438 research outputs found

    Self-Aware Wearable Systems in Epileptic Seizure Detection

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    Today, wearable systems are facing fundamental barriers in terms of battery lifetime and quality of their results. The main challenge in wearable systems is to increase the battery lifetime, while maintaining the machine-learning performance of the system. A recently proposed concept for overcoming this challenge is self-awareness, which increases system's knowledge of itself and the surrounding environment. This is precisely what health monitoring wearable systems require to adapt to different situations. To demonstrate the impact of introducing self-awareness in wearable technologies, we consider the epileptic seizure detection problem, as a case study. Epilepsy affects around 1% of the world's population, which can dramatically degrade the quality of life and represents a major public health issue. As a result, detection of epileptic seizures has become more important over the past decades. In this paper, we aim to introduce a new generation of self-aware wearable systems to decrease energy consumption and improve their seizures detection capabilities by introducing the notion of self-awareness in such systems. These techniques include switching to low-power mode to reduce the energy consumption and machine-learning model enhancement to improve detection quality. We incorporated our proposed techniques in the machine learning module, which detects epileptic seizures by monitoring the cardiac and respiratory systems. We evaluated the performance of our approach based on an epilepsy database of more than 141 hours, provided by the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). Our self-aware wearable system achieves 36% reduction in computational complexity and 10.51% improvement in detection performance

    Decentralized Federated Learning for Epileptic Seizures Detection in Low-Power Wearable Systems

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    In healthcare, data privacy of patients regulations prohibits data from being moved outside the hospital, preventing international medical datasets from being centralized for AI training. Federated learning (FL) is a data privacy-focused method that trains a global model by aggregating local models from hospitals. Existing FL techniques adopt a central server-based network topology, where the server assembles the local models trained in each hospital to create a global model. However, the server could be a point of failure, and models trained in FL usually have worse performance than those trained in the centralized learning manner when the patient's data are not independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) in the hospitals. This paper presents a decentralized FL framework, including training with adaptive ensemble learning and a deployment phase using knowledge distillation. The adaptive ensemble learning step in the training phase leads to the acquisition of a specific model for each hospital that is the optimal combination of local models and models from other available hospitals. This step solves the non-IID challenges in each hospital. The deployment phase adjusts the model's complexity to meet the resource constraints of wearable systems. We evaluated the performance of our approach on edge computing platforms using EPILEPSIAE and TUSZ databases, which are public epilepsy datasets.RYC2021-032853-

    Performance of ECG-based seizure detection algorithms strongly depends on training and test conditions

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    Objective To identify non-EEG-based signals and algorithms for detection of motor and non-motor seizures in people lying in bed during video-EEG (VEEG) monitoring and to test whether these algorithms work in freely moving people during mobile EEG recordings. Methods Data of three groups of adult people with epilepsy (PwE) were analyzed. Group 1 underwent VEEG with additional devices (accelerometry, ECG, electrodermal activity); group 2 underwent VEEG; and group 3 underwent mobile EEG recordings both including one-lead ECG. All seizure types were analyzed. Feature extraction and machine-learning techniques were applied to develop seizure detection algorithms. Performance was expressed as sensitivity, precision, F1_{1} score, and false positives per 24 hours. Results The algorithms were developed in group 1 (35 PwE, 33 seizures) and achieved best results (F1_{1} score 56%, sensitivity 67%, precision 45%, false positives 0.7/24 hours) when ECG features alone were used, with no improvement by including accelerometry and electrodermal activity. In group 2 (97 PwE, 255 seizures), this ECG-based algorithm largely achieved the same performance (F1_{1} score 51%, sensitivity 39%, precision 73%, false positives 0.4/24 hours). In group 3 (30 PwE, 51 seizures), the same ECG-based algorithm failed to meet up with the performance in groups 1 and 2 (F1_{1} score 27%, sensitivity 31%, precision 23%, false positives 1.2/24 hours). ECG-based algorithms were also separately trained on data of groups 2 and 3 and tested on the data of the other groups, yielding maximal F1 scores between 8% and 26%. Significance Our results suggest that algorithms based on ECG features alone can provide clinically meaningful performance for automatic detection of all seizure types. Our study also underscores that the circumstances under which such algorithms were developed, and the selection of the training and test data sets need to be considered and limit the application of such systems to unseen patient groups behaving in different conditions

