1,824 research outputs found

    ACon: A learning-based approach to deal with uncertainty in contextual requirements at runtime

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    Context: Runtime uncertainty such as unpredictable operational environment and failure of sensors that gather environmental data is a well-known challenge for adaptive systems. Objective: To execute requirements that depend on context correctly, the system needs up-to-date knowledge about the context relevant to such requirements. Techniques to cope with uncertainty in contextual requirements are currently underrepresented. In this paper we present ACon (Adaptation of Contextual requirements), a data-mining approach to deal with runtime uncertainty affecting contextual requirements. Method: ACon uses feedback loops to maintain up-to-date knowledge about contextual requirements based on current context information in which contextual requirements are valid at runtime. Upon detecting that contextual requirements are affected by runtime uncertainty, ACon analyses and mines contextual data, to (re-)operationalize context and therefore update the information about contextual requirements. Results: We evaluate ACon in an empirical study of an activity scheduling system used by a crew of 4 rowers in a wild and unpredictable environment using a complex monitoring infrastructure. Our study focused on evaluating the data mining part of ACon and analysed the sensor data collected onboard from 46 sensors and 90,748 measurements per sensor. Conclusion: ACon is an important step in dealing with uncertainty affecting contextual requirements at runtime while considering end-user interaction. ACon supports systems in analysing the environment to adapt contextual requirements and complements existing requirements monitoring approaches by keeping the requirements monitoring specification up-to-date. Consequently, it avoids manual analysis that is usually costly in today’s complex system environments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Semi-supervised Tuning from Temporal Coherence

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    Recent works demonstrated the usefulness of temporal coherence to regularize supervised training or to learn invariant features with deep architectures. In particular, enforcing smooth output changes while presenting temporally-closed frames from video sequences, proved to be an effective strategy. In this paper we prove the efficacy of temporal coherence for semi-supervised incremental tuning. We show that a deep architecture, just mildly trained in a supervised manner, can progressively improve its classification accuracy, if exposed to video sequences of unlabeled data. The extent to which, in some cases, a semi-supervised tuning allows to improve classification accuracy (approaching the supervised one) is somewhat surprising. A number of control experiments pointed out the fundamental role of temporal coherence.Comment: Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Towards a Self-Sufficient Face Verification System

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] The absence of a previous collaborative manual enrolment represents a significant handicap towards designing a face verification system for face re-identification purposes. In this scenario, the system must learn the target identity incrementally, using data from the video stream during the operational authentication phase. So, manual labelling cannot be assumed apart from the first few frames. On the other hand, even the most advanced methods trained on large-scale and unconstrained datasets suffer performance degradation when no adaptation to specific contexts is performed. This work proposes an adaptive face verification system, for the continuous re-identification of target identity, within the framework of incremental unsupervised learning. Our Dynamic Ensemble of SVM is capable of incorporating non-labelled information to improve the performance of any model, even when its initial performance is modest. The proposal uses the self-training approach and is compared against other classification techniques within this same approach. Results show promising behaviour in terms of both knowledge acquisition and impostor robustness.This work has received financial support from the Spanish government (project TIN2017-90135-R MINECO (FEDER)), from The Consellaría de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (accreditations 2016–2019, EDG431G/01 and ED431G/08), and reference competitive groups (2017–2020, and ED431C 2017/04), and from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Eric López-López has received financial support from the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Social Fund – ESF)Xunta de Galicia; EDG431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/08Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/0

    Patient-adapted and inter-patient ecg classification using neural network and gradient boosting

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    Heart disease diagnosis is an important non-invasive technique. Therefore, there exists an effort to increase the accuracy of arrhythmia classification based on ECG signals. In this work, we present a novel approach of heart arrhythmia detection. The model consists of two parts. The first part extracts important features from raw ECG signal using Auto-Encoder Neural Network. Extracted features obtained by Auto-Encoder represent an input for the second part of the model, the Gradient Boosting and Feedforward Neural Network classifiers. For comparison purposes, we evaluated our approach by using MIT-BIH ECG database and also following recommendations of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) for ECG class labeling. We divided our experiment into two scenarios. The first scenario represents the classification task for the patient-adapted paradigm and the second one was dedicated to the inter-patient paradigm. We compared the measured results to the state-of-the-art methods and it shows that our method outperforms the state-of-the art methods in the Ventricular Ectopic (VEB) class for both paradigms and Supraventricular Ectopic (SVEB) class in the inter-patient paradigm.Web of Science28325424

