300 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Image Retrieval Algorithms for Enhancing a Content-Based Image Retrieval System

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    Content Based image retrieval (CBIR) is in retrieve digital images by the actual content in the image .The content are the features of the image such as color, shape, texture and other information about the image including some statistic measures of the image. In this paper Content Based Image Retrieval algorithms are discussed. The comparative study of these algorithms is done. This article covers various techniques for implementing Content Based Image Retrieval algorithms and Some Open Source examples of Content-based Image Retrieval Search Engines

    Towards Privacy and Security Concerns of Adversarial Examples in Deep Hashing Image Retrieval

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    With the explosive growth of images on the internet, image retrieval based on deep hashing attracts spotlights from both research and industry communities. Empowered by deep neural networks (DNNs), deep hashing enables fast and accurate image retrieval on large-scale data. However, inheriting from deep learning, deep hashing remains vulnerable to specifically designed input, called adversarial examples. By adding imperceptible perturbations on inputs, adversarial examples fool DNNs to make wrong decisions. The existence of adversarial examples not only raises security concerns for real-world deep learning applications, but also provides us with a technique to confront malicious applications. In this dissertation, we investigate privacy and security concerns in deep hashing image retrieval systems related to adversarial examples. Starting with a privacy concern, we stand on users side to preserve privacy information in images, which can be extracted by adversaries by retrieving similar images in image retrieval systems. Existing image processing-based privacy-preserving methods suffer from a trade-off of efficacy and usability. We propose a method introducing imperceptible adversarial perturbations on original images to prevent them from being retrieved. Users upload protected adversarial images instead of the original images to preserve privacy while maintaining usability. Then we shift to the security concerns. We act as attackers, proactively providing adversarial images to retrieval systems. These adversarial examples are embedded to specific targets so that the user retrieval results contain our unrelated adversarial images, e.g., users query with a “Husky dog” image, but retrieve adversarial “dog food” images in the result. A transferability-based attack is proposed for black-box models. We improve black-box transferability with the random noise as the proxy in optimization, achieving state-of-the-art success rate. Finally, we stand on retrieval systems side to mitigate the security concerns of adversarial attacks in deep hashing image retrieval. We propose a detection method that detects adversarial examples in the inference time. By studying unique adversarial behaviors in deep hashing image retrieval, our proposed method is constructed on criterions of these adversarial behaviors. The proposed method detects most of the adversarial examples with minimum overhead

    Classical and Probabilistic Information Retrieval Techniques: An Audit

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    Information retrieval is acquiring particular information from large resources and presenting it according to the user’s need. The incredible increase in information resources on the Internet formulates the information retrieval procedure, a monotonous and complicated task for users. Due to over access of information, better methodology is required to retrieve the most appropriate information from different sources. The most important information retrieval methods include the probabilistic, fuzzy set, vector space, and boolean models. Each of these models usually are used for evaluating the connection between the question and the retrievable documents. These methods are based on the keyword and use lists of keywords to evaluate the information material. In this paper, we present a survey of these models so that their working methodology and limitations are discussed. This is an important understanding because it makes possible to select an information retrieval technique based on the basic requirements. The survey results showed that the existing model for knowledge recovery is somewhere short of what was planned. We have also discussed different areas of IR application where these models could be used

    Enhancing information retrieval in folksonomies using ontology of place constructed from Gazetteer information

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesFolksonomy (from folk and taxonomy) is an approach to user metadata creation where users describe information objects with a free-form list of keywords (‘tags’). Folksonomy has have proved to be a useful information retrieval tool that support the emergence of “collective intelligence” or “bottom-up” light weight semantics. Since there are no guiding rules or restrictions on the users, folksonomy has some drawbacks and problems as lack of hierarchy, synonym control, and semantic precision. This research aims at enhancing information retrieval in folksonomy, particularly that of location information, by establishing explicit relationships between place name tags. To accomplish this, an automated approach is developed. The approach starts by retrieving tags from Flickr. The tags are then filtered to identify those that represent place names. Next, the gazetteer service that is a knowledge organization system for spatial information is used to query for the place names. The result of the search from the gazetteer and the feature types are used to construct an ontology of place. The ontology of place is formalized from place name concepts, where each place has a “Part-Of” relationship with its direct parent. The ontology is then formalized in OWL (Web Ontology Language). A search tool prototype is developed that extracts a place name and its parent name from the ontology and use them for searching in Flickr. The semantic richness added to Flickr search engine using our approach is tested and the results are evaluated