    Dispositivos médicos na abordagem de doentes com epilepsia

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    O número crescente de dispositivos médicos desenvolvidos e comercializados para melhorar a gestão de doentes com epilepsia reflete o crescente interesse em traduzir os avanços tecnológicos e o conhecimento sobre epilepsia numa melhor prestação de cuidados de saúde a esta população. O objetivo desta revisão narrativa da literatura é analisar as opções de dispositivos médicos disponíveis para deteção, tratamento e registo de crises epiléticas e a sua possível aplicação clínica. Os artigos incluídos foram selecionados através da base de dados PubMed, utilizando a query "(Epilepsy[MeSH Terms]) AND (SUDEP)) AND (Medical Device)) AND (English[Language])". A deteção de crises epiléticas é essencial para a intervenção precoce e para otimizar a terapêutica de cada doente. No ambulatório, essa deteção é um desafiado devido à sua imprevisibilidade. Tradicionalmente, o eletroencefalograma é o método direto de deteção utilizado em contexto hospitalar. Métodos indiretos de deteção, como eletrocardiograma, fotopletismografia, oxímetro, atividade eletrodérmica, acelerómetro e eletromiografia, mostraram potencial para detetar crises epiléticas em ambulatório. Vários dispositivos médicos foram desenvolvidos com base nos métodos mencionados, com o objetivo de fornecer aos doentes soluções que possam usar no seu dia-a-dia. Alguns dos designs disponíveis são o eletroencefalograma com elétrodos retroauriculares, pulseiras, braçadeiras e sensores de pressão na cama. Equipados com diferentes funções, esses dispositivos podem ajudar na deteção precoce de crises epiléticas e melhorar a qualidade de vida de doentes e cuidadores. Existem também dispositivos disponíveis para o tratamento de crises epiléticas. Por meio de técnicas de neuromodulação, como a estimulação do nervo vago, a estimulação cerebral profunda e a neuroestimulação responsiva, esses dispositivos são apresentados como soluções para doentes com epilepsias refratárias não elegíveis para cirurgia ressetiva. Os doentes com epilepsia têm várias aplicações disponíveis online para o registo adequado de crises epiléticas. Essas aplicações ajudam os médicos na otimização da terapêutica com base na evolução clínica. A ampla gama de dispositivos disponíveis cria a oportunidade de personalizar a abordagem às necessidades específicas do doente. O conhecimento das características de cada dispositivo pode ajudar os médicos a melhorar a abordagem dos doentes com epilepsia.The increasing number of medical devices developed and marketed towards management of patients with epilepsy reflects the growing interest in translating technological advances and knowledge about epilepsy into better healthcare for this population. The objective of this narrative literature review is to analyze the available options of medical devices for detecting, treating, and recording epileptic seizures, and their potential clinical application. The included articles were selected from the PubMed database using the query "(Epilepsy[MeSH Terms]) AND (SUDEP)) AND (Medical Device)) AND (English[Language])" The detection of epileptic seizures is essential for early intervention and to optimize the therapy for each patient. In outpatient settings, this detection is further challenging due to their unpredictability. Traditionally electroencephalography is the direct detection method used in a hospital environment. Indirect methods, such as electrocardiogram, photoplethysmography, oximeter, electrodermal activity, accelerometer, and electromyography, have shown potential for detecting seizures in the outpatient setting. Several medical devices have been developed based on the mentioned methods, with the aim of providing patients with solutions they can use in their daily lives. Behind-the-ear EEG, wristbands, armbands and bed sensors are some of the designs available. Equipped with different features, these devices can answer the need for early seizure detection and improve patients' and caregivers' quality of life. There are also devices available for the treatment of epileptic seizures. Through neuromodulation techniques such as vagus nerve stimulation, deep brain stimulation, and responsive neurostimulation, these devices are presented as solutions for patients with refractory epilepsy not eligible for ressective surgery. Patients with epilepsy have several apps available online for proper recording of seizures. These apps help doctors optimize therapy based on clinical evolution. The wide range of devices available creates the opportunity to personalize the approach to patient's specific needs. Understanding each device's characteristics can help clinicians improve management of patients with epilepsy

    Facilitating Personalisation in Epilepsy with an IoT Approach

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    Evaluation of Wearable Electronics for Epilepsy: A Systematic Review

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects 50 million people worldwide. It is characterised by seizures that can vary in presentation, from short absences to protracted convulsions. Wearable electronic devices that detect seizures have the potential to hail timely assistance for individuals, inform their treatment, and assist care and self-management. This systematic review encompasses the literature relevant to the evaluation of wearable electronics for epilepsy. Devices and performance metrics are identified, and the evaluations, both quantitative and qualitative, are presented. Twelve primary studies comprising quantitative evaluations from 510 patients and participants were collated according to preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Two studies (with 104 patients/participants) comprised both qualitative and quantitative evaluation components. Despite many works in the literature proposing and evaluating novel and incremental approaches to seizure detection, there is a lack of studies evaluating the devices available to consumers and researchers, and there is much scope for more complete evaluation data in quantitative studies. There is also scope for further qualitative evaluations amongst individuals, carers, and healthcare professionals regarding their use, experiences, and opinions of these devices