    The k-NN classifier and self-adaptive Hotelling data reduction technique in handwritten signatures recognition

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    The paper proposes a novel signature verification concept. This new approach uses appropriate similarity coefficients to evaluate the associations between the signature features. This association, called the new composed feature, enables the calculation of a new form of similarity between objects. The most important advantage of the proposed solution is case-by-case matching of similarity coefficients to a signature features, which can be utilized to assess whether a given signature is genuine or forged. The procedure, as described, has been repeated for each person presented in a signatures database. In the verification stage, a two-class classifier recognizes genuine and forged signatures. In this paper, a broad range of classifiers are evaluated. These classifiers all operate on features observed and computed during the data preparation stage. The set of signature composed features of a given person can be reduced what decrease verification error. Such a phenomenon does not occur for the raw features. The approach proposed was tested in a practical environment, with handwritten signatures used as the objects to be compared. The high level of signature recognition obtained confirms that the proposed methodology is efficient and that it can be adapted to accommodate as yet unknown features. The approach proposed can be incorporated into biometric systems

    QUIS-CAMPI: Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios

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    The concerns about individuals security have justified the increasing number of surveillance cameras deployed both in private and public spaces. However, contrary to popular belief, these devices are in most cases used solely for recording, instead of feeding intelligent analysis processes capable of extracting information about the observed individuals. Thus, even though video surveillance has already proved to be essential for solving multiple crimes, obtaining relevant details about the subjects that took part in a crime depends on the manual inspection of recordings. As such, the current goal of the research community is the development of automated surveillance systems capable of monitoring and identifying subjects in surveillance scenarios. Accordingly, the main goal of this thesis is to improve the performance of biometric recognition algorithms in data acquired from surveillance scenarios. In particular, we aim at designing a visual surveillance system capable of acquiring biometric data at a distance (e.g., face, iris or gait) without requiring human intervention in the process, as well as devising biometric recognition methods robust to the degradation factors resulting from the unconstrained acquisition process. Regarding the first goal, the analysis of the data acquired by typical surveillance systems shows that large acquisition distances significantly decrease the resolution of biometric samples, and thus their discriminability is not sufficient for recognition purposes. In the literature, diverse works point out Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) cameras as the most practical way for acquiring high-resolution imagery at a distance, particularly when using a master-slave configuration. In the master-slave configuration, the video acquired by a typical surveillance camera is analyzed for obtaining regions of interest (e.g., car, person) and these regions are subsequently imaged at high-resolution by the PTZ camera. Several methods have already shown that this configuration can be used for acquiring biometric data at a distance. Nevertheless, these methods failed at providing effective solutions to the typical challenges of this strategy, restraining its use in surveillance scenarios. Accordingly, this thesis proposes two methods to support the development of a biometric data acquisition system based on the cooperation of a PTZ camera with a typical surveillance camera. The first proposal is a camera calibration method capable of accurately mapping the coordinates of the master camera to the pan/tilt angles of the PTZ camera. The second proposal is a camera scheduling method for determining - in real-time - the sequence of acquisitions that maximizes the number of different targets obtained, while minimizing the cumulative transition time. In order to achieve the first goal of this thesis, both methods were combined with state-of-the-art approaches of the human monitoring field to develop a fully automated surveillance capable of acquiring biometric data at a distance and without human cooperation, designated as QUIS-CAMPI system. The QUIS-CAMPI system is the basis for pursuing the second goal of this thesis. The analysis of the performance of the state-of-the-art biometric recognition approaches shows that these approaches attain almost ideal recognition rates in unconstrained data. However, this performance is incongruous with the recognition rates observed in surveillance scenarios. Taking into account the drawbacks of current biometric datasets, this thesis introduces a novel dataset comprising biometric samples (face images and gait videos) acquired by the QUIS-CAMPI system at a distance ranging from 5 to 40 meters and without human intervention in the acquisition process. This set allows to objectively assess the performance of state-of-the-art biometric recognition methods in data that truly encompass the covariates of surveillance scenarios. As such, this set was exploited for promoting the first international challenge on biometric recognition in the wild. This thesis describes the evaluation protocols adopted, along with the results obtained by the nine methods specially designed for this competition. In addition, the data acquired by the QUIS-CAMPI system were crucial for accomplishing the second goal of this thesis, i.e., the development of methods robust to the covariates of surveillance scenarios. The first proposal regards a method for detecting corrupted features in