233 research outputs found

    Integrated HBIM-GIS Models for Multi-Scale Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Historical Buildings

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    The complexity of historical urban centres progressively needs a strategic improvement in methods and the scale of knowledge concerning the vulnerability aspect of seismic risk. A geographical multi-scale point of view is increasingly preferred in the scientific literature and in Italian regulation policies, that considers systemic behaviors of damage and vulnerability assessment from an urban perspective according to the scale of the data, rather than single building damage analysis. In this sense, a geospatial data sciences approach can contribute towards generating, integrating, and making virtuous relations between urban databases and emergency-related data, in order to constitute a multi-scale 3D database supporting strategies for conservation and risk assessment scenarios. The proposed approach developed a vulnerability-oriented GIS/HBIM integration in an urban 3D geodatabase, based on multi-scale data derived from urban cartography and emergency mapping 3D data. Integrated geometric and semantic information related to historical masonry buildings (specifically the churches) and structural data about architectural elements and damage were integrated in the approach. This contribution aimed to answer the research question supporting levels of knowledge required by directives and vulnerability assessment studies, both about the generative workflow phase, the role of HBIM models in GIS environments and toward user-oriented webGIS solutions for sharing and public use fruition, exploiting the database for expert operators involved in heritage preservation

    Digital workflows for the management of existing structures in the pre- and post-earthquake phases: BIM, CDE, drones, laser-scanning and AI

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    La metodologia BIM, sviluppata in America negli anni '70, ha rivoluzionato l'industria delle costruzioni introducendo i principi di innovazione e digitalizzazione per la gestione dei progetti, in un settore settore produttivo troppo legato a logiche tradizionali. I numerosi processi digitali che sono stati sviluppati da allora hanno riguardato in gran parte la progettazione di nuovi edifici, e sono principalmente legati alla disciplina del construction management. Alcune prime sperimentazioni condotte nel tempo hanno mostrato come l'estensione di questa metodologia agli edifici esistenti comporti molte difficoltà. In questo panorama, il lavoro di tesi si concentra sulla gestione delle strutture nella fase pre e post-sisma con l'obiettivo di sviluppare processi digitali basati sull'uso di tecnologie innovative applicate sia agli edifici ordinari che a quelli storici. Il primo workflow sviluppato, relativo alla fase pre-sisma, è stato denominato scan-to-FEM, ed è finalizzato a particolarizzare il classico processo scan-to-BIM nel campo dell'ingegneria strutturale, analizzando così tutti i passaggi dal rilievo dell'edificio con le tecniche digitali di fotogrammetria e laser-scanning fino all'analisi strutturale e alla valutazione della sicurezza nei confronti delle azioni sismiche. I processi di gestione delle strutture post-sisma sono invece incentrati sulla stima della sicurezza della struttura e sulla definizione delle strategie di intervento, e si basano sull'analisi delle caratteristiche intrinseche della struttura e dei danni indotti dagli eventi sismici. L'intero processo di valutazione del livello operativo di un edificio è stato quindi rivisto alla luce delle moderne tecnologie digitali. Nel dettaglio, sono state sviluppate Reti Neurali Convoluzionali (CNN) per la crack detection, e l'estrazione delle informazioni numeriche associate alle lesioni, gestite poi grazie ai modelli BIM. I quadri fessurativi sono stati digitalizzati grazie allìintroduzione un nuovo oggetto BIM "lesione" (attualmente non codificato nello standard IFC), al quale è stato aggiunto un set di parametri in parte valutati con le CNN ed in parte qualitativi. Durante lo sviluppo di questi processi, sono stati sviluppati nuovi strumenti adhoc per la gestione degli edifici esistenti. In particolare, sono state definite specifiche per lo sviluppo di schede tecniche digitali dei danni, e per la creazione del nuovo oggetto BIM "lesione". I processi di gestione degli edifici danneggiati, grazie agli sviluppi tecnologici realizzati, sono stati applicati per la digitalizzazione dell'edificio storico della chiesa di San Pietro in Vinculis danneggiato a seguito di eventi sismici, grazie ai quali sono stati sperimentati i massimi benefici in termini di riduzione di tempo e risparmio di risorse

