45 research outputs found

    SoK: Cryptographically Protected Database Search

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    Protected database search systems cryptographically isolate the roles of reading from, writing to, and administering the database. This separation limits unnecessary administrator access and protects data in the case of system breaches. Since protected search was introduced in 2000, the area has grown rapidly; systems are offered by academia, start-ups, and established companies. However, there is no best protected search system or set of techniques. Design of such systems is a balancing act between security, functionality, performance, and usability. This challenge is made more difficult by ongoing database specialization, as some users will want the functionality of SQL, NoSQL, or NewSQL databases. This database evolution will continue, and the protected search community should be able to quickly provide functionality consistent with newly invented databases. At the same time, the community must accurately and clearly characterize the tradeoffs between different approaches. To address these challenges, we provide the following contributions: 1) An identification of the important primitive operations across database paradigms. We find there are a small number of base operations that can be used and combined to support a large number of database paradigms. 2) An evaluation of the current state of protected search systems in implementing these base operations. This evaluation describes the main approaches and tradeoffs for each base operation. Furthermore, it puts protected search in the context of unprotected search, identifying key gaps in functionality. 3) An analysis of attacks against protected search for different base queries. 4) A roadmap and tools for transforming a protected search system into a protected database, including an open-source performance evaluation platform and initial user opinions of protected search.Comment: 20 pages, to appear to IEEE Security and Privac

    Privacy-Enhanced Dependable and Searchable Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds

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    In this dissertation we will propose a solution for a trustable and privacy-enhanced storage architecture based on a multi-cloud approach. The solution provides the necessary support for multi modal on-line searching operation on data that is always maintained encrypted on used cloud-services. We implemented a system prototype, conducting an experimental evaluation. Our results show that the proposal offers security and privacy guarantees, and provides efficient information retrieval capabilities without sacrificing precision and recall properties on the supported search operations. There is a constant increase in the demand of cloud services, particularly cloud-based storage services. These services are currently used by different applications as outsourced storage services, with some interesting advantages. Most personal and mobile applications also offer the user the choice to use the cloud to store their data, transparently and sometimes without entire user awareness and privacy-conditions, to overcome local storage limitations. Companies might also find that it is cheaper to outsource databases and keyvalue stores, instead of relying on storage solutions in private data-centers. This raises the concern about data privacy guarantees and data leakage danger. A cloud system administrator can easily access unprotected data and she/he could also forge, modify or delete data, violating privacy, integrity, availability and authenticity conditions. A possible solution to solve those problems would be to encrypt and add authenticity and integrity proofs in all data, before being sent to the cloud, and decrypting and verifying authenticity or integrity on data downloads. However this solution can be used only for backup purposes or when big data is not involved, and might not be very practical for online searching requirements over large amounts of cloud stored data that must be searched, accessed and retrieved in a dynamic way. Those solutions also impose high-latency and high amount of cloud inbound/outbound traffic, increasing the operational costs. Moreover, in the case of mobile or embedded devices, the power, computation and communication constraints cannot be ignored, since indexing, encrypting/decrypting and signing/verifying all data will be computationally expensive. To overcome the previous drawbacks, in this dissertation we propose a solution for a trustable and privacy-enhanced storage architecture based on a multi-cloud approach, providing privacy-enhanced, dependable and searchable support. Our solution provides the necessary support for dependable cloud storage and multi modal on-line searching operations over always-encrypted data in a cloud-of-clouds. We implemented a system prototype, conducting an experimental evaluation of the proposed solution, involving the use of conventional storage clouds, as well as, a high-speed in-memory cloud-storage backend. Our results show that the proposal offers the required dependability properties and privacy guarantees, providing efficient information retrieval capabilities without sacrificing precision and recall properties in the supported indexing and search operations

    Security and Privacy Issues of Big Data

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    This chapter revises the most important aspects in how computing infrastructures should be configured and intelligently managed to fulfill the most notably security aspects required by Big Data applications. One of them is privacy. It is a pertinent aspect to be addressed because users share more and more personal data and content through their devices and computers to social networks and public clouds. So, a secure framework to social networks is a very hot topic research. This last topic is addressed in one of the two sections of the current chapter with case studies. In addition, the traditional mechanisms to support security such as firewalls and demilitarized zones are not suitable to be applied in computing systems to support Big Data. SDN is an emergent management solution that could become a convenient mechanism to implement security in Big Data systems, as we show through a second case study at the end of the chapter. This also discusses current relevant work and identifies open issues.Comment: In book Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, IGI Global, 201

