinen yhteensopivuus, jolloin järjestelmät ymmärtävät välittämänsä ja vastaanottamansa tiedon merkityksen. Uuden sukupolven standardit sekä nopeasti kehittyvä mittalaiteteknologia tuovat uusia mahdollisuuksia hyvinvointitietojen integroimiseksi osaksi terveystaltiota. Mittalaiteteknologian kehittyminen tuo kansalaisten saataville sellaista teknologiaa, joka on aikaisemmin ollut käytettävissä ainoastaan tutkimus- ja ammattikäytössä

    Comparative study of healthcare messaging standards for interoperability in ehealth systems

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    Advances in the information and communication technology have created the field of "health informatics," which amalgamates healthcare, information technology and business. The use of information systems in healthcare organisations dates back to 1960s, however the use of technology for healthcare records, referred to as Electronic Medical Records (EMR), management has surged since 1990’s (Net-Health, 2017) due to advancements the internet and web technologies. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and sometimes referred to as Personal Health Record (PHR) contains the patient’s medical history, allergy information, immunisation status, medication, radiology images and other medically related billing information that is relevant. There are a number of benefits for healthcare industry when sharing these data recorded in EMR and PHR systems between medical institutions (AbuKhousa et al., 2012). These benefits include convenience for patients and clinicians, cost-effective healthcare solutions, high quality of care, resolving the resource shortage and collecting a large volume of data for research and educational needs. My Health Record (MyHR) is a major project funded by the Australian government, which aims to have all data relating to health of the Australian population stored in digital format, allowing clinicians to have access to patient data at the point of care. Prior to 2015, MyHR was known as Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR). Though the Australian government took consistent initiatives there is a significant delay (Pearce and Haikerwal, 2010) in implementing eHealth projects and related services. While this delay is caused by many factors, interoperability is identified as the main problem (Benson and Grieve, 2016c) which is resisting this project delivery. To discover the current interoperability challenges in the Australian healthcare industry, this comparative study is conducted on Health Level 7 (HL7) messaging models such as HL7 V2, V3 and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). In this study, interoperability, security and privacy are main elements compared. In addition, a case study conducted in the NSW Hospitals to understand the popularity in usage of health messaging standards was utilised to understand the extent of use of messaging standards in healthcare sector. Predominantly, the project used the comparative study method on different HL7 (Health Level Seven) messages and derived the right messaging standard which is suitable to cover the interoperability, security and privacy requirements of electronic health record. The issues related to practical implementations, change over and training requirements for healthcare professionals are also discussed

    Ontologiaperustaisen lääketieteellisen käsitejärjestelmän käyttö kliinisissä dokumenteissa

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    Tämä Pro Gradu -tutkielma esittelee kahta käytössä olevaa lääketieteellistä käsitejärjestelmää (ICD ja SNOMED CT), sekä vertailee niiden eroja ja käyttötarkoituksia. Ontologioiden kehitystä seurataan esimerkin kautta relaatiomallista OWL -kieleen. Lisäksi esitellään RIM -malli, joka mallintaa terveydenhuoltoon liittyvää tietoa. Kliinisten dokumenttien laatu- ja sisältövaatimuksia verrataan kliinisten dokumenttien tallennukseen ja käyttöön tarkoitetun CDA -arkkitehtuurin ominaisuuksiin. Tutkielmassa pohditaan ontologiaperusteisen tietomallin ja lääketieteellisten käsitejärjestelmien yhteiskäyttöä. Kahden esimerkkitapauksen avulla käydään läpi CDA-arkkitehtuurin ja lääketieteellisten käsitejärjestelmien yhteensovittamistapoja, sekä käsitellään toteutukseen liittyviä huomioita. Lisäksi käsitellään uuden tietojärjestelmän määrittelyyn ja käyttöönottoon liittyviä näkökulmia ja valtakunnallisen käyttöönoton vaikutuksia

    A Machine Learning Framework for Securing Patient Records

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    This research concerns the detection of abnormal data usage and unauthorised access in large-scale critical networks, specifically healthcare infrastructures. The focus of this research is safeguarding Electronic Patient Record (EPR)systems in particular. Privacy is a primary concern amongst patients due to the rising adoption of EPR systems. There is growing evidence to suggest that patients may withhold information from healthcare providers due to lack of Trust in the security of EPRs. Yet, patient record data must be available to healthcare providers at the point of care. Roles within healthcare organisations are dynamic and relying on access control is not sufficient. Access to EPR is often heavily audited within healthcare infrastructures. However, this data is regularly left untouched in a data silo and only ever accessed on an ad hoc basis. In addition, external threats need to be identified, such as phishing or social engineering techniques to acquire a clinician’s logon credentials. Without proactive monitoring of audit records, data breaches may go undetected. This thesis proposes a novel machine learning framework using a density-based local outlier detection model, in addition to employing a Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning (HILML) approach. The density-based outlier detection model enables patterns in EPR data to be extracted to profile user behaviour and device interactions in order to detect and visualise anomalous activities. Employing a HILML model ensures that inappropriate activity is investigated and the data analytics is continuously improving. The novel framework is able to detect 156 anomalous behaviours in an unlabelled dataset of 1,007,727 audit logs

    Investigating regional electronic information exchange as a measure of healthcare system integration: Making the invisible visible

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    BACKGROUND Integrated healthcare systems are believed to be enabled by the electronic exchange of clinical information. Canada and other national health systems are making substantial investments in information technology, in order to liberate and share clinical information between providers, improve the quality and safety of care, and reduce costs, yet we currently have no way of measuring these information flows, nor of understanding whether they contribute to the integration of care delivery. METHODS A literature review and consensus development process (nominal group) were used to provide guidance on system integration measures which are enabled by electronic information exchange. In order to conceptualize the components of electronic information exchange, establish a reference vocabulary for terminology, and guide the development of a questionnaire to gather field data, a formal ontology was developed. Validation of a sub-group of the survey data quality was achieved using the ontology and an unrelated database, demonstrating how ontologies may be used to adapt performance measurement methodologies to systems where constraints such as time-compression, lack of resources or access to needed information are prevalent. RESULTS The survey tool gathered cross-sectoral data from a regional health system which populated a summary measure of inter-provider electronic health information exchange (the eHIE), and measured perceptions of system integration from a single health region. The eHIE indicated that 7 -12% of clinical information that could be shared, was being shared electronically in the health region. ANOVA confirmed a significant correlation between the amount of information being exchanged electronically in this system and respondent perceptions of system integration suggesting that the eHIE may be used as a leading indicator for healthcare system integration. CONCLUSIONS It is possible to conceptualize and quantify inter-provider electronic health information exchange. As complex adaptive systems, healthcare systems are dynamic and open to correction; the use of a leading or proximal indicator such as the eHIE may inform effective policy-making and resource allocation in our pursuit of the goal of seamlessly integrated care