41,682 research outputs found

    Self Organized Dynamic Tree Neural Network

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    Cluster analysis is a technique used in a variety of fields. There are currently various algorithms used for grouping elements that are based on different methods including partitional, hierarchical, density studies, probabilistic, etc. This article will present the SODTNN, which can perform clustering by integrating hierarchical and density-based methods. The network incorporates the behavior of self-organizing maps and does not specify the number of existing clusters in order to create the various groups

    Automated construction of a hierarchy of self-organized neural network classifiers

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    This paper documents an effort to design and implement a neural network-based, automatic classification system which dynamically constructs and trains a decision tree. The system is a combination of neural network and decision tree technology. The decision tree is constructed to partition a large classification problem into smaller problems. The neural network modules then solve these smaller problems. We used a variant of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network which can be trained much more quickly than traditional neural networks. The research extends the concept of self-organization from within the neural network to the overall structure of the dynamically constructed decision hierarchy. The primary advantage is avoidance of manual tedium and subjective bias in constructing decision hierarchies. Additionally, removing the need for manual construction of the hierarchy opens up a large class of potential classification applications. When tested on data from real-world images, the automatically generated hierarchies performed slightly better than an intuitive (handbuilt) hierarchy. Because the neural networks at the nodes of the decision hierarchy are solving smaller problems, generalization performance can really be improved if the number of features used to solve these problems is reduced. Algorithms for automatically selecting which features to use for each individual classification module were also implemented. We were able to achieve the same level of performance as in previous manual efforts, but in an efficient, automatic manner. The technology developed has great potential in a number of commercial areas, including data mining, pattern recognition, and intelligent interfaces for personal computer applications. Sample applications include: fraud detection, bankruptcy prediction, data mining agent, scalable object recognition system, email agent, resource librarian agent, and a decision aid agent

    Progressive growing of self-organized hierarchical representations for exploration

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    Designing agent that can autonomously discover and learn a diversity of structures and skills in unknown changing environments is key for lifelong machine learning. A central challenge is how to learn incrementally representations in order to progressively build a map of the discovered structures and re-use it to further explore. To address this challenge, we identify and target several key functionalities. First, we aim to build lasting representations and avoid catastrophic forgetting throughout the exploration process. Secondly we aim to learn a diversity of representations allowing to discover a "diversity of diversity" of structures (and associated skills) in complex high-dimensional environments. Thirdly, we target representations that can structure the agent discoveries in a coarse-to-fine manner. Finally, we target the reuse of such representations to drive exploration toward an "interesting" type of diversity, for instance leveraging human guidance. Current approaches in state representation learning rely generally on monolithic architectures which do not enable all these functionalities. Therefore, we present a novel technique to progressively construct a Hierarchy of Observation Latent Models for Exploration Stratification, called HOLMES. This technique couples the use of a dynamic modular model architecture for representation learning with intrinsically-motivated goal exploration processes (IMGEPs). The paper shows results in the domain of automated discovery of diverse self-organized patterns, considering as testbed the experimental framework from Reinke et al. (2019)

    Homeostatic plasticity and external input shape neural network dynamics

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    In vitro and in vivo spiking activity clearly differ. Whereas networks in vitro develop strong bursts separated by periods of very little spiking activity, in vivo cortical networks show continuous activity. This is puzzling considering that both networks presumably share similar single-neuron dynamics and plasticity rules. We propose that the defining difference between in vitro and in vivo dynamics is the strength of external input. In vitro, networks are virtually isolated, whereas in vivo every brain area receives continuous input. We analyze a model of spiking neurons in which the input strength, mediated by spike rate homeostasis, determines the characteristics of the dynamical state. In more detail, our analytical and numerical results on various network topologies show consistently that under increasing input, homeostatic plasticity generates distinct dynamic states, from bursting, to close-to-critical, reverberating and irregular states. This implies that the dynamic state of a neural network is not fixed but can readily adapt to the input strengths. Indeed, our results match experimental spike recordings in vitro and in vivo: the in vitro bursting behavior is consistent with a state generated by very low network input (< 0.1%), whereas in vivo activity suggests that on the order of 1% recorded spikes are input-driven, resulting in reverberating dynamics. Importantly, this predicts that one can abolish the ubiquitous bursts of in vitro preparations, and instead impose dynamics comparable to in vivo activity by exposing the system to weak long-term stimulation, thereby opening new paths to establish an in vivo-like assay in vitro for basic as well as neurological studies.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted at Phys. Rev.

    Structure and control of self-sustained target waves in excitable small-world networks

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    Small-world networks describe many important practical systems among which neural networks consisting of excitable nodes are the most typical ones. In this paper we study self-sustained oscillations of target waves in excitable small-world networks. A novel dominant phase-advanced driving (DPAD) method, which is generally applicable for analyzing all oscillatory complex networks consisting of nonoscillatory nodes, is proposed to reveal the self-organized structures supporting this type of oscillations. The DPAD method explicitly explores the oscillation sources and wave propagation paths of the systems, which are otherwise deeply hidden in the complicated patterns of randomly distributed target groups. Based on the understanding of the self-organized structure, the oscillatory patterns can be controlled with extremely high efficiency.Comment: 16 pages 5 figure

    Contextualized Non-local Neural Networks for Sequence Learning

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    Recently, a large number of neural mechanisms and models have been proposed for sequence learning, of which self-attention, as exemplified by the Transformer model, and graph neural networks (GNNs) have attracted much attention. In this paper, we propose an approach that combines and draws on the complementary strengths of these two methods. Specifically, we propose contextualized non-local neural networks (CN3^{\textbf{3}}), which can both dynamically construct a task-specific structure of a sentence and leverage rich local dependencies within a particular neighborhood. Experimental results on ten NLP tasks in text classification, semantic matching, and sequence labeling show that our proposed model outperforms competitive baselines and discovers task-specific dependency structures, thus providing better interpretability to users.Comment: Accepted by AAAI201