    Information lifecycle management in Structural Engineering BIM, openBIM and Blockchain technology to digitise and re-engineer structural safety information management processes

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    Over the past decade, the building information modelling (BIM) approach has increasingly been used in both professional practice and research relating to the fields of civil and structural engineering. Indeed, it has been adopted across the globe, with some governments demanding its use in public projects involving bridges, tunnels and railways, as well as for strategic facilities like hospitals and schools. In Europe, most countries comply with Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on public procurements, which allows such clients to demand the use of BIM methodologies. Some countries, meanwhile, have decided to enforce digital delivery; for example, the United Kingdom has required the use of BIM in all government projects since 2016, while the Italian government published a timeline in 2018 mandating the use of BIM methodologies in all construction work by 2025. As a consequence, companies involved in the AEC sector are embracing the BIM approach by employing new tools and workflows, even though they face obstacles in relation to issues like training costs and time or low initial productivity. BIM-based workflows, innovative tools and collaboration platforms can be employed throughout the lifecycle of an asset, and have been the catalyst for innovation in the entire architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. However, the BIM approach does not have its own agenda for research purposes only, but this has one in applied research with the purpose of aiding professional practice. Thus, this thesis will address the use of BIM in structural engineering not for the sake of the research itself, but with the practical intent of summarizing and presenting the current experience of the use of BIM in structural engineering and then contributing to expanding knowledge about the possible uses of BIM in this regard. This thesis proposes innovative processes for the lifecycle information management of information that refers to the discipline of structural engineering. The proposed processes are based on the BIM approach, an information management framework that allows to standardise information flows using processes that implement tools such as BIM-authoring software, BIM tools and collaboration platforms. In detail, the BIM-based processes here proposed are in the number of three and refer, respectively, to the authorization phase, the testing and closeout phase, and the operation and maintenance phase of the lifecycle of a facility. A further novelty of this work is investigating the use of the open format industry foundation classes (IFC) in the processes that refer to the authorization phase and the operation and maintenance phase, and the use of blockchain technology in the testing and closeout phase. The first aim of this thesis, therefore, is to start bridging that gap by 1) providing the first state-of-the-art on the use of BIM in structural engineering. Additionally, this thesis is original in that it addresses the production, management, and storage of information that pertains to structural engineering. Accordingly, this work aims at: 2) Proposing an open BIM-based process for the application for seismic authorization, in Italian 'autorizzazione sismica' (authorization phase). 3) Proposing a proof-of-concept for the integration of blockchain technology and smart contract into information flows among common data environments (CDEs) in the construction process of structural systems (testing and closeout phase). 4) Proposing an open BIM-based process for the operation and maintenance phase of structures

    Optimization of survey procedures and application of integrated digital tools for seismic risk mitigation of cultural heritage: The Emilia-Romagna damaged theatres.

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    Starting from current procedures, standards and tools for seismic damage survey, the research presents an integrated workflow for seismic damage documentation and survey applied to historic theatres in the Emilia-Romagna region damaged by the 2012 earthquake. The 2012 earthquake highlighted the fragility of the cultural heritage and underscored the lack of proactive conservation and management of historic assets. The research starts by analysing Agenzia Regionale per la Ricostruzione della Regione Emilia-Romagna- ARRER’s requests, which had found criticalities in applying the current Mic (Ministero della Cultura) procedures for the damage survey of complex types: the A-DC form for churches and the B-DP form for buildings. Using the two types of forms highlighted the lack of ad hoc tools for complex architectural styles such as castles, cemeteries and theatres, resulting in the loss of quantitative and qualitative information necessary for knowledge, conservation and thus management of the reconstruction process. As a result of these considerations, national and international standards of integrated documentation, existing digital databases for cataloguing and classification of cultural property, and seismic risk management were studied to develop a workflow of integrated procedures for seismic damage survey on the specific assigned case study: Regional Historic Theaters affected by the 2012 earthquake. The research used the holistic and interdisciplinary approach of integrated documentation to develop the integrated procedural workflow to enhance and optimise seismic damage detection operations in the case study. In providing a workflow of integrated procedures for the prevention and mitigation of hazards related to potential states of emergency, both natural and anthropic, the research follows an “extensive” methodological approach to test the survey outside the Emilia crater. The methodological framework led to the critical-comparative analysis, divided into two levels: the first involved studying critical issues in the B-DP form, mainly used in the 2012 theatre survey. The second level covered the techniques - laser scanning, digital photogrammetry - and integrated survey methodologies applied during the in-depth investigations for repair and restoration work. The critical-comparative analysis and morpho-typological study led to the development of an integrated procedural flow to survey damage in historic theatres. It is aimed at systematising and optimising the stages of damage documentation. The workflow consists of three information levels: L1. Screening level for the visual survey; L2 survey level defines the 3D acquisition steps for the geometric-dimensional study by theatres. The BIM L3 Plus level guides implementing the level of knowledge of parametric HBIM models for documentation, management and monitoring of historic theatres


