1,490 research outputs found

    Uncovering Situations of Cargo Cult Behavior in Agile Software Development Method Use

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    Misinterpretations and faulty use of Software Development Method (SDM) practices and principles are identified pitfalls in Software Development (SD). Previous research indicates cases with method adoption and use failures; one reason could be the SDM Cargo Cult (CC) behavior, where SD organizations claim to be agile but not doing agile. Previous research has suggested the SDM CC framework as an analytical tool. The aim of this paper is to refine the SDM CC framework and empirically test this version of the framework. We use data from an ethnographical study on three SD teams’ Daily Scrum Meetings (DSM). The empirical material was collected through observations, interviews, and the organization’s business documents. We uncovered twelve CC situations in the SD teams’ use of the DSM practice, structured into seven categories of SDM deviations: bringing irrelevant information, canceling meetings, disturbing the team, receiving unclear information, bringing new requirements, problem-solving, and task distribution

    Cargo Cults in Information Systems Development: a Definition and an Analytical Framework

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    Organizations today adopt agile information systems development methods (ISDM), but many do not succeed with the adoption process and in achieving desired results. Systems developers sometimes fail in efficient use of ISDM, often due to a lack of understanding the fundamental intentions of the chosen method. In many cases organizations simply imitate the behavior of others without really understanding why. This conceptual paper defines this phenomenon as an ISDM cargo cult behavior and proposes an analytical framework to identify such situations. The concept of cargo cults originally comes from the field of social anthropology and has been used to explain irrational, ritualistic imitation of certain behavior. By defining and introducing the concept in the field of information systems development we provide a diagnostic tool to better understand one of the reasons why ISDM adoption sometimes fail

    Software Development with Scrum: A Bibliometric Analysis and Profile

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    Introduction of the Scrum approach into software engineering has changed the way software is being developed. The Scrum approach emphasizes the active end-user involvement, embracing of change, and /iterative delivery of products. Our study showed that Scrum has different variants or is used in combination with different methods. Some tools not normally used in the conventional software approaches, like gamification, content analysis and grounded theory are also employed. However, Scrum like other software development approach focuses on improvement of software process, software quality, business value, performance, usability and efficiency and at the same time to reduce cost, risk and uncertainty. Contrary to some conventional approaches it also strives to boost soft factors like agility, trust, motivation, responsibility and transparency. The bibliometric synthetic scoping study revealed seven main research themes concerned with the Scrum research

    “We use Scrum, but 
”: Agile modifications and project success

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    While the Agile-Scrum (scrum) framework has specific guidelines, these guidelines are often adapted by practitioners. This research aims to understand how scrum changes in practice and how these changes impact various aspects of project success. Through interviews with representatives from 11 organizations who use scrum for software development, we found variability in the application of the guidelines, namely, that only a small number of guidelines are systematically followed, and that some guidelines are rarely followed consistently. Examining these method deviations and mapping them to specific dimensions of project success, four patterns emerged. Further, we uncovered practices that are often followed but were not part of the original Scrum guidelines, including how organizations scale scrum projects. These insights into how scrum is used in practice can help industry professionals determine how to best adapt scrum. They also serve as a promising agenda for research on the application of the scrum framework in industry

    Towards a TDD maturity model through an anti-patterns framework

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    Agile software development has been adopted in the industry to quickly react to business change. Since its inception both academia and industry debate the different shades that agile processes and technical practices play in the day-to-day of students and professional developers. Efforts have been made to understand the pros and cons of the Test Driven Development (TDD) practice to develop software as part of a professional environment. Despite the effort of practitioners to list the TDD anti-patterns that unveil undesired effects in the code when practicing TDD, work is needed to understand the causes that lead to that. In that sense, this paper proposes a research project that explores the TDD anti-patterns context and what leads practitioners to face them in the software development context. As a result, we expect to offer a TDD maturity framework to help practitioners in the process of writing code guided by tests and prevent the addition of anti-pattern

    The amorphous nature of agile: no one size fits all

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    Purpose: This paper investigates the extent to which newly agile organizations followed 2001’s Agile Manifesto, especially in terms of the 12 principles of the agile approach, as included in the Manifesto. Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted in-depth case studies of groups in three large business organizations that had recently adopted agile. Two researchers spent one day at each site, attending daily standups and conducting interviews with managers, developers and customers. Findings: Across the three organizations, developers were faithful to two agile principles: the primacy of delivering valuable software continually, and regular reflections on the process with an eye toward improvement. The developers were uniformly unfaithful to the principle that requires face-to-face communication. Each organization varied in their adherence to the remaining nine principles. Obstacles to faithful adoption included the experience of the organization with agile, the extent to which the industry was regulated, and the extent to which developers and customers were physically dispersed. Originality/value: While past research on agile development is extensive, this paper examined perspectives on the method and its adoption through the lens of the original Agile Manifesto and its 12 principles. The principles were grouped into three broader categories – software delivery, people and process – to provide additional insights and to sharpen the analysis

    Agile software development approach for \u27ad-hoc\u27 IT projects

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    Restrictive Scrum assumptions make the effectiveness of this approach debatable in projects deviating from typical execution conditions. This article delivers a comprehensive software development approach for both academic and commercial Information Technology (IT) projects effectuated by teams that are hampered by significantly unsystematic participation of project members and mercurial internal communication. The nature of ‘ad-hoc’ projects imposes another level of difficulty in terms of both managing the conduct of such a project and ensuring the quality of the end product. Multicyclic action research enabled a gradual adaptation of the Scrum approach to support such project conditions. This study introduces major alterations to Sprint implementation and minor enhancements within the documentation process to streamline knowledge sharing among Development Team members. Proposed key alterations include the evolution of Daily Scrum towards Weekly Scrum, the possibility of extending Sprints length, the eventuality to switch team members during Sprint due to substantial failure to meet deadlines, having at least two team members responsible for a single Product Backlog Item (PBI) at all times, as well as exclusion of Burndown Chart in favor for Development Team members updating their working time. Positive validation of enhancements in mixed settings confirms that the generic Scrum framework can be adapted to support highly volatile projects. The proposed approach is suitable not only for carrying out software development initiatives that rely heavily on the skills of external experts and/or volunteers. It also supports traditional Scrum teams that seek to reduce their exposure to risk arising from organizational changes
