14 research outputs found

    Service discovery and negotiation with COWS

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    To provide formal foundations to current (web) services technologies, we put forward using COWS, a process calculus for specifying, combining and analysing services, as a uniform formalism for modelling all the relevant phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, deployment and execution. In this paper, we show that constraints and operations on them can be smoothly incorporated in COWS, and propose a disciplined way to model multisets of constraints and to manipulate them through appropriate interaction protocols. Therefore, we demonstrate that also QoS requirement specifications and SLA achievements, and the phases of dynamic service discovery and negotiation can be comfortably modelled in COWS. We illustrate our approach through a scenario for a service-based web hosting provider

    Aplicación de algoritmos genéticos a la clasificación de imágenes de satélite en el marco de los servicios grid inteligentes estado del arte

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    During many years, the web services have been interested about the syntactic interoperability problem among applications, but forgetting semantics. With the great amount of available information in the Web, and the emergence of news paradigms as Computing Grid, it is necessary to improve the web services by including the semantic component in order to achieve a better benefit from these resources and from necessary elements to be used in a grid environment. In the Web intelligence field, have been proposed several projects, among them, the application of soft computing techniques, such as, evolutionary computation. In this paper we will carry out a review about the Grid current development and other related topics, such as, Semantic Web and Web Services, as well as, the different approaches about the genetic algorithms application in satellite image classification problem.Los servicios Web han atendido durante muchos años el problema de la interoperabilidad sintáctica entre aplicaciones, dejando a un lado la semántica. Con el gran volumen de información disponible en la Web, y la aparición de nuevos paradigmas como la Computación Grid, ha surgido la necesidad de mejorar los servicios Web mediante la inclusión del componente semántico para lograr un mayor aprovechamiento de estos recursos y de los elementos necesarios para que dichos servicios puedan ser utilizados dentro de un ambiente Grid. En el campo de la inteligencia Web se han hecho varias propuestas, entre ellas la aplicación de técnicas de computación flexible como la computación evolucionaria. En este documento se realizará una revisión sobre el desarrollo actual de la Grid y otrostemas relacionados como la Web semántica y los servicios Web, además de los diferentes enfoques acerca de la aplicación de los Algoritmos Genéticos al problema de la clasificación de imágenes de satélite

    Enhanced matching engine for improving the performance of semantic web service discovery

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    Web services are the means to realize the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm. One of the key tasks of the Web services is discovery also known as matchmaking. This is the act of locating suitable Web services to fulfill a specific goal and adding semantic descriptions to the Web services is the key to enabling an automated, intelligent discovery process. Current Semantic Web service discovery approaches are primarily classified into logic-based, non-logic-based and hybrid categories. An important challenge yet to be addressed by the current approaches is the use of the available constructs in Web service descriptions to achieve a better performance in matchmaking. Performance is defined in terms of precision and recall as well-known metrics in the information retrieval field. Moreover, when matchmaking a large number of Web services, maintaining a reasonable execution time becomes a crucial challenge. In this research, to address these challenges, a matching engine is proposed. The engine comprises a new logic-based and nonlogic- based matchmaker to improve the performance of Semantic Web service discovery. The proposed logic-based and non-logic-based matchmakers are also combined as a hybrid matchmaker for further improvement of performance. In addition, a pre-matching filter is used in the matching engine to enhance the execution time of matchmaking. The components of the matching engine were developed as prototypes and evaluated by benchmarking the results against data from the standard repository of Web services. The comparative evaluations in terms of performance and execution time highlighted the superiority of the proposed matching engine over the existing and prominent matchmakers. The proposed matching engine has been proven to enhance both the performance and execution time of the Semantic Web service discovery

    IRS-III: A broker-based approach to semantic Web services

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    A factor limiting the take up of Web services is that all tasks associated with the creation of an application, for example, finding, composing, and resolving mismatches between Web services have to be carried out by a software developer. Semantic Web services is a combination of semantic Web and Web service technologies that promise to alleviate these problems. In this paper we describe IRS-III, a framework for creating and executing semantic Web services, which takes a semantic broker based approach to mediating between service requesters and service providers. We describe the overall approach and the components of IRS-III from an ontological and architectural viewpoint. We then illustrate our approach through an application in the eGovernment domain

    Semantic Service Description Framework for Efficient Service Discovery and Composition

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    Web services have been widely adopted as a new distributed system technology by industries in the areas of, enterprise application integration, business process management, and virtual organisation. However, lack of semantics in current Web services standards has been a major barrier in the further improvement of service discovery and composition. For the last decade, Semantic Web Services have become an important research topic to enrich the semantics of Web services. The key objective of Semantic Web Services is to achieve automatic/semi-automatic Web service discovery, invocation, and composition. There are several existing semantic Web service description frameworks, such as, OWL-S, WSDL-S, and WSMF. However, existing frameworks have several issues, such as insufficient service usage context information, precisely specified requirements needed to locate services, lacking information about inter-service relationships, and insufficient/incomplete information handling, make the process of service discovery and composition not as efficient as it should be. To address these problems, a context-based semantic service description framework is proposed in this thesis. This framework focuses on not only capabilities of Web services, but also the usage context information of Web services, which we consider as an important factor in efficient service discovery and composition. Based on this framework, an enhanced service discovery mechanism is proposed. It gives service users more flexibility to search for services in more natural ways rather than only by technical specifications of required services. The service discovery mechanism also demonstrates how the features provided by the framework can facilitate the service discovery and composition processes. Together with the framework, a transformation method is provided to transform exiting service descriptions into the new framework based descriptions. The framework is evaluated through a scenario based analysis in comparison with OWL-S and a prototype based performance evaluation in terms of query response time, the precision and recall ratio, and system scalability