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    none4noThe digitization and geometric knowledge of the historical built heritage is currently based on point cloud, that rarely or only partially is used as digital twin for structural analysis. The present work deals with historical artefacts survey, with particular reference to masonry structures, aimed to their structural analysis and assessment. In detail, the study proposes a methodology capable of employing semi-directly the original data obtained from the 3D digital survey for the generation of a Finite Element Model (FEM), used for structural analysis of masonry buildings. The methodology described presents a reliable workflow with twofold purpose: the improvement of the transformation process of the point cloud in solid and subsequently obtain a high-quality and detailed model for structural analyses. Through the application of the methodology to a case study, the method consistency was assessed, regarding the smoothness of the whole procedure and the dynamic characterization of the Finite Element Model. The main improvement in respect with similar or our previous workflows is obtained by the introduction of the retopology in data processing, allowing the transformation of the raw data into a solid model with optimal balancing between Level of Detail (LOD) and computational weight. Another significant aspect of the optimized process is undoubtedly the possibility of faithfully respecting the semantics of the structure, leading to the discretization of the model into different parts depending on the materials. This work may represent an excellent reference for the study of masonry artefacts belonging to the existing historical heritage, starting from surveys and with the purpose to structural and seismic evaluations, in the general framework of knowledge-based preservation of heritage.openLucidi, A.; Giordano, E.; Clementi, F.; Quattrini, R.Lucidi, A.; Giordano, E.; Clementi, F.; Quattrini, R


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    Abstract. Historical centers represent the outcome of transformations and stratifications of the cities across the centuries. The knowledge of a historical urban environment requires an analytical methodology articulated on several interconnected levels of investigation to model a multi-layered complexity that encompasses the geometric and stylistic features of places (blocks irregularities, narrow streets, stratified buildings), the accessibility (pedestrial zone, no flyzone), the use of existing data (GIS, cartographies). Today the challenge for historical centers is dual: on the one side to make use of expeditious technologies to acquire data, on the other one to create 3D city models that allow to manage, visualize, enquire and use these data in a unique digital ecosystem. Our research deals with a multi-sensor data acquisition, evaluation and integration with the aim of creating informed and responsive 3D city models (CIM) that constitute a synthesis of the survey conducted and become the support for simulations in various contexts (seismic risk, hydraulic, energy performance)

    Towards an integrated vulnerability-based approach for evaluating, managing and mitigating earthquake risk in urban areas

