562 research outputs found

    Recovery and application of epicuticular and cuticular waxes from flax and wheat straw

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    The objective of this research was to develop a shellac-hydroproyl methyl cellulose (Sh-HPMC) composite film with enhanced water vapor barrier. Citric acid (CA) was used as an acid catalyst, to promote miscibility between HPMC and shellac. In a preliminary test, three different concentrations of CA (1000:1, 200:1, 100:1) were tested to identify the best Sh:CA ratio. Based on the Water vapor permeability properties and mechanical properties, Sh-CA (1000:1 ratio) had the most enhanced water vapor barrier and the lowest reduction in tensile strength compared to the pure HPMC film (control). In the later part of the research, the effect of shellac concentration in the Sh-HPMC composite films was studied by performing water vapor permeability (WVP) tests, tensile strength (TS), % elongation (%E), surface microscopy, and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Among the four different concentration of Sh-HPMC (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5%), the 0.1% Sh-HPMC composite film had the highest moisture barrier as well as the best surface quality in the microscopic analysis. These result further suggested that the increase in the shellac concentration contributed to the reduction of TS and %E. However, 0.1% Sh-HPMC composite films had the lowest decrease in the mechanical properties compared to pure HPMC. Thermal properties of the pure HPMC were not compromised with the addition of Sh. The TGA results exhibited thermal stability for all the concentrations of Sh-HPMC. Overall, the increase in Sh concentration in the Sh-HPMC composite films produced brittle films due to poor miscibility between the complementary hydrophobic/hydrophilic character of Sh and HPMC polymers, respectively

    Scientific, Health and Social Aspects of the Food Industry

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    This book presents the wisdom, knowledge and expertise of the food industry that ensures the supply of food to maintain the health, comfort, and wellbeing of humankind. The global food industry has the largest market: the world population of seven billion people. The book pioneers life-saving innovations and assists in the fight against world hunger and food shortages that threaten human essentials such as water and energy supply. Floods, droughts, fires, storms, climate change, global warming and greenhouse gas emissions can be devastating, altering the environment and, ultimately, the production of foods. Experts from industry and academia, as well as food producers, designers of food processing equipment, and corrosion practitioners have written special chapters for this rich compendium based on their encyclopedic knowledge and practical experience. This is a multi-authored book. The writers, who come from diverse areas of food science and technology, enrich this volume by presenting different approaches and orientations

    Development of stable liquid water-in-oil emulsions by modifying emulsifier-aqueous phase interactions

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    This research investigated the stabilization mechanism of liquid water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions by modifying emulsifiers, aqueous and continuous phase compositions, and interactions. At first, liquid W/O emulsions were developed to resist multiple thermal cycles for their application in droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR), which significantly improved the detection limit of conventional PCR. Thermally stable coarse W/O emulsions as DNA microreactors were developed with polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (AOT) as emulsifiers dissolved in a mixture of light and heavy mineral oil, with a range of viscosities. Coarse emulsions, formed by vortex mixing, were subjected to PCR thermal-cycling, after which AOT-stabilized water droplets remained stable; however, PGPR-stabilized water droplets size significantly increased. Higher AOT molecular packing at the interface was proposed as the mechanism of thermal stability. Next, the (de)-stabilization mechanism of glycerol monooleate (GMO)-stabilized liquid W/O emulsions in mineral (MO) and canola oil (CO) was investigated. It was hypothesized that hydroxyl group donating agents in the aqueous phase would prevent GMO's desorption from the oil-water interface by forming stronger hydrogen bonding. W/O emulsions with 20% aqueous phase were formed by high-pressure homogenizer. Of the three agents, emulsions with low methoxyl pectin (LMP) showed the highest stability in both oils after 7-day storage compared to citric or ascorbic acid with or without sodium chloride. Water and GMO melting behaviour, determined by differential scanning calorimetry, and intermolecular interaction by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed stronger H-bonding between GMO and LMP, thereby improving emulsion stability. Finally, the viscoelastic behaviour of GMO-stabilized W/O emulsion was improved such that an elastic gel could be formed by increasing the water content (20 to 50 wt%) and incorporating specific ingredients in the continuous and dispersed phases for application in food-grade low-fat tablespreads. Fully hydrogenated soybean oil was incorporated in CO to create a fat crystal network in the continuous phase. Emulsions with LMP in the aqueous phase exhibited self-supported structure without phase-separation while control emulsions, without LMP, showed flow or water separation. All emulsions exhibited strong gel-like properties; however, control emulsions showed structure breakup after 30-day storage. Overall, the studies in liquid W/O emulsions were the basis to improve our understanding of the molecular assembly and interactions at the W-O interface, which subsequently supported the research to enhance emulsion elasticity