biometric signatures inferred by a redundancy analysis algorithm. The second proposal is a caricature-based face recognition approach capable of enhancing the recognition performance by automatically generating a caricature from a 2D photo. The experimental evaluation of these methods shows that both approaches contribute to improve the recognition performance in unconstrained data.A crescente preocupação com a segurança dos indivíduos tem justificado o crescimento do número de câmaras de vídeo-vigilância instaladas tanto em espaços privados como públicos. Contudo, ao contrário do que normalmente se pensa, estes dispositivos são, na maior parte dos casos, usados apenas para gravação, não estando ligados a nenhum tipo de software inteligente capaz de inferir em tempo real informações sobre os indivíduos observados. Assim, apesar de a vídeo-vigilância ter provado ser essencial na resolução de diversos crimes, o seu uso está ainda confinado à disponibilização de vídeos que têm que ser manualmente inspecionados para extrair informações relevantes dos sujeitos envolvidos no crime. Como tal, atualmente, o principal desafio da comunidade científica é o desenvolvimento de sistemas automatizados capazes de monitorizar e identificar indivíduos em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. Esta tese tem como principal objetivo estender a aplicabilidade dos sistemas de reconhecimento biométrico aos ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. De forma mais especifica, pretende-se 1) conceber um sistema de vídeo-vigilância que consiga adquirir dados biométricos a longas distâncias (e.g., imagens da cara, íris, ou vídeos do tipo de passo) sem requerer a cooperação dos indivíduos no processo; e 2) desenvolver métodos de reconhecimento biométrico robustos aos fatores de degradação inerentes aos dados adquiridos por este tipo de sistemas. No que diz respeito ao primeiro objetivo, a análise aos dados adquiridos pelos sistemas típicos de vídeo-vigilância mostra que, devido à distância de captura, os traços biométricos amostrados não são suficientemente discriminativos para garantir taxas de reconhecimento aceitáveis. Na literatura, vários trabalhos advogam o uso de câmaras Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) para adquirir imagens de alta resolução à distância, principalmente o uso destes dispositivos no modo masterslave. Na configuração master-slave um módulo de análise inteligente seleciona zonas de interesse (e.g. carros, pessoas) a partir do vídeo adquirido por uma câmara de vídeo-vigilância e a câmara PTZ é orientada para adquirir em alta resolução as regiões de interesse. Diversos métodos já mostraram que esta configuração pode ser usada para adquirir dados biométricos à distância, ainda assim estes não foram capazes de solucionar alguns problemas relacionados com esta estratégia, impedindo assim o seu uso em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. Deste modo, esta tese propõe dois métodos para permitir a aquisição de dados biométricos em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância usando uma câmara PTZ assistida por uma câmara típica de vídeo-vigilância. O primeiro é um método de calibração capaz de mapear de forma exata as coordenadas da câmara master para o ângulo da câmara PTZ (slave) sem o auxílio de outros dispositivos óticos. O segundo método determina a ordem pela qual um conjunto de sujeitos vai ser observado pela câmara PTZ. O método proposto consegue determinar em tempo-real a sequência de observações que maximiza o número de diferentes sujeitos observados e simultaneamente minimiza o tempo total de transição entre sujeitos. De modo a atingir o primeiro objetivo desta tese, os dois métodos propostos foram combinados com os avanços alcançados na área da monitorização de humanos para assim desenvolver o primeiro sistema de vídeo-vigilância completamente automatizado e capaz de adquirir dados biométricos a longas distâncias sem requerer a cooperação dos indivíduos no processo, designado por sistema QUIS-CAMPI. O sistema QUIS-CAMPI representa o ponto de partida para iniciar a investigação relacionada com o segundo objetivo desta tese. A análise do desempenho dos métodos de reconhecimento biométrico do estado-da-arte mostra que estes conseguem obter taxas de reconhecimento quase perfeitas em dados adquiridos sem restrições (e.g., taxas de reconhecimento maiores do que 99% no conjunto de dados LFW). Contudo, este desempenho não é corroborado pelos resultados observados em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância, o que sugere que os conjuntos de dados atuais não contêm verdadeiramente os fatores de degradação típicos dos ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. Tendo em conta as vulnerabilidades dos conjuntos de dados biométricos atuais, esta tese introduz um novo conjunto de dados biométricos (imagens da face e vídeos do tipo de passo) adquiridos pelo sistema QUIS-CAMPI a uma distância máxima de 40m e sem a cooperação dos sujeitos no processo de aquisição. Este conjunto permite avaliar de forma objetiva o desempenho dos métodos do estado-da-arte no reconhecimento de indivíduos em imagens/vídeos capturados num ambiente real de vídeo-vigilância. Como tal, este conjunto foi utilizado para promover a primeira competição de reconhecimento biométrico em ambientes não controlados. Esta tese descreve os protocolos de avaliação usados, assim como os resultados obtidos por 9 métodos especialmente desenhados para esta competição. Para além disso, os dados adquiridos pelo sistema QUIS-CAMPI foram essenciais para o desenvolvimento de dois métodos para aumentar a robustez aos fatores de degradação observados em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. O primeiro é um método para detetar características corruptas em assinaturas biométricas através da análise da redundância entre subconjuntos de características. O segundo é um método de reconhecimento facial baseado em caricaturas automaticamente geradas a partir de uma única foto do sujeito. As experiências realizadas mostram que ambos os métodos conseguem reduzir as taxas de erro em dados adquiridos de forma não controlada

