11,425 research outputs found

    Paper-based Mixed Reality Sketch Augmentation as a Conceptual Design Support Tool

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    This undergraduate student paper explores usage of mixed reality techniques as support tools for conceptual design. A proof-of-concept was developed to illustrate this principle. Using this as an example, a small group of designers was interviewed to determine their views on the use of this technology. These interviews are the main contribution of this paper. Several interesting applications were determined, suggesting possible usage in a wide range of domains. Paper-based sketching, mixed reality and sketch augmentation techniques complement each other, and the combination results in a highly intuitive interface


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    This paper analyses the impact of the 2003 CAP reform (the so-called Fischler Reform) and its interaction with the Nitrate Directive on the sustainability of selected arable farming systems in a French region (Midi-Pyrénées). The Nitrate Directive is one of the oldest EU environmental programs designed to reduce water pollution by nitrate from agricultural sources, through a set of measures, defined at regional level, and mandatory for farmers of vulnerable zones. This impact analysis is performed through a bio-economic modelling framework coupling the crop model CropSyst and the farm-based model FSSIM developed, within the EU FP6 SEAMLESS project (Van Ittersum et al., 2008). The 2003 CAP reform was compared first to the continuation of Agenda 2000 Regulations and then to a policy scenario combining the CAP reform with the application of the Nitrate Directive. Compared to the continuation of Agenda 2000 Regulations, the implementation of the 2003 CAP reform leads to (i) a decrease of durum wheat area, as the supplement for durum wheat in traditional production zones was reduced and integrated in the single payment scheme, (ii) a slight increase in the land used for irrigated crops, especially for maize grain, considering that 25% of the payments for these crops remain coupled and (iii) an amelioration of farm income due to a better crop allocation. Regarding the environmental results, the 2003 CAP reform induces a decrease of nitrate leaching mostly because of the drop in the level of durum wheat growing under cereal rotations in profit of soft wheat-sunflower rotation which generates less pollution levels. The impact analysis of the policy scenario shows that the potential 3% premium cut is not enough to compel farmers to adopt the Nitrate Directive and to substitute entirely the current activities by the alternative ones based on better N management. The farm income is marginally affected in spite of this premium cut thanks to the implementation of certain alternative activities which are more competitive. The impact on nitrate leaching is not always positive and swings between -6% to +5% depending on farm types. This implies that the partial adoption of better N management is not sufficient to ensure a reduction of leached nitrate. A sensitivity analysis shows that 17% of premium cut is required to enforce all arable farmers in the region to implement this directive.Integrated assessment, Agricultural Policy, Nitrate Directive, Bioeconomic modelling, multi-scale analysis., Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Q18, Q52, Q58,

    Intuitive programming with remotely instructed robots inside future gloveboxes

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    Our research aims at facilitating the design of ’Remotely Instructed Robots’ for future glove-boxes in the nuclear industry. The two main features of such systems are: (1) They can automatically model the working environment and relay that information to the operator in virtual reality (VR). (2) They can receive instructions from the operator that are executed by the robot. However, the deficiency of these kind of systems is that they heavily rely on knowledge of expert programmers when the robot’s capabilities or hardware are to be reconfigured, altered or upgraded. This late breaking report proposes to introduce a third important advancement on remotely instructed robots: (3) Intuitive programming modifications by operators who are non-programmers but have basic knowledge of hardware, and most importantly, have experience of the weaknesses in particular handling tasks

