34 research outputs found

    Literature Study on Data Protection for Cloud Storage

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    Many data security and privacy incidents are observed in today Cloud services. On the one hand, Cloud service providers deal with    a large number of external attacks. In 2018, a total of 1.5 million Sing Health patients’ non-medical personal data were stolen from the health system in Singapore. On the other hand, Cloud service providers cannot be entirely trusted either. Personal data may be exploited in a malicious way such as in the Face book and Cambridge Analytical data scandal which affected 87 million users in 2018. Thus, it becomes increasingly important for end users to efficiently protect their data (texts, images, or videos) independently from Cloud service providers. In this paper, we aim at presenting a novel data protection scheme by combining fragmentation, encryption, and dispersion with high performance and enhanced level of protection as Literature study

    Image encryption techniques: A comprehensive review

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    This paper presents an exhaustive review of research within the field of image encryption techniques. It commences with a general introduction to image encryption, providing an overview of the fundamentals. Subsequently, it explores a comprehensive exploration of chaos-based image encryption, encompassing various methods and approaches within this domain. These methods include full encryption techniques as well as selective encryption strategies, offering insights into their principles and applications. The authors place significant emphasis on surveying prior research contributions, shedding light on noteworthy developments within the field. Additionally, the paper addresses emerging challenges and issues that have arisen as a consequence of these advancements

    Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Substitution Principle and Shuffling Scheme

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    This research presents a method of image encryption that has been designed based on the algorithm of complete shuffling, transformation of substitution box, and predicated image crypto-system. This proposed algorithm presents extra confusion in the first phase because of including an S-box based on using substitution by AES algorithm in encryption and its inverse in Decryption. In the second phase, shifting and rotation were used based on secrete key in each channel depending on the result from the chaotic map, 2D logistic map and the output was processed and used for the encryption algorithm. It is known from earlier studies that simple encryption of images based on the scheme of shuffling is insecure in the face of chosen cipher text attacks. Later, an extended algorithm has been projected. This algorithm performs well against chosen cipher text attacks. In addition, the proposed approach was analyzed for NPCR, UACI (Unified Average Changing Intensity), and Entropy analysis for determining its strength

    Noise-Resistant Image Encryption Scheme for Medical Images in the Chaos and Wavelet Domain

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    In this paper, a noise-resistant image encryption scheme is proposed. We have used a cubic-logistic map, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), and bit-plane extraction method to encrypt the medical images at the bit-level rather than pixel-level. The proposed work is divided into three sections; In the first and the last section, the image is encrypted in the spatial domain. While the middle section of the proposed algorithm is devoted to the frequency domain encryption in which DWT is incorporated. As the frequency domain encryption section is a sandwich between the two spatial domain encryption sections, we called it a ”sandwich encryption.” The proposed algorithm is lossless because it can decrypt the exact pixel values of an image. Along with this, we have also gauge the proposed scheme's performance using statistical analysis such as entropy, correlation, and contrast. The entropy values of the cipher images generated from the proposed encryption scheme are more remarkable than 7.99, while correlation values are very close to zero. Furthermore, the number of pixel change rate (NPCR) and unified average change intensity (UACI) for the proposed encryption scheme is higher than 99.4% and 33, respectively. We have also tested the proposed algorithm by performing attacks such as cropping and noise attacks on enciphered images, and we found that the proposed algorithm can decrypt the plaintext image with little loss of information, but the content of the original image is visible

    Efficient simultaneous encryption and compression of digital videos in computationally constrained applications