    Robust gait recognition under variable covariate conditions

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    PhDGait is a weak biometric when compared to face, fingerprint or iris because it can be easily affected by various conditions. These are known as the covariate conditions and include clothing, carrying, speed, shoes and view among others. In the presence of variable covariate conditions gait recognition is a hard problem yet to be solved with no working system reported. In this thesis, a novel gait representation, the Gait Flow Image (GFI), is proposed to extract more discriminative information from a gait sequence. GFI extracts the relative motion of body parts in different directions in separate motion descriptors. Compared to the existing model-free gait representations, GFI is more discriminative and robust to changes in covariate conditions. In this thesis, gait recognition approaches are evaluated without the assumption on cooperative subjects, i.e. both the gallery and the probe sets consist of gait sequences under different and unknown covariate conditions. The results indicate that the performance of the existing approaches drops drastically under this more realistic set-up. It is argued that selecting the gait features which are invariant to changes in covariate conditions is the key to developing a gait recognition system without subject cooperation. To this end, the Gait Entropy Image (GEnI) is proposed to perform automatic feature selection on each pair of gallery and probe gait sequences. Moreover, an Adaptive Component and Discriminant Analysis is formulated which seamlessly integrates the feature selection method with subspace analysis for fast and robust recognition. Among various factors that affect the performance of gait recognition, change in viewpoint poses the biggest problem and is treated separately. A novel approach to address this problem is proposed in this thesis by using Gait Flow Image in a cross view gait recognition framework with the view angle of a probe gait sequence unknown. A Gaussian Process classification technique is formulated to estimate the view angle of each probe gait sequence. To measure the similarity of gait sequences across view angles, the correlation of gait sequences from different views is modelled using Canonical Correlation Analysis and the correlation strength is used as a similarity measure. This differs from existing approaches, which reconstruct gait features in different views through 2D view transformation or 3D calibration. Without explicit reconstruction, the proposed method can cope with feature mis-match across view and is more robust against feature noise