    Research and technology 1995 annual report

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    As the NASA Center responsible for assembly, checkout, servicing, launch, recovery, and operational support of Space Transportation System elements and payloads, the John F. Kennedy Space Center is placing increasing emphasis on its advanced technology development program. This program encompasses the efforts of the Engineering Development Directorate laboratories, most of the KSC operations contractors, academia, and selected commercial industries - all working in a team effort within their own areas of expertise. This edition of the Kennedy Space Center Research and Technology 1995 Annual Report covers efforts of all these contributors to the KSC advanced technology development program, as well as technology transfer activities. Major areas of research include environmental engineering, automation, robotics, advanced software, materials science, life sciences, mechanical engineering, nondestructive evaluation, and industrial engineering

    Research and technology: 1994 annual report of the John F. Kennedy Space Center

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    As the NASA Center responsible for assembly, checkout, servicing, launch, recovery, and operational support of Space Transportation System elements and payloads, the John F. Kennedy Space Center is placing increasing emphasis on its advanced technology development program. This program encompasses the efforts of the Engineering Development Directorate laboratories, most of the KSC operations contractors, academia, and selected commercial industries - all working in a team effort within their own areas of expertise. This edition of the Kennedy Space Center Research and Technology 1994 Annual Report covers efforts of all these contributors to the KSC advanced technology development program, as well as our technology transfer activities. The Technology Programs and Commercialization Office (DE-TPO), (407) 867-3017, is responsible for publication of this report and should be contacted for any desired information regarding the advanced technology program

    Supercritical technologies as sustainable tool for the concentration and co-encapsulation of Lavandula luisieri natural bioactives

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia, leída el 27-01-2021Tradicionalmente, las plantas han sido utilizadas para el tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades o conservación de alimentos. Su diversa aplicación deriva de la producción de metabolitos secundarios como defensa contra agentes externos dañinos, mostrando una variada actividad con interés en diferentes campos. De hecho, la inclusión de plantas como herramienta terapéutica en los sistemas de salud está recomendada por organismos internacionales como la OMS. Actualmente el 52% de los fármacos son o bien un compuesto natural o un derivado del mismo, con un interés comercial creciente debido ala preferencia que los consumidores muestran los productos de origen natural como parte de hábitos de vida saludables para la prevención de enfermedades crónicas..Traditionally, plants have been used for the treatment and prevention of diseases or food conservation. These diverse applications are a consequence of the production of secondary metabolites as defence against external damaging agents, presenting a varied activity with interest in many fields. In fact, the inclusion of plants as therapeutical tool in health systems is recommended by international organisations like the WHO. Nowadays, 52% of drugs are a natural compound or a derivate, and have a growing commercial interest because of the consumers’ preference for natural products inclusion as part of natural habits to prevent chronic illnesses...Fac. de FarmaciaTRUEunpu