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    Tese de doutoramento em Civil EngineeringSismos de grande intensidade, como aqueles que ocorreram na Turquía-Síria (2023) ou México (2017) deviam chamar a atenção para o projeto e implementação de ações proativas que conduzam à identificação de bens vulneráveis. A presente tese propõe um fluxo de trabalho relativamente simples para efetuar avaliações da vulnerabilidade sísmica à escala urbana mediante ferramentas digitais. Um modelo de vulnerabilidade baseado em parâmetros é adotado devido à afinidade que possui com o Catálogo Nacional de Monumentos Históricos mexicano. Uma primeira implementação do método (a grande escala) foi efetuada na cidade histórica de Atlixco (Puebla, México), demonstrando a sua aplicabilidade e algumas limitações, o que permitiu o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia para quantificar e considerar as incertezas epistémicas encontradas nos processos de aquisição de dados. Devido ao volume de dados tratado, foi preciso desenvolver meios robustos para obter, armazenar e gerir informações. O uso de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, com programas à medida baseados em linguagem Python e a distribuição de ficheiros na ”nuvem”, facilitou a criação de bases de dados de escala urbana para facilitar a aquisição de dados em campo, os cálculos de vulnerabilidade e dano e, finalmente, a representação dos resultados. Este desenvolvimento foi a base para um segundo conjunto de trabalhos em municípios do estado de Morelos (México). A caracterização da vulnerabilidade sísmica de mais de 160 construções permitiu a avaliação da representatividade do método paramétrico pela comparação entre os níveis de dano teórico e os danos observados depois do terramoto de Puebla-Morelos (2017). Esta comparação foi a base para efetuar processos de calibração e ajuste assistidos por algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina (Machine Learning), fornecendo bases para o desenvolvimento de modelos de vulnerabilidade à medida (mediante o uso de Inteligência Artificial), apoiados nas evidências de eventos sísmicos prévios.Strong seismic events like the ones of Türkiye-Syria (2023) or Mexico (2017) should guide our attention to the design and implementation of proactive actions aimed to identify vulnerable assets. This work is aimed to propose a suitable and easy-to-implement workflow for performing large-scale seismic vulnerability assessments in historic environments by means of digital tools. A vulnerability-oriented model based on parameters is adopted given its affinity with the Mexican Catalogue of Historical Monuments. A first large-scale implementation of this method in the historical city of Atlixco (Puebla, Mexico) demonstrated its suitability and some limitations, which lead to develop a strategy for quantifying and involving the epistemic uncertainties found during the data acquisition process. Given the volume of data that these analyses involve, it was necessary to develop robust data acquisition, storing and management strategies. The use of Geographical Information System environments together with customised Python-based programs and cloud-based distribution permitted to assemble urban databases for facilitating field data acquisition, performing vulnerability and damage calculations, and representing outcomes. This development was the base for performing a second large-scale assessment in selected municipalities of the state of Morelos (Mexico). The characterisation of the seismic vulnerability of more than 160 buildings permitted to assess the representativeness of the parametric vulnerability approach by comparing the theoretical damage estimations against the damages observed after the Puebla-Morelos 2017 Earthquakes. Such comparison is the base for performing a Machine Learning assisted process of calibration and adjustment, representing a feasible strategy for calibrating these vulnerability models by using Machine-Learning algorithms and the empirical evidence of damage in post-seismic scenarios.This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), reference UIDB/04029/2020. This research had financial support provided by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) through the Analysis and Mitigation of Risks in Infrastructures (InfraRisk) program under the PhD grant PD/BD/150385/2019

