57 research outputs found

    Subsystems for future access networks

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    Current evolution and tendencies of Telecom Networks in general and more specifically optical Metro and Access Networks and their convergence are reported. Based on this evolution, a set of research lines are foreseen regarding subsystems and devices as: high speed optical sources, modulators and receivers, for the next generation of Passive Optical Networks. The ICT project EURO-FOS is achieving European level cooperative research among academia and industry, enabling future telecommunication networks

    Advances in Optical Amplifiers

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    Optical amplifiers play a central role in all categories of fibre communications systems and networks. By compensating for the losses exerted by the transmission medium and the components through which the signals pass, they reduce the need for expensive and slow optical-electrical-optical conversion. The photonic gain media, which are normally based on glass- or semiconductor-based waveguides, can amplify many high speed wavelength division multiplexed channels simultaneously. Recent research has also concentrated on wavelength conversion, switching, demultiplexing in the time domain and other enhanced functions. Advances in Optical Amplifiers presents up to date results on amplifier performance, along with explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in the field. Its chapters cover amplifiers based on rare earth doped fibres and waveguides, stimulated Raman scattering, nonlinear parametric processes and semiconductor media. Wavelength conversion and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunications service operators

    Self-Seeded RSOA-Fiber Cavity Lasers vs. ASE Spectrum-Sliced or Externally Seeded Transmitters—A Comparative Study

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    Reflective semiconductor optical amplifier fiber cavity lasers (RSOA-FCLs) are appealing, colorless, self-seeded, self-tuning and cost-efficient upstream transmitters. They are of interest for wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks (WDM-PONs) based links. In this paper, we compare RSOA-FCLs with alternative colorless sources, namely the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectrum-sliced and the externally seeded RSOAs. We compare the differences in output power, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), relative intensity noise (RIN), frequency response and transmission characteristics of these three sources. It is shown that an RSOA-FCL offers a higher output power over an ASE spectrum-sliced source with SNR, RIN and frequency response characteristics halfway between an ASE spectrum-sliced and a more expensive externally seeded RSOA. The results show that the RSOA-FCL is a cost-efficient WDM-PON upstream source, borrowing simplicity and cost-efficiency from ASE spectrum slicing with characteristics that are, in many instances, good enough to perform short-haul transmission. To substantiate our statement and to quantitatively compare the potential of the three schemes, we perform data transmission experiments at 5 and 10 Gbit/s

    Wavelength tunable transmitters for future reconfigurable agile optical networks

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    Wavelength tuneable transmission is a requirement for future reconfigurable agile optical networks as it enables cost efficient bandwidth distribution and a greater degree of transparency. This thesis focuses on the development and characterisation of wavelength tuneable transmitters for the core, metro and access based WDM networks. The wavelength tuneable RZ transmitter is a fundamental component for the core network as the RZ coding scheme is favoured over the conventional NRZ format as the line rate increases. The combination of a widely tuneable SG DBR laser and an EAM is a propitious technique employed to generate wavelength tuneable pulses at high repetition rates (40 GHz). As the EAM is inherently wavelength dependant an accurate characterisation of the generated pulses is carried out using the linear spectrogram measurement technique. Performance issues associated with the transmitter are investigated by employing the generated pulses in a 1500 km 42.7 Gb/s circulating loop system. It is demonstrated that non-optimisation of the EAM drive conditions at each operating wavelength can lead to a 33 % degradation in system performance. To achieve consistent operation over a wide waveband the drive conditions of the EAM must be altered at each operating wavelength. The metro network spans relatively small distances in comparison to the core and therefore must utilise more cost efficient solutions to transmit data, while also maintaining high reconfigurable functionality. Due to the shorter transmission distances, directly modulated sources can be utilised, as less precise wavelength and chirp control can be tolerated. Therefore a gain-switched FP laser provides an ideal source for wavelength tuneable pulse generation at high data rates (10 Gb/s). A self-seeding scheme that generates single mode pulses with high SMSR (> 30 dB) and small pulse duration is demonstrated. A FBG with a very large group delay disperses the generated pulses and subsequently uses this CW like signal to re-inject the laser diode negating the need to tune the repetition rate for optimum gain-switching operation. The access network provides the last communication link between the customer’s premises and the first switching node in the network. FTTH systems should take advantage of directly modulated sources; therefore the direct modulation of a SG DBR tuneable laser is investigated. Although a directly modulated TL is ideal for reconfigurable access based networks, the modulation itself leads to a drift in operating frequency which may result in cross channel interference in a WDM network. This effect is investigated and also a possible solution to compensate the frequency drift through simultaneous modulation of the lasers phase section is examined

    High-speed WDM-PON using CW injection-locked Fabry-Pérot laser diodes

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    2006-2007 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Optical pulse processing towards Tb/s high-speed photonic systems