    Development of organogels for chocolate spreads application

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    Orientador: Ana Paula Badan RibeiroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Nos últimos anos, alguns avanços na estruturação das bases lipídicas permitiram uma influência direta na modificação de propriedades de óleos e gorduras para aplicação em produtos alimentícios. Os mecanismos estruturantes das bases lipídicas podem ser classificados como convencionais ou não convencionais. Mecanismos não convencionais trazem a tecnologia de organogéis como uma tendência, que consiste no uso de agentes de auto-montagem para reter o óleo líquido, resultando em uma rede de gel estruturada. Questões controversas sobre o papel dos ácidos graxos trans e saturados nos alimentos levaram a mudanças progressivas na legislação de vários países para incluir mais informações para os consumidores. Neste contexto, os organogéis têm sido indicados como uma alternativa viável para a obtenção de gorduras semi-sólidas com reduzido teor de ácidos graxos saturados (AGS) e propriedades compatíveis para aplicação em alimentos. O objetivo desta tese de doutorado foi apresentar os estudos que abordam os organogéis lipídicos como uma alternativa para a aplicação de alimentos, caracterizar os spreads de chocolate comerciais e suas respectivas fases lipídicas, visando estratégias de reformulação dessa categoria de produto, além da caracterização físico-química de estruturantes de grau alimentício com potencial uso no desenvolvimento de organogéis, avaliar o efeito de estruturantes de grau alimentício isoladamente, em misturas binárias, ternárias ou mais, em diferentes concentrações, sobre a formação de organogéis de óleo de girassol alto oleico e produzir spreads de chocolate com redução do teor de AGS. Os spreads de chocolate comerciais analisados neste estudo mostraram estabilidade, uma vez que não houve exsudação de óleo líquido durante o período de estabilização, no entanto, eles poderiam apresentar menores níveis de AGS para atender a demanda de consumidores que buscam alimentos mais saudáveis. Todos os estruturantes apresentaram propriedades semelhantes, como alta concentração de ácidos graxos saturados, alto teor de sólidos na temperatura analisada, baixo tempo de indução de cristalização, alta resistência térmica, bem como parâmetros uniformes quanto à morfologia e dimensões cristalinas. Os organogéis analisados são bases lipídicas com potencial para serem usados como substitutos de gordura em processos industriais, para atender uma demanda de consumidores que buscam por alimentos mais saudáveis. Os spreads de chocolate com organogel mostraram alta estabilidade, indicando que o uso de organogéis como substituto de bases lipídicas convencionais em spreads de chocolate foi eficiente, uma vez que apresentaram comportamento similar ao padrão produzido com óleo de palma e redução de AGS variando entre 69,79 a 76,04%. Dessa forma, é possível produzir um produto de qualidade utilizando baixa concentração de estruturante e reduzindo o teor de AGSAbstract: In recent years, some advances in the structuring of lipid bases have allowed a direct influence on the modification of properties of oils and fats for application in food products. The structuring mechanisms of the lipid bases can be classified as conventional or unconventional. Unconventional mechanisms bring organogel technology as a trend, which is the use of self-assembling agents to retain liquid oil, resulting in a structured gel network. Controversial questions about the role of trans and saturated fatty acids in food have led to progressive changes in legislation in several countries to include more information for consumers. In this context, organogels have been indicated as a viable alternative to obtain low saturated fatty acid (SFA) semisolid fats and compatible properties for food application. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to present the studies that approach lipid organogels as an alternative for food application, to characterize the commercial chocolate spreads and their respective lipid phases, aiming at strategies of reformulation of this product category, besides the physical-characterization. Chemistry of food grade structurants with potential use in organogel development, to evaluate the effect of food grade structurants alone, in binary, ternary or more mixtures, at different concentrations, on the formation of high oleic sunflower oil organogels and produce chocolate spreads with reduced SFA content. The commercial chocolate spreads analyzed in this study showed stability as there was no liquid oil exudation during the stabilization period; however, they could have lower levels of SFA to meet the demand of consumers seeking healthier foods. All structurants had similar properties, such as high concentration of saturated fatty acids, high solids content at the analyzed temperature, short crystallization induction time, high thermal resistance, as well as uniform morphological parameters and crystalline dimensions. The analyzed organogels are lipid bases with potential to be used as fat substitutes in industrial processes, to meet a demand of consumers who are looking for healthier foods. The organogel chocolate spreads showed high stability, indicating that the use of organogels as a substitute for conventional lipid bases in chocolate spreads was efficient, since they presented similar behavior to the palm oil pattern and reduction of SFA ranging from 69.79 to 76.04%. Thus, it is possible to produce a quality product using low concentration of structurant and reducing the SFA contentDoutoradoTecnologia de AlimentosDoutora em Tecnologia de AlimentosCAPE

    A Review on the Degradation of Ionic and Non Ionic Surfactants in Water

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    The ability to respond to changing consumer and industrial wastes is critical for water treatment. Surfactants are of importance because of their increasing prevalence in home and industrial settings, as well as the challenges they provide to standard treatment. Surface active agents (SAAs) are chemical compounds that are discharged into the environment. They may have a deleterious impact on ecosystem biotic components. They also produce an increase in the aqueous phase solubility of organic contaminants. The destiny of SAAs in the environment is currently uncertain. Recognizing this issue will help to safeguard live species and maintain the quality and balance of a diverse ecosystem.This critical evaluation considers studies from several technical disciplines to offer an up-to-date summary of the environmental effects of surfactants. A variety of technologies are discussed, as well as their drawbacks and potential solutions