    M-BIM: a new tool for the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze

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    [EN] The paper deals with an ongoing research activity for developing a Building Information Model (BIM) for the facility and collections management of museums. The BIM success lies not only in its application for the design and construction of buildings but also because it helps the information management of a building throughout its life cycle. Compared to other activities, in museums management, the container/content relationship is essential for the preventive conservation of artworks, according to national and international guidelines. Then, an effective BIM-based museum information system linked to external databases (called M-BIM) should include also the art collections for managing information regarding both the building and artworks by 3D objects handling. This facilitates the management of the procedures prescribed by international best practices (as the facility and conservation reports set up for the loan of artworks) or by Italian regulations (as to check the compliance of a museum with the minimum standards or to archive renovations and temporary exhibitions). The proposed methodology has been tested on the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze (Florence, Italy), situated in a complex heritage building. Starting from data acquired during a laser scanner survey carried out in 2011, a HBIM of the whole building has been created. Then, the sculptures and paintings of a consistent part of the museum have been modelled with different approaches and inserted as BIM objects. Artworks instances include 3D geometry and physical data (dimensions, materials, weight, etc.), other data are obtained from links to already existing external catalogues. A database conceptual model has been formalised, according to INSPIRE Consolidated Unified Modelling Language (UML) of the INSPIRE Directive, with the aim to maintain the independence of the BIM approach but improving data connection with other databases and sources.Highlights:A holistic information management system for museums (M-BIM) is proposed, including both information on the building and the collections.International and Italian guidelines, and best practices on museums management are compared.The Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze is used as a case study for testing the application of M-BIM on a heritage building.[ES] El artículo trata una investigación en curso que aborda el desarrollo del modelado de información de la construcción (BIM) para la gestión de instalaciones y colecciones de museos. El éxito del BIM no reside sólo en su aplicación en el diseño y la construcción de edificios, sino también en que ayuda en la gestión de la información de una construcción durante todo su ciclo de vida. En comparación con otras actividades, en la gestión de los museos, la relación contenedor/contenido es esencial en la conservación preventiva de las obras de arte, de acuerdo con las directrices nacionales e internacionales. Entonces, un sistema eficaz de información museística mediante BIM y que se enlace con bases de datos externas (denominado M-BIM) debería incluir las colecciones de arte para la gestión de la información relativa tanto al edificio como a las obras de arte mediante la manipulación de objetos en 3D. Esto facilita la gestión de los procedimientos prescritos por las mejores prácticas internacionales (como los informes de instalación y conservación establecidos para el préstamo de obras de arte) o por la normativa italiana (como el control de la conformidad de un museo con los estándares mínimos o almacenar renovaciones y exposiciones temporales). La metodología propuesta se ha probado en la Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze (Italia), situada en un edificio patrimonial de gran complejidad. Se ha creado un HBIM de todo el edificio a partir de los datos capturados en 2011 en un levantamiento con escáner láser. Después, las esculturas y pinturas de una parte consistente del museo se han modelado con diferentes enfoques e insertado como objetos BIM. Los ejemplos de obras de arte incluyen geometría 3D y datos físicos (dimensiones, materiales, peso, etc.), otros datos se obtienen a partir de enlaces a catálogos externos ya existentes. Se ha formalizado un modelo conceptual de bases de datos, según el el lenguaje unificado de modelado (UML) Consolidado INSPIRE de la Directiva INSPIRE, con el objetivo de mantener la independencia del procedimiento BIM, pero mejorando la conexión de los datos con otras bases de datos y fuentes.The research has been carried out as part of the GAMHer project: Geomatics Data Acquisition and Management for Landscape and Built Heritage in a European Perspective, PRIN:–Bando 2015, Prot. 2015HJLS7E.Tucci, G.; Conti, A.; Fiorini, L.; Corongiu, M.; Valdambrini, N.; Matta, C. (2019). M-BIM: una nueva herramienta para la Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze (Florencia). Virtual Archaeology Review. 10(21):40-55. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2019.11943SWORD4055102

    A framework for BIM-based assessment of seismic performance of existing RC buildings