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    This thesis is concerned with the secure video transmission over open and wireless network channels. This would facilitate adequate interaction in computationally constrained applications among trusted entities such as in disaster/conflict zones, secure airborne transmission of videos for intelligence/security or surveillance purposes, and secure video communication for law enforcing agencies in crime fighting or in proactive forensics. Video content is generally too large and vulnerable to eavesdropping when transmitted over open network channels so that compression and encryption become very essential for storage and/or transmission. In terms of security, wireless channels, are more vulnerable than other kinds of mediums to a variety of attacks and eavesdropping. Since wireless communication is the main mode in the above applications, protecting video transmissions from unauthorized access through such network channels is a must. The main and multi-faceted challenges that one faces in implementing such a task are related to competing, and to some extent conflicting, requirements of a number of standard control factors relating to the constrained bandwidth, reasonably high image quality at the receiving end, the execution time, and robustness against security attacks. Applying both compression and encryption techniques simultaneously is a very tough challenge due to the fact that we need to optimize the compression ratio, time complexity, security and the quality simultaneously. There are different available image/video compression schemes that provide reasonable compression while attempting to maintain image quality, such as JPEG, MPEG and JPEG2000. The main approach to video compression is based on detecting and removing spatial correlation within the video frames as well as temporal correlations across the video frames. Temporal correlations are expected to be more evident across sequences of frames captured within a short period of time (often a fraction of a second). Correlation can be measured in terms of similarity between blocks of pixels. Frequency domain transforms such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) have both been used restructure the frequency content (coefficients) to become amenable for efficient detection. JPEG and MPEG use DCT while JPEG2000 uses DWT. Removing spatial/temporal correlation encodes only one block from each class of equivalent (i.e. similar) blocks and remembering the position of all other block within the equivalence class. JPEG2000 compressed images achieve higher image quality than JPEG for the same compression ratios, while DCT based coding suffer from noticeable distortion at high compression ratio but when applied to any block it is easy to isolate the significant coefficients from the non-significant ones. Efficient video encryption in computationally constrained applications is another challenge on its own. It has long been recognised that selective encryption is the only viable approach to deal with the overwhelming file size. Selection can be made in the spatial or frequency domain. Efficiency of simultaneous compression and encryption is a good reason for us to apply selective encryption in the frequency domain. In this thesis we develop a hybrid of DWT and DCT for improved image/video compression in terms of image quality, compression ratio, bandwidth, and efficiency. We shall also investigate other techniques that have similar properties to the DCT in terms of representation of significant wavelet coefficients. The statistical properties of wavelet transform high frequency sub-bands provide one such approach, and we also propose phase sensing as another alternative but very efficient scheme. Simultaneous compression and encryption, in our investigations, were aimed at finding the best way of applying these two tasks in parallel by selecting some wavelet sub-bands for encryptions and applying compression on the other sub-bands. Since most spatial/temporal correlation appear in the high frequency wavelet sub-bands and the LL sub-bands of wavelet transformed images approximate the original images then we select the LL-sub-band data for encryption and the non-LL high frequency sub-band coefficients for compression. We also follow the common practice of using stream ciphers to meet efficiency requirements of real-time transmission. For key stream generation we investigated a number of schemes and the ultimate choice will depend on robustness to attacks. The still image (i.e. RF’s) are compressed with a modified EZW wavelet scheme by applying the DCT on the blocks of the wavelet sub-bands, selecting appropriate thresholds for determining significance of coefficients, and encrypting the EZW thresholds only with a simple 10-bit LFSR cipher This scheme is reasonably efficient in terms of processing time, compression ratio, image quality, as well was security robustness against statistical and frequency attack. However, many areas for improvements were identified as necessary to achieve the objectives of the thesis. Through a process of refinement we developed and tested 3 different secure efficient video compression schemes, whereby at each step we improve the performance of the scheme in the previous step. Extensive experiments are conducted to test performance of the new scheme, at each refined stage, in terms of efficiency, compression ratio, image quality, and security robustness. Depending on the aspects of compression that needs improvement at each refinement step, we replaced the previous block coding scheme with a more appropriate one from among the 3 above mentioned schemes (i.e. DCT, Edge sensing and phase sensing) for the reference frames or the non-reference ones. In subsequent refinement steps we apply encryption to a slightly expanded LL-sub-band using successively more secure stream ciphers, but with different approaches to key stream generation. In the first refinement step, encryption utilized two LFSRs seeded with three secret keys to scramble the significant wavelet LL-coefficients multiple times. In the second approach, the encryption algorithm utilises LFSR to scramble the wavelet coefficients of the edges extracted from the low frequency sub-band. These edges are mapped from the high frequency sub-bands using different threshold. Finally, use a version of the A5 cipher combined with chaotic logistic map to encrypt the significant parameters of the LL sub-band. Our empirical results show that the refinement process achieves the ultimate objectives of the thesis, i.e. efficient secure video compression scheme that is scalable in terms of the frame size at about 100 fps and satisfying the following features; high compression, reasonable quality, and resistance to the statistical, frequency and the brute force attack with low computational processing. Although image quality fluctuates depending on video complexity, in the conclusion we recommend an adaptive implementation of our scheme. Although this thesis does not deal with transmission tasks but the efficiency achieved in terms of video encryption and compression time as well as in compression ratios will be sufficient for real-time secure transmission of video using commercially available mobile computing devices

    Authenticated public key elliptic curve based on deep convolutional neural network for cybersecurity image encryption application