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    Due to the continued growth of high-bandwidth services provided by the internet, there is a requirement to operate individual line rates in excess of 100 Gb/s in next generation optical communications systems. Thus, to implement these high-speed optical networks all-optical processing techniques are necessary for pulse shaping and pulse routing. Two sub-systems (pulse generation and wavelength conversion), which exploit optical processing techniques are explored within this thesis. Future systems will require high-quality pulse sources and this thesis develops the pulse generation technique of gain switching to provide simple and cost efficient pulse sources. The poor pulse quality typically associated with gain switching is enhanced by developing all-optical methods. The main attribute of the first pulse generation scheme presented is its wavelength tunability over 50 nm. The novelty of the second scheme lies in the ability to design a grating which has a nonlinear chirp profile exactly opposite to the gain-switched pulses. This grating used in conjunction with the gain-switched laser generates transform limited pulses suitable for 80 Gb/s systems. Furthermore the use of a vertical microcavity-based saturable absorber to suppress detrimental temporal pulse pedestals of a pulse source is investigated. Next generation networks will require routing of data in the optical domain, which can be accomplished by high-speed all-optical wavelength converters. A semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is an ideal device to carry out wavelength conversion. In this thesis pulses following propagation through an SOA are experimentally characterised to examine the temporal and spectral dynamics due to the nonlinear response of the SOA. High-speed wavelength conversion is presented using SOA-based shifted filtering. For the first time 80 Gb/s error-free performance was obtained using cross phase modulation in conjunction with blue spectral shifted filtering. In addition an important attribute of this work experimentally examines the temporal profile and phase of the SOA-based shifted filtering wavelength converted signals. Thus the contribution and effect of ultrafast carrier dynamics associated with SOAs is presented

    Photonic devices for next generation fiber-to-the-home access network

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    It would be unaffordable if the WDM-PON technologies were directly applied for massive deployment. Hence, the potential WDM-PON is to be integrated and improved in order to adapt it for NGPON and the future 5G. The UDWDM-PON can be considered as an ultimate solution for the next-generation access network capable of providing unlimited bandwidth for each user, thanks to the coherent detection. Plenty of scientists have believed that it is crucial to increase the operating speed and maximum reach of WDM-PON, while it has no sense if people achieve them without a ordable cost. In order to apply them cost-effciently, the system should require colorless ONUs and bidirectional systems. It is desired that the whole system use modulators on a low bias consumption, even limit the number of amplifiers. However, for bidirectional transmission the backscattering effects would limit the performance if we want to reuse the carrier from OLT. So, we should design a method to separate the wavelength between upstream and downstream. The traditional UDWDM-PON uses 2 laser at ONU, in this thesis, the single-DFB based ONUs are presented with integrated devices. What is the most plausible configuration? The photonic devices such as RSOA, DEML, FML with advanced configurations are presented in this thesis with different applications. The proposed thesis includes these parts: key devices for WDM-PON and the chirp parameters of these integrated photonic devices are measured, the polarization independent RSOA with different applications is also included, demonstration of dual output DEML with bidirectional coherent UDWDM-PON transmission, mitigating residual AM of DEML for phase modulation, and fast tuning for the UDWDM channel via FML are described.Por sus altos requerimientos técnicos, sería inasumible aplicar las tecnologías WDM-PON directamente para el despliegue masivo de Fiber-to-the-Home de nueva generación. Por lo tanto, el potencial se WDM-PON se debe integrar y mejorar con el fin de adaptarlo para NGPON y el futuro 5G. Hoy dia, operadores, usuarios y científicos, ven crucial augmentar la velocitat de funcionament y el alcance de las redes de acceso PON, si bien no tiene sentido conseguirlo con un coste inasequible. El UDWDM-PON puede considerarse como una solución definitiva para la red de acceso de próxima generación, capaz de proporcionar ancho de banda ilimitado para cada usuario, gracias a la detección coherente, por lo que en esta tesis se aborda su realización con un coste e integración prácticos. Con el fin de aplicarlos de manera rentable, el sistema debería exigir a las ONU que sean idénticas, si láseres preseleccionados o incoloros, y ser bidireccionales. Se desea que el conjunto de moduladores del sistema tengan en un bajo consumo, e incluso limitar el número de amplificadores. Sin embargo, para la transmisión bidireccional los efectos de retrodispersión limitarían el rendimiento si queremos volver a utilizar la portadora generada en la OLT. Por lo tanto, debemos diseñar un método para separar la longitud de onda en las transmisiones de bajada y de retorno del usuario a la central. El tradicional UDWDM-PON utiliza 2 láseres en la ONU; en esta tesis, las ONUs usan dispositivos integrados basados en un sólo DFB. ¿Cuál es la configuración más plausible? Los dispositivos fotónicos como RSOA, DEML, FML con configuraciones avanzadas se presentan en esta tesis con diferentes aplicaciones, que resuelven distintos problemas técnicos. La tesis incluye las siguientes partes: análisis y medida de dispositivos fotónicos clave para WDM-PON con modulación de fase, la independencia a la polarización de RSOA con diferentes aplicaciones, demostración de DEML con doble salida para transmisión bidireccional coherente UDWDM-PON, mitigación de AM residual de DEML para la modulación de fase, y la sintonía rápida de canal de UDWDM a través de FML.Postprint (published version