    Incremental Learning Through Unsupervised Adaptation in Video Face Recognition

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 524V01[Resumo] Durante a última década, os métodos baseados en deep learning trouxeron un salto significativo no rendemento dos sistemas de visión artificial. Unha das claves neste éxito foi a creación de grandes conxuntos de datos perfectamente etiquetados para usar durante o adestramento. En certa forma, as redes de deep learning resumen esta enorme cantidade datos en prácticos vectores multidimensionais. Por este motivo, cando as diferenzas entre os datos de adestramento e os adquiridos durante o funcionamento dos sistemas (debido a factores como o contexto de adquisición) son especialmente notorias, as redes de deep learning son susceptibles de sufrir degradación no rendemento. Mentres que a solución inmediata a este tipo de problemas sería a de recorrer a unha recolección adicional de imaxes, co seu correspondente proceso de etiquetado, esta dista moito de ser óptima. A gran cantidade de posibles variacións que presenta o mundo visual converten rápido este enfoque nunha tarefa sen fin. Máis aínda cando existen aplicacións específicas nas que esta acción é difícil, ou incluso imposible, de realizar debido a problemas de custos ou de privacidade. Esta tese propón abordar todos estes problemas usando a perspectiva da adaptación. Así, a hipótese central consiste en asumir que é posible utilizar os datos non etiquetados adquiridos durante o funcionamento para mellorar o rendemento que obteríamos con sistemas de recoñecemento xerais. Para isto, e como proba de concepto, o campo de estudo da tese restrinxiuse ao recoñecemento de caras. Esta é unha aplicación paradigmática na cal o contexto de adquisición pode ser especialmente relevante. Este traballo comeza examinando as diferenzas intrínsecas entre algúns dos contextos específicos nos que se pode necesitar o recoñecemento de caras e como estas afectan ao rendemento. Desta maneira, comparamos distintas bases de datos (xunto cos seus contextos) entre elas, usando algúns dos descritores de características máis avanzados e así determinar a necesidade real de adaptación. A partir desta punto, pasamos a presentar o método novo, que representa a principal contribución da tese: o Dynamic Ensemble of SVM (De-SVM). Este método implementa a capacidade de adaptación utilizando unha aprendizaxe incremental non supervisada na que as súas propias predicións se usan como pseudo-etiquetas durante as actualizacións (a estratexia de auto-adestramento). Os experimentos realizáronse baixo condicións de vídeo-vixilancia, un exemplo paradigmático dun contexto moi específico no que os procesos de etiquetado son particularmente complicados. As ideas claves de De-SVM probáronse en diferentes sub-problemas de recoñecemento de caras: a verificación de caras e recoñecemento de caras en conxunto pechado e en conxunto aberto. Os resultados acadados mostran un comportamento prometedor en termos de adquisición de coñecemento sen supervisión así como robustez contra impostores. Ademais, este rendemento é capaz de superar a outros métodos do estado da arte que non posúen esta capacidade de adaptación.[Resumen] Durante la última década, los métodos basados en deep learning trajeron un salto significativo en el rendimiento de los sistemas de visión artificial. Una de las claves en este éxito fue la creación de grandes conjuntos de datos perfectamente etiquetados para usar durante el entrenamiento. En cierta forma, las redes de deep learning resumen esta enorme cantidad datos en prácticos vectores multidimensionales. Por este motivo, cuando las diferencias entre los datos de entrenamiento y los adquiridos durante el funcionamiento de los sistemas (debido a factores como el contexto de adquisición) son especialmente notorias, las redes de deep learning son susceptibles de sufrir degradación en el rendimiento. Mientras que la solución a este tipo de problemas es recurrir a una recolección adicional de imágenes, con su correspondiente proceso de etiquetado, esta dista mucho de ser óptima. La gran cantidad de posibles variaciones que presenta el mundo visual convierten rápido este enfoque en una tarea sin fin. Más aún cuando existen aplicaciones específicas en las que esta acción es difícil, o incluso imposible, de realizar; debido a problemas de costes o de privacidad. Esta tesis propone abordar todos estos problemas usando la perspectiva de la adaptación. Así, la hipótesis central consiste en asumir que es posible utilizar los datos no etiquetados adquiridos durante el funcionamiento para mejorar el rendimiento que se obtendría con sistemas de reconocimiento generales. Para esto, y como prueba de concepto, el campo de estudio de la tesis se restringió al reconocimiento de caras. Esta es una aplicación paradigmática en la cual el contexto de adquisición puede ser especialmente relevante. Este trabajo comienza examinando las