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    The demand for cybersecurity is growing to safeguard information flow and enhance data privacy. This essay suggests a novel authenticated public key elliptic curve based on a deep convolutional neural network (APK-EC-DCNN) for cybersecurity image encryption application. The public key elliptic curve discrete logarithmic problem (EC-DLP) is used for elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman key exchange (EC-DHKE) in order to generate a shared session key, which is used as the chaotic system’s beginning conditions and control parameters. In addition, the authenticity and confidentiality can be archived based on ECC to share the (Formula presented.) parameters between two parties by using the EC-DHKE algorithm. Moreover, the 3D Quantum Chaotic Logistic Map (3D QCLM) has an extremely chaotic behavior of the bifurcation diagram and high Lyapunov exponent, which can be used in high-level security. In addition, in order to achieve the authentication property, the secure hash function uses the output sequence of the DCNN and the output sequence of the 3D QCLM in the proposed authenticated expansion diffusion matrix (AEDM). Finally, partial frequency domain encryption (PFDE) technique is achieved by using the discrete wavelet transform in order to satisfy the robustness and fast encryption process. Simulation results and security analysis demonstrate that the proposed encryption algorithm achieved the performance of the state-of-the-art techniques in terms of quality, security, and robustness against noise- and signal-processing attacks


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    Due to the rapid growth in internet and multimedia technologies, many new commercial applications like video on demand (VOD), pay-per-view and real-time multimedia broadcast etc, have emerged. To ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the multimedia content, the content is usually watermarked and then encrypted or vice versa. If the multimedia content needs to be watermarked and encrypted at the same time, the watermarking function needs to be performed first followed by encryption function. Hence, if the watermark needs to be extracted then the multimedia data needs to be decrypted first followed by extraction of the watermark. This results in large computational overhead. The solution provided in the literature for this problem is by using what is called partial encryption, in which media data are partitioned into two parts - one to be watermarked and the other is encrypted. In addition, some multimedia applications i.e. video on demand (VOD), Pay-TV, pay-per-view etc, allow multimedia content preview which involves „perceptual‟ encryption wherein all or some selected part of the content is, perceptually speaking, distorted with an encryption key. Up till now no joint perceptual encryption and watermarking scheme has been proposed in the literature. In this thesis, a novel Joint Perceptual Encryption and Watermarking (JPEW) scheme is proposed that is integrated within JPEG standard. The design of JPEW involves the design and development of both perceptual encryption and watermarking schemes that are integrated in JPEG and feasible within the „partial‟ encryption framework. The perceptual encryption scheme exploits the energy distribution of AC components and DC components bitplanes of continuous-tone images and is carried out by selectively encrypting these AC coefficients and DC components bitplanes. The encryption itself is based on a chaos-based permutation reported in an earlier work. Similarly, in contrast to the traditional watermarking schemes, the proposed watermarking scheme makes use of DC component of the image and it is carried out by selectively substituting certain bitplanes of DC components with watermark bits. vi ii Apart from the aforesaid JPEW, additional perceptual encryption scheme, integrated in JPEG, has also been proposed. The scheme is outside of joint framework and implements perceptual encryption on region of interest (ROI) by scrambling the DCT blocks of the chosen ROI. The performances of both, perceptual encryption and watermarking schemes are evaluated and compared with Quantization Index modulation (QIM) based watermarking scheme and reversible Histogram Spreading (RHS) based perceptual encryption scheme. The results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is imperceptible and robust, and suitable for authentication. Similarly, the proposed perceptual encryption scheme outperforms the RHS based scheme in terms of number of operations required to achieve a given level of perceptual encryption and provides control over the amount of perceptual encryption. The overall security of the JPEW has also been evaluated. Additionally, the performance of proposed separate perceptual encryption scheme has been thoroughly evaluated in terms of security and compression efficiency. The scheme is found to be simpler in implementation, have insignificant effect on compression ratios and provide more options for the selection of control factor

    Lightweight image encryption algorithms: design and evaluation

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Computer ScienceArslan MunirIn an era dominated by increasing use of multimedia data such as images and videos, ensuring the security and confidentiality of images with real-time encryption is of greatest importance. Traditional encryption algorithms are secure, widely used, and recommended, yet they are not suitable nor computationally efficient for encrypting multimedia data due to the large size and high redundancy inherent in multimedia data. Thus, specialized algorithms for multimedia data encryption are needed. This dissertation explores lightweight image encryption algorithms, specifically designed to address time and resource constraints of realtime image encryption while maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the multimedia data. The dissertation classifies image encryption based on the techniques used into seven different approaches and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. It subsequently introduces and evaluates three novel algorithms designed to encrypt images with low complexity, high efficiency, and reliable security. These algorithms rely on a combination of permutation, substitution, and pseudorandom keystreams to ensure the security of the encrypted images. The first algorithm is based on chaotic systems. The algorithm is implemented using logistic map, permutations, AES S-box, and a plaintext related SHA-2 hash. The second algorithm is based on Trivium cipher. the algorithm is implemented to work on multi-rounds of encryption using pixel-based row and column permutations, and bit-level substitution. For the third algorithm, the Ascon algorithm selected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to standardize lightweight cryptography applications is evaluated for image encryption. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, a comprehensive set of security, quality, and efficiency valuation metrics is utilized to assess the proposed algorithms and compare them to contemporary image encryption algorithms