    Bubble World - A Novel Visual Information Retrieval Technique

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    With the tremendous growth of published electronic information sources in the last decade and the unprecedented reliance on this information to succeed in day-to-day operations, comes the expectation of finding the right information at the right time. Sentential interfaces are currently the only viable solution for searching through large infospheres of unstructured information, however, the simplistic nature of their interaction model and lack of cognitive amplification they can provide severely limit the performance of the interface. Visual information retrieval systems are emerging as possible candidate replacements for the more traditional interfaces, but many lack the cognitive framework to support the knowledge crystallization process found to be essential in information retrieval. This work introduces a novel visual information retrieval technique crafted from two distinct design genres: (1) the cognitive strategies of the human mind to solve problems and (2) observed interaction patterns with existing information retrieval systems. Based on the cognitive and interaction framework developed in this research, a functional prototype information retrieval system, called Bubble World, has been created to demonstrate that significant performance gains can be achieved using this technique when compared to more traditional text-based interfaces. Bubble World does this by successfully transforming the internal mental representation of the information retrieval problem to an efficient external view, and then through visual cues, provides cognitive amplification at key stages of the information retrieval process. Additionally, Bubble World provides the interaction model and the mechanisms to incorporate complex search schemas into the retrieval process either manually or automatically through the use of predefined ontological models


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    Preface ................................................ 7 Introduction ........................................... Chapter 1. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PECULIARITIES IN E- 9 BUSINESS: ACTUALITY AND TENDENCIES ......... 12 Introduction............................................ 1.1. The importance of knowledge management to increase the 12 efficiency of the organisations activity in e-business ...... 15 1.2. Employee competency integrated assessment in e-business 1.2.1.Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting em- 19 ployee competency .......................................... 1.2.2. The identification of the factors affecting the employee 21 competency ................................................ 1.2.3. Concept complex competency assessment model of e- 26 business organisation ........................................ 1.3. Analysis of factors motivating human resources in e-busi- 33 ness .................................................. 1.3.1. Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting human 34 resources motivation ........................................ 1.3.2. Analysis of factors that influence the motivation of human 36 resources .................................................. 1.4. Evaluation system of factors affecting creativity in e-busi- 37 ness .................................................. 1.4.1. Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting creativ- 41 ity ......................................................... 1.4.2. Identification of factors affecting creativity. Partial inte- 42 grated criterion (third stage) ................................ 48 1.4.3. Evaluation system of factors affecting creativity ........ 49 1.5. Knowledge appliance process in e-business organisation .. 1.5.1. The factors proceeding efficiency of knowledge appliance 53 process in e-business ........................................ 1.5.2. The selection of the method to evaluate efficiency of know- 56 ledge appliance process in e-business ......................... 59 Conclusions ........................................... 60 Self test questions ..................................... 63 References ............................................ Chapter 2. CONTENT MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL ORGANIZA 64 TIONS ............................................... 70 5 Table of Contents Introduction ........................................... 2.1. A systematical approach to automate content management 70 in a vitual ogranization ................................. 71 2.2. The concept of the content. Content Management ..... 73 2.3. The life cycle of the document ......................... 74 2.4. Document management in a virtual organization ........ 76 2.5. Content capture technology ............................ 77 2.6. Cloud technologies in business processes CMS .......... 83 Conclusion ............................................. 85 References ............................................ 86 Chapter 3. MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN DIGITAL AGE ... 87 Introduction ........................................... 87 3.1. The growing potential of the market ................... 88 3.2. Previous studies in e-business and e-marketing areas .... 91 3.3. The specifics of Internet marketing in B2B communication 92 3.4. E-marketing tools ..................................... 94 3.5. Social networks in marketing ........................... 98 6 3.6. Effectiveness evaluation theories ........................ 100 3.7. Website quality and efficiency evaluation ................ 101 3.8. Cases: resent research results .......................... 106 3.8.1. Online advertisements efficiency research .............. 106 3.8.2. Evaluation of Lithuanian e-shops ...................... 109 Conclusions ........................................... 110 Self test questions ..................................... 111 References ............................................ 111 Chapter 4. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF E-COMMERCE .. 116 Introduction ........................................... 116 4.1. Scientific research. E-commerce as the Internet technology 116 4.2. Promotion of e-business ............................... 120 4.3. A set of basic tools for e-business ...................... 121 4.4. Security in e-commerce ................................ 124 Conclusion ............................................ 133 Self-examination questions ............................. 133 References ............................................ 134 Chapter 5. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS.................. 135 Introduction............................................ 135 5.1. The concept of electronic payments.National payment system in Russia ....................................... 136 5.2. Electronic payment systems based on «Client-Bank» and online banking ......................................... 143 5.3. Electronic payments via bank cards ..................... 151 Table of Contents 5 5.4. Electronic payments via digital cash .................... 160 5.5. Internet payment system based on virtual accounts ...... 164 Conclusion ............................................ 166 Self-examination questions ............................. 166 References ............................................ 167 Chapter 6. MANAGEMENT OF THE VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE .... 168 6.1. Virtual enterprise, electronic business, electronic commerce, model of management, manager .................... 168 6.2. Manager .............................................. 174 6.3. Channel ............................................... 175 6.4. Information environment. Knowledge ................... 175 6.5. Problem field .......................................... 176 Self-examination questions ............................. 178 References ............................................ 178 Chapter 7. INTERNET MARKETING ............................ 180 Introduction ........................................... 180 7.1. The concept and structure of the Internet Marketing .... 180 7.2. Market research on the Internet ........................ 182 7.3. Internet advertizing .................................... 187 7.3.1. The concept of Internet advertising .................... 187 7.3.2. Announcement of the search engines and search engine optimization. The concept and purpose of search engine optimization ................................................... 189 7.3.3. Search Engine Advertising ............................ 209 7.3.4. Participation in the rankings and registration in catalogs 215 7.3.5. Banner advertising ................................... 219 7.3.6. Link Exchange ....................................... 236 7.3.7. Profiling and personalization in online advertising........ 239 7.3.8. E-mail-advertising. Basic concepts and advantages e-mailadvertising ................................................. 242 7.3.9. Discussion lists ....................................... 248 7.3.10. Virus marketing. Concept and principles of virus marketing ........................................................ 251 7.3.11. Other methods of advertizing ........................ 258 7.3.12. Analysis of efficiency of Internet advertizing ........... 259 7.3.13. Methods of the collection of information, used for the analysis .................................................... 263 7.4. Marketing in social networks and blogs ................. 282 7.5. Partner programs ...................................... 287 7.6. The problem of return visitors and create a captive audience 292 7.6.1. Statement of the problem of creating a virtual community 292 7.6.2. Methods for creating a virtual community .............. 294 9 Table of Contents 7.7. Off-line support for online projects ...................... 297 Self-examination questions.............................. 298 References ............................................ 299 Chapter 8. REACHING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS THROUGH E-GOVERNMENT IN THE POST-2015 AGENDA ............................................. 301 Introduction ........................................... 310 8.1. E-government: definition, functions and stages .......... 302 8.2. E-government: global tendencies ....................... 304 8.3. Formation and development of e-government in Uzbekistan 308 Self-examination questions ............................. 314 References ............................................ 314The development of the universities’ ability to quickly respond to new demands of the labor market and to adapt, update, develop and introduce new areas of study to ensure demand for the graduates provides the participation in the international projects of the European program improving higher education «TEMPUS». The project TEMPUS — ECOMMIS («double-level training programs of e-commerce developing the information society in Russia, Ukraine and Israel») was launched in October 2011, and belongs to a class of joint projects to develop new courses and courses for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The project consortium involves 12 universities from Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Israel, Russia and Ukraine. The main objective of the project is to develop and implement new academic courses and areas of study, taking into account the current status and trends of economic development and the specific requirements of the labor market on the basis of cooperation between universities in different countries. The main feature and complexity of the project academic content of is that e-commerce as an academic concept is absolute new and it appeared just only in the last decade. It is a new interdisciplinary field of knowledge, which is located at the intersection of economics and computer science and it is not covered by the classical training courses in economics and computer science technology. The aspects of national and international law in connection with the growth of international trade, economic cooperation and the development of new Internet based technologies should be taken into account. For the project’s period of three years on the basis of international cooperation the following results were obtained: 11 Preface 1) The analysis and modernization of existing curricula in the field of e-commerce were carried out; 2) new training modules with the introduction of the European creditmodular system of accumulation and transfer transcripts units ( ECTS ) were developed; new modules and courses: e-commerce, electronic payment systems; Internet trading in the financial markets and the stockmarket systems; Information systems for financial analysis and investment; Information systems for business process modeling; corporate information systems and portals; Customer-oriented systems; Internet Marketing; electronic systems for document management; legal aspects of e-commerce; advanced course security for e-commerce were introduced; 3) two international online games to enhance practical skills in the field with online marketing and online trading were developed and conducted among university students; 4) skills training courses e-commerce for various social groups (students, housewives, pensioners, unemployed) were developed and tested; 5) business offices, e-commerce were established to strengthen cooperation between the universities in the labor market and to create the conditions of commercialization of the project results after the end of financial support from the TEMPUS Program. 6) textbooks on the topic of the project were developed and published. In May — July 2013. 62 teachers targeted universities in Israel, Russia and Ukraine received intensive training in the field of e-commerce in three European universities: FONTYS (NL), TU Berlin (DE), VGTU ( LT ). From October 2013 in target universities of Israel, Russia and Ukraine students’ training began on the courses developed in the framework of the new training courses and modules with using computer classes, equipped in accordance with the project plan with new hardware and software tools. The final stage of the project was intended to develop a five-year detailed plan for sustainable development of the results. Such plan that includes coordinated action to disseminate best practices, development of new joint courses for graduate and post-graduate students, scientificmethodical conferences, joint publications will support the further dynamics of the activities involved universities. Joint work on the implementation of the project ECOMMIS led to the emergence of sustainable professional relationships between organizations in the consortium as the training of new qualified professionals, as well as in the field of scientific and methodological developments. This is confirmed by the present collective monograph E-commerc

