6,297 research outputs found

    Global Versus Local Computations: Fast Computing with Identifiers

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    This paper studies what can be computed by using probabilistic local interactions with agents with a very restricted power in polylogarithmic parallel time. It is known that if agents are only finite state (corresponding to the Population Protocol model by Angluin et al.), then only semilinear predicates over the global input can be computed. In fact, if the population starts with a unique leader, these predicates can even be computed in a polylogarithmic parallel time. If identifiers are added (corresponding to the Community Protocol model by Guerraoui and Ruppert), then more global predicates over the input multiset can be computed. Local predicates over the input sorted according to the identifiers can also be computed, as long as the identifiers are ordered. The time of some of those predicates might require exponential parallel time. In this paper, we consider what can be computed with Community Protocol in a polylogarithmic number of parallel interactions. We introduce the class CPPL corresponding to protocols that use O(nlogkn)O(n\log^k n), for some k, expected interactions to compute their predicates, or equivalently a polylogarithmic number of parallel expected interactions. We provide some computable protocols, some boundaries of the class, using the fact that the population can compute its size. We also prove two impossibility results providing some arguments showing that local computations are no longer easy: the population does not have the time to compare a linear number of consecutive identifiers. The Linearly Local languages, such that the rational language (ab)(ab)^*, are not computable.Comment: Long version of SSS 2016 publication, appendixed version of SIROCCO 201

    Self-stabilizing Leader Election in Population Protocols over Arbitrary Communication Graphs

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    This paper considers the fundamental problem of \emph{self-stabilizing leader election} (SSLE\mathcal{SSLE}) in the model of \emph{population protocols}. In this model, an unknown number of asynchronous, anonymous and finite state mobile agents interact in pairs over a given communication graph. SSLE\mathcal{SSLE} has been shown to be impossible in the original model. This impossibility can been circumvented by a modular technique augmenting the system with an \emph{oracle} - an external module abstracting the added assumption about the system. Fischer and Jiang have proposed solutions to SSLE\mathcal{SSLE}, for complete communication graphs and rings, using an oracle Ω?\Omega?, called the \emph{eventual leader detector}. In this work, we present a solution for arbitrary graphs, using a \emph{composition} of two copies of Ω?\Omega?. We also prove that the difficulty comes from the requirement of self-stabilization, by giving a solution without oracle for arbitrary graphs, when an uniform initialization is allowed. Finally, we prove that there is no self-stabilizing \emph{implementation} of Ω?\Omega? using SSLE\mathcal{SSLE}, in a sense we define precisely

    Smoothed Analysis of Population Protocols

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    Uniform Bipartition in the Population Protocol Model with Arbitrary Communication Graphs

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    In this paper, we focus on the uniform bipartition problem in the population protocol model. This problem aims to divide a population into two groups of equal size. In particular, we consider the problem in the context of arbitrary communication graphs. As a result, we investigate the solvability of the uniform bipartition problem with arbitrary communication graphs when agents in the population have designated initial states, under various assumptions such as the existence of a base station, symmetry of the protocol, and fairness of the execution. When the problem is solvable, we present protocols for uniform bipartition. When global fairness is assumed, the space complexity of our solutions is tight

    Loosely-Stabilizing Leader Election on Arbitrary Graphs in Population Protocols Without Identifiers nor Random Numbers

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    In the population protocol model Angluin et al. proposed in 2004, there exists no self-stabilizing leader election protocol for complete graphs, arbitrary graphs, trees, lines, degree-bounded graphs and so on unless the protocol knows the exact number of nodes. To circumvent the impossibility, we introduced the concept of loose-stabilization in 2009, which relaxes the closure requirement of self-stabilization. A loosely-stabilizing protocol guarantees that starting from any initial configuration a system reaches a safe configuration, and after that, the system keeps its specification (e.g. the unique leader) not forever, but for a sufficiently long time (e.g. exponentially large time with respect to the number of nodes). Our previous works presented two loosely-stabilizing leader election protocols for arbitrary graphs; One uses agent identifiers and the other uses random numbers to elect a unique leader. In this paper, we present a loosely-stabilizing protocol that solves leader election on arbitrary graphs without agent identifiers nor random numbers. By the combination of virus-propagation and token-circulation, the proposed protocol achieves polynomial convergence time and exponential holding time without such external entities. Specifically, given upper bounds N and Delta of the number of nodes n and the maximum degree of nodes delta respectively, it reaches a safe configuration within O(m*n^3*d + m*N*Delta^2*log(N)) expected steps, and keeps the unique leader for Omega(N*e^N) expected steps where m is the number of edges and d is the diameter of the graph. To measure the time complexity of the protocol, we assume the uniformly random scheduler which is widely used in the field of the population protocols

    Nothing can compare with a population, besides agents

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    15 pagesLeveraging the resemblances between two areas explored so far independently enables to provide a theoretical framework for dis- tributed systems where global behaviors emerge from a set of local in- teractions. The contribution of this paper arise from the observation that population protocols and multi-agent systems (MAS) bear many resemblances. Particularly, some subclasses of MAS seem to fit the same computational power than population protocols. Population protocols provide theoretical foundations for mobile tiny device networks. On the other hand, from long-standing research study in distributed artificial in- telligence, MAS forms an interesting model for society and owns a broad spectrum of application field, from simple reactive system to social sci- ences. Linking the both model should offers several extremely interesting outcomes

    Terminating population protocols via some minimal global knowledge assumptions

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    We extend the population protocol model with a cover-time service that informs a walking state every time it covers the whole network. This represents a known upper bound on the cover time of a random walk. The cover-time service allows us to introduce termination into population protocols, a capability that is crucial for any distributed system. By reduction to an oracle-model we arrive at a very satisfactory lower bound on the computational power of the model: we prove that it is at least as strong as a Turing Machine of space log n with input commutativity, where n is the number of nodes in the network. We also give a log n-space, but nondeterministic this time, upper bound. Finally, we prove interesting similarities of this model to linear bounded automata. Keywords: population protocol, cover-time service, rendezvous-based communication, interaction, counter machine, absence detector, linear-bounded automaton 1

    Passively Mobile Communicating Logarithmic Space Machines

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    We propose a new theoretical model for passively mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. We call it the PALOMA model, standing for PAssively mobile LOgarithmic space MAchines. The main modification w.r.t. the Population Protocol model is that agents now, instead of being automata, are Turing Machines whose memory is logarithmic in the population size n. Note that the new model is still easily implementable with current technology. We focus on complete communication graphs. We define the complexity class PLM, consisting of all symmetric predicates on input assignments that are stably computable by the PALOMA model. We assume that the agents are initially identical. Surprisingly, it turns out that the PALOMA model can assign unique consecutive ids to the agents and inform them of the population size! This allows us to give a direct simulation of a Deterministic Turing Machine of O(nlogn) space, thus, establishing that any symmetric predicate in SPACE(nlogn) also belongs to PLM. We next prove that the PALOMA model can simulate the Community Protocol model, thus, improving the previous lower bound to all symmetric predicates in NSPACE(nlogn). Going one step further, we generalize the simulation of the deterministic TM to prove that the PALOMA model can simulate a Nondeterministic TM of O(nlogn) space. Although providing the same lower bound, the important remark here is that the bound is now obtained in a direct manner, in the sense that it does not depend on the simulation of a TM by a Pointer Machine. Finally, by showing that a Nondeterministic TM of O(nlogn) space decides any language stably computable by the PALOMA model, we end up with an exact characterization for PLM: it is precisely the class of all symmetric predicates in NSPACE(nlogn).Comment: 22 page