573 research outputs found

    Kako razvrstati glagole s elementom 'se' u valencijskome rječniku hrvatskih glagola?

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    U radu se iznosi pokušaj razvrstavanja glagola s elementom se u valencijskome rječniku hrvatskih glagola. Kao predložak poslužila je obrada iste vrste glagola u češkome elektroničkom valencijskom rječniku VALLEX, kao i prototipno-kontekstualna analiza povratnih glagola Branimira Belaja. Glagoli se razvrstavaju na temelju gramatičkih i semantičkih kriterija. Ključne riječi: valencija; valencijski rječnik; glagoli sa se; element se kao čestica i kao zamjenicaThe paper presents an attempt to classify verbs with a se element in a valency dictionary of Croatian verbs. The verbs are classified and analysed in accordance with the classification and analysis of Czech verbs proposed in The Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs (VALLEX) and in accordance with a prototype- contextual analysis of Croatian reflexive verbs by Branimir Belaj. Verb classification is based upon grammatical and semantic features. The author proposes nine classes of verbs, which are to be included in the Croatian valency dictionary. The se element, which accompanies the reflexive verbs, can be analysed either as a particle with some verbs, or as a pronoun with others

    An Experiment in Verb Valency Frame Extraction from Croatian Dependency Treebank

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    The paper presents an approach to semi-automatic verb valency frame extraction from the Croatian Dependency Treebank. Our algorithm extracted 1923 verb valency frames for 594 different verbs. We discuss applicability of our method to semi-automatic verb valency lexicon creation and refinement, along with possibilities of utilizing it in the task of parsing Croatian texts

    Platform for Full-Syntax Grammar Development Using Meta-grammar Constructs

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    PACLIC 20 / Wuhan, China / 1-3 November, 200

    Target-Side Context for Discriminative Models in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Discriminative translation models utilizing source context have been shown to help statistical machine translation performance. We propose a novel extension of this work using target context information. Surprisingly, we show that this model can be efficiently integrated directly in the decoding process. Our approach scales to large training data sizes and results in consistent improvements in translation quality on four language pairs. We also provide an analysis comparing the strengths of the baseline source-context model with our extended source-context and target-context model and we show that our extension allows us to better capture morphological coherence. Our work is freely available as part of Moses.Comment: Accepted as a long paper for ACL 201

    Treebanking in the world of Thucydides. Linguistic annotation for the Hellespont Project

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    The Hellespont project (DAI, Tufts University) aims to structure the text of a passage from the ancient Greek historian Thucydides (1.89-118), in order to highlight events, persons and peoples that populate the world of the author and connect the different digital sources available for their study. Event annotation in the text in particular requires an in-depth linguistic analysis of morphology, syntax and semantics. However, the available resources for Ancient Greek do not provide adequate standards to support the encoding of semantic and pragmatic phenomena in Ancient Greek texts. In this paper, we discuss the motivation of the project and how we adapted the so called tectogrammatical annotation of the Prague Dependency Treebank to identify the events and describe their structure. The linguistic notion of valency, which is central to tectogrammatical sentence representation, proves very useful for this analysis of Ancient Greek

    How to classify verbs with a se element in valency dictionary of Croatian verbs?

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    U radu se iznosi pokušaj razvrstavanja glagola s elementom se u valencijskome rječniku hrvatskih glagola. Kao predložak poslužila je obrada iste vrste glagola u češkome elektroničkom valencijskom rječniku VALLEX, kao i prototipno-kontekstualna analiza povratnih glagola Branimira Belaja. Glagoli se razvrstavaju na temelju gramatičkih i semantičkih kriterija.The paper presents an attempt to classify verbs with a se element in a valency dictionary of Croatian verbs. The verbs are classified and analysed in accordance with the classification and analysis of Czech verbs proposed in The Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs (VALLEX) and in accordance with a prototype- contextual analysis of Croatian reflexive verbs by Branimir Belaj. Verb classification is based upon grammatical and semantic features. The author proposes nine classes of verbs, which are to be included in the Croatian valency dictionary. The se element, which accompanies the reflexive verbs, can be analysed either as a particle with some verbs, or as a pronoun with others

    Large and noisy vs small and reliable: combining 2 types of corpora for adjective valence extraction

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    International audienceThis work investigates a possibility of combining two different types of corpora to build a valence lexicon for French adjectives. We complete adjectival frames extracted from a Treebank with statistical cues computed from a large automatically parsed corpus. This experiment shows how linguistic knowledge and large amount of annotated data can be used in a complementary manner

    Ditransitive verbs and the ditransitive construction: a diachronic perspective

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    This paper argues for the adoption of a construction-based perspective to the investigation of diachronic shifts in valency, which is a hitherto largely neglected topic in the framework of valency grammar. On the basis of a comparison of the set of verbs attested in the double object argument structure pattern in a corpus of 18th-century British English with the construction's present-day semantic range, I will distinguish between three kinds of valency shifts. It will be shown that the semantic ranges of schematic argument structure constructions are subject to diachronic change, and that the shifts in valency observed in individual verbs are often part of more general changes at the level of the associated argument structure constructions. The latter part of the paper explores frequency shifts in valency and constructional semantics

    Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs VALLEX: Recent Experiments with Frame Disambiguation

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