9 research outputs found


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    Pada umumnya dibutuhkan waktu penyembuhan yang lebih lama untuk penanganan luka kronis, dibutuhkan juga perawatan yang bervariasi untuk menangani luka kronis. Hal ini dikarenakan luka kronis dapat digolongkan sebagai luka yang memiliki tingkat kerumitan cukup rumit untuk dipisahkan, terlebih pada area luka dan area non luka yang memiliki susunan warna yang cenderung meliki kesamaan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pemisahan area luka dan area non luka menggunakan metode segmentasi algoritma Fuzzy C-means. Percobaan dilakukan dengan proses pre-processing pada citra luka pressure ulcers menggunakan 2 metode, yaitu metode filtersisasi homomorphic dan metode thresholding yang kemudian citra luka pressure ulcers diproses menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy C-means. Hasil dari percobaan segmentasi luka kronis ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Fuzzy C-means dapat dikatakan cukup efektif untuk digunakan dan dapat memisahkan bagian luka dan bagian non luka.Pada umumnya dibutuhkan waktu penyembuhan yang lebih lama untuk penanganan luka kronis, dibutuhkan juga perawatan yang bervariasi untuk menangani luka kronis. Hal ini dikarenakan luka kronis dapat digolongkan sebagai luka yang memiliki tingkat kerumitan cukup rumit untuk dipisahkan, terlebih pada area luka dan area non luka yang memiliki susunan warna yang cenderung meliki kesamaan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pemisahan area luka dan area non luka menggunakan metode segmentasi algoritma Fuzzy C-means. Percobaan dilakukan dengan proses pre-processing pada citra luka pressure ulcers menggunakan 2 metode, yaitu metode filtersisasi homomorphic dan metode thresholding yang kemudian citra luka pressure ulcers diproses menggunakan algoritma Fuzzy C-means. Hasil dari percobaan segmentasi luka kronis ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Fuzzy C-means dapat dikatakan cukup efektif untuk digunakan dan dapat memisahkan bagian luka dan bagian non luka

    Enhanced Assessment of the Wound-Healing Process by Accurate Multiview Tissue Classification

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    Wound Healing Assessment Using Digital Photography: A Review

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    Avaliação de rugas cutâneas da região periorbital baseada em processamento digital de imagens /

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniCo-orientador: José Hermênio C.Lima FilhoInclui apêndiceDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 2007Inclui bibliografi


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    Wounds that fail to heal within an expected period develop into ulcers that cause severe pain and expose patients to limb amputation. Ulcer appearance changes gradually as ulcer tissues evolve throughout the healing process. Dermatologists assess the progression of ulcer healing based on visual inspection of ulcer tissues, which is inconsistent and subjective. The ability to measure objectively early stages of ulcer healing is important to improve clinical decisions and enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. Ulcer healing is indicated by the growth of granulation tissue that contains pigment haemoglobin that causes the red colour of the tissue. An approach based on utilising haemoglobin content as an image marker to detect regions of granulation tissue on ulcers surface using colour images of chronic ulcers is investigated in this study. The approach is utilised to develop a system that is able to detect regions of granulation tissue on ulcers surface using colour images of chronic ulcers

    Evaluation of chronic wounds by raman spectroscopy and image processing

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    Diabetic foot ulcer has become a major healthcare problem as the prevalence of diabetes and the related complications increase globally. Due to the underlying pathological abnormalities in diabetic patients, these ulcers do not heal in a timely and orderly fashion as acute wounds do. Objective and accurate assessment of wound healing status is needed to deliver better wound care to patients.In this research, we utilize near-infrared Raman spectroscopy to study tissue samples from diabetic foot ulcers on a small cohort of patients. We categorized wounds as healing or non-healing, harvested samples from wound debridement and collected Raman spectra from cryosectioned samples. The average spectrum of samples from healing wounds shows higher intensities at bands associated with collagen and other proteins while the non-healing group shows higher intensities at bands associated with red blood cells. Significant spectral features such as individual band intensities and pairwise intensity ratios were identified by performing unpaired t-tests between these two groups. Supervised classification using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier was conducted to classify the spectra or samples based on the spectral features. The trained SVM classifier is able to predict a spectrum’s category with 85.2% accuracy. The prediction of whether a sample is from a healing or non-healing wound can be as accurate as 95.7% when the average spectrum of the sample was fed to the SVM classifier.Since the quantification of the wound area is a common clinical practice, we also applied image processing techniques to accurately detect the wound boundary in digital images of the wound. Our method derives from a combination of color based image analysis algorithms, and the method is validated by comparing the performance with manually traced boundaries of wounds in animal models and human wounds of diverse patients. Images were taken by an inexpensive digital camera under variable lighting conditions. Approximately 100 patient images and 50 animal images were analyzed and high overlap was achieved between manual tracings and calculated wound areas by our method. The simplicity of our method combined with its robustness suggests that it can be a valuable tool in clinical wound evaluations.Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201


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    Wounds that fail to heal within an expected period develop into ulcers that cause severe pain and expose patients to limb amputation. Ulcer appearance changes gradually as ulcer tissues evolve throughout the healing process. Dermatologists assess the progression of ulcer healing based on visual inspection of ulcer tissues, which is inconsistent and subjective. The ability to measure objectively early stages of ulcer healing is important to improve clinical decisions and enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. Ulcer healing is indicated by the growth of granulation tissue that contains pigment haemoglobin that causes the red colour of the tissue. An approach based on utilising haemoglobin content as an image marker to detect regions of granulation tissue on ulcers surface using colour images of chronic ulcers is investigated in this study. The approach is utilised to develop a system that is able to detect regions of granulation tissue on ulcers surface using colour images of chronic ulcers


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    A identificação botânica de espécies vegetais nativas da Amazônia é parte integrante do inventário florestal, imprescindível para o plano de manejo florestal e essencial para que a comunidade científica conheça mais e melhor a floresta Amazônica. No entanto, o processo usual de identificação botânica normalmente usa apenas o conhecimento empírico de nativos conhecedores da floresta (mateiros), os quais adotam nomes vernaculares (populares) na determinação das espécies, que por sua vez, apresentam divergêcias dos nomes científicos catalogados por taxonomistas. Tendo esta problemática como cenário de pesquisa, este trabalho propõe um modelo conceitual para suportar um referencial semântico que apoie o processo de identificação de espécies botânicas da Amazônia, com intuito de minimizar as divergências de conhecimento entre taxonomistas e mateiros, e consequentemente aumentar a acurácia do método de identificação. Para tal, são utilizados recursos semânticos (e.g. ontologia e vetores semânticos) na formalização do conhecimento capturado. Dois cenários de aplicação são usados para avaliar este trabalho, nomeadamente: (i) o cenário Inventário Florestal que utiliza como instrumento avaliativo o sistema especialista para identificação botânica por características; (ii) o cenário Imagem Madeira que utiliza como instrumento avaliativo o sistema especialista para classificação de imagem de madeira. Como parte dos resultados, estes cenários utilizam o reconhecimento de padrão no apoio à tomada de decisão usando ferramentas computacionais no auxílio ao processo de identificação de espécies florestais comercializadas na Amazônia, com taxas de acertos de 65% de reconhecimento em imagens de madeira. Por conseguinte conclui-se que o referencial semântico proposto neste trabalho contribui sobremaneira no âmbito ambiental, no que tange à produção de conhecimento sobre a Amazôni