    Performance assessment of real-time data management on wireless sensor networks

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    Technological advances in recent years have allowed the maturity of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which aim at performing environmental monitoring and data collection. This sort of network is composed of hundreds, thousands or probably even millions of tiny smart computers known as wireless sensor nodes, which may be battery powered, equipped with sensors, a radio transceiver, a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and some memory. However due to the small size and the requirements of low-cost nodes, these sensor node resources such as processing power, storage and especially energy are very limited. Once the sensors perform their measurements from the environment, the problem of data storing and querying arises. In fact, the sensors have restricted storage capacity and the on-going interaction between sensors and environment results huge amounts of data. Techniques for data storage and query in WSN can be based on either external storage or local storage. The external storage, called warehousing approach, is a centralized system on which the data gathered by the sensors are periodically sent to a central database server where user queries are processed. The local storage, in the other hand called distributed approach, exploits the capabilities of sensors calculation and the sensors act as local databases. The data is stored in a central database server and in the devices themselves, enabling one to query both. The WSNs are used in a wide variety of applications, which may perform certain operations on collected sensor data. However, for certain applications, such as real-time applications, the sensor data must closely reflect the current state of the targeted environment. However, the environment changes constantly and the data is collected in discreet moments of time. As such, the collected data has a temporal validity, and as time advances, it becomes less accurate, until it does not reflect the state of the environment any longer. Thus, these applications must query and analyze the data in a bounded time in order to make decisions and to react efficiently, such as industrial automation, aviation, sensors network, and so on. In this context, the design of efficient real-time data management solutions is necessary to deal with both time constraints and energy consumption. This thesis studies the real-time data management techniques for WSNs. It particularly it focuses on the study of the challenges in handling real-time data storage and query for WSNs and on the efficient real-time data management solutions for WSNs. First, the main specifications of real-time data management are identified and the available real-time data management solutions for WSNs in the literature are presented. Secondly, in order to provide an energy-efficient real-time data management solution, the techniques used to manage data and queries in WSNs based on the distributed paradigm are deeply studied. In fact, many research works argue that the distributed approach is the most energy-efficient way of managing data and queries in WSNs, instead of performing the warehousing. In addition, this approach can provide quasi real-time query processing because the most current data will be retrieved from the network. Thirdly, based on these two studies and considering the complexity of developing, testing, and debugging this kind of complex system, a model for a simulation framework of the real-time databases management on WSN that uses a distributed approach and its implementation are proposed. This will help to explore various solutions of real-time database techniques on WSNs before deployment for economizing money and time. Moreover, one may improve the proposed model by adding the simulation of protocols or place part of this simulator on another available simulator. For validating the model, a case study considering real-time constraints as well as energy constraints is discussed. Fourth, a new architecture that combines statistical modeling techniques with the distributed approach and a query processing algorithm to optimize the real-time user query processing are proposed. This combination allows performing a query processing algorithm based on admission control that uses the error tolerance and the probabilistic confidence interval as admission parameters. The experiments based on real world data sets as well as synthetic data sets demonstrate that the proposed solution optimizes the real-time query processing to save more energy while meeting low latency.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi