22 research outputs found

    Self-organized adaptive legged locomotion in a compliant quadruped robot

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    In this contribution we present experiments of an adaptive locomotion controller on a compliant quadruped robot. The adaptive controller consists of adaptive frequency oscillators in different configurations and produces dynamic gaits such as bounding and jumping. We show two main results: (1)The adaptive controller is able to track the resonant frequency of the robot which is a function of different body parameters (2)controllers based on dynamical systems as we present are able to "recognize” mechanically intrinsic modes of locomotion, adapt to them and enforce them. More specifically the main results are supported by several experiments, showing first that the adaptive controller is constantly tracking body properties and readjusting to them. Second, that important gait parameters are dependent on the geometry and movement of the robot and the controller can account for that. Third, that local control is sufficient and the adaptive controller can adapt to the different mechanical modes. And finally, that key properties of the gaits are not only depending on properties of the body but also the actual mode of movement that the body is operating in. We show that even if we specify the gait pattern on the level of the CPG the chosen gait pattern does not necessarily correspond to the CPG's pattern. Furthermore, we present the analytical treatment of adaptive frequency oscillators in closed feedback loops, and compare the results to the data from the robot experiment

    Adaptive Frequency Oscillators and Applications

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    In this contribution we present a generic mechanism to transform an oscillator into an adaptive frequency oscillator, which can then dynamically adapt its parameters to learn the frequency of any periodic driving signal. Adaptation is done in a dynamic way: it is part of the dynamical system and not an offline process. This mechanism goes beyond entrainment since it works for any initial frequencies and the learned frequency stays encoded in the system even if the driving signal disappears. Interestingly, this mechanism can easily be applied to a large class of oscillators from harmonic oscillators to relaxation types and strange attractors. Several practical applications of this mechanism are then presented, ranging from adaptive control of compliant robots to frequency analysis of signals and construction of limit cycles of arbitrary shape

    Modeling and frequency domain analysis of nonlinear compliant joints for a passive dynamic swimmer

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    In this paper we present the study of the mathematical model of a real life joint used in an underwater robotic fish. Fluid-structure interaction is utterly simplified and the motion of the joint is approximated by D\"uffing's equation. We compare the quality of analytical harmonic solutions previously reported, with the input-output relation obtained via truncated Volterra series expansion. Comparisons show a trade-off between accuracy and flexibility of the methods. The methods are discussed in detail in order to facilitate reproduction of our results. The approach presented herein can be used to verify results in nonlinear resonance applications and in the design of bio-inspired compliant robots that exploit passive properties of their dynamics. We focus on the potential use of this type of joint for energy extraction from environmental sources, in this case a K\'arm\'an vortex street shed by an obstacle in a flow. Open challenges and questions are mentioned throughout the document.Comment: 12 p, 5 fig, work in progress, collaborative wor

    Learning Legged Locomotion

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    Legged locomotion of biological systems can be viewed as a self-organizing process of highly complex system-environment interactions. Walking behavior is, for example, generated from the interactions between many mechanical components (e.g. physical interactions between feet and ground, skeletons an

    Shaping Behavior With Adaptive Morphology

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    The implications of embodiment for behavior and cognition: animal and robotic case studies

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    In this paper, we will argue that if we want to understand the function of the brain (or the control in the case of robots), we must understand how the brain is embedded into the physical system, and how the organism interacts with the real world. While embodiment has often been used in its trivial meaning, i.e. 'intelligence requires a body', the concept has deeper and more important implications, concerned with the relation between physical and information (neural, control) processes. A number of case studies are presented to illustrate the concept. These involve animals and robots and are concentrated around locomotion, grasping, and visual perception. A theoretical scheme that can be used to embed the diverse case studies will be presented. Finally, we will establish a link between the low-level sensory-motor processes and cognition. We will present an embodied view on categorization, and propose the concepts of 'body schema' and 'forward models' as a natural extension of the embodied approach toward first representations.Comment: Book chapter in W. Tschacher & C. Bergomi, ed., 'The Implications of Embodiment: Cognition and Communication', Exeter: Imprint Academic, pp. 31-5

    A Hybrid Combining Hard and Soft Robots

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    This manuscript describes a hybrid robotic system combining hard and soft sub-systems. This hybrid comprises a wheeled robot (an iRobot Create©; hard) and a four-legged quadruped (soft). It is capable (using a simple, wireless control system) of rapid locomotion over flat terrain (using the wheeled hard robot), and of gripping and retrieval of an object (using the soft robot). The utility of this system is demonstrated by performing a mission requiring the capabilities of both components: retrieving an object (iPod Nano®) from the center of a room. This class of robot— hybrids comprising hard and soft systems functioning synergistically—is capable of performing tasks that neither can do alone. In contrast to specialised hard robotic arms with grippers (capable of performing some of the functions we describe here), which are complex, relatively expensive, and require sophisticated controls, this hybrid system is easy to construct, simple to control, and low in cost. The soft robotic system in the hybrid is lightweight, disposable if contaminated or damaged, and capable of multiple functions.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog