3,341 research outputs found

    On the Parity Problem in One-Dimensional Cellular Automata

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    We consider the parity problem in one-dimensional, binary, circular cellular automata: if the initial configuration contains an odd number of 1s, the lattice should converge to all 1s; otherwise, it should converge to all 0s. It is easy to see that the problem is ill-defined for even-sized lattices (which, by definition, would never be able to converge to 1). We then consider only odd lattices. We are interested in determining the minimal neighbourhood that allows the problem to be solvable for any initial configuration. On the one hand, we show that radius 2 is not sufficient, proving that there exists no radius 2 rule that can possibly solve the parity problem from arbitrary initial configurations. On the other hand, we design a radius 4 rule that converges correctly for any initial configuration and we formally prove its correctness. Whether or not there exists a radius 3 rule that solves the parity problem remains an open problem.Comment: In Proceedings AUTOMATA&JAC 2012, arXiv:1208.249

    Fitness landscape of the cellular automata majority problem: View from the Olympus

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    In this paper we study cellular automata (CAs) that perform the computational Majority task. This task is a good example of what the phenomenon of emergence in complex systems is. We take an interest in the reasons that make this particular fitness landscape a difficult one. The first goal is to study the landscape as such, and thus it is ideally independent from the actual heuristics used to search the space. However, a second goal is to understand the features a good search technique for this particular problem space should possess. We statistically quantify in various ways the degree of difficulty of searching this landscape. Due to neutrality, investigations based on sampling techniques on the whole landscape are difficult to conduct. So, we go exploring the landscape from the top. Although it has been proved that no CA can perform the task perfectly, several efficient CAs for this task have been found. Exploiting similarities between these CAs and symmetries in the landscape, we define the Olympus landscape which is regarded as the ''heavenly home'' of the best local optima known (blok). Then we measure several properties of this subspace. Although it is easier to find relevant CAs in this subspace than in the overall landscape, there are structural reasons that prevent a searcher from finding overfitted CAs in the Olympus. Finally, we study dynamics and performance of genetic algorithms on the Olympus in order to confirm our analysis and to find efficient CAs for the Majority problem with low computational cost

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Cellular Automata

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    Synthesis of cellular automata is an important area of modeling and describing complex systems. Large amounts of combinations and candidate solutions render the usage of deterministic approaches impractical and thus nondeterministic optimization methods have to be employed. Two of the typical evolutionary approaches to synthesizing cellular automata are the evolution of a single automaton and a genetic algorithm that evolves a population of automata. The first approach, with addition of some heuristics, is known as the cellular programming algorithm. In this paper we address the second approach and develop a genetic algorithm that evolves a population of cellular automata. We test both approaches on the density classification task, which is one of the most widely studied computational problems in the context of evolving cellular automata. Comparison of the synthesized cellular automata demonstrates unexpected similarity of the evolved rules and comparable classification accuracy performance of both approaches

    The identification of cellular automata

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    Although cellular automata have been widely studied as a class of the spatio temporal systems, very few investigators have studied how to identify the CA rules given observations of the patterns. A solution using a polynomial realization to describe the CA rule is reviewed in the present study based on the application of an orthogonal least squares algorithm. Three new neighbourhood detection methods are then reviewed as important preliminary analysis procedures to reduce the complexity of the estimation. The identification of excitable media is discussed using simulation examples and real data sets and a new method for the identification of hybrid CA is introduced

    Mean-Field Theory of Meta-Learning

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    We discuss here the mean-field theory for a cellular automata model of meta-learning. The meta-learning is the process of combining outcomes of individual learning procedures in order to determine the final decision with higher accuracy than any single learning method. Our method is constructed from an ensemble of interacting, learning agents, that acquire and process incoming information using various types, or different versions of machine learning algorithms. The abstract learning space, where all agents are located, is constructed here using a fully connected model that couples all agents with random strength values. The cellular automata network simulates the higher level integration of information acquired from the independent learning trials. The final classification of incoming input data is therefore defined as the stationary state of the meta-learning system using simple majority rule, yet the minority clusters that share opposite classification outcome can be observed in the system. Therefore, the probability of selecting proper class for a given input data, can be estimated even without the prior knowledge of its affiliation. The fuzzy logic can be easily introduced into the system, even if learning agents are build from simple binary classification machine learning algorithms by calculating the percentage of agreeing agents.Comment: 23 page