17 research outputs found

    Selection of third party software in Off-The-Shelf-based software development: an interview study with industrial practitioners

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    The success of software development using third party components highly depends on the ability to select a suitable component for the intended application. The evidence shows that there is limited knowledge about current industrial OTS selection practices. As a result, there is often a gap between theory and practice, and the proposed methods for supporting selection are rarely adopted in the industrial practice. This paper's goal is to investigate the actual industrial practice of component selection in order to provide an initial empirical basis that allows the reconciliation of research and industrial endeavors. The study consisted of semi-structured interviews with 23 employees from 20 different software-intensive companies that mostly develop web information system applications. It provides qualitative information that help to further understand these practices, and emphasize some aspects that have been overlooked by researchers. For instance, although the literature claims that component repositories are important for locating reusable components; these are hardly used in industrial practice. Instead, other resources that have not received considerable attention are used with this aim. Practices and potential market niches for software-intensive companies have been also identified. The results are valuable from both the research and the industrial perspectives as they provide a basis for formulating well-substantiated hypotheses and more effective improvement strategies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Towards a reference framework for open source software adoption

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    Nowadays, the use of Open Source Software (OSS) components has become a driver for the primary and secondary information technology (IT) sector, among other factors, by the openness and innovation benefits that can give to the organizations, regardless of its business model and activities' nature. Nevertheless, IT companies and organizations still face numerous difficulties and challenges when making the strategic move to OSS. OSS is aligned with new challenges, which mainly derive from the way OSS is produced and the culture and values of OSS communities. In fact, OSS adoption impacts far beyond technology, because it requires a change in the organizational culture and reshaping IT decision-makers mindset. Therefore, this research work proposes a framework to support OSS adopters (i.e., software-related organizations that develop software and/or offer services relate to software) to analyze and evaluate the impact of adopting OSS as part of their software products and/or services offered to their customers/users, mainly in terms of their software related activities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hospital readiness at Yogyakarta and surrounding areas to implement telepsychiatry

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine hospitals’ readiness before implementing telepsychiatry.Method: This case study analyses the results of interviews from Head of Psychiatry Department or equivalent, information systems administrator and psychiatrist at 3 Mental Hospitals and 1 General Hospital. Interviews and observations were then compared with related theories.Results: RSJS Magelang does not have adequate infrastructure for telepsychiatry implementation. RSUP Sardjito having difficulties in terms of management, infrastructure and the desire to use telepsychiatry. RSJ Grhasia having obstacles in terms of management and fulfillment of infrastructure needs. RSJD Soedjarwadi does not have any obstacles if they start to implement telepsychiatry.Conclusion: RSJD Soedjarwadi is ready to implement telepsychiatry. As for other hospitals need further improvement, mainly in their infrastructur

    OSS integration issues and community support: an integrator perspective

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    The reuse and integration of Open Source Software (OSS) components provided by OSS communities is becoming an economical and strategic need for today’s organizations. The integration of OSS components provides many benefits, but also risks and challenges. One of the most important risks is the lack of effective and timely OSS community support for dealing with possible integration problems. For gaining an understanding of the common problems that organizations face when integrating OSS components, and the role played by OSS communities, we performed an exploratory study on 25 OSS integration projects from different European organizations. The results show that the main way of reducing integration problems was the use of OSS components from well-established communities; therefore very few integration problems were identified. In most of the cases these problems were successfully solved with the support from the OSS community and/or colleagues. In addition, contrary to the common belief that understanding code from someone else is a hard and undesirable task, some integrators consider OSS code even more understandable than their own code.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluating Trustworthiness of Software Component

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang konsep keterpercayaan komponen perangkat lunak yang merupakan salah satu pertimbangan utama bagi pengembang perangkat lunak dalam mengimplementasikan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis komponen. Pada bagian awal makalah, penulis menjelaskan mengenai konsep penggunaan ulang perangkat lunak dan kaitannya dengan keterpercayaan komponen perangkat lunak. Selanjutnya, bagian inti makalah membahas secara detail mengenai metode pengujian komponen perangkat lunak dan 4 (empat) metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat keterpercayaan dari komponen perangkat lunak. Di akhir makalah, penulis memberi gambaran mengenai proses seleksi komponen perangkat lunak pada domain industri

    The software emergent properties and them reflection in the non-functional requirements and quality models

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    In this paper the analysis of the known approaches to detection of emergent properties of software system in the context of involvement for this of the software quality models was done. The attempt of evaluation of share of the non-functional requirements in the software quality models was done

    Framework for evaluating and selecting mobile-learning applications using multi criteria decision making techniques

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    The use of mobile learning (m-learning) applications in education has increased dramatically in recent years. M-learning applications are installed by users through a variety of mobile device distribution platforms. For a wide audience to accept them, these applications must be stable and of high quality. The decision to purchase m-learning applications needs systematic guidelines so that the appropriate one can be selected to provide a viable and effective solution to educational organizations. Usability in m-learning applications has been studied as a non-functional problem in several previous studies. In reality, Saudi tertiary institutions still lack a systematic, efficient, and well-defined framework for evaluating and selecting m-learning applications due to the lack of reliable m-learning application selection methods. Therefore, this study addresses this gap by proposing a framework to support and improve m-learning applications evaluation and selection process named as Mobile-Learning Application Evaluation and Selection Framework (MLA-ESF). MLA-ESF supports evaluation and selection of m-learning applications and integration of functional and non-functional requirements as well as addresses mismatch problems. In addition, the MLA-ESF is developed to assist and guide developers and educational organizations in selecting the required m-learning application in a more systematic and repeatable manner. Moreover, the MLA-ESF framework provides a guideline for future theoretical research, as well as being a practical and usable tool in real contexts. The study is conducted in four main phases: a survey and interview of decision-makers and users to identify the evaluation criteria, development of the framework based on the Evaluation Theory, development of a new decision-making technique by integrating Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and GAP Analysis (GA) to handle user requirements mismatches, and validation of the applicability and reliability of MLAESF using experts review, case study and yardstick validation. The study shows that the evaluated aspects of MLA-ESF namely, inputs, actions, outcomes, are feasible and demonstrate their potential and applicability to be applied in the real environment as 75% of the experts found it as useful, 66.7% find it easy to implement, and 75% find the techniques are adequate and sufficient


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    O objetivo do presente estudo é mapear a evolução de estudos envolvendo o Modelo Kano, publicados nas bases de dados Emerald, Gale, Science Direct e Wiley. A pesquisa foi exploratória qualitativa, do tipo documental. Encontrou-se um total de 60 artigos científicos, que passaram a integrar a segunda etapa da pesquisa, sendo esta descritiva quantitativa. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas. O periódico que mais apresentou estudos foi o Managing Service Quality, com oito publicações, seguido pelo International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management com quatro, ambos indexados pela base de dados Emerald. Em sua maioria os artigos foram escritos em dupla autoria (28 artigos). Foram encontrados 13 artigos com três autores, e nove com mais de três autores. Os temas pesquisados estão centrados na área de turismo e hotelaria, seguido por estudos abordando ensino ou universidade. Em relação ao desenvolvimento de produtos, as pesquisas se concentraram no setor automotivo/transporte, seguido por pesquisas relacionadas a computadores. As populações-alvo das pesquisadas publicadas foram clientes das empresas estudadas. As pesquisas realizadas com estudantes também tiveram ocorrências frequentes. A escolha por este tipo de respondente se deve à acessibilidade em obter respostas junto a esta população. No que tange aos procedimentos de pesquisa, o predominante foi o levantamento, ou survey, sendo que seis foram ensaios teóricos.

    A framework for cots software evaluation and selection for COTS mismatches handling and non-functional requirements

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    The decision to purchase Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software needs systematic guidelines so that the appropriate COTS software can be selected in order to provide a viable and effective solution to the organizations. However, the existing COTS software evaluation and selection frameworks focus more on functional aspects and do not give adequate attention to accommodate the mismatch between user requirements and COTS software specification, and also integration with non functional requirements of COTS software. Studies have identified that these two criteria are important in COTS software evaluation and selection. Therefore, this study aims to develop a new framework of COTS software evaluation and selection that focuses on handling COTS software mismatches and integrating the nonfunctional requirements. The study is conducted using mixed-mode methodology which involves survey and interview. The study is conducted in four main phases: a survey and interview of 63 organizations to identify COTS software evaluation criteria, development of COTS software evaluation and selection framework using Evaluation Theory, development of a new decision making technique by integrating Analytical Hierarchy Process and Gap Analysis to handle COTS software mismatches, and validation of the practicality and reliability of the proposed COTS software Evaluation and Selection Framework (COTS-ESF) using experts’ review, case studies and yardstick validation. This study has developed the COTS-ESF which consists of five categories of evaluation criteria: Quality, Domain, Architecture, Operational Environment and Vendor Reputation. It also provides a decision making technique and a complete process for performing the evaluation and selection of COTS software. The result of this study shows that the evaluated aspects of the framework are feasible and demonstrate their potential and practicality to be applied in the real environment. The contribution of this study straddles both the research and practical perspectives of software evaluation by improving decision making and providing a systematic guidelines for handling issue in purchasing viable COTS software