    Privacy-Enhanced Query Processing in a Cloud-Based Encrypted DBaaS (Database as a Service)

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    In this dissertation, we researched techniques to support trustable and privacy enhanced solutions for on-line applications accessing to “always encrypted” data in remote DBaaS (data-base-as-a-service) or Cloud SQL-enabled backend solutions. Although solutions for SQL-querying of encrypted databases have been proposed in recent research, they fail in providing: (i) flexible multimodal query facilities includ ing online image searching and retrieval as extended queries to conventional SQL-based searches, (ii) searchable cryptographic constructions for image-indexing, searching and retrieving operations, (iii) reusable client-appliances for transparent integration of multi modal applications, and (iv) lack of performance and effectiveness validations for Cloud based DBaaS integrated deployments. At the same time, the study of partial homomorphic encryption and multimodal searchable encryption constructions is yet an ongoing research field. In this research direction, the need for a study and practical evaluations of such cryptographic is essential, to evaluate those cryptographic methods and techniques towards the materialization of effective solutions for practical applications. The objective of the dissertation is to design, implement and perform experimental evaluation of a security middleware solution, implementing a client/client-proxy/server appliance software architecture, to support the execution of applications requiring on line multimodal queries on “always encrypted” data maintained in outsourced cloud DBaaS backends. In this objective we include the support for SQL-based text-queries enhanced with searchable encrypted image-retrieval capabilities. We implemented a prototype of the proposed solution and we conducted an experimental benchmarking evaluation, to observe the effectiveness, latency and performance conditions in support ing those queries. The dissertation addressed the envisaged security middleware solution, as an experimental and usable solution that can be extended for future experimental testbench evaluations using different real cloud DBaaS deployments, as offered by well known cloud-providers.Nesta dissertação foram investigadas técnicas para suportar soluções com garantias de privacidade para aplicações que acedem on-line a dados que são mantidos sempre cifrados em nuvens que disponibilizam serviços de armazenamento de dados, nomeadamente soluções do tipo bases de dados interrogáveis por SQL. Embora soluções para suportar interrogações SQL em bases de dados cifradas tenham sido propostas anteriormente, estas falham em providenciar: (i) capacidade de efectuar pesquisas multimodais que possam incluir pesquisa combinada de texto e imagem com obtenção de imagens online, (ii) suporte de privacidade com base em construções criptograficas que permitam operações de indexacao, pesquisa e obtenção de imagens como dados cifrados pesquisáveis, (iii) suporte de integração para aplicações de gestão de dados em contexto multimodal, e (iv) ausência de validações experimentais com benchmarking dobre desempenho e eficiência em soluções DBaaS em que os dados sejam armazenados e manipulados na sua forma cifrada. A pesquisa de soluções de privacidade baseada em primitivas de cifras homomórficas parciais, tem sido vista como uma possível solução prática para interrogação de dados e bases de dados cifradas. No entanto, este é ainda um campo de investigação em desenvolvimento. Nesta direção de investigação, a necessidade de estudar e efectuar avaliações experimentais destas primitivas em bibliotecas de cifras homomórficas, reutilizáveis em diferentes contextos de aplicação e como solução efetiva para uso prático mais generalizado, é um aspeto essencial. O objectivo da dissertação e desenhar, implementar e efectuar avalições experimentais de uma proposta de solução middleware para suportar pesquisas multimodais em bases de dados mantidas cifradas em soluções de nuvens de armazenamento. Esta proposta visa a concepção e implementação de uma arquitectura de software client/client-proxy/server appliance para suportar execução eficiente de interrogações online sobre dados cifrados, suportando operações multimodais sobre dados mantidos protegidos em serviços de nuvens de armazenamento. Neste objectivo incluímos o suporte para interrogações estendidas de SQL, com capacidade para pesquisa e obtenção de dados cifrados que podem incluir texto e pesquisa de imagens por similaridade. Foi implementado um prototipo da solução proposta e foi efectuada uma avaliação experimental do mesmo, para observar as condições de eficiencia, latencia e desempenho do suporte dessas interrogações. Nesta avaliação incluímos a análise experimental da eficiência e impacto de diferentes construções criptográficas para pesquisas cifradas (searchable encryption) e cifras parcialmente homomórficas e que são usadas como componentes da solução proposta. A dissertaçao aborda a soluçao de seguranca projectada, como uma solução experimental que pode ser estendida e utilizavel para futuras aplcações e respetivas avaliações experimentais. Estas podem vir a adoptar soluções do tipo DBaaS, oferecidos como serviços na nuvem, por parte de diversos provedores ou fornecedores

    Homomorphic-Encrypted Volume Rendering

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    Computationally demanding tasks are typically calculated in dedicated data centers, and real-time visualizations also follow this trend. Some rendering tasks, however, require the highest level of confidentiality so that no other party, besides the owner, can read or see the sensitive data. Here we present a direct volume rendering approach that performs volume rendering directly on encrypted volume data by using the homomorphic Paillier encryption algorithm. This approach ensures that the volume data and rendered image are uninterpretable to the rendering server. Our volume rendering pipeline introduces novel approaches for encrypted-data compositing, interpolation, and opacity modulation, as well as simple transfer function design, where each of these routines maintains the highest level of privacy. We present performance and memory overhead analysis that is associated with our privacy-preserving scheme. Our approach is open and secure by design, as opposed to secure through obscurity. Owners of the data only have to keep their secure key confidential to guarantee the privacy of their volume data and the rendered images. Our work is, to our knowledge, the first privacy-preserving remote volume-rendering approach that does not require that any server involved be trustworthy; even in cases when the server is compromised, no sensitive data will be leaked to a foreign party.Comment: Accepted for presentation at IEEE VIS 202

    A Survey on Property-Preserving Database Encryption Techniques in the Cloud

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    Outsourcing a relational database to the cloud offers several benefits, including scalability, availability, and cost-effectiveness. However, there are concerns about the security and confidentiality of the outsourced data. A general approach here would be to encrypt the data with a standardized encryption algorithm and then store the data only encrypted in the cloud. The problem with this approach, however, is that with encryption, important properties of the data such as sorting, format or comparability, which are essential for the functioning of database queries, are lost. One solution to this problem is the use of encryption algorithms, which also preserve these properties in the encrypted data, thus enabling queries to encrypted data. These algorithms range from simple algorithms like Caesar encryption to secure algorithms like mOPE. The report at hand presents a survey on common encryption techniques used for storing data in relation Cloud database services. It presents the applied methods and identifies their characteristics.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Practical Isolated Searchable Encryption in a Trusted Computing Environment

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    Cloud computing has become a standard computational paradigm due its numerous advantages, including high availability, elasticity, and ubiquity. Both individual users and companies are adopting more of its services, but not without loss of privacy and control. Outsourcing data and computations to a remote server implies trusting its owners, a problem many end-users are aware. Recent news have proven data stored on Cloud servers is susceptible to leaks from the provider, third-party attackers, or even from government surveillance programs, exposing users’ private data. Different approaches to tackle these problems have surfaced throughout the years. Naïve solutions involve storing data encrypted on the server, decrypting it only on the client-side. Yet, this imposes a high overhead on the client, rendering such schemes impractical. Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) has emerged as a novel research topic in recent years, allowing efficient querying and updating over encrypted datastores in Cloud servers, while retaining privacy guarantees. Still, despite relevant recent advances, existing SSE schemes still make a critical trade-off between efficiency, security, and query expressiveness, thus limiting their adoption as a viable technology, particularly in large-scale scenarios. New technologies providing Isolated Execution Environments (IEEs) may help improve SSE literature. These technologies allow applications to be run remotely with privacy guarantees, in isolation from other, possibly privileged, processes inside the CPU, such as the operating system kernel. Prominent example technologies are Intel SGX and ARM TrustZone, which are being made available in today’s commodity CPUs. In this thesis we study these new trusted hardware technologies in depth, while exploring their application to the problem of searching over encrypted data, primarily focusing in SGX. In more detail, we study the application of IEEs in SSE schemes, improving their efficiency, security, and query expressiveness. We design, implement, and evaluate three new SSE schemes for different query types, namely Boolean queries over text, similarity queries over image datastores, and multimodal queries over text and images. These schemes can support queries combining different media formats simultaneously, envisaging applications such as privacy-enhanced medical diagnosis and management of electronic-healthcare records, or confidential photograph catalogues, running without the danger of privacy breaks in Cloud-based provisioned services