diferencias entre algunos de los contextos específicos en los que se puede necesitar el reconocimiento de caras y así como sus efectos en términos de rendimiento. De esta manera, comparamos distintas ba ses de datos (y sus contextos) entre ellas, usando algunos de los descriptores de características más avanzados para así determinar la necesidad real de adaptación. A partir de este punto, pasamos a presentar el nuevo método, que representa la principal contribución de la tesis: el Dynamic Ensemble of SVM (De- SVM). Este método implementa la capacidad de adaptación utilizando un aprendizaje incremental no supervisado en la que sus propias predicciones se usan cómo pseudo-etiquetas durante las actualizaciones (la estrategia de auto-entrenamiento). Los experimentos se realizaron bajo condiciones de vídeo-vigilancia, un ejemplo paradigmático de contexto muy específico en el que los procesos de etiquetado son particularmente complicados. Las ideas claves de De- SVM se probaron en varios sub-problemas del reconocimiento de caras: la verificación de caras y reconocimiento de caras de conjunto cerrado y conjunto abierto. Los resultados muestran un comportamiento prometedor en términos de adquisición de conocimiento así como de robustez contra impostores. Además, este rendimiento es capaz de superar a otros métodos del estado del arte que no poseen esta capacidad de adaptación.[Abstract] In the last decade, deep learning has brought an unprecedented leap forward for computer vision general classification problems. One of the keys to this success is the availability of extensive and wealthy annotated datasets to use as training samples. In some sense, a deep learning network summarises this enormous amount of data into handy vector representations. For this reason, when the differences between training datasets and the data acquired during operation (due to factors such as the acquisition context) are highly marked, end-to-end deep learning methods are susceptible to suffer performance degradation. While the immediate solution to mitigate these problems is to resort to an additional data collection and its correspondent annotation procedure, this solution is far from optimal. The immeasurable possible variations of the visual world can convert the collection and annotation of data into an endless task. Even more when there are specific applications in which this additional action is difficult or simply not possible to perform due to, among other reasons, cost-related problems or privacy issues. This Thesis proposes to tackle all these problems from the adaptation point of view. Thus, the central hypothesis assumes that it is possible to use operational data with almost no supervision to improve the performance we would achieve with general-purpose recognition systems. To do so, and as a proof-of-concept, the field of study of this Thesis is restricted to face recognition, a paradigmatic application in which the context of acquisition can be especially relevant. This work begins by examining the intrinsic differences between some of the face recognition contexts and how they directly affect performance. To do it, we compare different datasets, and their contexts, against each other using some of the most advanced feature representations available to determine the actual need for adaptation. From this point, we move to present the novel method, representing the central contribution of the Thesis: the Dynamic Ensembles of SVM (De-SVM). This method implements the adaptation capabilities by performing unsupervised incremental learning using its own predictions as pseudo-labels for the update decision (the self-training strategy). Experiments are performed under video surveillance conditions, a paradigmatic example of a very specific context in which labelling processes are particularly complicated. The core ideas of De-SVM are tested in different face recognition sub-problems: face verification and, the more complex, general closed- and open-set face recognition. In terms of the achieved results, experiments have shown a promising behaviour in terms of both unsupervised knowledge acquisition and robustness against impostors, surpassing the performances achieved by state-of-the-art non-adaptive methods.Funding and Technical Resources For the successful development of this Thesis, it was necessary to rely on series of indispensable means included in the following list: • Working material, human and financial support primarily by the CITIC and the Computer Architecture Group of the University of A Coruña and CiTIUS of University of Santiago de Compostela, along with a PhD grant funded by Xunta the Galicia and the European Social Fund. • Access to bibliographical material through the library of the University of A Coruña. • Additional funding through the following research projects: State funding by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (project TIN2017-90135-R MINECO, FEDER)