    Development of an Augmented Reality musical instrument

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    Nowadays, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are concepts of which people are becoming more and more aware of due to their application to the video-game industry (speceially in the case of VR). Such raise is partly due to a decrease in costs of Head Mounted Displays, which are consequently becoming more and more accessible to the public and developers worldwide. All of these novelties, along with the frenetic development of Information Technologies applied to essentially, all markets; have also made digital artists and manufacturers aware of the never-ending interaction possibilities these paradigms provide and a variety of systems have appeared, which offer innovative creative capabilities. Due to the personal interest of the author in music and the technologies surrounding its creation by digital means, this document covers the application of the Virtuality- Reality-Continuum (VR and AR) paradigms to the field of interfaces for the musical expression. More precisely, it covers the development of an electronic drumset which integrates Arduino-compatible hardware with a 3D visualisation application (developed based on Unity) to create a complete functioning instrument musical instrument, The system presented along the document attempts to leverage three-dimensional visual feedback with tangible interaction based on hitting, which is directly translated to sound and visuals in the sound generation application. Furthermore, the present paper provides a notably deep study of multiple technologies and areas that are ultimately applied to the target system itself. Hardware concerns, time requirements, approaches to the creation of NIMEs (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), Virtual Musical Instrument (VMI) design, musical-data transmission protocols (MIDI and OSC) and 3D modelling constitute the fundamental topics discussed along the document. At the end of this paper, conclusions reflect on the difficulties found along the project, the unfulfilled objectives and all deviations from the initial concept that the project suffered during the development process. Besides, future work paths will be listed and depicted briefly and personal comments will be included as well as humble pieces of advice targeted at readers interested in facing an ambitious project on their own.En la actualidad, los conceptos de Realidad Aumentada (AR) y Realidad Virtual (VR) son cada vez mĂĄs conocidos por la gente de a pie, debido en gran parte a su aplicaciĂłn al ĂĄmbito de los videojuegos, donde el desarollo para dispositivos HMDs estĂĄ en auge. Esta popularidad se debe en gran parte al abaratamiento de este tipo de dispositivos, los cuales son cada vez mĂĄs accesibles al pĂșblico y a los desarrolladores de todo el mundo. Todas estas novedades sumadas al frenĂ©tico desarrollo de la industria de IT han llamado la atenciĂłn de artistas y empresas que han visto en estos paradigmas (VR and AR) una oportunidad para proporcionar nuevas e ilimitadas formas de interacciĂłn y creaciĂłn de arte en alguna de sus formas. Debido al interĂ©s personal del autor de este TFG en la mĂșsica y las tecnologĂ­as que posiblitan la creaciĂłn musical por medios digitales, este documento explora la aplicaciĂłn de los paradigmas del Virtuality-Reality Continuum de Milgram (AR y VR) al ĂĄmbito de las interfaces para la creaciĂłn musical. Concretamente, este TFG detalla el desarrollo de una baterĂ­a electrĂłnica, la cual combina una interfaz tangible creada con hardware compatible con Arduino con una aplicaciĂłn de generaciĂłn de sonidos y visualizaciĂłn, desarrollada utilizando Unity como base. Este sistema persigue lograr una interacciĂłn natural por parte del usuario por medio de integrar el hardware en unas baquetas, las cuales permiten detectar golpes a cualquier tipo de superficie y convierten estos en mensajes MIDI que son utilizados por el sistema generador de sonido para proporcionar feedback al usuario (tanto visual como auditivo); por tanto, este sistema se distingue por abogar por una interacciĂłn que permita golpear fĂ­sicamente objetos (e.g. una cama), mientras que otros sistemas similates basan su modo de interacciĂłn en “air-drumming”. AdemĂĄs, este sistema busca solventar algunos de los inconvenientes principales asociados a los baterĂ­as y su normalmente conflictivo instrumento, como es el caso de las limitaciones de espacio, la falta de flexibilidad en cuanto a los sonidos que pueden ser generados y el elevado coste del equipo. Por otro lado, este documento pormenoriza diversos aspectos relacionados con el sistema descrito en cuestiĂłn, proporcionando al lector una completa panorĂĄmica de sistemas similares al propuesto. Asimismo, se describen los aspectos mĂĄs importantes en relaciĂłn al desarrollo del TFG, como es el caso de protocolos de transmisiĂłn de informaciĂłn musical (MIDI y OSC), algoritmos de control, guĂ­as de diseño para interfaces de creaciĂłn musical (NIMEs) y modelado 3D. Se incluye un Ă­ntegro proceso de IngenierĂ­a de Software para mantener la formalidad y tratar de garantizar un desarrollo mĂĄs organizado y se discute la metodologĂ­a utilizada para este proceso. Por Ășltimo, este documento reflexiona sobre las dificultades encontradas, se enumeran posibilidades de Trabajo Futuro y se finaliza con algunas conclusiones personales derivadas de este trabajo de investigaciĂłn.IngenierĂ­a InformĂĄtic

    Software techniques for improving head mounted displays to create comfortable user experiences in virtual reality

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    Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) allow users to experience Virtual Reality (VR) with a great level of immersion. Advancements in hardware technologies have led to a reduction in cost of producing good quality VR HMDs bringing them out from research labs to consumer markets. However, the current generation of HMDs suffer from a few fundamental problems that can deter their widespread adoption. For this thesis, we explored two techniques to overcome some of the challenges of experiencing VR when using HMDs. When experiencing VR with HMDs strapped to your head, even simple physical tasks like drinking a beverage can be difficult and awkward. We explored mixed reality renderings that selectively incorporate the physical world into the virtual world for interactions with physical objects. We conducted a user study comparing four rendering techniques that balance immersion in the virtual world with ease of interaction with the physical world. Users of VR systems often experience vection, the perception of self-motion in the absence of any physical movement. While vection helps to improve presence in VR, it often leads to a form of motion sickness called cybersickness. Prior work has discovered that changing vection (changing the perceived speed or moving direction) causes more severe cybersickness than steady vection (walking at a constant speed or in a constant direction). Based on this idea, we tried to reduce cybersickness caused by character movements in a First Person Shooter (FPS) game in VR. We propose Rotation Blurring (RB), uniformly blurring the screen during rotational movements to reduce cybersickness. We performed a user study to evaluate the impact of RB in reducing cybersickness and found that RB led to an overall reduction in sickness levels of the participants and delayed its onset. Participants who experienced acute levels of cybersickness benefited significantly from this technique

    A Reference Architecture for a Workflow Management System Front End Designed for Augmented Reality Headsets

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    A well-known approach to managing and controlling workflows in organizations is the workflow management system (WFMS). Recently, approaches utilizing augmented reality headsets as WFMS front ends have been discussed, promising higher efficiency, effectiveness, and usability for certain application scenarios. However, existing design-oriented approaches lack actionable guidance for implementation. A well-known approach to address such knowledge gaps is a reference architecture, which inter alia reduces development times and risks and facilitates collaboration between developers. Based on an existing tentative design theory for an augmented reality-based WFMS front end, we contribute a reference architecture containing an extended design theory, user interface design, and models for use cases, components, classes, and sequence flows in the unified modeling language. The reference architecture was successfully operationalized in a prototype and positively evaluated via a survey of potential users