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    Dissertação de mestrado em European Master in Building Information ModellingDespite the mature state of BIM software in the context of structural design, particularly in concern to the desirable interoperability between BIM authoring tools and structural design software, there is still a technical/research gap in the scope of the exchange of competent data towards a seismic analysis of existing buildings (e.g. following the recommendations of Eurocode 8 – Part 3). This dissertation aimed to develop a BIM-based framework to facilitate the process of seismic analysis of existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, through a streamlined set of modelling rules and interoperability between Autodesk Revit (BIM authoring tool) and SeismoStruct (seismic analysis software). This is achieved through a visual programming script developed in Dynamo. The developed script is able to export geometry, sections, material properties, supports as well as the reinforcement data for structural columns and beams. Furthermore, as infill walls can play a significant contribution to the seismic capacity of the building, they are also considered in the framework. This is considered an important contribution of this framework, as infill walls are normally ignored in the usual design office during a seismic assessment of existing buildings. The interoperability script is able to query the necessary information from the BIM model and export it to an XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) that can be directly recognized by the seismic analysis software. The non-linear static analysis (i.e. pushover analysis) is then performed in Seismostruct. Based on the capacity curves obtained from the pushover analysis for the structure with and without infill walls, the conclusions about the effectiveness of infill wall in RC structures can be made. Upon preparation of the framework, its operational capacity was assessed on an academic-oriented example of a regular 4 storey building. Lastly, the developed framework/script was tested and evaluated on a case study based on a real building, with some degree of irregularity. The seismic capacity of the building was evaluated using pushover analysis, with an evaluation of the beneficial effects of consideration of infill walls. It was concluded that the framework operated in a suitable manner, allowing the quick translation of data from the BIM authoring tool towards the seismic analysis software, thus permitting the structural engineers to concentrate on design tasks rather than repetitive and error-prone activities of parsing information between software. Two special features are highlighted in concern to the original contributions of the developed framework/script: (i) it allows the easy consideration of infill walls in the BIM model and hence in the seismic calculation, thus allowing more realistic assessments; (ii) a method to input reinforcement data based on non-graphical data was proposed, facilitating the quickness of the input of information to the BIM model (and hence to the seismic analysis) as compared to the alternative need to model all reinforcement bars of the building.Apesar do estado de elevada maturidade dos software BIM no contexto do projeto de estruturas, particularmente no que diz respeito à desejável interoperabilidade entre plataformas de modelação BIM e aplicações para análise/dimensionamento estrutural, há ainda lacunas técnicas importantes no contexto das trocas de informação competentes no contexto particular da análise sísmica de edifícios existentes (p.ex. em coerência com as recomendações do Eurocódigo 8 – parte 3). Nesta dissertação pretendeu-se desenvolver uma metodologia baseada em BIM para facilitar o processo de análise sísmica de edifícios existentes em betão armado (BA), através dum conjunto de regras de modelação e ferramenta de interoperabilidade entre Autodesk Revit (plataforma de modelação BIM) e SeismoStruct (aplicação de análise estrutural). Para isso, foi utilizado um código em linguagem de programação visual desenvolvido em Dynamo. O código desenvolvido é capaz de exportar geometria, secções, propriedades de materiais, apoios e dados sobre a armadura nos pilares e vigas. Além disso, tendo em conta que as paredes de enchimento podem ter um papel relevante no contributo para o desempenho sísmico dos edifícios, a sua existência é considerada de forma explícita na metodologia aqui proposta. Esta é considerada uma contribuição importante desta metodologia, uma vez que as paredes de enchimento são normalmente ignoradas na prática corrente de avaliação de desempenho sísmico de edifícios em contexto de gabinetes de projeto. O código de interoperabilidade proposto é capaz de analisar a informação necessária do modelo BIM e exportá-la no formato XML (Extensible Mark-up Language), que é reconhecido diretamente pelo software de análise sísmica utilizado. A análise não linear estática (i.e. análise pushover) é seguidamente realizada no SeismoStruct. Com base nas curvas de capacidade obtidas na análise pushover, e tendo em conta a análise de cenários com e sem paredes de enchimento, é possível tirar ilações sobre o comportamento sísmico dos edifícios e do papel dessas mesmas paredes. Durante a preparação da metodologia, a sua capacidade operacional foi validada num exemplo académico de um edifício regular de 4 pisos. Finalmente, a metodologia desenvolvida foi testada e avaliada num caso de estudo baseado em edifício real, com algum grau de irregularidade. A capacidade sísmica do edifício foi aferida com análise pushover, com avaliação dos benefícios da consideração das paredes de enchimento. Concluiu-se que a metodologia funcionou de forma adequada, permitindo a rápida transposição de dados da plataforma de modelação BIM para o software de análise sísmica, permitindo, portanto que os Engenheiros de Estruturas se concentrem em tarefas de projeto/engenharia, em vez de investirem tempo em tarefas repetitivas e suscetíveis a erro na troca de informação manual entre software. Relevam-se as duas características especiais que se afiguram como as contribuições mais originais da metodologia desenvolvida no presente trabalho: (i) permite a consideração facilitada das paredes de enchimento na análise sísmica a partir de informação do modelo BIM, conduzindo a análises mais realistas (em oposição à tendência corrente de ignorar as paredes de enchimento); (ii) é proposto um método de modelação das armaduras baseado em informação não gráfica, facilitando a rapidez da introdução de informação no modelo BIM (e consequentemente na análise sísmica), quando comparado com a potencial alternativa de modelar todas as armaduras do edifício