26 research outputs found

    BlockChop: Dynamic Squash Elimination for Hybrid Processor Architecture

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    Abstract Hybrid processors are HW/SW co-designed processors that leverage blocked-execution, the execution of regions of instructions as atomic blocks, to facilitate aggressive speculative optimization. As we move to a multicore hybrid design, fine grained conflicts for shared data can violate the atomicity requirement of these blocks and lead to expensive squashes and rollbacks. However, as these atomic regions differ from those used in checkpointing and transactional memory systems, the extent of this potentially prohibitive problem remains unclear, and mechanisms to mitigate these squashes dynamically may be critical to enable a highly performant multicore hybrid design. In this work, we investigate how multithreaded applications, both benchmark and commercial workloads, are affected by squashes, and present dynamic mechanisms for mitigating these squashes in hybrid processors. While the current wisdom is that there is not a significant number of squashes for smaller atomic regions, we observe this is not the case for many multithreaded workloads. With region sizes of just 200 -500 instructions, we observe a performance degradation ranging from 10% to more than 50% for workloads with a mixture of shared reads and writes. By harnessing the unique flexibility provided by the software subsystem of hybrid processor design, we present BlockChop, a framework for dynamically mitigating squashes on multicore hybrid processors. We present a range of squash handling mechanisms leveraging retrials, interpretation, and retranslation, and find that BlockChop is quite effective. Over the current response to exceptions and squashes in a hybrid design, we are able to improve the performance of benchmark and commercial workloads by 1.4x and 1.2x on average for large and small region sizes respectively

    System Support for Implicitly Parallel Programming

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems Laborator

    Asynchronous and Exact Forward Recovery for Detected Errors in Iterative Solvers

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Current trends and projections show that faults in computer systems become increasingly common. Such errors may be detected, and possibly corrected transparently, e.g. by Error Correcting Codes (ECC). For a program to be fault-tolerant, it needs to also handle the Errors that are Detected and Uncorrected (DUE), such as an ECC encountering too many bit flips in a codeword. While correcting an error has an overhead in itself, it can also affect the progress of a program. The most generic technique, rolling back the program state to a previously taken checkpoint, sets back any progress done since then. Alternately, application specific techniques exist, such as restarting an iterative program with its latest iteration's values as initial guess.This manuscript is the journal extension of a previously published conference paper [25]. This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s 7th FP, ERC Advanced Grant 321253, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P. L. Jaulmes has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under grant FPU2013/06982. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas has been partially supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Co-fund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the European Union’s 7th FP (contract 2013 BP B 00243). We would like to thank Nicolas Vidal for his contribution on using huge pages natively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application.Postprint (published version

    Enabling Program Analysis Through Deterministic Replay and Optimistic Hybrid Analysis

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    As software continues to evolve, software systems increase in complexity. With software systems composed of many distinct but interacting components, today’s system programmers, users, and administrators find themselves requiring automated ways to find, understand, and handle system mis-behavior. Recent information breaches such as the Equifax breach of 2017, and the Heartbleed vulnerability of 2014 show the need to understand and debug prior states of computer systems. In this thesis I focus on enabling practical entire-system retroactive analysis, allowing programmers, users, and system administrators to diagnose and understand the impact of these devastating mishaps. I focus primarly on two techniques. First, I discuss a novel deterministic record and replay system which enables fast, practical recollection of entire systems of computer state. Second, I discuss optimistic hybrid analysis, a novel optimization method capable of dramatically accelerating retroactive program analysis. Record and replay systems greatly aid in solving a variety of problems, such as fault tolerance, forensic analysis, and information providence. These solutions, however, assume ubiquitous recording of any application which may have a problem. Current record and replay systems are forced to trade-off between disk space and replay speed. This trade-off has historically made it impractical to both record and replay large histories of system level computation. I present Arnold, a novel record and replay system which efficiently records years of computation on a commodity hard-drive, and can efficiently replay any recorded information. Arnold combines caching with a unique process-group granularity of recording to produce both small, and quickly recalled recordings. My experiments show that under a desktop workload, Arnold could store 4 years of computation on a commodity 4TB hard drive. Dynamic analysis is used to retroactively identify and address many forms of system mis-behaviors including: programming errors, data-races, private information leakage, and memory errors. Unfortunately, the runtime overhead of dynamic analysis has precluded its adoption in many instances. I present a new dynamic analysis methodology called optimistic hybrid analysis (OHA). OHA uses knowledge of the past to predict program behaviors in the future. These predictions, or likely invariants are speculatively assumed true by a static analysis. This creates a static analysis which can be far more accurate than its traditional counterpart. Once this predicated static analysis is created, it is speculatively used to optimize a final dynamic analysis, creating a far more efficient dynamic analysis than otherwise possible. I demonstrate the effectiveness of OHA by creating an optimistic hybrid backward slicer, OptSlice, and optimistic data-race detector OptFT. OptSlice and OptFT are just as accurate as their traditional hybrid counterparts, but run on average 8.3x and 1.6x faster respectively. In this thesis I demonstrate that Arnold’s ability to record and replay entire computer systems, combined with optimistic hybrid analysis’s ability to quickly analyze prior computation, enable a practical and useful entire system retroactive analysis that has been previously unrealized.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144052/1/ddevec_1.pd