    Algorithm-circuit co-design for detecting symptomatic patterns in biological signals

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    The advancement in scaled Silicon technology has accelerated the development of a wide range of applications in various fields including medical technology. It has immensely contributed to finding solutions for monitoring general health as well as alleviating intractable disorders in the form of implantable and wearable systems. This necessitates the development of energy efficient and functionally efficacious systems. This thesis has explored the algorithm-circuit co-design approach for developing an energy efficient epileptic seizure detection processor which could be used for implantable epilepsy prosthesis. Novel wavelet transform based algorithms are proposed for accurate detection of epileptic seizures. Energy efficient techniques at circuit level such as power and clock gating are utilized along with error resiliency at algorithm level to implement these algorithms in TSMC 6565nm bulk-Si technology. Furthermore, the methodology is extended to develop a generic pattern detection system, which could be used for health monitoring. The wavelet transform along with mathematical metrics and Mel cepstrum are used to develop an algorithm which can detect generic patterns in biological audio signals. The application of algorithm-circuit co-design methodology helps in practically implementing this system into a low power design. Using approximation of coefficients and multiplier-less implementation, the Mel cepstrum algorithm is modified to optimize the hardware cost without losing its functional efficacy. The system is user-specific and scalable for detecting various patterns in biological signals. The methodologies mentioned in this thesis are intended towards development of user-scalable, energy efficient and highly efficacious systems for detection of patterns in variety of biological signals

    Ensemble approach on enhanced compressed noise EEG data signal in wireless body area sensor network

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    The Wireless Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is used for communication among sensor nodes operating on or inside the human body in order to monitor vital body parameters and movements. One of the important applications of WBASN is patients’ healthcare monitoring of chronic diseases such as epileptic seizure. Normally, epileptic seizure data of the electroencephalograph (EEG) is captured and compressed in order to reduce its transmission time. However, at the same time, this contaminates the overall data and lowers classification accuracy. The current work also did not take into consideration that large size of collected EEG data. Consequently, EEG data is a bandwidth intensive. Hence, the main goal of this work is to design a unified compression and classification framework for delivery of EEG data in order to address its large size issue. EEG data is compressed in order to reduce its transmission time. However, at the same time, noise at the receiver side contaminates the overall data and lowers classification accuracy. Another goal is to reconstruct the compressed data and then recognize it. Therefore, a Noise Signal Combination (NSC) technique is proposed for the compression of the transmitted EEG data and enhancement of its classification accuracy at the receiving side in the presence of noise and incomplete data. The proposed framework combines compressive sensing and discrete cosine transform (DCT) in order to reduce the size of transmission data. Moreover, Gaussian noise model of the transmission channel is practically implemented to the framework. At the receiving side, the proposed NSC is designed based on weighted voting using four classification techniques. The accuracy of these techniques namely Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbour, and Support Victor Machine classifiers is fed to the proposed NSC. The experimental results showed that the proposed technique exceeds the conventional techniques by achieving the highest accuracy for noiseless and noisy data. Furthermore, the framework performs a significant role in reducing the size of data and classifying both noisy and noiseless data. The key contributions are the unified framework and proposed NSC, which improved accuracy of the noiseless and noisy EGG large data. The results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework and provided several credible benefits including simplicity, and accuracy enhancement. Finally, the research improves clinical information about patients who not only suffer from epilepsy, but also neurological disorders, mental or physiological problems

    A Self-Learning Methodology for Epileptic Seizure Detection with Minimally Supervised Edge Labeling

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders and affects over 65 million people worldwide. Despite the continuing advances in anti-epileptic treatments, one third of the epilepsy patients live with drug resistant seizures. Besides, the mortality rate among epileptic patients is 2 – 3 times higher than in the matching group of the general population. Wearable devices offer a promising solution for the detection of seizures in real time so as to alert family and caregivers to provide immediate assistance to the patient. However, in order for the detection system to be reliable, a considerable amount of labeled data is needed to train it. Labeling epilepsy data is a costly and time-consuming process that requires manual inspection and annotation of electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings by medical experts. In this paper, we present a self-learning methodology for epileptic seizure detection without medical supervision. We propose a minimally-supervised algorithm for automatic labeling of seizures in order to generate personalized training data. We demonstrate that the median deviation of the labels from the ground truth is only 10.1 seconds or, equivalently, less than 1% of the signal length. Moreover, we show that training a real-time detection algorithm with data labeled by our algorithm produces a degradation of less than 2.5% in comparison to training it with data labeled by medical experts. We evaluated our methodology on a wearable platform and achieved a lifetime of 2.59 days on a single battery charge