    Memory Subsystems for Security, Consistency, and Scalability

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    In response to the continuous demand for the ability to process ever larger datasets, as well as discoveries in next-generation memory technologies, researchers have been vigorously studying memory-driven computing architectures that shall allow data-intensive applications to access enormous amounts of pooled non-volatile memory. As applications continue to interact with increasing amounts of components and datasets, existing systems struggle to eÿciently enforce the principle of least privilege for security. While non-volatile memory can retain data even after a power loss and allow for large main memory capacity, programmers have to bear the burdens of maintaining the consistency of program memory for fault tolerance as well as handling huge datasets with traditional yet expensive memory management interfaces for scalability. Today’s computer systems have become too sophisticated for existing memory subsystems to handle many design requirements. In this dissertation, we introduce three memory subsystems to address challenges in terms of security, consistency, and scalability. Specifcally, we propose SMVs to provide threads with fne-grained control over access privileges for a partially shared address space for security, NVthreads to allow programmers to easily leverage nonvolatile memory with automatic persistence for consistency, and PetaMem to enable memory-centric applications to freely access memory beyond the traditional process boundary with support for memory isolation and crash recovery for security, consistency, and scalability

    REWIND: Recovery Write-Ahead System for In-Memory Non-Volatile Data-Structures

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    Recent non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies, such as PCM, STT-MRAM and ReRAM, can act as both main memory and storage. This has led to research into NVM pro-gramming models, where persistent data structures remain in memory and are accessed directly through CPU loads and stores. Existing mechanisms for transactional updates are not appropriate in such a setting as they are optimized for block-based storage. We present REWIND, a user-mode library approach to managing transactional updates directly from user code written in an imperative general-purpose language. REWIND relies on a custom persistent in-memory data structure for the log that supports recover-able operations on itself. The scheme also employs a combi-nation of non-temporal updates, persistent memory fences, and lightweight logging. Experimental results on synthetic transactional workloads and TPC-C show the overhead of REWIND compared to its non-recoverable equivalent to be within a factor of only 1.5 and 1.39 respectively. More-over, REWIND outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for data structure recoverability as well as general purpose and NVM-aware DBMS-based recovery schemes by up to two orders of magnitude. 1

    Classification of Resilience Techniques Against Functional Errors at Higher Abstraction Layers of Digital Systems

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    Nanoscale technology nodes bring reliability concerns back to the center stage of digital system design. A systematic classification of approaches that increase system resilience in the presence of functional hardware (HW)-induced errors is presented, dealing with higher system abstractions, such as the (micro) architecture, the mapping, and platform software (SW). The field is surveyed in a systematic way based on nonoverlapping categories, which add insight into the ongoing work by exposing similarities and differences. HW and SW solutions are discussed in a similar fashion so that interrelationships become apparent. The presented categories are illustrated by representative literature examples to illustrate their properties. Moreover, it is demonstrated how hybrid schemes can be decomposed into their primitive components

    Replication of non-deterministic objects

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    This thesis discusses replication of non-deterministic objects in distributed systems to achieve fault tolerance against crash failures. The objects replicated are the virtual nodes of a distributed application. Replication is viewed as an issue that is to be dealt with only during the configuration of a distributed application and that should not affect the development of the application. Hence, replication of virtual nodes should be transparent to the application. Like all measures to achieve fault tolerance, replication introduces redundancy in the system. Not surprisingly, the main difficulty is guaranteeing the consistency of all replicas such that they behave in the same way as if the object was not replicated (replication transparency). This is further complicated if active objects (like virtual nodes) are replicated, and these objects themselves can be clients of still further objects in the distributed application. The problems of replication of active non-deterministic objects are analyzed in the context of distributed Ada 95 applications. The ISO standard for Ada 95 defines a model for distributed execution based on remote procedure calls (RPC). Virtual nodes in Ada 95 use this as their sole communication paradigm, but they may contain tasks to execute activities concurrently, thus making the execution potentially non-deterministic due to implicit timing dependencies. Such non-determinism cannot be avoided by choosing deterministic tasking policies. I present two different approaches to maintain replica consistency despite this non-determinism. In a first approach, I consider the run-time support of Ada 95 as a black box (except for the part handling remote communications). This corresponds to a non-deterministic computation model. I show that replication of non-deterministic virtual nodes requires that remote procedure calls are implemented as nested transactions. Unfortunately, effects of failures are not local to the replicas of a virtual node: when a failure occurs, nested remote calls made to other virtual nodes must be undone. Also, using transactional semantics for RPCs necessitates a compromise regarding transparency: the application must identify global state for it cannot be determined reliably in an automatic way. Further study reveals that this approach cannot be implemented in a transparent way at all because the consistency criterion of Ada 95 (linearizability) is much weaker than that of transactions (serializability). An execution of remote procedure calls as transactions may thus lead to incompatibilities with the semantics of the programming language. If remotely called subprograms on a replicated virtual node perform partial operations, i.e., entry calls on global protected objects, deadlocks that cannot be broken can occur in certain cases. Such deadlocks do not occur when the virtual node is not replicated. The transactional semantics of RPCs must therefore be exposed to the application. A second approach is based on a piecewise deterministic computation model, i.e., the execution of a virtual node is seen as a sequence of deterministic state intervals. Whenever a non-deterministic event occurs, a new state interval is started. I study replica organization under this computation model (semi-active replication). In this model, all non-deterministic decisions are made on one distinguished replica (the leader), while all other replicas (the followers) are forced to follow the same sequence of non-deterministic events. I show that it suffices to synchronize the followers with the leader upon each observable event, i.e., when the leader sends a message to some other virtual node. It is not necessary to synchronize upon each and every non-deterministic event — which would incur a prohibitively high overhead. Non-deterministic events occurring on the leader between observable events are logged and sent to the followers just before the leader executes an observable event. Consequently, it is guaranteed that the followers will reach the same state as the leader, and thus the effects of failures remain mostly local to the replicas. A prototype implementation called RAPIDS (Replicated Ada Partitions In Distributed Systems) serves as a proof of concept for this second approach, demonstrating its feasibility. RAPIDS is an Ada 95 implementation of a replication manager for semi-active replication for the GNAT development system for Ada 95. It is entirely contained within the run-time support and hence largely transparent for the application